
Invincible Quotes

Invincible by Jack Campbell

Invincible Quotes
"When you find yourself going through hell, keep going."
"No one liked delivering bad news, but he had learned long ago how easily a commander could discourage anyone from passing on important information by reacting harshly to the bearers of unpleasant truths."
"Luck had as much to do with it as anything I did."
"Wrong. Look at the combat systems evaluation of the engagement."
"You need cause to relieve a commanding officer."
"We weren’t lucky. The last-minute disintegration of our formation confused the aliens, just as you intended."
"If we don’t hang around here any longer than we have to."
"It’s a lot easier to break people than it is to put them back together."
"Sometimes you have to leave home to protect it."
"We want to pass through this star system peacefully."
"To the honor of our ancestors, this is Admiral Geary, out."
"It’s got pictures, and some kind of interactive routine."
"This is my ship, and I decide what gets access to its systems."
"Their software does things our software can’t?"
"We don’t know how yet, but it was amazing to watch."
"I need them to know we don’t want to fight them."
"We’ll keep a close eye on our new allies and best friends forever."
"We’re going to have to do a lot of this op on the fly once we get inside that thing."
"We still don’t know what the intent of the spider-wolves is."
"How the hell are we going to take those things down?"
"Then we wave 'bye and watch them go back to the jump exit."
"People want a hero to save the day, not understanding the complexities and imperfections that every leader carries."
"It’s a relief to be seen as just a person, not a legend expected to perform miracles."
"Winning the war wasn’t my job just because the government had dreamed up some stupid myth about me."
"Real courage is being terrified but doing what needs to be done anyway."
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
"Courage isn’t the absence of fear. It's being afraid and doing what you need to do anyway."
"Everyone tells me I'm a lousy liar. It's one of my more commendable features."
"We may face something similar at Midway, though we'll now have a period of relative reliability."
"Using human logic hasn’t always worked well when it comes to understanding alien species."
"The virtue of such a weapon put into place is that it can be employed against whatever target is deemed necessary."
"It would be difficult to leave if you remained here."
"If you had never been found, and if Admiral Bloch had lived, he would have been the target."
"My flotilla will remain in place near the hypernet gate."
"I am not a specialist in space law, but am I correct in assuming that the bear-cow superbattleship is now the property of the Alliance?"
"Since you have declined my offers of assistance, I won’t bother providing any information I may have access to that might smooth your trip."
"I must insist that you bring any craft belonging to anyone other than the Alliance to Prime, where my government can decide on the appropriate disposition of those craft."
"Any damage inflicted upon it would constitute an attack on the Alliance, bringing on a state of war between the Alliance and whichever government owned the warships that launched such an attack."
"The Syndics have lost the war, but they don’t intend to let the Alliance enjoy the peace."
"The war broke the Syndics, and it nearly broke us."