
The Courtship Of Princess Leia Quotes

The Courtship Of Princess Leia by Dave Wolverton

The Courtship Of Princess Leia Quotes
"I longed even more for the taste of Leia’s kisses, the caress of her hand on my brow."
"The war isn’t over. It might not end during our lifetimes."
"Every day another world joins the New Republic. Every day we make some small inroads."
"You would give your life for the New Republic in a moment, wouldn’t you—without thinking, without regrets?"
"Nevertheless, they’ve apparently come to negotiate a treaty of some sort with the New Republic."
"The Hapans never ask a favor without offering a gift of equal value first."
"The knowledge and deeds of a thousand generations of Jedi."
"He had felt the need, in his bid to gain absolute control of the galaxy, not only to extinguish their fire from the universe but to crush their embers, scatter their ashes."
"I’ve lived in the gutter most of my life. I’m slime. Most of my friends are slime."
"I could not live with myself if anything should happen to you."
"Sometimes what you represent is so important that you can't let your standards down. You become respected as an icon, as much for what you are as who you are."
"The Jedi's weapon is his mind. When a Jedi is distracted, when he loses his focus, he becomes vulnerable."
"We don’t really want to see the Jedi rise from their graves, do we? The first band was troublesome enough."
"I won’t have our descendants bowing to his, ruled by an oligarchy of spoon benders and readers of auras."
"The first queen mother had begun constructing Star Home nearly four thousand years earlier, basing the floor plan for the ship on her castle estate."
"It’s been kind of uneventful. Do you love me yet? Are you ready to marry me?"
"What kind of man is Solo? Will he take the most direct route?"
"If it were just him, yeah, Han might take a shorter route. But he wouldn’t put Leia at risk, not knowingly, anyway."
"You've got to have sensors! Where are you going to get the parts to fix this thing?"
"They wouldn’t hang around after dark with these near."
"There’s no magic to what I do. The only power that I have is what I draw from the life Force around us."
"I’ve felt a sense of urgency for her. That’s why I came."
"I think you are a good man. Will you take me to Leia?"
"Take care of yourself, Jedi, and meet me on my ship."
"What have you gotten us into? They figure we’re all going to die, so why bother!"
"Our lives are on the line. And right now, whether you love me and want me to marry you, or whether I love Isolder and want to marry him—none of that matters anymore."
"Leia spun and talked directly in his face. 'No! I’m not going to let you sweet talk me. This isn’t a game.'"
"He realized that she loved life more passionately, more deeply than he could."
"You always said that the Falcon was my favorite toy. Maybe it’s time to give it up."
"You’re a protocol droid, and if you really want to be helpful, you’ll help me figure out how to get Leia to fall in love with me."
"The Nightsisters dispute your right to these slaves. Release them to us, or we will be forced to take them!"
"I own this planet and everything on it. I came to check out my real estate."
"We of the Singing Mountain clan suffer your presence here, but our hospitality has limits."
"You cannot free him. We of the Nightsisters claim him as our slave!"
"Sometimes she gets lost in it as easily as she becomes lost in the past."
"Intelligence, charisma, decisiveness—all of these traits are likely to have genetic components."
"It’s often easier to see the barbarism in alien cultures than it is to see it in your own."
"Now we need a queen mother strong enough to fight off my aunts, yet gentle enough to lead through kindness."
"We breed animals for intelligence, for beauty, for speed."
"It is only right that you should lead, and all of your people know it."
"One way or another, they satisfied themselves that they held some control even though they relinquished it to others."
"If this were the case, Leia didn’t know how she felt about that."
"You often couldn’t argue with people who were so thoroughly grounded in their own culture."
"The dark side can be compelling, and some turn completely from the light, become agents of evil."
"The Jedi uses the Force only for knowledge and defense, never to injure or gain power."
"When you remain calm, when you feel at peace, when you show mercy and justice to those who make themselves your enemies, then you will know that you are using the Force correctly."
"But if you surrender to hate, or despair, or greed, then you give in to the dark side and it will dominate your destiny, take control of you."
"Love is more than a mere curiosity or a momentary excitement."
"I don’t believe in destiny. I think we forge our own path in life through the choices we make."
"The Force cannot be bound by words, encapsulated in words."
"Do you have any words of wisdom for us, Jedi? Any advice?"
"Use your powers only in the service of life."
"Those who fight against us this day will die with their blood on their own hands."
"You’re the one who has done it. You and I are connected."
"Sometimes you have to make a stand, even if you can’t tell who the bad guys are anymore."
"We’re all dying. Promise yourselves you’ll be the last to go!"
"What else is there, General?" "What else is there, General?"
"The idea is to take the city, Commander, not vaporize it."
"Even at this point in the war, patients are considered noncombatants."
"We’ll do what we have always done: follow the Force."
"All of a sudden we’re winning the war in a week."
"Fewer people will be hurt if you just get out of my way."
"In death, these people became one with the Force, and when Jacen had accepted that fact, his sense of tragedy had largely evaporated."
"It’s so very, You used to think of us as dark and scary, but now we’re just your stylish allies."
"Whether or not the Galactic Empire joins with the Galactic Alliance, I think there ought to be an official Jedi presence in the Empire."
"And you never want to fight the enemy on ground he’s chosen if you can avoid it."
"No morning is good. I come light-years from Corellia to be with my family, and what happens? I have to keep Jedi hours to see them."
"The Jedi don’t worry much about amputations... We know that a severed limb can readily be replaced by a prosthetic that looks identical to the real thing."