
Mars Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Eventually, we can bring the samples back to Earth and determine for the very first time, did life exist on Mars?"
"On Earth, our crust is constantly being recycled, weathered, and eroded and it's very hard to find places that have preserved that history from billions of years ago, yet on Mars we can find places that we see that full breadth of history preserved on the surface."
"As the countdown to Mars continues, the perseverance of humanity is launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the red planet."
"Our goal, plain and simple, is to prove that we can fly on Mars. Once we do that, we hope that this is going to blow the doors open for the future of Martian exploration."
"Our selfie stick, if you will, is 150 million miles long."
"The instruments that we have in the rover are extraordinary and the fact that we can make these observations of organic molecules on Mars to begin with is just awesome."
"This is the first rover mission designed to seek signs of past microbial life."
"We're doing something that's transformative to understand whether or not life evolved on another planet."
"The major goal of the Perseverance mission is to investigate astrobiology on Mars and in particular to address the question of whether life ever existed on Mars."
"I think chances are good that Mars once harbored life. It was so similar to Earth in the past, one can only expect, you know, life probably sprung up there as well."
"But samples beneath the surface may have a potential to contain life. There are going to be interesting complementaries there."
"Remember what we are trying to do, we are trying to get humans to Mars. That's the objective."
"Perseverance, NASA's newest rover, one of the most sophisticated planetary probes ever built, is approaching Mars on an epic quest to hunt for life beyond Earth."
"I like to call it 'CSI: Mars,' right? You know, it's, it's literally this investigation where you're finding all these little clues to put together your story."
"There's a lot of potential for life to be there, not necessarily life right now, we're talking about ancient life, but it would have been deposited there and there'd still be signs there."
"Perseverance safely on the surface of Mars. Ready to begin seeking the sands of past life."
"What they can find on Mars can change how we look at the whole universe."
"Perseverance now starts its scientific work from the dusty surface of Mars including answering that age-old question, are we alone?"
"If we can find evidence of life on Mars, then we're going to realize that we're a bigger part of the life story. It's not just an Earth story. It's a universe story."
"Perseverance is paving the way for human exploration on Mars."
"I'm very optimistic we'll find signs of ancient life there."
"Your friends are going to be like, 'You haven't been to Mars? You have to go.'"
"It's not every day you get to test a rotorcraft on Mars."
"Ingenuity hitched a ride in February. Now, Ingenuity is getting ready to attempt the first powered controlled flight on another planet today."
"Every world gets one first flight. The Wright brothers achieved the first flight on Earth; Ingenuity is poised to be the first for Mars."
"Green rock, the enigma of a peculiar Martian rock."
"If we find ancient life on Mars, it really changes everything."
"Life or no life, we have a lot to learn about the evolution of our solar system, about our planet, by looking in depth at rocks brought back from Mars."
"Thanks to Perseverance, we could be on the verge of the monumental first discovery of actual life outside our planet."
"The first person to set foot on Mars is alive right now, and it could be you."
"Perseverance is the most complex thing humans have ever built and sent to another planet."
"It's just a crazy thought to think that it's something I've designed, I've touched, I've built, I've integrated, I've tested is now safely resting on another freaking planet."
"One of its most recent major discoveries was the biggest Mars quake we've ever heard... thousands of times more powerful than any other one detected previously."
"The recent discoveries do suggest that Mars is still quite active... it might actually resume its volcanic activity in the near future, something that nobody expected up until now."
"The perseverance probe has already collected 23 different samples from various regions... more than half of all of the samples it's going to be collecting."
"Based on everything we know about Mars in the past, it absolutely should have been capable of supporting ancient life."
"The Ingenuity helicopter will be the first powered flight on a celestial body that isn't Earth."
"For years, NASA's Mars Exploration Program has been systematically trying to find out whether life ever existed on Mars."
"Now, Perseverance will directly search for signs of past life."
"Moxie will demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing oxygen on Mars for future astronauts to breathe and use as rocket fuel."
"Imagine yourself sitting on the surface of Mars and listening to the surroundings."
"Perseverance is benefiting from almost 10 years of advancement in technology; it's packed with fascinating and novel technologies that will form a stepping stone in humankind's eventual first steps on the surface of the Red Planet."
"Hello wonderful person, this is Anton, and this is Perseverance, and somewhere right there is the Ingenuity helicopter."
"Perseverance is searching for signs of ancient life on Mars and it’s the first rover to be fully equipped for the challenge."
"The idea of not just a trickle of water but flash floods on Mars, that really changes the game."
"It's much more tantalizing to imagine that even now, the irrefutable answer to whether life once flourished on Mars might lie in a little transparent hash safely nestled inside Perseverance's casing."
"The daily highlight... is probably the single biggest productivity tip I've ever gotten in my life."
"It's the first time ever that NASA brought a microphone onto their landing probe. So as the probe is landing, it's actually going to be also recording sound. We're not actually sure what's going to happen, but chances are, there's a big chance that we might actually hear what the Martian atmosphere sounds like."
"Mars has evidence of being warmer in the past and of having stable liquid surface water for potentially hundreds of thousands of years."
"For the first time ever, we'll fly a helicopter on another planet."
"We know that at one time, Mars was habitable."
"For the first time, we are looking for signs of life on another planet."
"There's something special about the first few days [on Mars] because we have just landed a representative of the planet Earth on a place on Mars that no one has ever been to."
"Mars will be visible in the night sky tonight; it'll be right next to the moon. So have a look."
"It's amazing to have Perseverance join Curiosity on Mars."
"Sunsets on Mars are blue, while the sky during the day is pinkish red."
"Astronauts are set to return to the moon before the decade is out, and scientists and visionaries say humans will soon set foot on a foreign planet for the first time: Mars."
"If we were to discover that there used to be life on Mars, not only would we know that we're not alone, but we could say with certainty that life can form in places other than on Earth."
"The Moon will be our proving ground, our research laboratory, perhaps even our gas station and springboard to Mars."
"The vision of traveling to Mars has always fascinated people."
"Perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the Red Planet."
"We want to know whether Mars could have been habitable in the past."
"Together, hoping to learn if life ever existed in the ancient past on Mars."
"By exploring the rocks with Perseverance, we have the opportunity to explore more about the development of life in the solar system."
"The Perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the Red Planet."
"This is a place that generations of Mars explorers have waited to get to."
"The fact that this could be really recent volcanic activity has a lot of big implications for how we understand Mars but also huge implications in the search for life on Mars as well."
"Mars has become a kind of mythic arena onto which we have projected our earthly hopes and fears."
"Are we the Martians? It has been speculated that we could have come from Mars, we're the aliens."
"Mars is where the science is, Mars is where the challenge is, and Mars is where the future is."
"Olympus Mons is a massive shield volcano on the planet Mars. It is over 21 kilometers tall."
"NASA finds ancient organic material, mysterious methane on Mars."
"With these new findings, Mars is telling us to stay the course and keep searching for evidence of life."
"Starship will allow us to fly the heaviest payloads ever flown, land humans on the moon again after more than a half-century, and ultimately fly humans further into space than ever before, even to Mars."
"Mars holds the answers to mankind's future in space."
"Mars is the planet that will give us the critical tests to whether humanity can break out of the planet of our birth and become a space-faring species."
"For now, life is good here in this idyllic little slice of American suburbia, even if it is on Mars."
"They are humans living the new human existence on Mars, his paranoia seems unjustified until they receive the news that an atomic bomb has been dropped on New York."
"If perseverance's mission is successful, the discovery of life on Mars would be as groundbreaking as the discovery of DNA."
"Phobos, the innermost and larger of the two natural satellites of Mars, meaning 'fear' in Ancient Greek, is irregularly shaped with a mean radius of seven miles and is seven times larger than the outer moon, Deimos."
"It orbits Mars much faster than Mars rotates, completing an orbit in just 7 hours and 39 minutes."
"From the surface of Mars, it appears to rise in the west, move across the sky in 4 hours and 15 minutes or less, and set in the east twice each Martian day."
"Curiosity Mars rover captured this image of Mount Sharp in the morning on October 13, 2019. The panorama is composed of 44 individual images stitched together."
"Some drifting clouds, which are likely water ice clouds about 19 miles above the surface, are also noctilucent clouds, meaning they are so high that they are illuminated by the sun even when it's night at Mars' surface."
"Holes such as this are of particular interest because their interior caves are relatively protected from the harsh surface of Mars, making them relatively good candidates to contain Martian life."
"Mars is a reminder of how precious our own planet is."
"The everyday astronaut, this is the biggest livestream I think I've had since I've been doing livestreams. We're going to Mars today."
"Olympus Mons, a huge shield volcano on the surface of Mars, is about two and a half times Mount Everest's height above sea level."
"The rock material collected on Mars contains the same type of carbon signals that are linked to living organisms on Earth."
"Even though we're not announcing the detection of life, the discoveries we're going to be talking about are the next step in finding out whether Mars was once habitable."
"We have a chemical laboratory on another planet."
"The story of Curiosity really is about what we call habitability, whether Mars ever offered the conditions that could support life."
"This was a really cool find for us, a picture of mud cracks on ancient Mars."
"Not only did water last millions or tens of millions of years, but habitable conditions, more importantly, lasted that long."
"This mission is our best chance for actually determining if life ever took hold."
"Curiosity captures multiple images of the Martian sunset; this short series of images provides the most detailed view of what a sunset looks like on Mars."
"From the data that Curiosity has collected so far, scientists are now convinced that Gale Crater was an oasis of water in the ancient past."
"Within the first three months of being at this location, we were able to say, one, Gale Crater was wet. Number two, it can sustain life."
"And I can't wait for that day when a human being will stand on the surface of Mars and say, 'I am watching the Earth set and then I am watching the Sun set.'"
"You can help channel the energies of Mars, and Mars will actually help this new moon and help you by making out the plan for the future."
"From its incredible launch on the 5th May 2018, to the present day as it reached its ultimate powering down, Insight has been an incredible lander."
"It has peeled back the surface of Mars, and listened to the planet’s slow heartbeat to gain knowledge unseen by any mission that has gone on before it."
"But ultimately, its contributions to our planetary understanding are irrefutable."
"The better we understand the structure of Mars, the more we can learn about its formation."
"Insight might give us an idea of the time period when life was most likely to form on Mars."
"This is the closest to the equator we've ever seen Water Ice, so scientists are going to be able to use this to constrain the past climate conditions on Mars."
"Life started on Earth, we think, very early on in the first half billion years...we can kind of go back in time and study those environments on Mars."
"Understanding the difference between the Earth and Mars will help us understand the evolution of terrestrial planets in general."
"Mars is an incredible natural laboratory right next door to Earth...trying to understand how they ended up so differently is a really important question."
"We're going to Mars to study the Martian interior and to map out the divisions inside Mars, but we want to use that information to understand more about the solar system as a whole."
"In some sense, it's like a time machine. It's measuring the structure of Mars that was put in place four and a half billion years ago."
"Water on Mars, wow, look at that. That's amazing."
"Even a successfully terraformed Mars is dog(beep) compared to Earth. So the point is, let's make this place good, make it worth saving."
"I love the idea of creating an architecture that can be used to get you to Mars, but then also modified to get you to other places in the solar system."
"For services provided on Mars... the parties recognize Mars as a free planet and that no Earth-based government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities."
"Mars has long been the subject of speculation in regards to the search for alien life."
"Welcome back to the Gateway To Mars! It’s crazy that one can even say this. With each launch, it feels like we're getting closer to setting foot on an alien world. Mars or bust!"
"The first step to getting someone to Mars and back is to have a transportation system, and no system ever designed and built before or under design now, except for Starship, could make that a reality."
"The highest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons on Mars."
"The ultimate goal of it is to land on Mars... the ultimate thing has been to land on Mars and you know other planets."
"My biggest hope is that humanity creates a self-sustaining city on Mars."
"It's a romantic image for me, looking at Mars like that."
"Clearly, if there is life on Mars, it's not at all abundant and it's hiding below the surface or something. It hasn't changed Mars into a Bluegreen planet in the way that life has changed the earth."
"Understanding the origin and nature of life, rather than whether there is life or not on Mars, was really for me a stepping stone to bigger questions."
"Mars is like two planets, two hemispheres glued together."
"We're going to push the envelope on our understanding of getting around on Mars, and a helicopter is really a unique idea to do that."
"The ancient history of Mars is in that rock record."
"It's been almost half a century since humans were last on the moon. That's too long. We must get back there and have a permanent base on the moon and then build a city on Mars to become a space-faring civilization, a multi-planet species."
"Saturn is the brakes, and Mars is the accelerator. We need both in our lives as much as we need them in a car."
"The greatest volcano in the solar system still stands; the cliffs leading up to it are greater than 6 miles in height."
"It's quite extremely important that we become a multi-planet civilization and create a self-sustaining city, ideally on Mars."
"A manned mission to Mars would be mankind's greatest adventure since landing on the moon."
"The journey to Mars, a journey which will mark the point in time when mankind truly began to conquer the universe."
"Mars is full of mysteries; that’s why we keep sending satellites and rovers to explore it."
"But to truly explore our neighboring planet, we need to send humans there. And the reality is, that won’t happen for a really, really, long time."
"The best estimates for a round trip mission to Mars puts the entire journey at around three years long from liftoff to landing to returning home."
"Opportunity measured temperatures, atmospheric readings, the rotation of Mars and more, however the real prize was the definitive proof that Mars was once a world similar to our own in that it held stable bodies of liquid water oceans on its surface in the distant past."
"Opportunity and Spirit were primarily on Mars for its geology, the end goal being to see if Mars was ever a place that was conducive to life."
"Scientists were able to confirm that water didn’t just cover this area once, but it was in fact episodic in nature."
"Mars: immensely cold, arid on an inconceivable scale, and almost airless. Little evidence has ever been found on the existence of biological life on Mars."
"Mars holds a special place in everyone's heart because it looks a lot like Earth... it begs the question of what was its history, and how did it get the way it is, and could there have been life there, could it have been habitable?"
"Mars has the potential to be the most hospitable planet after the Earth."
"We have a spacecraft in orbit around Mars and another small one landing on Mars, taking a picture of it. It is phenomenal."
"The biggest volcano, Mars houses the biggest volcano in the solar system."
"Ever since humanity realised that Mars is a world with plenty of similarities to our own, our collective imagination has run wild about the prospect of life there, including the prospect of experiencing OUR lives there."
"It's capable of getting a million tons to the surface of Mars and creating a self-sustaining city. And I think we should try to do that as soon as we can."
"Mars wasn't always a dry barren place. We have found strong evidence that water was once below the surface, rose to the surface, and evaporated away."
"It means three things will be happening in this decade... We're going back to the moon... moon tourism... and we will be landing humans on Mars."
"Mars will be the first planet we colonize and unlike our previous colonization efforts with often tragic results, Mars appears to be entirely uninhabited except by alien robots we sent there to begin the job of scouting the red planet for when we arrive."
"This is the first time we have ever collected a sample of a rock from another planet with the intention to bring that sample back to Earth."
"The moon is no more than an interim step on the way to our long-term goal, which is Mars."
"Elon Musk is driving for nothing less than the permanent colonization of Mars."
"Of all the extraterrestrial places where it ought to be easy to find evidence of living organisms, Mars surely leads the list."
"Sending humans to Mars without proper protection would be irresponsible."
"If a Martian colony can reach a million inhabitants, it’ll be self-sufficient from Earth or any other world."
"There's multiple bases on Mars and the moon."
"The idea of living on Mars is nothing new—it's been a staple of science fiction since the 19th century."
"Mars colonization has been a recurring theme in Elon Musk's presentations."
"By 2050, we'll have at LEAST one colony on Mars."
"History's first Martians: a million people colonizing Mars."
"We plan to get the first Starship to land on Mars within about five years."
"A massive layer of buried ice on Mars has almost the same amount of water as Lake Superior on Earth."
"Mars may not be the dead world that we once thought."
"The primary goal of the $2.5 billion dollar curiosity mission is to see whether Mars might once have been hospitable for microbial life."
"Mars, which I know... it's a lot of people's favorite planets."
"I think almost anyone will be able to go to Mars if they want."
"A big part of that is because Mars … isn’t especially friendly to human life."
"I think by 2030, we will have humans walking on Mars. That's my guess."
"Mars is one planet in our solar system that could be colonized."
"NASA's own Curiosity Rover has stumbled across organic material preserved within sedimentary rocks on Mars up to 3 billion years old."
"Ingenuity, as you know, is continuing to operate on Mars and it made a historic flight."
"Humans will study the history of the red planet and take that next giant leap in uncovering the mysteries of the universe and our place within it."
"The red planet has beckoned generations of dreamers and space flight pioneers to imagine crossing the wide gulf between worlds."
"But back in 1892 camille flamarion was still filling his imaginary martian canals with water."
"As it stands, we apparently know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the sea floor."
"NASA's latest robotic explorer, the Perseverance rover, has made it to Mars in one piece, touching down on the red planet at approximately 3:55 PM Eastern." - Grace Coulter
"Gravity would make us feel our way differently. If you weighed 150 pounds on Earth, you'd only feel like you weighed about 50 pounds on Mars."
"It's perfectly located to be the base from which we can explore Mars, possibly occupy Mars."
"Gravity is amazing, right? Milestone achieved, first human on Mars."
"Having played it now... the concept kind of sells itself."
"The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been exploring the Martian atmosphere, surface, and water for more than 17 years."
"By unraveling the mysteries of these Quakes, we gain a deeper understanding of the planet's geology, its potential for habitability, and the challenges that future explorers and settlers will face."
"As we navigate the complexities of Mars exploration, addressing the issue of rapidly disappearing water stands as a pivotal challenge."
"Understanding the mechanisms behind temperature fluctuations on Mars is vital for assessing the planet's habitability and formulating strategies for long-term human presence."
"I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth."
"Did we once call Mars home if we did indeed once call Mars home there would be undoubtedly ruins on its surface rare surviving features that would still litter the landscape."
"But I doubt it will be the last time we do that, as it seems likely that someday someone will visit the defunct landers that dot the Martian globe and maybe bring one home."
"I think Mars is essentially a desert that has very small amounts of life on the surface."
"We're definitely planning for a new life on Mars and we're putting a lot of money into it."
"But what kind of conditions do we need to build for humans to really live there and not just survive?"
"Utilizing MOXIE, humans will be able to breathe on Mars or at least make a breathable environment inside a Mars base."
"There's so much proof there was water there, so clearly there was life, it was totally a planet."
"Devon Island: called 'Mars on Earth' by many researchers."
"Mars would also need a way to hold onto its atmosphere and keep it from being stripped away by solar winds."
"Ingenuity changed the outlook for Mars exploration going forward, showing that flying machines are absolutely viable."
"We're a month away from the Mars fleet beginning to arrive. That is awesome."
"With Mars, you know its energy cannot be destroyed only transformed."
"What a number of authentic researchers have managed to accomplish by just studying imagery of Mars and also of historical knowledge of the region held here on Earth is quite remarkable."
"Each time night falls we see a bright light in the Martian sky. It is not a star. It is a planet we used to call home."
"He's alive and now he is the Martian, so you follow him trying to survive on Mars going through kind of what that means and just seeing if he can make it."