
Hopeful Anticipation Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"By the end of April, something you've been praying for is coming to you."
"Your miracle is imminent, it's within prayer reach."
"As long as it takes its time to execute a good enough ending."
"A miraculous path is about to be revealed to you."
"Wish fulfillments are on the way, something you've been praying for."
"It's gonna be sold out. Hopefully nothing can stop this fight from taking place."
"Maybe one day just maybe we will finally see a version that's balanced."
"This is the day everything changes; this is the day where the miracle has our name on it."
"The Universe didn't give you the thing you want because there is something much much better waiting for you."
"It's gonna be the first good video game movie."
"I hope I'm wrong, I hope this turns out to be the most incredible weapon system ever fielded because I want our troops to have the absolute best weapon system that can be provided them."
"I'm ready to find out what it is really that's out there. I'm ready to find out what I saw that day in August. I just really hope it's nothing bad."
"Change is upon you, anticipate with curiosity."
"Skate 4: Being that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."
"Still, the Prototype faithful maintain a semblance of hope for a third installment."
"Here's hoping that the recently announced Matt Shakman of WandaVision fame can bring about a great Fantastic Four movie..."
"December: Get ready for a miracle, you are in the midst of a divine intervention."
"The pain of today is like the pain of childbirth. When the result manifests, we will rejoice and forget the pains of childbirth."
"This is a year where the promises of God are about to manifest in amazing ways."
"You're waiting for your ships to come in, you're not waiting in vain."
"Your joy, well, I believe you're gonna get it back this weekend because the fullness of the ages is upon us. The Spirit of the Lord is being poured out."
"There's going to be a miracle in your life, something long overdue."
"Yeah, we gonna pull for Hu Tao today, fingers crossed we get her, I don't know if we will, perfect."
"On that day, faces will be bright looking at their Lord."
"There is a miracle waiting for you with your name on it."
"Some of you are looking for some peace of mind, you've been hoping for this."
"Something about being able to see outside knowing that some form of aid is coming makes it feel like I'm in the home stretch."
"Everything you've been wishing for is right around the corner."
"I'm cautiously optimistic about where it's gonna go."
"You're cautious, careful what you wish for, but I feel like you're everything this person could ever want."
"We're just hoping that the next run is going to be different."
"I really do hope you guys are as excited for this campaign as I am."
"Spirit's saying it's coming, it's being guided towards you."
"A blessing is coming, even if you're not seeing any signs of it."
"You're waiting on this person because you feel like this could be the one—you have really, really high hopes for this connection."
"The system is collapsing, it is done for, it is over. Our ancestors prayed for this to happen, our people have fought for this to happen, and we are this close."
"There's a lot of baggage to this Terminator series... we're hoping that this is good." - Perry
"Something is going to be filled in and brought to light."
"It would be really dope to see them together."
"I find these mysteries exciting and I hope that this year we're going to start breaking through some of the cement that this planet has been in."
"There's something very special in the works for you here."
"Something that you've been wishing for is coming your way."
"I love what I'm seeing, I hope you guys'll like it as well."
"Better be for a good thing, right?"
"Good things to come fingers crossed."
"Fingers crossed one of these giants makes an appearance for us both."
"See with the eyes of faith, hear with the ears of hope, and walk with the confidence of knowing that a beautiful tomorrow awaits you."
"I have a lot of hope for this one because my belief is that they're going to actually do a hard job and the most important one."
"If things go according to how I hope they will, then this will have been a monumental week in my life."
"Every time I saw those headlights come around the corner, I'd sit up in bed, staring out of my window, just full of hope."
"Faith is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead."
"Let's have hope, my heart is racing."
"It's by far the biggest one of my career so fingers crossed and hopefully things go good."
"Let's hope that 2024 will bring another season, fingers crossed."
"We hope that there is a thrilling end to the season."
"Miracle, this is a miracle, somebody's about to experience a witness a miracle."
"It's nice to be optimistic; I actually think it might happen this time."