
Music Gear Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"You're only doing yourself a complete and total disservice by saying that Mesa/Boogie are overrated."
"It just has a really cool character to it... it's like almost like another distortion pedal in the way that I use it."
"I absolutely love them. That's the whole point. The difference between, and this is important, on the pickups on the black stock pickups."
"The Jensen speaker in that Mesa Cali Tweed right is brilliant right is absolutely brilliant."
"The second MXR pedal ever created was the Distortion Plus, this is arguably as famous as the Phase 90."
"Building your first pedal board can be really overwhelming."
"This rig: the best of Stevie Ray Vaughn, John Mayer, and classic Dumble tones."
"You couldn't give the Prince of Tone away, everybody wanted the King of Tone."
"Every knob and every pedal has its own story."
"It's just one of the best overdrive pedals ever, for me."
"I love that this neck pickup is just brilliant."
"Orange completely deserves its place up there in the pantheon of classic amplifiers in my opinion."
"It's great for six-string, it's just a really good fuzz unit."
"The Korg Minilogue XD: an easy S tier."
"The Moog Matriarch: just the same way I talked about the Grandmother, the Moog Matriarch is incredible, it sounds so good. Easy S tier."
"The Sequential Prophet Six: an S tier."
"...instead of trying to replace my whole rig with a Kemper, I was much more comfortable with using my standard pedalboard setup."
"This pedal is super versatile, super flexible because it includes two completely independent overdrive circuits inside one pedal."
"If you are in the market for a high-quality lightweight bass combo and are not constrained by budget, give the MB210 Roman 2 a try. You'll have a hard time passing it up."
"The Blonde Tone Master in my opinion is a really great amp, it's so usable in every sense of the word."
"The Blonde Tone Master is a really great amp, it's so usable in every sense of the word."
"I'm surprised at how little a bump it is between the Princeton and the Deluxe, kind of re-emphasizing the fact that these are different animals but not so much less."
"I'm finally getting to fully demonstrate the Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555x reissue for you guys here on the channel."
"...because we all know what it's like to have a Rat's Nest of cables with our music gear..."
"I also miss buying new gear because I had a good excuse to, so when you're in a band especially a variety band where you have to play all sorts of music, it's fun to be able to justify your purchases because you have to sound like a certain band or a certain artist."
"...if you're looking for a maple neck era Les Paul Deluxe, this is a winner."
"Buy those two pedals and you are just sorted out."
"Out of the full list, my top three favorites in no particular order would be a JHS double barrel, which is a ts9 and a blues breaker type circuit."
"Welcome to That Pedal Show! We're really pleased to have you along. Please subscribe!"
"I'm very, very proud of it, it's very special and unique pedal, I think you'll really enjoy it."
"The Epiphone Casino is unquestionably a well-built guitar and a great value for the money."
"You don't need to spend $10,000 to get a good, solid gigable rig that's going to be reliable, it's going to sound good."
"Some gear comes and goes, but some things are really special."
"It's worth the investment, I mean we justify buying expensive guitars or gear that we use every day."
"An overdrive pedal has always been about being an extension of my single channel amplifier."
"The camper offers 125 performances, each of which can hold up to five rigs."
"If you want a Les Paul Custom without any baggage, I seriously recommend you get one of these before the prices go up."
"It's been more than just buying an amp, it's been an experience."
"I love Benson and their products, so I wanted to try it out, it sounds killer."
"10 years has been crazy for pedals."
"It's just an amp, which is what I really like; it takes all of the digital fiddliness and all of the option paralysis and all of that kind of stuff completely just removes all of that."
"I think that a big part of this whole question, spend your money on the guitar or the amp, you have to find what works for you."
"It's the Holy Grail; it's the overdrive Holy Grail, isn't it?"
"The lucky winner gets to choose from a list of Strats, Teles, Jazzmasters, basses, amps, all just for practicing."
"Not only is the cost of entry way lower, but it's way easier to stealthily integrate with my pre-existing gear."
"I've had a revelation with the pedal that I really enjoyed, and now I enjoy it even more."
"I'm trying to be more minimalist with what I have and just keep it a really efficient rig and just simple, man."
"The TC Electronic Ditto is probably the standard one, sounds really good, very easy to use."
"It is one of the advantages of the Headrush Prime is that it is relatively simple to use."
"A pedal that was so dynamic, so versatile, and so transparent that even Howard Alexander Dumble gave it the green light."
"The Harmonious Monk, for the job that it does, I've really enjoyed the way it sounded."
"That was awesome. Hey guys, welcome to That Pedal Show."
"We are delighted to have Simon Jarrett from Kingsley Amplifiers on the show today."
"There's something about your pedals that have always fascinated me."
"Is there a secret to the way that you do that?"
"I just wanted to make a really nice sounding boost."
"The dynamics in this thing are just crazy."
"Would I recommend this mixer? Yes, I would recommend this mixer, especially for the price point."
"This version is totally reborn, new pad section, lots of other interesting little innovations going on."
"It's probably been our biggest selling Walrus pedal to date, the Slow."
"These pedals really need no explanation or introduction; they are phenomenal."
"I played a gig right before the pandemic, and after I came off stage, a music producer approached me and said, 'What was that pedal you were using? Those harmonies sounded really, really good.' And that's why I picked this pedal."
"The Digitech Bad Monkey Tube Overdrive is an awesome pedal and prices on the used market are beginning to rise quickly."
"I imagine them as the Apple of bass effects and bass heads gear stuff."
"It very much reminds me of the green channel on an original 5150, but it is tighter and it seems to be a little bit more open, not as rolled off on the highs."
"By far the most lucrative of all of the different subgenres of guitar channels has got to be those that do gear demos and reviews."
"If you're looking for a good microphone set, I do recommend this."
"This pedal is amazing, it really is, and I got lost in this pedal when I plugged it in for about four hours and couldn't get enough."
"It's got tons of gain on tap, but if you want to do lower gain stuff, it can do it all day long."
"That feature makes this pedal really, really versatile."
"It's not a clone of anything and most things aren't derivative of this, it's kind of its own animal."
"Ant modeling has come so far in the last five to ten years, and I feel you personally can't really go wrong with just about any modeler out there on the market."
"This is such a fun pedal; it's amazing, it's like nothing I've ever used before."
"Hi everyone, I'm Ryan, you're watching 60 cycle hum, and in this video, I'm going to show you the Donner DST 400 secret series strat style electric guitar."
"One thing you gotta hand to Line 6 is their effects always sound very, very good."
"I think it's actually pretty badass."
"Walrus pedals, one of our favorite pedal brands in the world, make great pedals."
"I find it almost hard to believe how much this little single pedal can emulate in terms of a full effect chain of boutique pedals."
"I've got boss pedals that I bought as a teenager and they're still goin strong, they're great quality."
"I've always been a fan of locking tuners, makes changing strings easier."
"I'm really enjoying the scaled back approach and having a much smaller rig."
"Everything has a knock-on effect to what you're using: patch leads, power supply, guitar strings, everything."
"If an overdrive sounds good, it is good."
"The DigiTech Whammy... this pedal has probably been all over some of your favorite alt records."
"It's the Line 6 Verbzilla... basically a stereo Reverb and it was made in 2008."
"Great tone at home, and I think that at a certain price point that's a really good choice."
"The real star of the show is the RJM Music Mastermind GT."
"I very much prefer the iconic cleans."
"That was the kind of inspiration for the Kraken."
"If you could have any vintage fuzz pedal, what would it be? I'll go first: Jimmy's Fuzz Face from Woodstock '69."
"I think it's going to be great to immortalize his creativity on the front of a pedal."
"It's capable of a lot and I really think that this could take an existing pedalboard to the next level."
"For me, they're the only two pedals you really need; everything else can be gotten by via different means."
"Everyone needs a tube screamer in their arsenal at some point."
"The addition of a three-band EQ and, more specifically, being able to really hone in on what mid frequency you want to adjust, really means this pedal can get about any sound you want."
"Thumbs up, Bill Bruford sticks, highly recommended."
"For me, I prefer the Katana. It just felt better, and the sound was more appealing."
"There's a magic to tube amps that we love, but these are just incredible boxes."
"The SC-55 is a quirky and enjoyable romper that's brimming with personality."
"It emulates if you were to take just an old Fender tweed and non-master volume and start cranking that thing up."
"This is one of the most important bits of gear I've bought in a long time."
"Anything I buy from Fulltone just works and sounds awesome."
"The history of the wah pedals is so fascinating."
"It's a mega stomp offering a complete sound processing solution in an ultra-portable package."
"That's why I wanted to go through these with you guys, because there's some gems in here that are not that expensive."
"These are the most beautiful IEMs I've ever held in my hands."
"It's a classic, and Strymon have released an updated version."
"Really usable clean channel that takes pedals really nice."