
Wielding A Red Sword Quotes

Wielding A Red Sword by Piers Anthony

Wielding A Red Sword Quotes
"Every person has faults. My impediment of speech is obvious. You have been gracious, but I think you would tire of it soon enough."
"I am, as I said, a woman; I have no strength to stand up to malice or ugliness. From my childhood, I have been terrified of demons."
"It is the nature of the innocent to be afraid of evil."
"Therefore you need me more than she does. No woman ever truly needed me before."
"How can I be free by letting you die—when I love you?"
"No woman would, he agreed. But a man—desires a dependent woman."
"For a thousand years they floated there, gently sharing their unbound love."
"I have no truck with Satan!" he sang. "I hardly believe in him! I am Hindu!"
"I would prefer to abolish all war, so that no battles needed managing."
"But war does not restore fairness!" Mym protested. "It is noted in the spread of unfairness!"
"War is an honorable pursuit, and there is much challenge and glory to be had in battle."
"War is not surgery," Mym protested. "It is butchery! I saw the carnage, today, when—"
"You can not abolish war entirely, because it is not a cause; it is a symptom."
"Concubines still made him remember his father's lesson in obedience: they tended to find their heads on spikes when declined."
"Evidently she felt the same, and that pleased him deeply."
"Satan says that you can be sustained on this food."
"In strategy make the gaze broad. Learn to see to the sides without shifting the eyeballs."
"Become the enemy. Merge with the enemy's situation."
"War may be inevitable, but it doesn't have to be totally destructive, if properly managed."
"Lives are my business, and these are children!"
"I will try my best to minimize the conflict I supervise today."
"It is my business to handle the Threads of Life."
"Because the erratic genius was his, they had to let the man operate in his own fashion."
"Each brain had its own idiosyncratic patterns, no two even remotely similar."
"Dreams were simply an alternate consciousness, governed by the same rules as those of the waking state."
"He could not afford to drift along with this; he had to discover how this man had made the time bomb breakthroughs."
"I think you had better resign that job and return here."
"I have found a nice mortal man, and I'm going to move in with him."
"Surely you have other powers you haven't noticed. One of them may yet foil Satan."
"No revelation came. He simply saw no way to do what he knew he had to do."
"You would not have come here if you hadn't wanted to see me, now would you!"
"Since you have inadvertently served Satan's design, you might as well accept your reward."
"I can return to you what I denied you in Hell."
"I'm not even one of the damned. I'm just a construct of ether, existing solely at my Master's discretion."
"You have but to instruct me in those things you require of the ideal woman, and I will be those things as perfectly and as long as you desire them."
"You asked me how to save the world from Satan. I have told you how."
"You would destroy the world—merely to deny Me a few souls?"
"Satan is an insidious corruptor who never rests and he is most dangerous in seeming defeat."
"If I am trying to follow the Way and allow myself to diverge even a little, then this will later become a greater divergence, and I will lose the Way."