
Decay Quotes

There are 447 quotes

"Urban exploration, also called UE or urbex for short, is the act of finding man-made structures lost to abandonment and decay or secret rooms of larger man-made buildings and exploring them."
"People make the city because if there's no people in a city, it quickly becomes a ruin."
"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away."
"The central organizing principle of the psyche... is something like constant attention to that process of decay and communication about it to stem off the ravages of time."
"The Germanic century, as peoples like the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, and Franks took advantage of Imperial decay."
"You leave something to ruin, it's very hard to repair 20 years later."
"It's out here you can see the clearest what happens when the tide of time and decay rises up."
"A strange fruit is rotting, hanging low and falling far from its tree."
"These places are condemned to live in a horrible and endless loop where they are stuck in time."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but even most people with a positive outlook on life would be hard-pressed to see the beauty in old, broken-down cars that have been left to rot for decades."
"Sitting in the armchair was little more than rotten flesh and Bone."
"Its abandoned buildings, decaying structures, and overgrown vegetation add to that eerie ambiance that envelops this place."
"Scientists believe that within a decade, the wreckage of the Titanic will be gone entirely, disappeared all because of bacteria in the ocean."
"Please don't allow the Senate to rot from within."
"It's actually really sad to see something that was created to entertain and bring joy to people end up in such a terrible state."
"50,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town."
"The Higgs boson preferentially will decay into top quarks."
"In this universe, all rots. One must rot to survive."
"90 percent of data loses its relevance after one hour of capturing."
"What we're seeing now is a decay of politics from even the semblance of a principled, logical, rational endeavor right down to the old norm of politics—friend versus enemy, us versus them."
"Loathsomeness waits and dreams and the deep and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men."
"A tree rots from its roots. If a country is likened to a large tree and its roots are rotten, how can one expect its branches to be healthy?"
"He must join her shell containing him is now only a brittle husk swollen with waste material and straining at the seams."
"The whole party is completely destroyed... The Last gasps of a Dying political movement."
"The rock that once was Washington DC's military has now been worn down from all sides into nothing more than a pebble."
"Decades must pass for their radioactivity to decay."
"Will this machine of spiritual and social progress grow rust... until the very institutions that keep him in his position of power are ground to dust?"
"The king's slow rot could be one of these deaths by design."
"Time crumbles things. Everything grows old under the power of time and is forgotten through the lapse of time."
"Bones will disintegrate and the flesh will preserve."
"The shambolic partially decaying parody of human form."
"In the end, there is no escaping entropy, the ultimate move from order to decay and disorder that rules us all."
"There's only two states: rich, you know, it's either growing or dying."
"Everything is rusted everything is just rotted and corroding you just feel like you need a tetanus shot when you're done with this place."
"Not only are they stone representations of lightsabers but they are broken shattered weathered and crumbling away in the forgotten sands surrounding the Holy City."
"Decaying cityscapes can work perfectly for street artists."
"The entire house was empty. The entire place was coated with layers upon layers of dust."
"The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay."
"This place looks like it's seen some better days."
"Reflections on decay and renewal: the beauty of forgotten places."
"It appears to have been built during the Civil War sometime between 1861 and 1865. The bunker is too dangerous to use these days, decaying and on the verge of total collapse."
"If you don't keep things built up and maintained, everything collapses."
"We got to get out of that, we got to get out of that every [ __ ] building on this [ __ ] can fall down in 50 years and you would never know that [ __ ] was there."
"You're never finished; you're always deteriorating."
"Inertia, laziness, and apathy are not signs of slowing down but of decay and lifelessness."
"Hidden away in the woods of Maine, you'll find the rusting remains of two steam-powered locomotives."
"His face appeared to be melting, his cheeks sagged low, a jungle of flesh hung from his chin, the bone beneath exposed, his nose gone, a dark hollow opening in its place."
"Nowadays it's an otherworldly Ghost Town left to Decay and Frozen in time as the rest of the world Carries On."
"They have an old world charm; they're grand and elegant, and when they start to fall apart, they disintegrate."
"What an amazing house, completely untouched, no vandalism whatsoever, just pure decay, cobwebs, and dust, and it's just sitting here completely frozen in time."
"It's just crazy to think that it's all just sitting in this building, waiting for nature to reclaim it."
"Decay isn't something to be feared but embraced, a symbol of life's cyclical nature and the potential for transformation."
"We're seeing a decay in monopolies."
"Nature had reclaimed most of the town, crowning it with wreaths of moss and robes of vines."
"We're going to multiply it by some fraction of one, a bunch of nines, that'll give you a really slow decrease of epsilon over time."
"Theta is the formal metric that actually measures that decay over time it shows you just how much each day is worth in terms of Decay."
"A boat rots when you keep it in the same place for too long."
"The swamp water stops things from decaying."
"The last protons decay completely ending the current Universe. Seconds later another big bang occurs."
"So what I think is most important, what ends trends trends decay from the inside."
"If the foundations are rotten, everything's rotten."
"Haow’d ye like to be livin’ in a taown like this, with everything a-rottin’ an’ a-dyin’, an’ boarded-up monsters crawlin’ an’ bleatin’ an’ barkin’ an’ hoppin’ araoun’ black cellars an’ attics every way ye turn?"
"The point is that magnetic field strength falls away exponentially, essentially."
"Are we not made of flesh and blood? It is but natural that we should be revolted and horrified when we have shown that flesh and blood in a state of corruption and decay."
"...it's not all bad. The Decay is such that it actually allows stars and planets to form."
"...sad to see it just kind of falling apart and nobody really knows what's going to come of it."
"The chipping paint and warped windows, the doors with rusted hinges and the floorboards that squeal with each step."
"Viral content actually spreads in decay."
"As atoms have a finite number of protons and neutrons, they will generally emit particles until they reach a point where their half-life is so long that they are effectively stable."
"For example, bismuth-209 is believed to have the longest decay rate. It undergoes alpha decay, and its half-life is over a billion times longer than the current estimated age of the universe."
"It's so sad when you see all the memories left, just people's life rotting away."
"Things will have to decay in this way."
"An old ship, old candle holders, cobwebs, and decay, just everywhere in this place."
"It's in bad condition, every part of this house is like rotten."
"...all structures, rides, and attractions... still standing rusted and overgrown and creepy..."
"What a beautiful home. It's sad to see it decaying like that, look at that, the ceiling is literally caving in."
"The earth is designed to decay without us. We're meant to replenish the earth until it's filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas."
"...there were fish in the pond but they were all dead."
"As soon as I stepped inside, I was only able to glance around of the old instruments and cots with straps before the odd rotted landing gave out."
"Her body was severely damaged and crippled, and she smelled as if she were already rotting."
"Circle of Spores deals with the natural cycle of death within the natural world."
"Humanity's gone for 10 years. Look at the Golden Gate Bridge, overgrown."
"This is all full of nasty in here look at that yeah that's that's Grease."
"The destruction of a nation begins in the homes of its people."
"It's built on a cliff edge and it's all falling into the sea."
"...if things fall apart around you, to what degree is it the mere tendency of things to degenerate entropically because they do that of their own accord or have you sped the probability of decay by failing to pay attention?"
"And you can oil it, cream it, bathe it, bake it, cook it, transplant it, exchange it and it will still decay and rot."
"It’s everything you can expect from a house that’d been abandoned for seventeen years: Dust, cobwebs, and graffiti abound, broken bottles scattered across the floor."
"Everything is dying. It's all going back one way or another. Something about a human mind makes it resistant to that decay."
"1 over X squared is going to decrease a lot faster than 1 over X."
"Our universe is dying, consumed from within by a force we call the entropy plague."
"The unmistakable Aura of Decay hung over everything."
"It ain't going to last forever, and these institutions are wearing out."
"I love the smell of the leaves as they decay."
"It's generations disintegrating bit by bit by bit."
"That is entropy. That is the system dying."
"Chevy's are full of wood, and when the wood rots out, they just fall apart like that."
"Progress and the elements do their damages to erase buildings which had a role in significant events both good and bad."
"The corruption is now so corrosive, right, the corruption is the system and yet it's destroying the system."
"Even if you put icing on top of what is rotten, it's still rotten."
"Envy is like cancer in the bones."
"It's like a nice amount of decay in here."
"Flash forward nearly 80 years and little trace of this dark historical moment remains other than a few fortresses and bunkers on the island of Crete, left abandoned, decayed, and forgotten."
"We adore New York City although to him it was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture."
"...the ways of the world have changed so much this second story radiation poisoning is like this typically you die then you rot but with radiation poisoning you rot then you die..."
"It's just an added scene where you see that a lot of the life on Nublar has started dying now that the park is no longer operational."
"The corpses are in various states of Decay ranging from well preserved to skeletal."
"It's been abandoned since 2011, but there's absolutely no decay in here."
"The third American founding, in his recent book on James Baldwin, 'Begin Again,' is that we, this moment of the decay and decline of the American Empire."
"There's different layers to the frame and they can start delaminating and rusting out from the inside and it gets really bad really fast."
"Twisted hunks of black and steel and carbonized Bone drifted by."
"It was the smell of decay, the smell of death."
"...since the ship was likely built during the Imperial era, there may have been whole sections for barracks and mess halls that were just completely abandoned, a potentially subtle form of demoralization..."
"It was a rot that smelled older than time, ageless, the decaying body of something that hadn't walked the Earth in a very long time."
"We live in a moment of overwhelming spiritual decay."
"Living on a broken Planet, there will be a purity to it, there will be a beauty to it."
"Hope Decay isn't as painful as it sounds."
"The once booming City with its 450,000 inhabitants is now a dead City reigned by Terror and death."
"Stunning furnishings begin to slip further into decay."
"...the rate of decay, the rate of which things are running down is not so high as to discourage productive work."
"The universe has been decaying from the very moment that God created it."
"The roof tiles had apparently melted, the tired gray slates drooping like the wings of bats over the tarnished facade."
"Even the distinction between senses decayed alongside like corporal prison." - Tobias Wade
"Rust has begun to creep down each of her 140 foot long sides."
"What exactly happened with that ship to make something which was once so beautiful and Grand just you know get abandoned and forgotten about."
"Decay is transformative; all death becomes new life."
"Now the whole house was crack city essentially."
"A car here, a small house there, a windmill, a rotting barn."
"The world was crumbling apart as mankind followed suit with their baser instincts to look after their own survival."
"The natural realm began to decay, began to die. If that is true, then when we are looking back through that wall to try to go back in time to determine, for example, how old the universe is, we’re looking back through that wall that may distort our observation."
"The film's themes are about the lengths that people go to achieve fame and how the Hollywood Machine can chew up and spit out those who are desperate to be a part of it. Her body decays but there's some themes going on here and some symbolism too, you know?"
"Six Flags New Orleans was left to rot, and it seemed destined to become nothing but a memory."
"Decay is the product of two things: institutions are rigid and they don't change, and there's a universal tendency of elites to try to capture the political system and use it for their own ends."
"This place is dying. Hell," she said, glaring around. "This place is already dead."
"There's nothing here but a bunch of skeletons."
"In those seconds, Tom felt the weight of the backpack on his shoulders and tasted the decay in the air around him."
"You just talked to her too long and her ability to speak just starts to decay slowly."
"Your kingdom is rotting beneath you, Batman, and it's causing you to frown."
"The process of Resurrection... the body must Decay before it can become immortal and Incorruptible."
"Pluto is a planet that decomposes, that's what death does, it sort of eats away at things, the maggots and the what have you, eating away at the flesh, decomposes things, Pluto also composts things."
"This is an advanced state of corrosion and we're hoping that we can treat it with some preservative so as to stop it getting any worse."
"It's unknown exactly how many ancient trains lie rotting on these tracks, although it's clear that over the decades they've slowly begun to lose their battle against nature."
"Photographers are like raisins, they're worse than their former younger, fresher selves. They're sweet but they cause tooth decay in some, and they're wrinkly and dehydrated."
"It is rot, decay, death, and if it were not mortal, it would be false."
"The mold eaten carpet under her feet had once been gorgeously colored and whirls of gold could still be seen in the fabric."
"Everything is a process of decay, but there's beauty in the impermanence."
"What has risen may sink and what has sunk may rise. Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men."
"...the park has been abandoned and left to decay, leading many to believe that it is haunted."
"The aesthetics of the ugly and repulsive is very much contingent on temporality, on the passing time that wears down bodies and endows them with undesirable though temporary traits."
"Some sections of planks are so rotten that holes have opened up in the ground."
"Now you can serve all of your friends on something that looks like it's actually rotting, death right?"
"Anything that can be preserved has the capacity to be spoiled."
"It's the rust and corrosion that sets into these vehicles."
"It might be a slow death, but it will be an eventual death for any nation that allows morality to become redefined and unchecked, and immorality takes root."
"The cable's not terrible but some of it is starting to show signs of green goo like this one here."
"The upside down, like the veil of shadows, dark reflection or echo of our world, of decay and death."
"...the play itself evades meaning because it shows in a world that has no ultimate guarantees of... any sense of a stable meaning is going to decay."
"So it's just falling apart. That is the pitch from this tree."
"The systems that govern our way of life, decadent and selfish as it may be, do seem to be sputtering a bit."
"It was the coolest shade of Decay Antiquity and desolation putrid dripping Idol on of unwholesome Revelation."
"Some houses just decay beautifully, and this is the prime example of that."
"This place is absolutely beautiful, so much decay, paint peel, beautiful Gothic Victorian architecture."
"A lot of people call this place a bone yard and although there's no shortage of gargantuan wide body airliner carcasses lined up in the dirt and varying states of disrepair."
"A once Grand Home owned by people of note, now a decaying shell."
"The whole basement is very creepy looking and is quite literally falling apart, but it could have some potential if they renovated it."
"Let's go ahead and rot the education."
"The old bridge abutment is still here and it is slowly falling into the river."
"Abandoned cities, defunct trade networks, and derelict monuments."
"The laws of physics have not changed since creation, as evidenced by the absence of radical changes in decay rates."
"When the world rots, we set it a fire. For the sake of the next world."
"If the soul is rotten, it will have to be discarded."
"Transience is that memories can fade over time."
"Soon after its abandonment, the stones of Vijayanagara would have sprouted with grasses, palms, and weeds."
"...take a moment or two to appreciate what is essentially the beauty of decay."
"We picked some and put them in a bag to bring home with us. When we got home, we got the apples out of the bag, and every single apple had a rotten part on one side."
"The human mind with all of its qualities will wither up and Decay unless it is used."
"Sometimes there's beauty in decay."
"All trees that have any size have decay. It's kind of a natural occurrence over a lifetime of a tree, you're gonna have it. Our job is to go home: is this affecting its structural integrity and how badly?"
"Your box that has a decent amount of water in it and has oxygen going in, it's going to decay, it's going to degrade."
"So if you understand all that, and then as you're looking at decay patterns, you can see how advanced that decay is and what the chance the tree has to overcome it. It's really important."
"You put plates on the bottom so they get a new skin, but it's still corroding from the inside. It's not gonna go away."
"the Moss ball was rotting away its already crowded habitat and suffocating itself with its own refuse"
"The visual is bad in Ramadi, but that day it looked as if it were dying. This day it looked like the hand was already dead, like it was foreshadowing all that was to become of me if I were to succumb to my wounds."
"The deeper a volcanic layer in the geologic record, the more time for accelerated decay. So, the more daughter isotopes it will have accumulated during the flood year. Thus, these methods may often not always be a guide to relative ages of strata."
"The infrastructure in the United States is crumbling and there is no money to fix it."
"Without their ever knowing the beginnings of decay, could any man desire a better end?"
"Decay is unavoidable, able bolters rust, the shells they fire are spent and the fingers that pull their triggers wear down with the passing of time."
"They step out of the forest to see that the vibrant greenery and flowers on the outskirts have mostly withered over Hawkins."
"Nothing was left but the stench of Decay."
"It wasn't so much the thing itself as an atmosphere of awful Decay, a sort of luminous ruin."
"There's no absolute reason that we have to decay."
"There was a tremendous amount of corrosion."
"Nothing's eating those cookie crumbs so it starts getting very very hot."
"the resulting energy loss is fairly minimal. In fact, it's so minimal that the radioactive particles released as a byproduct remain fully intact and can take more than a thousand years to decay to the point where they no longer pose a threat to human beings."
"...time reveals all these glamorous things to be faked because no one cares about this place anymore."
"The actual concept of their company is rotting. It's rotten from the inside."
"Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days."
"That's insane, bro. It's immortal but it can still become decrepit. - Hunter"
"Few vessels conjure as much dread as the putrified and decaying ships in the service to the chaos god Nuro."
"If the salt has become tasteless, how will it be salty again?"