
Bonds Of Justice Quotes

Bonds Of Justice by Nalini Singh

Bonds Of Justice Quotes
"Evil is hard to define, but it’s sitting in that room."
"A lie, Mr. Bonner." It was extraordinary to her that people found him handsome—when she could all but smell the rot.
"I’ll do my job." Then she said something a perfect Psy never would have said. "We’ll bring them home. No one should have to spend eternity in the cold dark."
"Perhaps he felt remorse," she suggested, knowing the creature in that cell had felt pity only for himself, for the fact that he’d been caught and locked up. "Humans have emotions after all."
"This reconditioning will be your last—your telepathic shields are too severely degraded to allow for a further reset."
"Watch it," Clay said, but the curve of his lips made Max grin. Man was well and truly a goner.
"He’s just mad about being cooped up, aren’t you, gorgeous?" Looking up at Max, she mock-whispered, "Clay gets snarly on flights, too."
"I think he’s trying to figure out what the hell kind of cat you are."
"Suicide is the better option, Sophia. At least, you’ll die whole."
"Pride is meaningless if you can’t keep your promises."
"Most males, especially those drawn to a career in Enforcement, would consider that an insult to their pride."
"If I thought he’d tell us the locations of the bodies if I crawled, I’d do it without hesitation."
"Many people contacted his shields without realizing it. But then, the intruder made it through those shields."
"Sensation builds. You may consider a handshake harmless, but each time you touch a human, it threatens your conditioning."
"Humans, and the occasional nonpredatory changeling, have a way of expecting things from Psy they shouldn’t."
"The unique individual behind the mask of the perfect J, the one who’d told him Bonner’s victims shouldn’t have to spend eternity in the cold dark—that’s who he wanted to know."
"So long as the medics didn’t find any evidence, the J Corps Management Board wouldn’t turn in a fractured J."
"I don’t like the Psy," he said with blunt honesty. "I don’t like how they mess with human minds and pervert justice so the Council can get what it wants."
"The records of your birth were destroyed during a fire twenty-five years ago, unfortunately before they had been archived."
"Most cops carry as many nightmares as a J. Touching one would be akin to slamming a lightning bolt into my head."
"The fact that everyone was so ready to believe the suicide verdict in spite of all that tells me the Psy are in more trouble than anyone knows."
"Psy are almost obsessive about bloodlines," she said, her thoughts buried in memories of a past that proved the truth of that assertion beyond any doubt.
"Each of the victims died on the verge of a major deal."
"All three were linchpins, bringing something unique to the table."
"To ask me whether or not he is a monster is to presume I have an intimate knowledge of monsters."
"The space for your father’s name is blank in our records."
"He moved, she thought, with the same grace as the feline under her hand—with a muscled ease that told her he was in full and total control of his body, his strength."
"It was the lightest of touches, but she shivered."
"Dominance, she thought, it was all about dominance with males."
"You’re supposed to tell me things like this before."
"Of course I do. You’re pregnant with our child—I have the right to go nuts looking after you."
"Mostly, I think I need to hear the answers from Nikita herself."
"According to Dev should mind his own business Santos, I should be feeding you more."
"It’s such a pretty face," the leopard alpha responded, "the women in the office would probably string me up if I messed it up."
"If they succeed, they’ll isolate the Psy, cut off huge sources of revenue."
"He was the one person I loved, the one person who mattered. But I couldn’t save him."
"And damaged—so much that he couldn’t see any other way out."
"It was as if my mother had two personalities." One for each son.
"Sometimes evil wins. But not here. Not today."
"I’m waking up, Max. A little pain won’t make me take a step backward."
"We have the little matter of frustration to discuss."
"I never realized men and women were so different ... not really. It’s quite extraordinary."
"I am so damn proud of you," he said, his voice low and husky.
"People talk about how the Psy are starting to break, but nobody ever speaks about the victims."
"I find myself fascinated by your mouth. The things I’d like to do to it ..."
"I don’t know," Sascha said. "I just know I’m not ready to give up on her yet."
"Then I guess Councilor Nikita Duncan had better watch out."
"Relief twisted around his heart—she was hanging on, refusing to surrender to the death that had been stalking her her whole life."
"Her cop would never let the monster touch her."
"Evil does exist. It may not be listed in any official manual, may be considered an emotional construct, but as Js, you must accept that there will come a time when you will be faced by such malevolence that it will challenge all that you know, all that you believe you are."
"You are what you make yourself—don’t ever forget that."
"But it will give them peace—and Gwyneth a safe place to rest."
"I’d prefer to do it in person, but I have to make sure they get the information before it leaks to the media."
"Let’s take a drive through the Presidio before we head in."
"Because whatever was coming, it was a crushing, terrifying blackness that only ever meant one thing. Death."
"If I had taken his mind, ripped away his secrets, I’d have no more use for you and Ms. Russo, Detective—and I’d make sure you knew it."
"You’re the first person who’s ever taken care of me."
"All I feel is you," she whispered against his body. "Just you."
"I can’t break, she thought to herself, not yet. I haven’t lived yet."
"We fit, you and I," he whispered looking into that haunting gaze. "Two broken pieces making a whole."
"It was tempting to say yes at once, but she took a moment to think about it. "Yes." A strange feeling in her chest, a mix of pleasure, anticipation and . . . laughter."
"No matter the temptation, he didn’t pull her into his arms, having noticed that she was reacting much more quickly to even the slightest touch."
"Every action has an opposite and equal reaction."
"Bonner doesn’t deserve to have you beating yourself up for his evil."
"I am not stupid, Detective Shannon. Kindly get that thought into your head."
"I don’t know how to describe what I feel for you. I don’t have those words. It hurts, this emotion in my heart, this inexorable ache."
"This was what pleasure felt like, she thought in wonder. This was what poets wrote about and artists painted."
"He believed in justice, made her want to believe in it, too."
"Take care of my heart won’t you, Sophie? It’s a little odd having it outside my body—but I’m planning to steal yours to make up for it."
"I want to play with you. It doesn’t matter—we have time."
"You’re the one who taught me that life isn’t predestined. We are who we make ourselves."
"Life isn’t predestined. We are who we make ourselves."
"Go and tell their families they’re coming home. It’s important."
"You’re always in a rush, aren’t you, sweetheart?"
"The only thing I don’t understand is why she kept me."
"The windows are curtained. How will you know what’s happening within?"
"Blood spraying a wall. A thousand droplets of horror."
"But change takes time, and always claims victims."
"I will never like you, but I will never lie to you either. I think you could do with an advisor who's not afraid of you."
"Once you've seen what I have, once you've lived in the abyss for that long, fear becomes nothing but another cage."
"It's okay. I missed you until I couldn't breathe."
"I am a living, breathing extension of the Net."
"I may be the sole anchor who can give them that peace. And that's not right."
"You've got life with no possibility whatsoever of parole."
"I think, I'm going to like having a younger brother."