
Geopolitical Tension Quotes

There are 510 quotes

"Iran's control of the Strait of Hormuz adds another layer of complexity to oil prices."
"The greatest security threat to Estonia is the Russian Federation, whose objective is to dismantle and rewrite Europe's security architecture and the rules-based international order and to restore the politics of spheres of influence."
"Russia's playing a really dangerous game right now."
"The whole southern parts of Ukraine feel like they are under occupation, especially because of the laws regarding the language."
"If Haru falls, if the Russians capture it, then everyone...will conclude that the Russians have won the war."
"As war rages in both Europe and the Middle East, Donald Trump is encouraging Russia to attack our NATO allies."
"Thucydides' trap suggests we may be looking down the barrel of war with China."
"Western importers are reporting a steep rise in Ocean shipping rates and weeks-long delays as carriers divert ships from the Red Sea to avoid Houthi Rebel attacks."
"We are looking at a serious threat, and we are actively dealing with espionage, cyber war, and now potentially butting heads in international waters as China expands its influence."
"My administration is issuing new warnings that, based on evolving intelligence, Russia may be planning a cyber attack against us."
"The idea that we're going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews...that's called World War III."
"The left needs the post-Cold War holiday from reality to continue indefinitely. What will awaken us is the rise of China and the impending fiscal crisis."
"It could be the case that this strategic competition with the PRC, this new cold war, could be much more difficult and much more dangerous."
"Trump sent warships into the South China Sea."
"Ukraine is on Red Alert as Russia launches missile attack," this is happening right now.
"No nation that values its own sovereignty has any interest in allowing China to seize Taiwan."
"All this came at a time when an Arab Cold War was brewing."
"We are one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear Armageddon."
"There's always the latest rumors that the Russians come back, but the evidence is Russia is rearming, is rebuilding, is remobilizing."
"This should have never happened. This came from China. It should have been stopped in China before it got out to the world."
"The gap between China and the other nuclear superpowers continues to narrow."
"As the families and friends of the mh-17 victims mourn, the world watches and waits to see what Russia will do next."
"There is going to be a big Russian offensive at some point launched over the next 30 days."
"There's no doubt that the number one adversary the United States has had for a long time is communist China."
"The CCP is threatening war against Taiwan... will the United States step in to defend Taiwan if it comes down to it?"
"They'll blow up that Dam, and they have to do something because they could have stopped it..."
"All options may indeed be open in Cairo including a military first strike..."
"China is a geopolitical foe with aggressive action on its mind."
"China's possible invasion into Taiwan could happen sooner than expected." - Admiral nominated to lead the U.S Navy in the Indo-Pacific
"It's gonna turn out to be just like the Chinese military."
"Are the seeds being laid right now for future conflicts?"
"China, Russia, and Iran are collaborating to undermine the United States."
"China knew about the pandemic; they didn't tell anyone; in fact, they weaponized it."
"I am far more concerned about these two countries falling to blows and what that might lead to than I am about them having any sort of long-term functional alliance."
"Jesus said there had come an escalation of geopolitical tension."
"With American forces no longer acting as police against Bad actors, Iran could use the opportunity to attack Saudi Arabia."
"We know that China is prepared right now to take Taiwan." - Video Narrator
"Putin's back is against the wall right now. There's no more room for him to go."
"The risk of nuclear war has never been higher."
"The threat of a use of a nuclear device by Russia is real."
"There is no question that the most important thing we can do with regards to Taiwan is to strengthen their deterrence."
"Taiwanese F-16 fighters roared into the night on Wednesday in a show of force in front of the media, demonstrating the military's determination to defend the democratically governed island in the face of days of Chinese war games."
"China has effectively blockaded Taiwan from receiving outside resources. If they continue this, food and other resources will deplete in the island nation, weakening the country, making it easier for China to invade."
"The chances of nuclear war have never been higher."
"I am 99% sure we will be in a full-blown world war with Russia, resulting in a nuclear exchange."
"China is launching patrols in the Taiwan Strait ordering inspections of ships and Taiwan says that it will not comply."
"The US military officer says China could invade Taiwan in the coming years..."
"These weapons don't escalate the fight, they stop the fight, they bring the cost home to Russia."
"Russia is afraid of Ukraine joining NATO because if NATO decides to become more western friendly and as a thriving happy and healthy democracy right there I think that's a threat to the autocratic rule of Putin."
"We seem to be sleepwalking into another conflict in Europe."
"Even countries that kind of hate each other, like Japan and South Korea, have been teaming up because of the China threat."
"Russia likely sees land attack cruise missiles as a key capability to strike deep into Ukraine."
"We're setting up air identification zones in the South China Sea. You can't fly through them. I said, 'We're going to fly through them.'"
"Bakmut opens the door for Russian offensive operations."
"Bakmut is like a gate that the Russians can use."
"President Putin has inferred that he's prepared to use any means necessary which means essentially he's issuing a nuclear threat to anybody that's supporting Ukraine in this war."
"It's only a matter of time, that things are heating up, not just in the sense of TikTok but in the overall sense of China-U.S. technology relationships."
"The U.S. has issued a warning that Vlad is stepping up efforts to launch airstrikes against Ukraine's civilian targets."
"An explosion in Jankoy City... destroyed a train carrying a number of cruise missiles."
"Using nuclear weapons is not off the table for Russia in winning the war in Ukraine, a terrifying prospect for the world."
"A war between the US and China would destroy the possibilities of organized life on Earth."
"We are not on the precipice of World War Three but the fact that the United States and Russia are now engaged in very serious regime altering hand-to-hand combat on the economic front makes what we are talking about much more plausible."
"If they start to transfer nuclear weapons to Belarus, then we are talking about nuclear confrontation."
"The struggle of 'Return of Godzilla' is not only in defeating a force of destruction that has suddenly returned after decades, but in a country trying to remain strong when caught between the world’s superpowers."
"It looks like that some NATO members are actively preparing for war."
"I've gotten used to attacks from all kinds of angles from all kinds of directions under all kinds of pretexts and reasons."
"Russia's CR andar cray oil refinery set on fire following another nighttime drone attack by Ukraine drone swarm attack atts another Russian oil refinery."
"China's trying to put out the notice that as it gets more aggressive in the South China Sea."
"Economic and military conflicts may spiral out of control if strategic rivalry continues to intensify."
"China's not real happy with Russia... cause us to start um uh cranking up our industrial base."
"We mustn't fall into a new cold war... actually, we're already in it."
"I still think in the end of March and in early April, there may be some new complications involving China possibly in the southeast China Sea possibly involving Taiwan."
"He's invading the whole country in a multi-pronged attack."
"How far is Vladimir Putin prepared to go in Ukraine?"
"President Putin, in the name of humanity, bring your troops back to Russia. In the name of humanity, do not allow to start in Europe what could be the worst war since the beginning of the century."
"China could make the argument that maintaining this extra 2,000 or so nukes means that the United States isn’t actively looking to reduce its nuclear stockpile."
"Recently, scientists and researchers have modeled how a nuclear war would escalate if Russia launched a nuclear attack on Western Powers."
"‘No!’ he screeches. ‘NATO has gotten away with too much."
"Putin decides to step things up to show how serious he is."
"The withdrawal of foreign capital from China is attributed to challenging economic environment, rising geopolitical tensions, and tighter control by the Chinese Communist Party."
"The first volley in a world war is often economic, so it's something to keep an eye on."
"It is dangerous in the extreme for one country to have hundreds of nuclear weapons."
"We must prepare to fight the Russian army in a potential world war."
"The linked US-China trade, technology, and geopolitical conflicts have precipitated a new Cold War."
"This was significant. This man was the fifth nuclear scientist that's been killed since 2010 in Iran."
"The mere existence of a thriving democracy with a robust economy and a freedom-loving people is anathema to everything the Chinese Communist Party believes."
"The United States is strategically squeezing China and Russia at the same time. It's arrogant. It is pushing China and Russia together to strike back."
"We're very close to World War Three, but again, we're all crazy, right?"
"China has said that anyone trying to infringe on their sovereignty or their territorial Integrity will face the damnation of the International Community and the Chinese people as well as nuclear weapons."
"The Philippines said Tuesday it has asked the Chinese regime to remove all vessels in the disputed waters of the South China Sea."
"People are terrified that the Russians, if they cannot move as quickly as they want to, will do things like possibly encircle Kiev and just bomb it."
"We have to be intellectually honest and understand that there is a large and somewhat capable force in the north that a irrational leader could call into action."
"The U.S strategic framework for the Indo-Pacific recognizes that the U.S is at a crossroads between freedom and repression." - White House
"This could absolutely lead to World War. It's heating up."
"He's threatening Ukraine not to even think about joining that North Atlantic Treaty Organization because he knows that will mean U.S. troops, U.S. weapons, and of course missiles that Russia doesn't want to be on its border."
"There's a real threat here, a dangerous oppressive regime with powerful weapons. But the threat presents very differently for the people here, much differently than the fear that we feel an ocean away."
"Ukraine's Deputy foreign minister stated that his country should join NATO even if it violates Vladimir Putin's most stringent red lines."
"The implications are huge and all of the foibles that have led up to this have been funny but also a bit alarming for China."
"Putin pushed all the right buttons... the Russians really believe that expanding NATO over the past 20 years... is a real threat to their security."
"Any war between the United States and Russia will end in the deaths of literally millions of people, pointlessly, for no reason whatsoever."
"The Pentagon seeks wartime procurement Powers... preparing for a war with China."
"China claims self-governed Taiwan as its own and has not renounced the use of force."
"The American Military could not prevent the People's Republic of China from enslaving 23 million free people on Taiwan."
"We are in a new cold war with China, and most people don't realize it yet."
"The largest escalation of violence in years and it could reignite an old conflict going back a hundred years."
"A huge convergence of very high officials and clearly an agenda which is either a push for war or the build-up to something very big on the geopolitical stage."
"There's every reason to think a major major provocation is on the near horizon."
"If Russia were so rash... to engage in an invasion of sovereign territory of Ukraine, then there would be an extremely tough package of economic sanctions."
"Putin's got this new submarine called the Poseidon, he can detonate a nuke and create a tsunami wave over 1500 feet high."
"We're trying to help people get back on their feet so they can thrive and they can contribute to their local economy."
"The pending $1.1 billion arms sale to Taiwan comes after tensions escalated between Beijing, Taiwan, and the U.S."
"North Korea announced it possessed nuclear weapons, a hallmark of this transit."
"Increased military presence also forced the Philippines to back down over the disputed Spratly Islands."
"Some policymakers in Japan have described their country as being on the front lines."
"China will probably struggle to maintain its rapid advances in AI Quantum and cloud computing without access to U.S technology."
"One of the biggest threats is AI and the technology of China."
"The situation between Iran and Israel is looking extremely grim."
"Peace doesn't keep itself, and we do have people in authoritarian countries who threaten our interests."
"Russia is in for a rude awakening here if they... it's insane what we're gonna see here."
"The tense situation in the Taiwan Strait has recently become a focus of international attention."
"China is going to get more difficult to do business with."
"Australia-China ties are at their lowest point in history."
"Russia's war in Ukraine has raised serious concerns among NATO's Baltic member states."
"God says that inside the United States on the day that there comes a clash between Russia and America, America is going to be shocked."
"The Chinese Communist regime seems to be flexing its military muscle again."
"Consider that in the midst of the global pandemic, the People's Liberation Army and the Ministry of State Security have conducted cyber attacks against hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and medical research facilities."
"Every day Ukraine is advancing somewhere on the map and the Russians are struggling."
"Soon great forces would be tearing apart two Slavic nations."
"There's a lot of adversaries that would like to take advantage of that and we need to treat it accordingly."
"Taiwan is really on the front lines of the cyber warfare with China."
"Taiwan's defense ministry is warning China of strong countermeasures if its forces get too close to the island."
"Muscle flexing in the form of military exercises on the border with Ukraine is an attempt by Russia to put pressure in the negotiations."
"This is a dangerous moment for all of Europe, for freedom around the world. Putin has committed an assault on the very principles that uphold global peace."
"Putin's on the back foot on the battlefields of Ukraine, under a lot of pressure to change the momentum."
"Ukraine's capital ready for battle as Russian troops close in, explosions, air raid sirens, and gunfire erupting."
"But yeah, there has to be a concern that they could actually resort to nuclear weapons in some fashion."
"If North Korea uses nuclear weapons, it would mark the end of the regime."
"The Taiwanese priority: Strengthening security against China"
"There is also a long-term background Imperial War that Russia has... it is still a very great danger."
"Why would Russia have to Scuttle Nordstrom unless it's because it's about to Annex part of Ukraine and go completely crazy and start dropping thermobarics on civilian targets?"
"They are playing with fire by delaying support for Ukraine."
"It sounds like war with China is seriously on the horizon."
"Russia talking about halting commodities. Whoa, hang on, let's see what the news is. US stock 67 gains, Russia may halt wheat, corn, rye, barley exports March 15th, four takes bold steps."
"The Chinese media has been full of reports over the last few days about the sailing of this joint Chinese-Russian naval task force through the Japanese home islands."
"Putin's subsequent moves have generated widespread consternation around the world."
"Imagine how it would feel if a hostile power in Canada decided that Alaska would no longer be part of the United States."
"The fundamental warfare occurring is economic, backed up by the possibility of kinetic warfare."
"As China's geopolitical rise continues, it might impel the American ruling class to once more put workers' interests towards the front of the political agenda."
"The chances of nuclear use are not super high, but the worry is that they're not zero either."
"The continuing Western military aid to Ukraine will provoke Russian counts to measures."
"If all of these three towns are eventually captured by the Russians..."
"The Sino-American war: becoming clearer, reshaping our world and threatening every country's peace."
"China backing Russia in Ukraine would mean World War III."
"Ukraine is now a 'test site' for North Korean nuclear-capable missiles."
"It takes two to tango, and it's very clear Putin truly believes in his mind..."
"We're playing in the flash of World War III right now."
"The Israeli ground Invasion has not happened yet."
"The sun symbolically was shining brightly on them, but now darkness is beginning to cover these nations."
"Is the Arctic the new Cold War front?" - Dr. David Waralu
"Anytime you have two competing forces, competing for the same region, which is the Arctic, there's the possibility of military conflict."
"I never really took seriously the possibility of war between the United States and Russia... today I think is a very high probability."
"NATO will be in a fight with Russia if Ukraine falls."
"The United States actually came out afterwards and said the highest levels of the Kremlin actually approved this aggression action towards the United States military drone"
"We are definitely at a higher risk of nuclear war than we were yesterday."
"Moves like this could be a sign they don't care what our response is because they know there will be a worse response if they actually try to invade and seize Taiwan."
"Lines of communication between the White House and the Kremlin are probably as weak as they have been in a very long time."
"The U.S is trying to provoke a war with China."
"Russian air defense: a constant arms race where one side definitely has an advantage over the other."
"It also moves us one baby step towards bad things happening between countries that we don't want."
"We saw soldiers all over the place that's the most probably the most divided City in Israel."
"But now as many African leaders have refused to work with the West, it has decided to attack Africa's undersea internet cable."
"Europe finds itself torn between... close relations with Russia and China on the other hand the United States."
"The attacks on the oil facilities were anticipated, I am sure to intensify the pressure on the Russians."
"Unpredictable triggers may fuel a U.S.-Chinese military conflict." - Retired Admiral Scott Swift
"Israel is fully prepared to face any potential aggression from Iran and will respond with appropriate measures."
"The president warning of a cold, dark Christmas after relentless Russian attacks on Ukrainian power infrastructure."
"China's desperate right now that's why they will invade Taiwan before the end of the year."
"To me the most significant thing that has happened in the last two weeks is that a very slight threat of the use of nuclear weapons caused NATO to back off."
"The Russian buildup has been happening, they expect an assault on Kirby Raw very soon."
"We are witnessing and experiencing the outbreak of WW3 at this very time right now."
"If it did go nuclear, that's basically the end of the world right there."
"India has lured China into a trap... the diamond necklace looks as if it could put China on a tight leash for many years to come." - Video narrator
"NATO currently faces the most dangerous and unprecedented security environment since the Cold War."
"If we were to enter into a third world war and if nuclear weapons are launched there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Hawaii will be majorly targeted."
"Things could actually become more dangerous in terms of the global geopolitical situation."
"The warning to Russia was clear: if they didn't back down, they risked massive American retaliation."
"This is the Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse."
"China will have to think far ahead because we are not going to stop tensions regarding Taiwan."
"He's weak when the Taliban took Afghanistan; he's showing weakness as Russia looks to take Ukraine."
"Explosions and fires are raging in several Russian cities, triggered by the efforts of the Ukrainian opposition."
"The world should be prepared for Russia staging a pretext and then launching a potential military action."
"We're really on the path to war and I think we ought to start asking some hard questions."
"Geopolitical risks, as evidenced by the unfolding developments in Ukraine, have suddenly roared back to the forefront after years of relative tranquility among nations."
"Look at what they've done to Ukraine, dangerously close to direct conflict with Russia."
"The world should work together. I think there's going to be big, big clashes there between India and China."
"The idea of the American policy is this extraordinary idea that China and Russia are out to shape a world, not just perhaps different from U.S. values and interests, but antithetical to U.S. values and interests."
"China is an expanding power, an imperialist power."
"If you make one more move toward throwing us out of the dunbars or these other areas, just know that I can take out your entire country and turn it all into Wasteland."