
Universal Message Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Jesus didn't come for one race, he came for everyone who accepts him."
"You are worthy of love, and that's a message to everybody out there."
"Happy Monday to everybody, wherever you are."
"I wrote this book for everybody... Christ is worth sharing with everybody."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening everyone."
"Christianity alone has a definite message to all mankind."
"The Quran is not relevant to a religious community; the Quran is relevant to the entire umma, no matter what state they're in."
"Hope everyone's having an amazing day wherever you are, whoever you are."
"Despite their vast racial, cultural, and geographical differences, and even despite their faiths being different, the message is the same."
"Wear your helmet and your seatbelt, kids and adults."
"Being the best you you could be is for everybody and surviving."
"It's a poetic message that's sure to resonate with a lot of people."
"The Quran isn't just a call to the Jews and Christians of Arabia; it was actually speaking the author of the Quran is the author of the original revelation of the Torah and the Gospel. It's the same author."
"The message of Hussain is not confined to one race or religion. It affects every person of faith."
"The messengers of Paradise have carried this divine exhortation down through the ages and throughout the universes, even to such lowly animal-origin creatures as the human races of Urantia."
"Death Stranding... has a powerful message that applies to every last mortal." - Death Stranding
"This is your message from the universe to say it's go time, it's time to step it up and take action."
"This record represents our hope and our determination, and our good will in a vast and awesome universe."
"I don't feel like a lot of this content represents me as a person... I want to distance myself from it."
"The Bible is a book that has been through a lot of hands but has a consistent Universal message that everyone can pull something from everyone can learn thing from."
"Nobody is perfect, everybody is perfectly imperfect, and I want that to be a message of love for everybody."
"These readings are timeless as well, so whenever you stumble across this message or this message finds you, there will be something here for you."
"God has written his moral law on the heart of every human being. So, I'm not at all surprised that all religions basically teach the same moral message."
"If you could say one message to everybody in the world, what would you tell them? Let's be happy."
"The beauty of this movie is that you could be like the richest person in the world or the poorest person in the world and you can watch this movie and the message still applies true."
"Allah gives all of us an example: Please, this is for all of you."
"The good news of the gospel is good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people."
"The Torah has something to say to everyone on earth or it has nothing to say to Jews."
"Jesus has the same message for all people, which is repent and believe the gospel."
"The Torah has one message, and wherever you look, you'll find that message."
"My foundation is Jesus, no matter who I'm talking to."
"For everyone else, the show says something that can reach any of us."
"All scripture, every spiritual encounter, every holy ordinance is repeating the same universal simplicity over and over and over. It's either saying Open your heart or nothing at all."
"Whoever you are, wherever you are, hope you're having a lovely morning, evening, day, afternoon, week, month, year."
"The main theme of the gospel is Jesus' message is to the entire world."
"The everlasting gospel will go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people."
"Jesus is not for one race, Jesus is for the world."
"Love to all is their fundamental message."
"This message of the universal architect."
"It may seem like you are getting the short end of the stick right now, but the universe is saying don't give up, keep going."
"I just decided to do the word 'thankful.' This could be used any time of year."
"This is a message that is relatable to everyone."
"Love is all you need. Love is all around."
"Be kind to yourself, which has been a message that I've been getting all of a sudden for pretty much all signs."
"Every single Prophet has come with the same message for everybody, entirety of mankind."
"This is exactly what the universe is sending your way, my friends."
"We're all being used to send a message to the universe, to inspire and influence humanity."
"The world wants you to fit in, but the universe is telling you to stand out."
"We're talking about the message for humankind."