
The Golden Cage Quotes

The Golden Cage by Camilla Läckberg

The Golden Cage Quotes
"You can't make jokes about a thing like that. That's awful!"
"What’s the point of having a fuck-load of money if you can never tell people to fuck off?"
"The Seychelles are a group of islands in the Indian Ocean. We’re closer to the Middle East here than they are."
"I was never going to let anyone humiliate me again."
"We’re not supposed to be happy all the time, because then the world would stop."
"I had been planning Jack’s birthday party for a while now, and he’d be delighted if John Descentis performed at it."
"I know what my husband likes and doesn’t like, Alice. You take care of your family and I’ll take care of mine!"
"If you want to win big, you have to play for high stakes."
"Every time I see her she’s crouched over a screen. You need to make more of an effort. Read to her, play with her."
"Sometimes she wondered if Jack and Henrik even remembered that, or if they had come to believe in their revised version of the past."
"I know I’ve been busy lately. What do you say to going out for dinner on Wednesday? Just you and me?"
"As unreal as the sight of Anna Lindh lying wounded among the gray Tiger suits and non-iron white shirts."
"Wealth was the power Faye possessed, and it was so intoxicating that it drowned out the rumble in her stomach."
"Everyone has their secrets. And their own crap to deal with."
"Time heals all wounds, she tried to tell herself."
"Didn’t he love her anymore? Did he no longer find her attractive?"
"The rain washed away the stifling heat that had been draped over Stockholm like a blanket of humidity."
"I was going to create a whole new life for myself. Run a business, travel business class, earn more money than I needed, have a handsome husband, nice, well-behaved children; I’d own houses and apartments in interesting places I’d read about and seen in films. I wanted it all. I was going to have it all."
"Every cell in our body gets renewed, replaced. The same ought to be true of memories."
"People’s biggest problem, I realized, is that they project their own sorrows onto other people. Try to share them. They imagine that, because we share the same sort of DNA, we will automatically feel sad about the same situations. Sorrow doesn’t get easier to deal with simply because you share it. Quite the contrary, it gets heavier."
"I had made up my mind. I was going to create a whole new life for myself."
"I couldn’t let him know how crazy I was about him, not yet. Men like Jack needed to fight, to hunt, to make them think it worthwhile. Otherwise they’d disappear."
"I lay in bed with my knees pulled up to my chest. I concentrated on breathing. In, out."
"I realized he was capable of doing anything to get me back. Or to get his own back. To make me feel the same pain that was tearing him apart."
"My panic was replaced by an icy coldness I recognized from before. A peculiar calm settled on me and I realized there was no alternative."
"The stars in the night sky above us came closer."
"I had no idea. No, it’s not the sort of thing you put on your business card."
"You’re very easy to talk to. I’m telling you things I don’t usually talk about."
"Maybe we’re pretty similar. Other people probably don’t realize how lonely you and I are."
"We like other people, to a certain extent. We know their game. Play along. Pretend to be happy. But the truth is, we’re not."
"You’re a romantic. You don’t think anyone can tell. You pretend to be nonchalant, indifferent. But you want the world to be richer, more beautiful."
"You’ve got ambitions. That’s why you didn’t stay in Fjällbacka, why you moved to Stockholm. And that’s why we’re drawn to each other. We’re the same. Hungry."
"Life wasn’t a fairy tale with a happy ending. But right now, life was a fairy tale."
"Nothing blinds us like love, but nothing blinds as much as the dream of love."
"I don’t love you anymore. I don’t want to live with you."
"It’s not a mistake. I don’t love you anymore, I love her."
"Please," she begged. "Give me one more chance. I’ll change, I’ll be better. I know I’ve been hard to live with, mean…foolish…stupid. But I’ll make you happy. Please, Jack, give me a chance. You and Julienne are all I’ve got. You’re my life."
"I love you, Faye, but you’ve been lying in this bed for two weeks now. As soon as anyone mentions Jack or Julienne you start crying. This can’t go on."
"There’s breakfast in the freezer. I’m sticking to the Lindsay Lohan diet."
"You must have seen it coming, though? Dear God, it can hardly have come as a surprise."
"I need money, Jack. Not much. Just enough until I get back on my feet."
"Together we’re strong, and we’re not going to stay silent any longer."
"I’ve got a business proposal for you. An investment opportunity."
"I’m going to show Jack that I’m smarter than he is, and take over his company. And I’m going to do it by building up an empire. Together with other women."
"Really?" she said, looking around for her clothes. "What are you going to do today?"
"I’m not easy to live with," John explained in a quote.
"Sorry, sweetie. It’s been a lot of fun. But me and men aren’t a good fit right now."
"I’ve got the capital to pay up front for the whole order."
"She cast a quick glance at the time again. Sophie Duval was seriously late."
"Everyone loves a good story. And Faye had one hell of a story."
"She had missed twenty calls from Jack, but Faye waited until the train had pulled out of Västerås before she called him."
"I shall do exactly what I want. You have no mandate to tell me how I should live my life, who I sleep with or where I sleep with them. Goodbye, Jack."
"I want ten percent," Irene said. "Five," Faye said. Her heart was thudding in her chest. "Seven." "Deal."
"Julienne was their ticket to being invited to dinner, so they could bask in Jack and Faye’s reflected glory in the hope that some of their success would rub off on them."
"She had put the day’s mail on the small table in front of her. At the top of the pile was another letter from her father."
"It’s as if it’s their right to trample all over us. And they have an invisible network that we can’t break into. Where they give each other advantages that aren’t offered to us. Because they regard us as inferior."
"And now…?" "Now I’m going to take it all back. Plus a bit extra."
"You mean you’re worried he’ll leave you?" "I’d be surprised if he didn’t. We’ve only been seeing each other a couple of weeks and if I’m going to beat this illness it’s going to take all my strength. It’s going to make me ugly, unattractive, I’ll lose any desire to have sex, I’ll be exhausted. Of…of course I’m worried. I really do love him, Faye, I love him so much."
"I’ve never wanted to live as much as I do right now."
"Sooner or later you’re going to have to tell him."
"Sadly I’m scared of the sight of blood so I’ll have to make do with keeping you company and not drinking crap coffee."
"It would take a hell of a lot more than cancer to make me leave you."
"I love you so, so much. Right from the very first time I saw you."
"You of all people ought to know how it works. Why should Johan be any different?"
"The only thing people care about is results."
"Hell, darling. It would take a hell of a lot more than cancer to make me leave you."
"I was crazy about you. God, those were the days. Everything was so... uncomplicated."
"No one wants me to resign, there's no one better suited than me."
"It hurts so much, Chris," she said, fighting back tears. "It hurts so much that I’m going to get old without you. That all those dreams we had, of moving to the Mediterranean, opening a restaurant, sitting outside playing backgammon, getting blue-rinsed hair…that none of that’s going to happen. Right now it feels like I’ll never be happy again. But I promise you that I’ll try. I know you’ll be angry with me if I don’t…"
"No price was too high when it came to getting revenge on Jack, Faye had reminded herself on the way to the hotel."
"To us," Chris said, holding the bottle up. "And to the fact that I’ve never even come close to feeling bitter about it ending this way. How could I, when I’ve been able to live such a wonderful life?"
"I don’t know what I’d have done without you," Chris said softly.
"Despite all the scandals, Jack persisted in believing, with the obstinacy of a lunatic, that he could cling on regardless."
"He wasn’t the sort of man who was all that bothered if a woman orgasmed or not. Other than for the sake of his own ego."
"It was as if she’d gotten a new pair of glasses after living with impaired vision for far too many years."
"She didn’t feel the same weakness for Jack, the same desire as when they fucked in his study, on Ingmar Bergman’s desk."
"All I wanted was for them to feel the same pain I felt. I was humiliated, I lost everything. Of course I wanted revenge."
"The pain will never disappear, but it will become easier to deal with over time."
"I’d die of boredom after a week. And no matter how many shares I have, Revenge is my baby. And I’m still chairman."
"But you know me. I’d die of boredom after a week."
"We’re in new times, Mom. Women stick together."
"You have to try to be strong. The pain will never disappear, but it will become easier to deal with over time."