
Economic Systems Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"Every economic system has a problem of exploitation if it's not bound by certain levels of morality."
"Capitalism has flaws, and there's a lot of ways to change that."
"Every economic system that’s ever existed in the world has had the people who love it and the people who don't."
"Showing that their system not only can grow faster than any capitalist country, but that they can avoid or minimize the damage from the instability that capitalism has never overcome."
"It's very easy for us to think that commodity money, barter, was the natural way for economies and that we've deviated from that, but a lot of people are like, credit is very natural in a sense."
"You can't look at the United States or capitalism or free markets in a vacuum; if you do, you're doing it wrong."
"The economic system that we live under right now, stop me if you've heard this one before, is called capitalism."
"Every economic system, he argued, is born, evolves over time, and dies to be replaced by another."
"Capitalism is the single most successful, prosperous, egalitarian, and robust economic system in human history."
"I'm not married to capitalism; if there's a better system, then fuck capitalism."
"If your economic system is too weak to resist outside pressure, that sounds like a good argument for my system."
"Our economic systems are set up like that: to make a minority rich and a majority poor."
"These free market countries have been looted and destroyed by international corporations, whereas countries that have central planning have raised people out of poverty."
"Are there not tens or hundreds of millions of people in this country who would probably benefit from or prefer collective ownership?"
"Capitalism has been anti-fragile as a system of resource distribution."
"The Inca stand out like a red light on the face of history for no other advanced state had ever managed without private property as the basis of economic relationships, nor has any other high civilization existed without writing."
"The best economic systems will work when everyone is an absolute POS. Maybe humans are amazing, but the best system should survive human greed."
"We are being called upon to create something that isn't capitalism, isn't communism, doesn't use fiat money."
"I don't think capitalism is evil. I just think we're starting to see it fail."
"Capitalism is nature and this is a re-emergence of capitalism."
"The invention of private property rights leads to capitalism, which leads to a deeper division of labor and higher intensity exchange."
"Capitalism is just... it's so ingrained in us that we refuse to advance for the sake of a handful of huge wallets."
"This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems."
"The price mechanism dissolving, the link between work and wages dissolving, and then organizations and hierarchies being decentralized, falling apart, and the ownership of things not being clear."
"Capitalism leads to economic democracy. Socialism leads to the economic dictatorship of the elite, always and everywhere."
"Capitalism isn't perfect, but it's the best system we've found so far."
"The zeitgeist movement advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation, and human need."
"Capitalism is the most dramatic success in the history of the world."
"Capitalism is supreme, is dominant when it comes to being able to improve the quality of life for those who are rich and for those who are poor."
"We have grown up with the idea that there's a profound distinction between capitalism on the one hand and socialism on the other."
"I'm not a capitalist, so does that mean I have to be a socialist?"
"Capitalism is the best economic system I can think of, but that doesn't mean it's a religion and everything about it is good."
"Technology can help rescue us from before we had capitalism and socialism and ways to organize human but now we can actually use technology to improve all these things."
"Socialism is not driven by a hatred of the rich; we hate a system which allows a small group of people to hold a wildly disproportionate amount of power."
"Socialism, given equal levels of economic development, is an objectively better system."
"Capitalism is the best system known to man to lift people up from poverty."
"The reason communism doesn't work isn't simply due to human nature being bad... The problem is calculation. Without a market to set price, you do not know how much to produce."
"How can the country that created modern democracy and free market enterprise do such a poor job essentially of both of those?"
"This socialist approach to everything where everybody can just free ride their way into success, it's just not my cup of tea."
"Human communities can do better than this economic system."
"Let's just realize capitalism is a mixed, market-state system, and get a bit of realism in here rather than ideology."
"A centralized system with central planners in charge...doesn't deliver success. A decentralized system is far more successful, efficient, effective, and resilient."
"Communism: an attractive alternative to capitalism."
"What do they want instead? We've tried some socialisms, those didn't work out too well."
"It's one of many seemingly innocent things that hides yet another dirty truth of capitalism."
"Far from being the cause of our problems, free trade capitalism, as an economic system, is the only instrument we have to end hunger, poverty, and extreme poverty across our planet. The empirical evidence is unquestionable."
"None of these problems will ever be solved without disrupting the interest of the powerful because the powerful by definition are those that determine the strategies, methods, agenda, and goals of world economics."
"There needs to be a hazard sign right, this concept exists in every facet of capitalism."
"But let's debate their damn ideas because calling the other guy racist doesn't work."
"The market has to work for people not just institutions."
"I do reject socialism as an economic system."
"Capitalism has created everything that we have today every single great thing you have in your life whether it be a car or in an air conditioner or clean water in your house or whatever it may be it all came from capitalism."
"There is no alternative to capitalism, there are only different and better forms of capitalism."
"By and large, the free market system has brought prosperity to the country who practiced it."
"Socialism's never worked anywhere in the world."
"I think there should be the free market with government interventions."
"One cannot make a beacon of capitalism without the exploitation of the laborer just as one cannot make a communist utopia without cutting the z down to size."
"Scandinavia and Canada are capitalist countries with a robust social safety net."
"The pie on the classic you know pay on to capitalism is is the best known system to mankind to lift people up from poverty."
"Elon Musk says he supports cryptocurrency in a battle with fiat money like government-backed coins and bills."
"I spent 33 years being a high class muscle man for big business for Wall Street and the bankers... I was a racketeer for capitalism." - Smedley Butler
"We're talking about a blended economy, as many of the successful economies out there, between socialism and capitalism."
"You cannot have socialism without capitalism or it becomes communism, but you cannot have capitalism without socialism or it becomes fascism."
"Culture and economics are inseparably intertwined. Certain economic systems allow families to thrive. Thriving families make economies possible. You can't separate the two."
"Capitalism is never going to stop... it's going to keep trying to commodify everything."
"I think you need both... you need free markets, but those people they need help." - Brian
"Capitalism has set many more people out of poverty than any other system we yet know of."
"We are not living in capitalism... we are experiencing some kind of command economy."
"I want people to look past these intracapitalist solutions, I want them to consider something else, I want them to abandon capitalist realism."
"The wealth of any nation will be redefined in terms of its sustainable systems."
"As much as we think we are a capitalist Society we have veered into this collectivism in certain markets and where it's measurable and obvious we need to point at it and say let's go fix it."
"Capitalism is basically as a decentralized incentive system incentivizing All Humans should both do novelty search figure out new ways of making money and exploitation take the existing ways and do the most of them that you can."
"If you want to have a four-day work week, you would have to do anti-capitalist things."
"There's a version of Politics... that seems to say we can get away from [free market capitalism], it's not as important."
"It's freedom, it's capitalism, it's democracies that do that, not socialist governments."
"It's been proven time and time again in history that communist approaches to economics command economic approaches just don't work."
"Every economic system is like a building... some people that take a helicopter and land on the roof."
"There are two economic systems fighting for control... capitalism and technocracy."
"A free press is a pillar, maybe the pillar of free society. How can you have an establishment and press working together to keep ordinary people ignorant and bewildered and claim that it's anything like a free country?"
"The future is not just financial or non-financial; it's mixed financial."
"You have to look behind the curtain of the international monetary system."
"Capitalism has volatility... but it's still the best system."
"Look at capitalism, has empty shelves. I thought it was only socialism that did that."
"There's no other system that has worked as well as capitalism."
"There's so much more you can offer than just your physical looks, than the sexual feelings."
"We are witnessing the birth of Bretton Woods 3, a new world monetary order centered around commodity-based currencies in the East."
"Capitalism has to have competition and private property to exist at all."
"We notoriously had a paper money regime in the early days of the republic."
"We went from a wealth-based system to a debt-based system, it's an incredible thing."
"People have literally no choice but to work at a business. You get to choose your master but you don't get to choose a different system."
"Stealing money is immoral; therefore socialism is good because it stops the theft of your hard-earned dollars."
"This is a NATO war at a certain level not formally not legally not officially but that you had pointed out that to a large degree in terms of armaments even you could say professionally trained soldiers and aspects of it."
"The system in Iceland is like a mix of American capitalism and Scandinavian socialism."
"Capitalism is merely the best system that we have."
"People start to self-organize away from top-down command-and-control economies."
"Capitalism is a ceaselessly innovative system."
"Can we really say the Nordic countries are socialist?"
"We need to reconsider the model of capitalism that we have."
"The great virtue of the market is that people who hate one another in other respects can cooperate with one another on the market without any difficulty."
"How would you improve capitalism? Socialism is an attempted improvement of capitalism."
"Facades of fairness and justice: Moloch and Mammon in a mask."
"Money is a system of effectively societal memory."
"If this is capitalism, give me some communism, give me some socialism."
"Capitalism for the working class, socialism for the elites."
"The real enemy is a mode of production that concentrates power."
"The only oppression is psychological. The only oppression is the oppression that we've accepted by working and giving all of our spoils and all of the things that we earned with our work over to economic Elite that mean to use us politically."
"Clearly, they do not believe in capitalism, they believe in monopolies."
"If we change our economic system to make it less friendly to business, there's not gonna be a lot of entrepreneurialism."
"Capitalism is when private individuals have the ability to trade amongst each other."
"Crypto is the life raft to the titanic of fiat."
"The broader push of history is away from the West and towards forms of economic systems we are talking about."
"We have to create tighter circular economies based on solidarity to counter these extractive economies."
"We're moving towards a multi-polar-backed system."
"Is there going to be a place for other digital assets in this world? In my opinion, yes, but none of them solve the fiat Ponzi."
"And it’s probably not going to stop because everyone in the cycle profits, except you."
"If you ask yourself these questions, you might just come to the conclusion that we could come up with a better system than capitalism."
"Unfettered, unregulated capitalism, especially on a global scale, is a revolutionary force."
"The Fiat system puts powerful institutions at an advantage while putting individual citizens at a disadvantage."
"The power of a planned economy when you're not producing for profit, when you don't have to keep an elite section of society super rich, when you're not exploiting the workers but collectively using the wealth you produce to benefit everybody."
"Everything we have here in the US of A is because of capitalism."
"Communism has failed but what about capitalism? That's a question for the ages."
"Bitcoin is repricing this system; it has 21 million fixed. It doesn't matter what this system does."
"The only thing that this kind of printing is good for is for a very tiny Elite to run a system and rig it in their favor."
"Everything I discussed before is now boiling to... a new Global Financial system is emerging."
"Socialism is a system that might have within it a built-in mechanism to at least reduce the inequality that haunts capitalism."
"I don't care if someone else has more than me so long as I have a system where I'm able to do okay."
"Capitalism is the most humanitarian system ever conceived by man."
"You can't use the tools that capitalists have given you to win in a game against those who own capital. You're nothing."
"The conundrum of decentralized money ownership."
"The British Wizarding economy and the American Wizarding economy of the 1930s appear to be capitalist."
"Discover the historical difference between socialism and capitalism."
"America has some of the cleanest air and cleanest water in the world, and that's not in spite of a capitalist free-market system, that's because of our economic system."
"Socialism in the Soviet Union proved that there are certain intractable economic and social problems that capitalism cannot solve and that only socialism can solve."
"The fundamental difference between socialism and capitalism is that capitalism is impossible without racism, while socialism is impossible with racism."
"Communist approaches to economics just don't work."
"Bitcoin is the first engineered monetary system."
"Free market capitalism is not perfect but it's the best system we have to raise the standard of living for the poor and middle class."
"We are not a capitalist country anymore. We are a hybrid right now... moving closer to central planning."
"The system that's going to create the optimal Financial network is never going to come from the global Elite or tyrannical government. It's going to come from the bottom up."
"Trading was not something that typically took place on a space engineers server. Now with the economy update, you can start your trading empire."
"Capitalism is just the separation of economy and state."
"Maybe that suggests that the market and the system of profit driven decisions in business isn't the best way to go."
"We just need far better regulated capitalism, the likes of which we see in a number of other countries. Period."
"You'll never get 100% of Baptists to agree 100% on Doctrine. That's why our constitution says that churches must closely identify, not completely identify, with our confession."
"Central bank digital currencies and stable coins will be the new financial system."
"Globalization has increased the quality of life for more people than any other economic system in human history."
"Every country on this planet is some combination of a little bit of capitalism and a little bit of socialism."
"Central planned economies have always created misery and death."
"We're once again at a place in this country's history where people are realizing the exploitative nature of capitalism."
"The history of money is human beings looking for some system that they can use to store and trade value."
"Capitalism will always trump socialism and PC culture and cultural Marxism."
"The default position of a lot of young people is capitalism is bad... We need to try something new."
"Capitalism serves the wants and needs of people and it does so in a much more responsive way than the government."
"You better become a revolutionary very fast because this is the dominant form of value which operates in our society."
"Late stage capitalism is such a pain... the reason everyone is miserable might be that the whole system is broken."
"Capitalism has completely dominated the country."
"Shambhala is planning some kind of revolution against our greed-based system."
"There are certain things that just happen under a capitalist system." - Ben Shapiro
"If there wasn't a system of Commerce, a black man could actually be a man."
"There needs to be maybe a new system of capitalism... that thinks about meaning of human lives."
"Why have we not questioned the system we live under?"
"Public utilities are not supporting capitalism."
"There's nothing pure about capitalism." - Michael Moore
"Capitalism is a religion and Marxism is a religion."
"How do you build wealth and secure that wealth to survive a key turning of system where the goal actually by the system is to impoverish everyone into a peasantry class."
"The users don't care about capitalism or socialism or what's fair or what's not fair."
"The alternative is socialism, a capitalist society inherently leads to a two-class system."
"You can't affect Wall Street, what you can do is look out for ourselves."
"I am for a mixed economy, a healthy blend of capitalism and socialism."
"I wanted to explore how we've moved away from free market capitalism towards central planning."
"The dominance of the state in ownership and running of enterprises in China changes accountability and influences the evolution of systems."
"Capitalism provides a standard of living for society in a way that has never been done before in the history of mankind."
"Money: Starfield's economy works perfectly at low levels, but as your character progresses, it becomes frustrating."
"We want a world in which rule of law, open Society, open Dynamic market economy rules, reciprocity are the values, those are the terms of the relationship."
"Scandinavians are not socialists. They are capitalists."
"We've lifted out a tremendous number of people from poverty; it's capitalism that did that."
"Are you the type of person that would trade tomatoes or barley for emeralds?"
"What it does is it allows us to have a broader conversation around... economic social system we take for granted."
"Beautiful system capitalism value for value."
"Corruption is not some byproduct of monetary-ism, it is the very foundation."
"This is the tragedy and the criminal Center of capitalism."
"As I said earlier when you look at the Cato Institute study the majority of black people in America favor socialism over capitalism."
"The U.S. system of capitalism is the age of U.S. monopoly capital."
"Capitalism is regularly characterized as a sort of pernicious and cruel system but in fact, it's exactly the opposite..."
"We’ve obtained authoritarian capitalism in an ethical way."
"You could then have a genuine informed political choice based on really knowing what the two different economic systems offer."
"The opposite of socialism is more than just an economic system, it's fundamental freedoms."
"Capitalism is not perfect, but throughout the entire course of history we haven't found a better economic system yet."
"It's about whether Marxism or capitalism is better for happiness, but what makes people happy is so much more complex than merely what economic system they live in."
"Capitalism is slowly becoming unable to meet our needs as humans, leading to an organic transition towards socialism."
"They have an ideological belief in the private sector... just like there are socialists who have an ideological belief in the state sector."
"Capitalism should mirror nature because nature is perfect."
"Capitalism is the greatest thing ever. There's nothing wrong with capitalism. We're all Ardent capitalists."
"Is capitalism in crisis? Is socialism possible?"
"It's capitalism. The unknown force. Capitalism."
"Why can't sci-fi and fantasy imagine alternatives to capitalism or feudalism?"
"Chinese growth is for China. That's how their system is set up."
"The freedom you're fighting for is the freedom to live life outside the pressures of an autocratic economic system."
"Capitalism is incompatible with a livable climate."
"It's not democracy versus autocracy, it's financialization versus socialized mixed economies."