
Addiction Quotes

There are 5986 quotes

"Addiction is a progressive narrowing of the things that bring us pleasure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The early phase of a romantic relationship engages the same neural circuitries as addiction."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What I find so interesting about social media platforms like TikTok is that... it proves that their adherence or addiction to them just proves that this is tapping into some core neural circuit that exists in everyone."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our craving for a quick fix is fueling our consumption of either prescription or non-prescription drugs."
"I define addiction as a progressive narrowing of the things that bring you pleasure, and I define a good life as a progressive broadening of the things that give you pleasure."
"Addiction is not a disease; addiction is a response."
"There is no shame in pornography addiction, especially considering that what it is, is quite literally a hijacking of your biological wiring as a man."
"The internet’s addictive power comes from the fact that it is a novelty machine."
"More hours per week of internet porn viewing correlated with a reduction in grey matter in areas of the brain involved in motivation and decision-making."
"Being hooked on porn is due to the same brain changes that go with all addictions."
"Addictions are basically chasing after dopamine."
"The human body can heal itself in so many ways, including from addiction, but it has to have the right external support structure and the right internal support."
"The serotonergic psychedelics are not only non-addictive, they may be anti-addictive."
"Motivation and addiction are on a spectrum... something that used to be good for us, if we overdo it or we're doing it and somehow it's starting to actually not have the same effect, that can become destructive."
"The problem of compulsive overconsumption or addiction is the modern plague that we will be dealing with for the next hundreds of years."
"Addiction is born in isolation and but addiction also begets isolation."
"Smartphones are addictive, the Internet is addictive, and everything that's on there is addictive."
"One is too many and all the drinks in the world are never enough."
"And it's amazing how people's personalities change to be happier, more normal, and more fulfilled when they get rid of their addictions and start eating healthier."
"It's just a different flavor of the same thing, like video game addiction, internet addiction; it's just dopamine hijack."
"The biggest issue in the world, in my opinion, is the devil's bargain, where food is making us sick, we're getting addicted, and it's making us sick, and then the medical system is profiting from the fact that everyone's getting sick."
"Addiction isn't linear... The goal is balance and finding a place where you can be settled without always trying to fill a void."
"You're literally addicted to doing and you're addicted to success."
"The extremes of pleasure all lead to addiction, yet there's no such thing as being addicted to too much happiness."
"Empathy for people with addictions, empathy for domestic violence survivors, empathy for those in codependent relationships."
"Everyone has an addiction. You need to choose your addiction."
"Social media is literally addictive... it's giving them huge floods of serotonin and dopamine."
"It's not the addiction that's the primary problem. It's an attempt to solve a problem."
"The essence of addiction is trauma. The addiction is not the primary problem; it's an attempt to solve a problem."
"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
"I wanted to be normal. Not having to second-guess eating, drinking, my environment, addiction-proofing everything."
"We're worth more when we're addicted, distracted, outraged, polarized, and disinformed than if we're a living thriving citizen."
"Gacha seems less like a game genre and more like an addiction, a hobby offering danger, excitement, and cute collectible anime girls that can also bring ruin, pain, and suffering."
"Addiction...how frequently we will do that, so that's addiction."
"Gambling is scary; gambling addiction is extremely real."
"Some of the biggest addictions that people suffer from, every one of them is targeted one after the other in the Quran. It's not just solving a Muslim problem; it's solving a human problem, a societal problem, and solving a global problem."
"Social media is like a drug. It's like dopamine hit after dopamine hit of just like, I need more likes, more views. You just need more and more and more, and it's very toxic to the psyche."
"The ultimate addiction is the addiction to power as the force rather than surrendering to the love, which is the actual thing that we're looking for."
"Once you experience truth or you touch truth for the first time, it's an experience that I don't know, it's very addicting."
"That's where addictive pathways can come into play."
"Alcohol is the devil. If you know how to... it takes over and you become a different person, it's time to let that go."
"People are addicted not actually to the phone; people are addicted to the small rushes of excitement that they think they can get dozens of times a day every time they pick up the phone."
"Addiction is the continued use of a substance or activity to escape, numb, or self-medicate emotional or physical pain despite problems in one or more areas of living as a result of use."
"You lose everything tomorrow, you start being addicted to heroin, to crack, and all of this, your mom would be there by your side."
"The reason we're so addicted to scrolling, to gossip, to news stories, to things that are dragging us down, is because we're compensating for the total absence of thrills and adventure and positive drama in our own lives."
"Our desire for drama is an expression of our more fundamental aspirations to feel alive. When that need isn't being met in a healthy way, our efforts to compensate lead for unhealthy addictions."
"Addicts are some of the best people on earth if they can just get clean."
"Almost everyone is addicted to something, whether that be their phones, Instagram, alcohol, online pornography, drugs, whatever it might be."
"The addiction to unhappiness is actually addictive."
"Inflation is an addiction once the government gets down the path of spending money to solve its problems."
"An addiction is manifested in any behavior that a person craves and finds temporary pleasure or relief in, but suffers negative consequences in the long term and is unable to give it up."
"She left the Downtown Eastside for six months and she actually got clean. And then she came back and within three days was there dead of an overdose."
"The word addiction actually comes from a Latin phrase for slavery."
"The variable that correlates the most with being addicted to pornography is a sense of meaninglessness."
"That chronic smokers of nicotine and chronic consumers of alcohol, in particular alcoholics, are strongly anti-correlated with happiness."
"The first question in addiction for me is not why the addiction but why the pain."
"I dealt with addiction for about six years and went through an intervention. I am about a month into being sober, and your videos absolutely helped me keep my mind occupied during rougher times."
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection."
"Addiction is defined as a chronic relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use despite harmful consequences."
"Brain imaging studies from drug-addicted individuals show physical changes in areas of the brain that are critical for judgment, decision-making, learning, memory, and behavior control."
"Getting out in the Sun every morning and getting a good night's sleep every night... also help keep your dopamine levels higher, which helps you fight this addiction."
"Addiction fundamentally changes the brain... it changes your personality, changes your cognition, it changes your behavior."
"Addiction is rather a plastic series of brain adaptation. It's a dynamic process in the brain rather than a permanent state of brain pathology."
"Binding behaviors or behaviors in which people bind their behavior around a particular substance use or around a particular behavioral addiction."
"The addiction phenomenon is a result of people medicating themselves in a society that doesn't know how to treat them."
"The book is called 'Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing,' and the big terrible thing is, of course, your struggles with addiction."
"The story of disposable vapes is in many ways the story of our times: one of addicted customers trapped in coercive consumer relationships."
"The disease of addiction is so self-centered. It's like, me, me, mine."
"Fast food is: extract the most addictive things from food, mix them together in the right combinations and the palatability, remove all the nutrients so that it doesn't even fill you up so you keep eating it."
"Addiction is not about the drugs. Addiction is about connection with people."
"People are so addicted to outrage. It is an adrenaline addiction."
"Skyblock is a tragic addiction. Don't be like me, guys."
"Addiction is a disease that can only thrive in isolation."
"This society loves you to be addicted, feeling inadequate. This path towards wholeness is not supported by the culture. In fact, it's undermined by it."
"I'm saying that when in a society like ours, more and more people are getting sick, more addicted, more mentally ill, more people are dying of overdoses, that's also a representative of a toxic culture."
"Don't ask why the addiction. Ask why the pain."
"Addiction is based on instant reward, instant high, instant gratification."
"We are animals. We forget that so much of our addictive behaviors worked very well for us thousands of years ago."
"Once Tetris's row deleting mechanic was implemented, Pajitnov found himself too addicted to his own game to finish it."
"The lowest of lows and the highest of highs, the thrill that intoxicates the mind and leads many to ruin."
"If it's healthy, it's not an addiction. If it's an addiction, it's not healthy."
"Healing an addiction is one of the ultimate spiritual accomplishments."
"An addiction is any behavior that one craves, finds some pleasure or relief in temporarily but has negative long-term consequences."
"Days in a row without sleeping because I was using the drugs that keep you awake."
"They are world famous for getting awesome results, crazy fast, and for being downright addictive."
"Addiction is not a disease inherited or otherwise, nor is it a bad choice; it's a response to trauma."
"Ultra-processed foods are engineered to be highly desirable, combining sugar, fat, and salt to maximize reward."
"Humans are designed to worship. They're always going to worship something. If they're not going to worship something bigger than themselves, they're going to worship their job, their alcohol, sex, whatever that thing is."
"People with addictions aren't bad people; they're just normal people who have these kinds of addictions."
"There's so much promise with Battlefield 5. I'm addicted to the gameplay."
"Humans left to their own devices in front of infinite dopamine machine will keep pulling the lever until their brains rot."
"Fame can be an addiction more than money, more than material possessions."
"The greatest addiction in the world today is the addiction to other people's approval."
"Candy Crush Saga, a fun and addictive candy matching game with thousands of levels, enraptured and captivated Facebook users around the world."
"Antidepressants like SSRIs are probably the most commonly used to treat hypersexuality or sex addiction. These are drugs like Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, and others."
"The fact that the brains of chronic diet soda consumers are changing over time to value sugar and sweetener equally is a very good clue that sweeteners like aspartame could indeed be addictive."
"So some people are saying that I'm addicted to this game, and that's fair. I won't argue that. I enjoy playing this game. I love seeing the little details."
"We need to provide health care responses to people that are dealing with addiction."
"The addictive qualities of psychedelics are non-existent; in fact, many of the psychedelic plants are used to quit highly addictive drugs."
"It was so much easier to change my diet and get my ass on the treadmill than it was to admit I have an alcohol problem."
"My sister-in-law was standing there, and she goes, 'This has to stop. Like, we have to find a way to get you help. I can't stand by and watch somebody that I love hurt themselves like this.'"
"American food supply is wilfully engineered to be addictive."
"Addiction more than anything...that brutal honesty is crucial to overcoming."
"I'm sorry to tell you but dude, you're an alcoholic."
"Addiction is like a parasite in that it sort of takes over the host bit by bit until the host is the addiction."
"Sobriety is possible. I have seven years clean from heroin, meth, pills, and I'm so proud of that."
"I want to talk about all the ups and downs, everything that I've struggled with with addiction and not just paint it as some horrible, horrible, disgusting, ugly thing."
"It's not like you put the drugs down and your problems are cured. No, you actually struggle with addiction for the rest of your life."
"There is no cure for addiction; you'll always be an addict, but you can absolutely be a recovering or even a recovered addict."
"Social media companies... hire people that are behavioral psychologists who understand what it would take to get somebody addicted."
"Addiction as the constant narrowing of things that give you pleasure and recovery is the expansion of things that give you pleasure."
"It combines the addictive nature of finding and modding new weapons with fun, solid combat and gunplay."
"I'm kind of having a [__] blast. I'm not gonna lie; this is kind of addicting."
"This game is actually addicting, and I did have an absolute blast playing it."
"In an obvious and extreme case, we know that strong addictive narcotics can affect our behavior and decisions in ways we won’t have the strength to control, so most of us voluntarily decide to just keep them out of our own reach."
"I am a recovering Pali addict, abstaining from all psychoactive substances and constantly trying to further my life with a program of recovery."
"The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety, it's purpose."
"You have to admit you have the problem, you have to admit that you don't have power over it."
"Addiction is not about the substance or the behavior; it's about our relationship with it."
"We've gone over every continent in the world. It's an evolutionary trap."
"I just felt like I was so addicted to this kind of false version of my life that it was just taking over. It was becoming a problem. I was just obsessed with it."
"I'm not going to lie, Blade Ball is addicting."
"I'm going to be honest, this game is addicting."
"This game is actually addicting. I don't know why it's getting tougher for sure, guys, or I'm just getting worse at ROBLOX."
"People who focused on being sober today were much more successful than people who were trying to be sober for one year."
"Master of Puppets is essentially about drug use: the master is the drug, and the puppet is a person who's addicted."
"People who get a taste of fame or get a little bit of attention start craving it. It's almost like a drug."
"Marcel was at the top of his game, a gripping personal journey. We explore his world as he spirals into the world of CS:GO gambling."
"Once the power to censor is... an incredibly potent power... it's something that becomes so addictive."
"It has that one more go hook to it, to a compulsive level. Like, this game's dangerous."
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; it's community."
"A compassionate society doesn't keep people on drugs; it helps get them off of it."
"The treatment is not telling somebody to drink less alcohol, the treatment is support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, family help, social work, friends, church, religion."
"To me, drug addiction or alcoholism is a pure medical problem."
"In America, it's considered more of a silent addiction. You're not seeing a lot of these internet cafes; it's happening in your homes, in people's bedrooms."
"Every day is a new challenge... I'm going to continue to try and get better every day and beat this addiction."
"An addiction is a coping mechanism. It is, in essence, self-administered pain medication."
"One of the greatest addictions for most humans probably on the planet is the addiction to overthinking, excessive thinking, unhappiness-inducing thinking."
"I just... I'm addicted to the netherite, man. I can't help myself."
"Addiction is the curse of the human condition, we seem to almost be pre-programmed to latch onto anything that makes us feel good."
"For many, our enjoyment of certain activities is manageable, but for others, it can lead to a downward spiral."
"We as a species are so susceptible to addiction, scientists have sought out to find out why."
"However, it's actually more diabolical than that... we literally achieve less dopamine release each subsequent time."
"I haven't even pressed play yet and I'm already hopelessly addicted."
"One of the most addictive games I think I've ever played."
"Treating it like a criminal issue is a really dumb idea because addiction will make you do dumb things to get your high."
"God says I'm holy enough to be with you when you're in addiction, and I'm still holy enough to be with you when you're in ministry."
"Rational recovery... It's about empowering people instead of saying they're powerless."
"Addicts are warriors... there's a certain dedication there, an unrelenting drive."
"War is the most potent narcotic invented by humankind."
"Obsession doesn't even begin to describe what I was dealing with. Addiction was a far more accurate word."
"There is something so addictive about her writing that I just love."
"I have a problem. I think I need to go into rehab. That's it. I need to go into like margin rehab."
"The true antidote to addiction is to want to be in the world. It's when forgetting the world in oblivion is not as good as being awake and alive."
"Addiction is a disease defined by compulsive use of a substance or pattern of behavior that one cannot stop, even as it has a severe negative consequence on a person's quality of life."
"Non-chemical addiction can be just as harmful. And because there is no exterior chemical component to point at as the villain, it's often misunderstood in a way that directly harms the addict."
"Narcissistic relationships are so much like an addiction, and you feel pulled back to the dysfunction."
"Addiction is destructive from every single angle and each and every one of those angles should be met with the same level of empathy and compassion that we meet Rue with."
"There are many people out there who just cannot help themselves because of the way their brains are wired."
"We have a society that celebrates addiction."
"After I did my very first project, I was addicted. I got hooked and I just haven't stopped."
"You're addicted to your default because you've been this for so long."
"Everyone has a default. Whatever that default is, you're addicted to it, and you will always find a way back to it."
"If you're harming somebody by your behavior, you're going to relapse."
"The constant state of hurt, of fear, and of rage stoked by ever more divided media and entrenched ideology is a perfect breeding ground for further division and for the type of widespread addiction we now see in the United States."
"Social media's job is to numb us and addict us, exploit our worst instincts in most base biology rather than give us anything that might actually heal us, unite us with facts, or strengthen our ability to reason and live peacefully with one another."
"You let go of addictions and overcome any addictions that you have."
"The real drug here is fame, and when Ben got a taste of fame with an addict mentality, that's really where stuff started to go downhill."
"I'm still writing songs for that woman who's struggling with addiction, struggling financially, pain in her eyes, trying to figure out how to take care of her kids."
"Methamphetamine: the most addictive illegal drug in America."
"Maybe making this video can help me kick my addiction to watching silly little videos."
"You actually can be behaviorally addicted to social media and your phone."
"We call it the crisis next door... and we're reversing that, the way we're not punishing the drug traffickers and often we're punishing the addicts too much."
"Gambling is dangerous... gambling can appear fun, but it can ruin your life if you're not careful with it."
"I am a whale in my addiction to Valorant skins, even though I am horrible at the game."
"Addiction does not necessarily make you a bad person, but it does very quickly make you an expert at lying to yourself and manipulating others."
"In May 2020, I gave up all of my addictions."
"My entire day revolved around consuming, and it felt uncontrollable."
"Highly addictive and can change your brain chemistry. You become addicted to eating like this, and then it becomes very difficult to stop."
"Every bit of technology has been optimized to keep you hooked."
"We have to treat obesity, overweight, fat gain like an addiction."
"Nothing can stop me because I'm addicted to do with you and I realize."
"We read it just almost every meeting... Here are the steps we took, which are suggested as a program of recovery."
"There's nothing wrong with liking crack either, but you shouldn't smoke it."
"Using its AI technology to learn how to create the most addictive user interface possible."
"Everybody enjoys confirmation bias... it releases endorphins, it releases a literal chemical drug release in your mind which is addictive."
"The biggest drug in the world is not cocaine, heroin, or Molly; it's success, it's fame."
"If you're interested in reducing addiction... you have to talk about what are those factors that make this appealing."
"They also designed these things to be addicting."
"Addiction is not a byproduct of homelessness; it's the other way around."
"It doesn't work like that; people don't make sound decisions for themselves when they're in their addiction."
"Our tax money should not fund people's drug habits."
"Sometimes there's porn addiction and stuff mixed into with these intimacy disorders..."
"Now like I said I think LaRon initially took whatever performance enhancement drugs he took to take advantage of his healing properties but being a workout worried that he already is I think he got addicted to the benefit."
"I love creating, I love building, and I'm addicted to that feedback."
"Substance abuse can affect the brain in terms of mood, behavior, cognition, memory, and overall functioning."
"You're not meant to be addicted to weed, you're meant to be addicted to Jesus."
"Sugar, the opposite happens. You get hungrier because you increase insulin. You drive when you make stuff so much. It's terrible. I was addicted to it. All of us were."
"Giving up the addiction means giving up fun. Means making your life just less enjoyable than it could be."
"And then the fight starts and of course you you know you go through the ups and downs of the fight but what makes it so addicting is the feeling that Michael Chandler felt this last weekend"