
True Places Quotes

True Places by Sonja Yoerg

True Places Quotes
"Loneliness was a heavy cloud to wake up in all the same."
"April was here, but winter crouched nearby, haunches twitching."
"Maybe they’d get lucky and outrun winter this time."
"Reality offered unvarnished truths, especially now."
"Everything surrounding her, impinging on her, she felt and knew."
"She imagined her mother’s terror and pain expanding across the darkening floor of the cave."
"The time melted away, as the fog had that morning."
"She lay still, the never-ending vault shimmering overhead."
"The law of entropy had undoubtedly been discovered by a mother with two teenagers."
"Being busy was a by-product of the life she had chosen."
"She would drive until she felt like turning around."
"She pressed the accelerator and felt the weight and power of the car beneath her."
"Terrified of Suzanne, the car, the world rushing past. Terrified of everything."
"She wondered if the girl had been attacked and abandoned."
"The girl was not simply ill or lost; she was otherworldly."
"She was, in fact, less important than the woman who had driven away."
"She couldn’t imagine why she’d want to. But all that will be up to her family, once they turn up."
"I can’t imagine why she’d want to go back to living in the woods."
"She could trace the feeling back to when he’d fallen in love with Suzanne."
"It feels like I’m dying, like I’m dying of fear."
"You can find something without looking for it."
"No one gives in without giving something up, and nothing is given up without cost."
"It wasn’t about pain. I wasn’t in pain. I just wanted to feel different."
"Everyone feels too much and not enough at the same time."
"If you don’t have ambition, Reid, you’re not a man. You’re not anything."
"Everyone talks about depression, about pain. It wasn’t about pain."
"It was hard, trying to figure yourself out, because it meant you didn’t belong."
"The hub does not turn the wheel. The hub is the small, hard knot in the center."
"People felt too much and not enough at the same time."
"Sadness and regret clung to the walls and beams and windows like spiderwebs."
"For the first time, she missed her room at the Blakemores’, where her life might have begun the day she walked inside."
"She only wished she could find a way to keep lying to herself."
"Suzanne sounded unsure, and Iris realized Suzanne didn’t know where they were going any more than she did."
"Nearly two years ago, after the intruders had left, she had done the same thing, deciding what she could and could not live without. The answer was the same now."
"A beam of sunlight splashed onto the rug under Suzanne’s feet, the faded pattern of ivy vines brightening to green again."
"Have you ever had a dream where you find something you’ve wanted for a long time, something perfect and special?"
"It took a moment for it to register as hope."
"Whatever they were telling her or asking her for was just an invitation to get immersed again in the entanglements from which she had run."
"She hadn’t had an epiphany. She had found some space, quiet, and solitude—and hadn’t come unglued."
"The girl’s eyes filled with tears. 'He was alive while I was alone in the woods. That’s what happened.'"