
The Beach House Quotes

The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe

The Beach House Quotes
"Quick, set aside your chores and turn your head. See how they laugh with such abandon?"
"For they will disappear as quickly as the setting sun."
"Life, like the sea, didn’t always play fair."
"Being able to take care of herself and being by herself are two separate things entirely."
"It’s like she’s sick inside but she won’t tell me what the problem is."
"We’re not talking about some guest. Cara’s your daughter."
"Why are you defending Toy and not me? Your own daughter?"
"Yet the connection tugged, pulling her out from the stale confines of the car into the cool offshore breezes spiked with the heady scent of honeysuckle."
"How did it happen that, after twenty-two years of living independently, she found herself back on this damnable stretch of road limping back home?"
"Everyone knew that an invitation to his office was the equivalent of an invitation for a long car ride in the Mafia."
"It was chilling to wake up at forty years of age to find she had no friends, no interests and no investments in anything unconnected to her work."
"But rather than feel freer, she felt totally cut off without access to her e-mail. She was addicted to the connection."
"I’m not here to complain. You know me better than that after all this time."
"But the Bible says You never close a door without opening a window."
"But she and the sea were old friends now and tonight she hadn’t come to play. Rather, she’d come to her old friend for solace."
"It was like that with family, she thought, staring at the old telephone with a grin on her face."
"They could be separated for years but in a few words an age-old connection was made."
"It’s not totally out of our control. What I can do is work hard for you."
"Why, the sneaky little coward, she thought, wringing the telephone cord in her fingers."
"It would be a cold day in hell before she called that bastard again."
"She felt her fury rise up to howl in her chest."
"Outside, the late morning sun was high and cast a glistening sheen across the ocean."
"She heard the echoing roar punctuated by the cries of a gull."
"It was a marvel how she couldn’t think about her problems or solutions while staring out at the sea."
"The breeze greeted her with a caress, drawing her down from her perch on the dune to the wide arc of beach."
"Her shoulders were beginning to burn by the time she reached the pier."
"The spark of attraction shot straight down to her toes."
"The anger felt good, the first real emotion she’d had in days."
"She rose quickly from the chair, eager to put distance between herself and the phone, the beach house, everything."
"Above them, the stars watched and winked in sympathy."
"Privacy is something that we maintain for the good of ourselves and others. Secrecy we keep to separate ourselves from others, even those we love."
"Life isn’t some kind of race. We all cross the same finish line, sooner or later."
"People always seem to be in so much of a hurry."
"I’ll never sell Primrose Cottage. It means too much to me."
"Being part of the team grounded me and made this island my home again."
"Trust me on this, Caretta. If you take those turtles away from her, you’ll kill her faster than any cancer will."
"It's important to remember that you're back on the island. It might be a very different thing if I had a pink house up north. But here it's very Bermuda."
"I like nothing better than giving his type a chance to pick on someone his own size."
"We have to remember that at times like this. It's hard to watch Miss Lovie pass on because we love her."
"Life is just plain dangerous and sometimes cruel. But it's beautiful, too."
"It's not your fault that you're having a hard time with this project."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you, Brett. It's just that I felt this sudden panic."
"I hope you don't mind my speaking honestly. We all look at death as an aberrance of nature. Something that has to be fixed."
"It feels like everything is spinning out of control."
"I swore I would not let Darryl take advantage of this child again."
"Beneath the heavy makeup and bright-yellow hair Cara saw an insecure young girl seeking direction."
"Faith isn't something you wait to happen to you, nor is it something you can study for, or work for or negotiate for at some bargaining table. Paul wrote that faith doesn't come to you. It is a gift from God."
"You just have to love God more than you fear hell."
"Everything is so simple here. There are no big decisions to be made, no one needing me for anything or asking to have a problem solved. No money to be earned. Just complete and total bliss."
"We have to stick together, you and me. We'll be Mutt and Jeff. You can be on our Turtle Team. How's that?"
"You aren’t the only one with that loyalty thing."
"I don’t want to be selfish at a time like this."
"I’m her mama now and I’ll never abandon her."
"The magic is what you carry with you in your heart."
"I accept that the mind often dictates the heart. Yet I believe that the heart is the truer guide."
"Nature can be harsh. But we tried our best, didn’t we?"
"One day you will look up and see it—and just know."
"It might not be the traditional family—but when had she ever been traditional?"
"This little beach house on the Isle of Palms was her home."
"Everything must be done perfectly and it’s my responsibility."