
Weight Distribution Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The Genesis G80 has a near-perfect 50:50 weight balance if you get the V6."
"Hip belts can transfer 80 to 90% of the pack weight to your center of gravity."
"The advantages of having an electric truck are huge because the main weight of the car is in the base."
"The actual weight distribution and all these things are very complex and interesting things."
"Most important part: setting the weight forward."
"We put all the weight, the stuff that has a high mass, we put it as low as we can."
"The blade profile switches up the weight distribution."
"It's just his position and his balance was so good he knew where my weight was."
"The power to unweight your front wheel is not in your arms, it's in your hips."
"When you distribute weight on your hips, it can make a tremendous difference on the longevity of walking around."
"This pack has some hip straps here that can really help distribute weight."
"One of the things that made the 928 so good was that 50-50 weight distribution."
"If 2third of the weight of my pack is sleep gear I'm okay with that."
"...if my eyes stay centered, what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a little bit more weight on my left side."
"I added some 2x2 3 16 HSS right here and up there. My idea is you're going to want most of the weight over the axles."
"The more weight you have in the rear, the more it wants to either over rotate or snap the front straight."
"the kind of perfect dynamic 50 50 weight distribution which is foreign to most other evs"
"This is our Benchmark 60/40 weight distribution. This is absolutely hilarious."
"...we're always going to naturally inclined to put the weight on the non-sensitive structures without even being told."
"He's not distributing his weight very well."
"Honestly, you're better off with something that has a frame and it's gonna sit on your hips and it's gonna help you distribute the weight."
"Even with these being a very heavy headset, they did a surprisingly good job of balancing that weight."
"That extra weight just really plants that front end."
"This is a heavy mower so these wheels they do have to distribute all of the weight of the mower."
"...mass toward our grip has less of a negative effect than mass at our tips."
"The weight is just so down low. It's just so nice to ride, easy to ride, really."
"It's got a near-perfect 50:50 weight distribution and cross balance much like the inline six, but it just feels easy to work with."
"You should take all the weight of your pack on your hips as much as possible."
"They were able to somehow distribute the weight to where it doesn't necessarily feel heavy in the hand."
"The bag includes a really nice removable frame sheet to help add some rigidity to the back and really help distribute the weight."
"What seems to matter is the total amount of weight supported by the driving wheels, no matter how many of them there are."
"The Aeron works to make sitting more comfortable by distributing weight."
"The shocks sit much lower into the frame, which means all your weight's nice and low down."
"The best way to strengthen the foot arches is to keep your weight towards the ball of the foot, towards the big toe."
"The key is symmetry and having the right weight in the right place."
"Very comfortable overall, they're not the lightest, but I really don't have any pressure points."
"We have a Jeep that can tow six thousand two hundred pounds, so if I was to just assess how much tongue weight I can put on that, it's generally ten percent of your tow rating capability."
"I like to use the 2/3 principle, so if you were to take your machine and break that up into thirds, you would want 2/3 of that machine to be in front of the axle."
"Then shoving the weight down to the bottom of the haircut and then I cut my nice horizontal line to give a strong base to this haircut."
"Matching your weight distribution system to that is going to give you the optimal ride quality."
"It's the right portion, and I think it being a 50/50 weight distribution, handling wise, it's excellent."
"Think of the bottom going back, the weight going into the heels."
"Most the weight sits below the belt line and that does a lot to increase comfort."
"It's not always about how much weight you're pulling, it's where the weight is that you're pulling."
"Remember to keep your weight onto your heels, so that way you're going to still work into the posterior chain."
"The headband on the S2's does a much better job of spreading out the weight of these headphones... and it also doesn't create a hot spot on the top of your head."
"Despite its chunk, the Model 3's battery is what takes up most of that weight and that's located way down low in the chassis, so it handles quite well."
"Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed on your feet."
"Believe it or not, the weight in this bag is evenly distributed and it actually doesn't feel that bad."
"The weight is so well distributed that I don't have comfort problems with this."
"It's graded really nicely so you've got slightly heavier in the base, slightly lighter in the top."
"The theory is if you can bring some weight down low and lower your center of gravity... it's gonna be a lot better performing rig."
"The center of gravity is the average location of the weight of an object."
"Let's make the bike lighter, and the weight is underneath so the center of gravity is lower."
"It's not just about the weight; it's about the weight distribution when you're wearing a helmet."
"The goal here was mass centralization, which in basic terms is moving the bulk of the weight to the center of the bike."
"Remembering to keep the weight through your heels, just come as deep as you feel comfortable to start with."
"It's a better fishing tool in general because all the weight is focused upfront."
"Each toilet roll is a cylinder, a shape that shares any weight that's put on top."
"If I'm carrying a heavy load, I want it on my hips because my hips are supported by my glutes and by my ab muscles."
"The weight is low and centrally balanced, that's critical."
"The fuel cell for the best weight distribution works perfectly sitting right between the two strut towers."