
Sydney Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"For the first time in nearly 100 years, Sydney will have another rail crossing of the harbor."
"We are literally planning a Sydney trip to do a few more things there because I see some TikTok in Sydney with their food, oh my goodness, I just want to try everything."
"We are currently in a two-week lockdown in Sydney because of the Delta strain."
"Sydney is already making us want to move to Australia. There's just a perfect vibe here."
"What an incredible final it has been here in Sydney."
"If you're a single person on Sydney's median income looking to affordably rent on your own, good luck."
"We live in Sydney Australia, okay, in New South Wales."
"Sydney: a must-visit destination that combines culture, outdoor adventure, and stunning vistas."
"There is hope... Sydney gets set for a scorcher record heat wave."
"Death really does be following Sydney everywhere."
"Sydney's work culture is very relaxed"
"I mean how amazing is this, this is what Sydney's all about."
"There are colorful stories, urban myths, legends, and tales in Sydney that fascinate and amuse us."
"Sydney has always been one of those places that I've dreamt of and today is the day."
"It's been wonderful obviously I've Loved Sydney so much about the city I love there's so much I still want to do."
"I've really loved Sydney and hopefully you'll enjoy the next Vlogs."
"Boom years of Sydney gambling couldn't last forever."
"Sydney is the greatest city in the world"
"...Sydney was ranked the world's best city for festivals and events seven years in a row."
"Every time I think of Ken Done I think of the Opera house and the Sydney harbour and the bridge. It's always, they go together. They really are iconic."
"There's an old saying seven miles from Sydney and a thousand miles from care."
"Sydney: a city hemmed in by mountains and surrounded by water."
"Sydney's transit: where city meets nature."
"Sydney's rail: a puzzle of flyovers and interchanges."
"That gives you a bit of a peek out towards the southwest and the western area of Sydney, out towards the Blue Mountains."
"The level of radiation here in Sydney is about 0.5 microsieverts per hour, and that's about average globally."
"It has been a beautiful day in Sydney today and the weather has continued into the night."
"It's like over 40° in Sydney today, so absolute scorcher."
"It's truly a stunning landmark in the heart of Sydney showcasing vintage architecture and intricate interior details."
"This is definitely a must visit when you're in Sydney."
"Welcome back to my home base in Sydney."
"We had a short taxi to the runway and took off, leaving behind an awesome Sydney day."
"He continued to write the word 'eternity' throughout the streets of Sydney."
"It's gonna be a big moment, you know, and he has had great moments as well, but it's going to be a really big moment in Sydney."
"Sydney is where old people go to die."
"Sydney Harbor, the centerpiece of Australia's premier international city, its glimmering body of water is a focal point for both locals and visitors."
"Sydney is just no wonder one of the most livable cities in the world."
"It's got an economic engine room at the south, highly sustainable, globally significant, and so on, so it's making a statement for Sydney."
"We want to build an iconic building that complements the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House."
"Look at the day that Sydney's turned on for us right now."
"It's a beautiful day in Sydney today, it's absolutely gorgeous."
"The Sydney Opera House is a famous Performing Arts Center. It is considered one of the most iconic and recognizable buildings in the world."
"The Sydney Harbor Bridge is a famous landmark in Sydney, Australia. It offers breathtaking views of the city and the harbor and it is a must-see attraction for anyone visiting Sydney."
"I'm an American learning to live down under here in beautiful Sydney, Australia."
"I am a session touring musician, a music producer, and a music director here from Sydney, Australia."
"It's like if Seattle and Vancouver and LA and Miami had a baby, maybe it's just Sydney."
"I landed. I'm in Sydney. I'm going to order macers for breakfast."
"Sydney today isn't recognizable from the early settlement, but the clues to life in the early 1800s are still there; all you have to do is dig them up."
"Sydney's weather is amazing; it's just the perfect blend of heat and cold."
"Sydney is a very, very safe city."
"Sydney is an amazing city to live at; I have had one of the best experiences."
"When you come to Sydney, there's only a couple of people you have to stop and see; the Aussie Cossack is one of them."
"We’re in the beautiful city of Sydney this show to see an amazing artist, so come along and enjoy the incredible talent that Sydney has to offer."
"It's been a pretty big three weeks for me here in Sydney."
"What a sight Sydney is today on this glorious winter afternoon."
"Thanks so much for watching me drive across Sydney in the new 2024 Tesla Model 3 update."
"The iconic Sydney Harbor Bridge loomed over the Quay."
"The Rocks was one of the oldest neighborhoods in Sydney, and one of the most colorful."
"The iconic Sydney Harbor Bridge loomed over the key."
"The crowd is in a joyous mood; we've had a glorious week here in Sydney."
"The Sydney Cricket Grounds, located in Sydney, Australia, really cool, really unique thing."
"What a beautiful, stunning night in Sydney."
"Beautiful beaches and the long summer season make an expensive-looking suntan everyday wear for Sydneysiders."
"We've had a fabulous day exploring Sydney, an awesome city."
"I enjoy an amazing Sunrise Landing into Sydney."
"Is there a better view for a cruise the first day of a cruise than Sydney, Australia?"
"It's going to be all on for day two of racing; things are heating up here in Sydney with the weather, the winds, and the racing."
"Sydney's most famous ferry ride leads to Manly, an iconic journey that's not to be missed."
"Good morning, this is day two in Sydney."
"Check out that perfect sunset as we sailed out of Sydney Harbor."
"It was fantastic, it's called Luke's Bar and Grill, and it is a restaurant stylized by the Sydney restaurateur Luke Mangan."
"We are steaming along on our way back to Sydney."
"We're flying into Sydney our first week is going to be with Welcome to Travel on the Sydney tour."
"It's the only place where you can see both the Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House from the same platform."
"It's a beautiful day on Sydney's Northern Beaches."
"This is the story of George Freeman, a colorful racing identity who ruled Sydney for a generation."
"What a sight that is, Sydney Skyline, the Harbor Bridge."
"You should go to Sydney if you've never been to Sydney. Check it out!"
"I'm lucky enough to call Sydney home, and despite sailing from here 10 times in the last 12 months, I still get goosebumps every time we set sail."
"Good morning from Sydney, Australia. We are live bringing you from our hotel room."
"Great to be back here, great to be in Sydney, beautiful place, awesome people."
"It's a good set, I mean you know what's Sydney right away."
"We've got lots more coming up, we're going to be checking out the Sydney Harbor Bridge and of course the iconic opera house."
"Sydney is one of Australia's largest cities with a population of over 5 million people."
"If you're seeking a beach life, Sydney might be the city for you."
"Sydney is an amazing city for families, students, young professionals, and backpackers."
"It's special to have Speedway back here in Sydney."
"We're waking up Sydney this time, much nicer city."
"That is fantastic for the privateers, the Landsberg smash outfit from Sydney."
"A symbol of modern Sydney rising to eminence among the great cities of the world."
"The beautiful Sandstone on the wall is endemic to Sydney."
"Newtown is very diverse, so if you want diversity, if you want to know what is Sydney food, you can actually go to Newtown."
"It's a beautiful day in Sydney today."
"It's an absolute scorcher here in Sydney, and a perfect recipe for a black nor'easter on the harbor."
"We all go to Sydney, will show you around Sydney seafood market."
"No question today, just a hi and thanks from Sydney."
"They say the early bird gets the worm, but in this case, he beats the Sydney traffic too."
"What a start to the day, it is unbelievable, Sydney Harbor going off."
"Through the murk appears the symbol of Sydney, its coathanger bridge alongside the white sails of the Opera House."
"It's already party time in the crowd here at Sydney Olympic Park."
"Every year they do this thing called Vivid, where they light up the whole of Sydney."
"This provides a new way into and out of Sydney's Central Station."
"Welcome Saturday morning here in Sydney, and once again I've got my coffee ready to go."
"If you ever go to Sydney, walk across the bridge. Go pay to walk across the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It's freakin' amazing."
"I'm pretty sure that it's going to get wet here in Sydney and if that's the case, everything will be upside down."
"What an unbelievable start to the Sydney leg of the World Series wrestling tour."
"Each in its own way a masterpiece of design and engineering, a symbol of modern Sydney rising to eminence among the great cities of the world."
"If you live in Sydney and you're looking for an excuse to go for a cruise, I'll see you here."
"Sydney looking its absolute best today."
"When you come into Sydney, you look at the Opera House here, look at the Harbour Bridge, amazing."
"It's a magical place, the northern beaches of Sydney."
"A very good afternoon from a sparkling Sydney Harbor."
"She makes a magnificent sight with the Sydney background and the Sydney Harbor Bridge."
"It's a beautiful day on the Harbor."
"This apartment has the most insane view over Sydney."
"We're at Bondi Beach this morning. It's a popular beach in Sydney."
"The bridge carries a tremendous load of traffic, road and rail; nearly 2,000 suburban train services run in Sydney each day."
"It's a very proud day for Sydney, Australia, this is the epicenter of the V8 racing."
"It's a beautiful beautiful day here in Sydney."
"The scheme has been great for tourism but it was really started to raise awareness of the rich history of Sydney."
"Sydney, Australia, it's an iconic world city known for its grand harbour and famous beaches."
"What's great about Sydney though is the diversity, both the diversity of the people and the locations."
"Now that the international border is open, now is your opportunity to visit and see this beautiful city for yourself."
"Sale GP always looks forward to coming to the breathtaking scenery of Sydney Harbor."
"What a magnificent day here in Sydney, fine and a day to both commemorate and enjoy this one day of the year."
"22 Squadron has a fairly long association with the Sydney area; it was established in 1936 as a reserve squadron."
"This is a very famous street in Sydney, one of the icons."
"We are here in Sydney, Australia. I have never been here before."
"I am loving Sydney. My run yesterday to the Opera House was amazing."
"It's gorgeous round here in the Sydney Harbor, it really hasn't disappointed."
"Sydney's got to be up there as one of my favorites, it's so nice around here."
"All the momentum was with Sydney."
"The best wildlife park in Sydney where you can feed kangaroos, have your photo taken with koala bears, and see over 2,000 different other types of Australian animals."
"Sydney's ocean beaches include internationally renowned Bondi, Coogee, and Manly."
"There may be fans as good as you guys elsewhere in the world, but there's nobody better than Sydney, Australia when it comes to UFC fans."