
Microbes Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"2020 is the year of weird microbes - but this latest one, if it's real, may prove extremely good news - granting us a grander perspective on humanity's place in a life-filled space time."
"Your bacterial cells outnumber your human cells by ten to one, making you more microbe than human."
"Just like humans, microbes need to sleep and they need a rest period when we're not throwing food at them."
"Our gut microbes play an essential role in maintaining this barrier to protect us."
"Microbes really are the key to good gardening."
"We have all these beautiful microbes helping us in our soil."
"Microbes equal flavor. Microbes equal nuance."
"How did these super advanced aliens not know about microbes?"
"Living inside of us are 38 trillion microbes... they are absolutely vital to human health and they're not even human, nor are they a part of our body."
"Hey, what are you two doing in here?" "Washing the soap with soap so there won't be any germs on it." "You've gotta be joking. Listen, getting rid of all the microbes is impossible and unnecessary. You just need to protect yourself from the bad ones."
"So how much do we need to worry about that if we find life in space? This is kind of tough for humans to think about again because we tend not to rank microbes particularly high in our scale of life forms."
"You just set off a whole positive chain reaction of more microbes."
"Your sourdough starter is super resilient... the microbes that are in your sourdough starter want to continue to live."
"These microbes, they need to eat. Their preferred food is fiber."
"Teaming with microbes is how you become the very best gardener you possibly can be."
"Let's support microbes rather than using high-analysis fertilizer."
"As you guys know that have been watching me for a while, I’m really into microbes and beneficial fungi and bacteria and that is truly what makes the aquaponics possible."
"Almost all of microbial life is still unknown."
"Your microbes outnumber your own cells by ten to one."
"...those three pounds of microbes in your gut may be more important for determining traits like obesity than every single gene in your genome."
"Microbes are a better investment than fertilizer."
"We're witnessing more diseases caused by weakened immune systems and an increase in drug-resistant microbes."
"Every time you see one of these holes in Swiss cheese, you can imagine that there was a profound bacterium growing there, not a mouse. So glad I cleared that up."
"So hopefully what we've been able to tell you today is that cheesemaking is a complex and wonderful process which involves microbes at every single stage."
"All the nutrients that a plant needs is in abundance in the sand silt and Clay you just need microbes to unlock it and make it available for the plant."
"Plants can actually access those microbes that are in the soil, so we've got soil living microbes that are internalized by plants and become endophytes I think that's extraordinary."
"Healthcare-associated infections result from microbes in the hospital environment and compromised hosts, making it a top cause of death in the United States."
"...I mean you're going to get a different kind of microbes you'll get some that are they'll be useful microbes but with the uh Johnson Sue bio reactor I'm pretty sure the main thing that's left after the maturation process is billus endospore formers..."
"Microbial associations are crucial for plant health."
"The microbes are actually necessary for the seedling to develop properly."
"You know, we've had the Green revolution. This could be the microbe revolution, I guess."
"Microbes from land have historically been an important source of medicines, antibiotics like penicillin."
"Postbiotics are foods where we used microbes outside of our body to break food down into beneficial molecules."
"Microbes are responsible for fermentation, the microbial conversion of sugar to alcohol in the absence of oxygen."
"Biotechnology is just the use of microbes or any living organism or cell for basically our own human purposes."
"If we get invaded by an alien, it's much more likely that it would be a microbe or a virus."
"The same mechanisms that are used to defend us against microbes also can defend us against tumors."
"The most dependable method of destroying all forms of microbes."
"Microbes contribute an extra 2 million genes to the 20,000 or so genes that our human genome encodes."
"We've gone from viewing microbes as simply killer microbes and out to destroy us to really fellow travelers."
"Plants can actually eat these microbes and utilize them for energy."
"Plants are actually cultivating microbes, farming microbes, using microbes for their advantage."
"When we're talking about organic inputs, we're basically talking about microbe-friendly and Earth-friendly practices."
"The human condition is to be surrounded by near infinity of infectious, constantly evolving microbes."
"Microbes, just like all living things, have certain physical and chemical requirements for life."
"We're exposing ourselves to microbes because that's from an evolutionary standpoint what our body is expecting."
"Microbes are very small, with bacteria measured in micrometers and viruses in nanometers."
"Sterilization is the destruction or removal of all forms of microbial life."
"99% of all microbes on Earth, especially bacteria, like neutral pH."
"The microbe must be able to adhere or stick to those specific host tissues."
"Microbes do the same thing, I know it, and other people know they've been doing it."
"Antimicrobial resistance is defined as the development of resistance to various antimicrobial agents by the microorganisms."
"The transition from the earliest microbes to what we see today is an enormous amount of complexification."
"No matter what we throw at them, we will never win the war against microbes. It's not winnable; we have to keep a pace, we're on a treadmill, there's no end game."
"Microbes have been estimated to remove a million tons of carbon monoxide from the environment every year."
"We're not talking about little green men; we're more talking about little microbes."
"Humans without microbes actually are not nearly as healthy as humans with microbes."
"In the contest between microbes and humans, I'm betting on the microbes."