
Carefulness Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Sigmas pay close attention to minor details."
"It's controversial, it's definitely unsettling, but the thing is, in my view anyway, David is remarkably careful and yes, scientific in his approach."
"There's no question we feel the same way about each other. So as long as I don't mess up again, I'll be careful."
"We are about to see a very studious and careful investigation."
"They will take their time with you on a sexual level."
"I'm just gonna swing it around gently... gently... gently."
"I'm so cognizant of trying to be careful to not participate in the culture of like taking someone down or evaluating someone's relationship."
"I'm just gonna be a lot more careful."
"Vict you [ __ ] serious here. Got to be careful."
"A beginning is a time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct."
"Let's try to keep it all in one piece today."
"He was very cautious and careful not to throw anybody under the bus."
"Agility and carefulness are the top criteria of farmers in this strawberry garden."
"Remember to tidy up your first double bracket and then multiply it very carefully by the next one."
"Speed doesn't necessarily mean as fast as possible rather it can be best described as a careful hurry."
"The goal isn't to prove one thing one way or the other. It's just to reduce uncertainty in the most careful way possible."
"Be very, very, very careful. You know, do it right."
"Just be careful here because we are aiming to take it off in whole."
"We had a lot of forensic evidence and we wanted to carefully put all that evidence together."
"I am very careful and meticulous at this point because I've done several of them and I've done a lot of ripping out and I don't want to do that on this one."
"Be very careful with the wording in these, read them carefully, take your time, just because a question appears easy doesn't mean that it is."
"They're meticulous and patient, choosing their words carefully, trying to make sure things make sense or come across correctly."
"I don't know if you were told you've got one last thing to say to someone that you loved you know you'd probably guard your words and pick them carefully."
"Be careful with this, this is God's Word."
"You want to be more careful with that, I've told you before."
"You have to be very careful about what your words say about people."
"I'm just going to carefully remove the ruler."
"They don't want to come in too fast, they don't want to topple things over again. Look at the two of pentacles. If it makes a wrong move, the coins might topple over. They don't want that to happen, so they're being very careful, very cautious."
"I feel like everything is being done very deliberately and with great care."
"Whether you are knitting a short row heel or a heel flapping gusset or an afterthought heel you always want to be as careful as you can in the intersections in these very very fussy spots where you can get holes."
"I could control how much I want it to sift. I did it as gently as possible and if it needed more snow removed, I got a little more aggressive."
"Let's peel this up as gently as possible."
"But she focused on Iva Mae as Iva Mae chose her words carefully."
"...this is such an incredibly important decision we want to be very careful and prayerful in it for the glory of God and for our own Souls sake."
"I don't like getting scratches in my rims especially when I'm changing the tires so I'm just going to do everything I can to be cautious to avoid it."
"He was so careful and mindful with how he interacted with people."
"It's a really positive start not to break things."
"A man who is self-controlled, who is careful."
"Don't force it; it's a very fine needle at the end of it, and you don't want to put grooves in it because that definitely will affect everything."
"Electrolysis will dislodge that and get you down to the base metal without damaging the base metal itself."
"It's being careful, it's being kind."
"I'm very deliberate with my footsteps."
"I'd rather take my time and not mess up."
"Don't rush it, just take your time, do it right."
"You have to obviously try to restore a book carefully and thoughtfully, retaining as much of the original as you can."
"I have been very careful to be as comprehensive as I could possibly be."
"Make sure that you take your time on this; there's no rush."
"I like to make sure that none of them are cracked; they stay fresher longer that way."
"We need to listen really, really, really carefully."
"Take your time with it, don't rush it."
"Take your time and you're very careful with whatever machine you do have, you shouldn't really have any major issues."
"I'm progressing well, very slow, but I'm getting there, and I'm taking it easy and taking it slowly as well to make sure I don't make any mistakes."
"I think we might do this without breaking anything. Beautiful."
"Be patient, do this carefully, make sure you get every nook and cranny, and take your time."
"Make sure you harvest it carefully and humanely."
"I've been quite careful and intentional with the way I've worded things."
"Virgo moons are very careful and they're very critically observant."
"Tire conservation was a big part of driving; you had to be very, very careful with every throttle application."
"We're gonna do our best here to take all of that apart very carefully and make sure that everything that's solid about Victoria lives on in Arabella."
"Take your time when doing this, this is very important."
"It's really important when you're doing this sort of stuff to take your time."
"Just take your time, be patient, go slow, no need to rush."
"I'm just being very intentional about my love life and what I want to let in, like extremely careful and intentional."
"I like to do things nice and easy and take your time, make sure you don't mess anything up."
"Just take your time and try not to break anything."
"It's important that you don't burn the spices, gently heat it to get the aroma out."
"Cool, okay, so I add my tag usually I add it to the top, but I didn't want to rip it completely, I just wanted to fit in the bottom nicely."
"She was never one to drink much, and she was always careful and methodical about what she did."
"This is all about taking your time, being gentle, so you don't scratch up anything."
"I drive really good guys, and I take my time."
"You have to be methodical and very, very careful about your work."
"Ensure the positive bias and make sure that we read each option very carefully."
"Your soul is fragile, your heart is fragile, be careful who you let into your life."
"If you say 'cautious', you know, be aware, vet well, then that can still be a realistic goal."
"Handle with care; handle your spouse, your partner, friend, your mom with care."
"I'm not careless, I'm very meticulous."
"Carefully disconnect the wireless LAN antenna cables by grasping the connectors with a small pair of needle-nose pliers or tweezers."
"This just shows that you can never be too careful and shouldn't make assumptions."
"Look at how he's going, each foot is gently being placed."
"Patience, patience, patience, super slow stuff here."
"Leo rising people are very careful and do a lot of thinking and planning when it comes to things that they value."
"We do things in a certain way and we go slowly, carefully, and we do the right thing."
"It's about looking at things very carefully, doing some serious thinking here."
"It's amazing how carefully they can walk when they want to."
"I really was trying to be careful about how many things I chose to share with you."
"They'd rather get it right than ruin it and rush it."