
Continuous Learning Quotes

There are 606 quotes

"Learn the skill, find the next skill... it doesn't even matter how disparate the skills are."
"You gotta keep that fire burning and you gotta keep learning because this field that we are in is a lifetime signup for studying and learning new stuff."
"Scikit-Learn is a gigantic library, and there's a lot of features that, to this day, I still discover basically just by reading the documentation."
"If you want to be a great coach, you've got to be obsessed with learning, you got to be obsessed with you being the best that you can be because when you are at your best, that's going to allow you to serve people at the highest possible level."
"For as long as I exist, I will keep showing up for life. I will continue to be a learner and always strive to be a teacher by imparting my hard-earned lessons to others."
"The only way for you to grow is to continue to learn."
"Because science never really ends, it just changes direction."
"Leadership is a skill like any other, is a practicable, learnable skill, and it is something that you work on."
"The cosmos is very large, and the really incredible part is that we continue to learn new things about it."
"Keep growing, keep learning on your journey friend, and always remember to stay true to you!"
"Growth can never stop. Don't ever feel like you know it all. Every day I'm working on stuff."
"Keep developing yourself personally and professionally. Just because you got yourself to a certain level in your career does not mean that it's time for you to stop learning."
"Players like David Beckham, Roy Keane, Paul Scholes, they always wanted to improve and be better."
"I've always been willing to learn, humble enough to try to improve."
"The more you learn, the more you keep trying new things, the more you produce those neurotransmitters and the more plastic your brain remains."
"There's always more to learn, explore, and experience with this wonderful series."
"You can never stop learning. Even though it seems like London is just a basic setup, there's so many layers to keep peeling away."
"Your goals, your projects, and your learning, they have to evolve as you continue to grow in this domain."
"Continuous learning to me is one of the greatest predictors of entrepreneurial success."
"You're constantly updating what the hell a dog is."
"Coding is all about learning, right? We're always, always learning."
"The Great Courses Plus has over 7,000 lectures constantly being added to every week. Why not give it a try?"
"Our understanding of this topic is continuously evolving and changing."
"Stay humble in the sense that you don't know everything, and there's always something new to learn."
"Knowledge is not about reciting information but it's about continuous growth and learning."
"I'm not out here saying that I'm the greatest guy in the world. I do make mistakes, I'm always learning."
"Financial intelligence is always about constantly understanding how things work."
"You always gotta stay up and kind of learn, you can't know everything."
"There's always deeper and deeper they're going to, I think, you know, how are we going to focus on knowing when you're, you're kind of stagnating or to our level and you don't understand what's going on."
"It's a circle of life...reach out to those people...maybe you will inspire them...we're all learning from each other constantly learning always have an open mind."
"Continuing professional development doesn't stop in any profession."
"If you think you've got it all figured out, there's so much more to learn."
"Learning lots of things I didn't know even after two years of doing cricket."
"Never ever ever stop pursuing this method and reading and studying the text and the doctrines and you'll get your answers from pursuing both."
"Continuously learn and adapt to become a successful trader."
"Remaining humble to new information and facts."
"If you don't know, ask. Keep asking questions."
"Even the best parents are you're stepping on landmines constantly, going, ah, I could have done that better."
"Training isn't something that you did; it's something that you do."
"If you think you know what the answer is, don't you stop looking for the right answer."
"It is important to continue your API security learning strategy and to take advantage of all the learning resources out there."
"Please continue to prepare, please continue to gain more knowledge."
"In today's rapidly evolving tech industry, continuous learning is not just a recommendation, but a necessity."
"Make it part of your lifestyle and not just something that you study for."
"I'm flexible, I think it's very important in investing to be a learning machine."
"Every time you play Shadows of Evil, you'll find something new that you didn't notice in the map every time you load it up."
"Keep investing in a financial education, keep trying, keep learning."
"I'm never like the master at anything, so... okay."
"It's going to be the one who enters the race and puts in the work, the one who's continually learning and working their butt off."
"We're going to be learning more, that's for sure. Now the depth of what we learn, that's what we're fighting for right now."
"This hobby is about learning and getting better every day, there's no end game, there's no end point for this."
"We all have to keep learning and unlearning and changing and adapting."
"Trans series reminding you guys to never stop theorizing."
"This becomes so incredibly valuable this becomes the center of all the ideas you're exploring and it just never stops the degree to which this becomes a resource to draw on for ideas insights and execution."
"I'm on this LevelUp journey still it never ends."
"Learning is a lifelong, ever-evolving process."
"Keep learning and growing and we'll all come to a fuller understanding together."
"By all means keep searching keep getting more and more comfortable with acknowledging that you don't know the answer when you don't know."
"Mind and behavior are two really complex topics, and no one can claim to have mastered them completely, but what you can do is, give it your best shot."
"Successful investors always seek to sharpen their tools."
"Every time we launch, we learn something more."
"Constant learning, failing, and getting back up is part of the journey to growth and well-being."
"Life is one damn thing after another. But if you learn from those damn things, your life can change completely."
"Remove the problems out of your life so you can carry on enjoying what you enjoy."
"Be confident, believe in yourself, never stop learning and growing."
"Keep being hungry to learn. Don't let ego get in the way of learning."
"I just love that idea of staying curious in life."
"One of the most valuable qualities someone can have is the willingness to continue learning and being open to critiques."
"Criticism, when given in good faith and with trusted opinions, is one of the best ways to improve."
"The journey of artistry is about continuous learning and growth, no matter where you are in your artistic development."
"I feel I change my mind all the time, and I sort of feel that's your responsibility as a person, as a human being, to constantly be updating your positions on as many things as possible."
"The day you stop growing is the day you stop learning."
"You're going to always, always, always going to be finding new things to add into your spiritual practice."
"You just have to make sure they constantly refresh their knowledge."
"Teach people the Quran, keep teaching people the Quran."
"I'm constantly being shown things about sites that I thought I knew everything about so I'm always learning new things."
"You can't breathe, you die. You have to keep learning."
"Science is constantly giving us new information and constantly changing our views of things."
"Our job is to gain skills, learn, and improve our skills day by day."
"Constantly learning and educating themselves is essential to stay ahead of the curve."
"Education and learning from your mistakes, you've got to constantly grow."
"The thing I like most about my job is I get to learn the most."
"I'm always trying to improve. I am always making mistakes."
"You should never get to the stage where you think right I'm fine now I know how to do it now I've not got any more worries any more concerns because that's how you get lazy you should always be trying to learn and always trying to better yourself."
"Leaders are Learners, you never want to stop learning and being more strategic and smarter with the way that you build your business."
"One of my favorite things about photography is the fact that you really can't master it you can't perfect photography there's always ways to improve your photography and most importantly there's always something new to learn."
"Cooking is something that there's always something new to learn. There's always new ingredients, there's always new spices, there's always new cooking techniques that you don't know existed."
"Learn something new about nutrition and exercise every day."
"It's always about the process and if you could leave the course understanding that then when you get home your homework is to continue working on the process."
"Don't stop believing that you're learning for something."
"We're always trying to be students and humble ourselves in learning."
"There's always room for improvement, there's always things to learn and try."
"People who manage home labs do it for a lot of different reasons, but I think for most of us, we just love the thrill of learning."
"Successful people are always seeking to invest in themselves by learning new skills or a new process."
"The mantra for Gemini: keep learning, keep earning."
"You are the greatest project you will ever get to work on. Keep learning and keep being limitless."
"Every little bit of learning you can do adds to your growth as an artist."
"Don't ever stop yourself from learning, don't ever say, 'ah who needs that.' Who needs that. Well, that's just an excuse to be lazy and not learn something."
"Always be learning, it's like software upgrade for your brain."
"We go to YouTube to continue to learn because we enjoy the craft of YouTube."
"The ancestral path and learning journey is never ending."
"What's best to learn is programming languages; by the time you get a career in this, you're gonna have to be learning a new language every couple of years."
"Continuous nourishment is essential, you have to lead new things and find out what everybody else is working on."
"You're always learning. I don't necessarily think it's the stuff going forward; I think it's the trust defensively."
"There is no line between studying and not studying. There is no off switch. There's just different levels of immersion."
"We always want to be trying to be better and always improve."
"He doesn't hesitate for a minute to help someone out. He's always, always looking for new information, always learning new things."
"If you don't learn these things you may never improve or reach your maximum potential."
"You want to stay on top of your game, always be learning. Web apps are kind of where the industry is shifting."
"True evidence-based practice is using scientific data to the best of our knowledge which is always going to be behind because that's how the scientific process works."
"It really helps you polish your brain never stop using your noggin."
"Make sure that this is a field that you're going to be passionate about because it's going to be one of those fields that you have to constantly keep studying and keep up to date."
"You never know it all, you never learn it all, you keep drawing and you keep getting better."
"I constantly see people rise in life who were not the smartest sometimes not even the most diligent but they are learning machines."
"As long as we continue asking ourselves these questions... we will continue evolving and growing."
"Everything on Skillshare is curated for learning, so there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes."
"As long as we learn and we grow, we update and we change with the information, then we're doing the right thing."
"The way I live my life now is like a practice because you never get to the point of being there."
"Programming is all about learning new things."
"I would tell them to always be open to learning."
"Don't give up on this goal don't give up on this Vision continue investing your time your energy into this goal continue learning along this path growing and developing."
"Every lap you do you're learning learning a little bit more."
"Skillshare will help keep you learning and thriving with twenty five thousand different classes."
"I'm still learning like every single day—I'm still learning things."
"The revealing that Jesus does in mark 8 is not over mark is is like the book of Mark as we go through it just continues to like peel off the layers of like Jesus's true mission."
"Then you're able to focus on that to learn more. Then when you learn that, then you figure out this other thing and you keep building, right?"
"Teaching magic is the way we keep evolving and learning."
"We're still finding new things about Melee every single day, learning more about the incredibly deep, absurdly broken, and ridiculously complex systems that make this game what it is."
"Skillshare is the perfect place to keep learning and thriving."
"When it comes to art and culture and creativity all you could be is a student because there's every day something new to learn."
"I'm an advocate of continued education... continued transparency on the part of scientists globally."
"Become a student of the game learning and growing."
"Nobody's got it all figured out because there's more and more to be learned every day."
"Don't stop learning, don't stop challenging yourself."
"He needed to evolve and he needed to listen and learn."
"There was never a point when I was reading a volume where I didn't feel like I was learning something new."
"Photography is like an athlete who trains. You learn something new in each training session."
"A very exciting phase in gender affirming care where we're learning more and more all the time."
"At every stage, we once again have to learn to let go of what we've already learned, let go of dogmatism, and be opened up to the next level of exploration."
"Life is study if he's not learning something new he's wasting his life."
"Every subsequent child, it's like a new experience. It's like, 'Oh, I forgot about this part.'"
"With the progress I'm making, I can't see myself stopping anytime soon."
"I'm still learning every day, so yeah, that's wonderful and inspiring."
"Step one, if you just can't even imagine wanting to spend one week every month learning something new in your business, probably you're in the wrong business."
"Continuing to try new things, learn new things about each other, just like not assuming and just like asking questions, having open honest communication at all times."
"When you feel empowered, you're more prepared to take on everything that life throws at you."
"Do your research and never stop learning... There's always more to learn."
"We're all constantly growing, constantly trying to understand this stuff."
"Learning never stops, and yes, believe it or not, even after doing this for 10 years, I am still learning and growing my copywriting and marketing skills every single week."
"Every time I look for an answer and find something that resembles an answer, it comes with another question."
"Every second of the day, I learn something I didn't know."
"I want to improve and get better every single week."
"Don't ever think like oh I'm the best and I don't need to practice anymore because then you're going to start sliding and it's going to get worse and worse."
"There's always something new to learn about Gotham City."
"I think work ethic eliminates fear, I've always been a student, I've never been a know-it-all, I've always been a guy trying to learn."
"Eventually I went back to school... and I tried new things constantly."
"We understand that hey we have a five-year wedding anniversary next week but we've almost five years but it doesn't mean that we have everything figured out right."
"Strive to learn a new editing technique every single time you post a video."
"Our brains are us, we're fascinating, we're always going to be learning about ourselves."
"Stay curious and keep striving for your dreams."
"We are never going to reach a point where we know everything about the universe and just stop doing science."
"If you want to keep growing as a financially educated person or as an investor, you have to constantly keep learning."
"Stay safe, keep your family safe, and continue learning new skills."
"The more you play, the more you realize about this game. That's the beauty of it."
"Continue educating yourself, continue learning and staying proactive, and we will get through this."
"Life is all about learning, and that's really what the key to happiness is."
"I think if you want a good life, you should always continuously learn."
"The solution is to listen to macro voices every single week, and do exactly what Eric's done by taking all of this intellect absorbing it and making your own decisions from there."
"I'm always trying to become a better person."
"Do your own research, keep listening, keep learning, keep reading your Bible."
"Every single time you answer a question, it's gonna raise five more questions."
"Keep pressing, keep learning, keep growing, get better."
"Speak up for what's wrong, say no to what you don't want."
"The mantra for super success is: 'Learning is the law of Nature and repetition is the mother of skills.'"
"A mission could last days, there is constant training and learning."
"As a martial artist, you never stop learning."
"My job requires me to always be learning... I really love about my job is that it requires me to always be challenging myself..."
"There's always room for improvement."
"Everyone on the planet and everyone on the other side learns, so we're all in school every day around the planet here."
"I try to very actively continue learning new things, especially just in pure math because that's the thing that I love." - Grant Sanderson
"Success is inevitable if you meet people who can help you and learn what it takes."
"You're always learning and growing and working, that's what the relationship is."
"There are just so many lessons in our lives that we need to constantly learn and relearn."
"Premium Plus assignments... If you want to improve your speaking, your Premium Plus teacher will send you speaking assignments non-stop every week."
"Get as many badges as you can, learn something new today."
"Keep learning, keep an open mind, there is so much innovation happening around the NFT asset."
"I always call myself a learn-it-all instead of a know-it-all."
"Each time you make a new thing, just reapply the shape tool, the text tool, tracking, masking, keyframing, etc."
"It's the obsessive nature of being really into something that um once you start down a a thread you just keep pulling forever if you're interested."
"Hopefully, you learned a lot. There's obviously a lot more to learn."
"Every believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit."
"Driving is like any other skill, it's a nuanced thing."
"As we go forward, we're expecting them to continue that learning process."
"There's plenty more to look into and research and follow along with."
"As long as you are learning, growing, and thriving, then you are succeeding."
"Nobody is perfect and I think it's right, throughout your whole career I think you are always improving learning."
"He was a guy that never stopped learning, always had two ears, one mouth, but at the same time would learn to emerge as an impactful politician, as a congressman right away, as an attorney."
"Do your research, find everything online. Google is free, use hashtags, keep searching."
"All it takes is practice and analyzing yourself and being able to make the necessary steps to learn and grow."
"Technology will keep evolving and adaptation is a skill you can learn."