
Their Fractured Light Quotes

Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman

Their Fractured Light Quotes
"We’re going somewhere we won’t be disturbed."
"I don’t know anything about the guy I was with, I promise."
"This is how arrogant these people are—but more, this is how powerful they are."
"You must be getting tired. Just give us something we can use to track him down, and this will all be over, I promise."
"I’ve told you everything I know. I have no idea how to find him."
"I can’t die. Not when I’m so, so close to reaching Roderick LaRoux."
"If you know of some way to contact the young man you encountered at LRI Headquarters, and if you can convince him to meet you at a specific time and place, we’ll let you go."
"You come looking for me again, and I'll kill you. Understand?"
"If you never give someone a weapon, they can never use it against you."
"People are predictable. It's when you think they might not be—that's when you get in trouble."
"Was all this just a game? Was any of it real?"
"This is sick. This should be LaRoux's greatest shame."
"Not really, people are predictable. It’s when you think they might not be—that’s when you get in trouble."
"I don’t know how I carried on. I don’t know what kept me from pulling that trigger. I don’t care, now."
"It’s just a theory. I’m working blind here, without a net."
"We’d have no way to even tell the other planets what happened. Everything would just go dark."
"It’s an intensely intricate, delicate balance, governed by some of the most complicated programs anyone’s ever written."
"We can’t just decide the variables aren’t true, that the evidence isn’t what you want it to be—I can’t just invent ways to change physics, Captain."
"I owe Tarver a lot. I’d have lost much more than a hand if it weren’t for him."
"You can’t imagine how delicate it is. Changing that balance could free Lilac, yes. But it could also give Lilac access to infinite power, make her invincible, unstoppable."
"Imagine no murder, no sabotage, no pain. No grief. Imagine—imagine never having to lose a loved one ever again."
"I don’t think it would be survivable this time. Whether it was having two of us to dispel the energy, or Lilac’s connection to them protecting me, I don’t know."
"Messing with the rift could give the whisper the power to cut us off from hyperspace completely."
"Using people always leaves wreckage in its wake, for me and for them."
"It’s never been anything like this, a crushing, suffocating weight forcing its way deeper and deeper inside me."
"The past year... she’s still Lilac—she was always still Lilac. But she’s been different, too."
"The beings we met on Elysium wouldn’t do this. I wouldn’t say they were good—I’m not sure they even had a concept of ‘good.’"
"For once, I’m not more broken than the world around me, and it’s horrible and healing all at once."
"Even if we knew it would work, the risk to you is far too great."
"The whispers manipulate neural energy, that that’s how they do what they do."
"It could kill him, too. It could drive him mad. It could erase every memory and thought he’s ever had."
"The destruction of humanity. But here, now, all I can process is that attempting it might destroy the boy sitting a few feet away."
"I can’t take my eyes off him, though his face is still angled down and away, where I can’t see what’s going on inside him."
"Because it’s impossible, any way you look at it, and I refuse to accept that this is how it ends."
"I have to do it. I won’t leave Tarver to face her alone."
"We didn’t come this far alone, and you’re not alone now. We do this together."
"I can move faster than any of you, and I’m smarter than all of you."
"I wasn’t trying to hide, I’m not smart enough for that."
"Choice is our greatest right, our greatest gift—and our greatest responsibility."
"No one can determine the path you take through this universe."
"We will enrich each other's lives as we build a foundation of trust, and hope."
"But free will is what it means to be human, and no one can determine the path you take through this universe."
"The world is forever changed now that the rift is opened for good."
"They want to know it all—the good, the bad, the darkness and the light."
"The new headquarters you see under construction now will be a place for anyone, human or not, to come and learn, and share stories and memories of what it is to be human."
"Having experienced that, having felt life, love, trust, faith…can you really give it all up just to be safe?"
"I choose who I am, every day. And I’m choosing now to be me."
"Love and trust…that’s what we’ve all chosen, over and over."
"You’re exactly the girl I always knew you were."
"We can choose to greet these new beings with suspicion and mistrust, with blame and anger. Or we can choose to show them why humanity is worth knowing, worth joining, worth saving."
"This new project will be called Eos—named for the ancient goddess of the dawn, in honor of the new world we’ve found ourselves in."
"I thought about seeing what shape Kristina’s penthouse suite was in, but the truth is, this is where I want to be."
"For now we’re just Gideon and Sofia—whoever they are. Whoever we choose to become."