
Fight With Me Quotes

Fight With Me by Kristen Proby

Fight With Me Quotes
"Do you know how beautiful you are, Julianne," he murmurs. "I need you naked, now."
"Oh, you are so wet. And so fucking tight. Jesus, how long has it been for you honey?"
"Shit, I want you. I've wanted you since I first laid eyes on you."
"We shouldn't do this," I whisper unconvincingly.
"I don't give a fuck about anyone's policy right now."
"I love my job. I love my job. God, sometimes, I hate my job."
"I can handle the sexiest man I've ever seen in my life for a few hours without ripping my clothes off and having my wicked way with him."
"How are you?" he asks, his voice soft. "Um… fine, thank you." What the hell?
"I didn't say I don't want to have sex with you. I said it's up to you."
"You are so sexy." His eyes are burning with lust, and my body starts to hum under his hot gaze.
"Fuck, you're so tight." Nate's jaw is clenched, his hands cupping my ass, and I lean down and gently kiss him.
"You didn't seem to mind the piercing, if memory serves correctly."
"I've always found you to be pretty persuasive." I smile up at him and I see the humor in his eyes.
"My fridge will now forever be full of chocolate cheesecake." He smiles warmly and heat slowly spreads through me.
"Didn't like those?" I ask with a smile. "They were in my way," he responds and grins.
"You're my kind of girl, with or without body art."
"I guess I finally realized today how much you could hurt me."
"It's only you, Julianne. It will only ever be you."
"Because you're a man, you've had your hands on me, and they love me. And I think it has something to do with owning a penis. It makes men want to beat the shit out of each other. I'm thinking about doing research on it."
"No one's ever deserved to meet my family before."
"I won’t deny that there are moments at work that are weird. You’re my boss. If you decide to end this, you could also end my career. It’s a sticky place to be for me."
"Don’t worry. I wasn’t kidding when I said you’re mine. I will protect you with everything I have, baby."
"I’ve been worried. Also, what the fuck happened to the report I asked you to send me?"
"When I’m out here alone I need to be able to depend on you to do your job in the office, Julianne."
"No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside."
"I’m not sad; I’m so fucking hormonal I cry during Doritos commercials."
"You are so sweet. You’re mine, do you understand? No matter what happens. You. Are. Mine."
"I’m sorry. I need to get back to Natalie. I don’t have time for this relationship bullshit right now."
"And I’m an auntie again! Oh my God, that’s cool."
"You didn’t get any stretch marks, you bitch."
"I just had a baby. I can have whatever I want."
"I can’t stop the tears from falling down my face, and I’m crying so hard my knees buckle."
"Having babies is exhausting, even for the helpers."
"I am about to board the plane back to Seattle."
"Safe travels. See you in the office tomorrow."
"Please travel safely. I’m excited to see you tonight."
"I’ve never been so relieved and devastated at the same time."
"I know that I never know what’s going to come out of that fuckable mouth of yours."
"You bought Olivia Christian Louboutin shoes?"
"Something with Zac Efron. Have you seen him lately?"
"I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I've given you all my love, I'm still looking up."
"It's like when I'm here, nothing else matters."
"Being at the beach makes me focus on myself. I forget to worry... I guess it's my happy place."
"You don’t need to enhance them, baby. They’re perfect as they are."
"I hate waking up and finding you gone. Bad memories."
"You already know about most of my day." I sit at the breakfast bar and gratefully accept a glass of white wine from Nate.
"I’m with you now, and I know I’m the only one with you now, and that’s all that matters."
"You make me want things I’ve never wanted before."
"I’m ready for your things to be mingled in with my things. Your clothes in our closet, and you, in our home, every day."
"No, Jules, we’re playing catch-up. I’ve wanted this with you for the better part of the last year. I screwed up last summer with you. I won’t let you go again."
"I love you so much. It feels fast, but it feels right."
"This is where I want to be; in his arms, for the rest of my life."
"I love how he protects me, and watches out for me, while still making me feel like we’re partners."
"Your eyes are the most brilliant blue I’ve ever seen, and they’re even bluer when I’m in you. I love it when you look at me like this."
"I knew what I was getting myself into. And you know what? I chose you."
"You and I were probably never meant to be, but I loved every single second that I spent with you."
"People screw up, Jules. He has some explaining to do, but you wouldn’t let him talk. Let the man talk."
"Because I love him and he disappointed you, darlin’."
"I just keep seeing myself sitting in that chair, with those people looking at me impassively while they took away my job. And Nate knew, Natalie. He knew how much I loved my job, and how good I was at it."
"If you ever touch him again, I’ll rip your tongue out of your pretty little head."
"With every breath I take. Get the fuck out of our home, Audrey."
"I know exactly what Monday was, and you would too if you’d have listened to me."
"I love you so much, Julianne. Don't leave me again. Please."
"To you, the most beautiful woman in the world."
"I would do anything for you, baby. When are you going to figure that out?"
"Marry me, Julianne. Share my life with me. Be mine for the rest of my life."