
Pruning Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"That's a wrap, that is a cut literally because I've cut a bunch of my plants, some pretty harshly and but they needed it."
"To achieve fuller bushier growth in philodendrons often pruning back or propagating the top section of the plant is a good way to do this."
"Pruning is necessary for internal and external expansion."
"I try to snip the rhododendrons if you can see there's some little some little leaf nodes or buds on there at the very base I try to snip it right below one of those."
"Sometimes you have to actually cut your plant in order to make it grow more... you guys are cutting and trimming away old things."
"The key to growing a large bushy basil plant like this is top pruning it."
"Every branch in me that bears fruit my Father is going to prune it."
"God is always trying to prune our lives; it's an invitation from him to us to participate."
"You can reach 12 or 14 feet from the ground up into a tree with this pruner."
"Old timers like to say if you can take off your hat and throw it up in the top of the tree and it'll come down through the branches without getting caught, it is thinned out enough."
"So in summation, we're standing with a three-year-old apple tree. Did summer pruning of the laterals in some instances as we've demonstrated. Got a good response, that is an almost immediate formation and expression of a fruit bud or flowers."
"So-called overproduction isn't an error. That is exploration. And then with use, there's pruning."
"Just like pruning a garden, releasing unhealthy ties creates space for flourishing connections."
"Pruning can be simple when you start with the basics."
"Thinning cuts, like the name implies, are meant to thin out the tree."
"Pruning just stimulates growth, it opens up windows of light, it helps get higher quality fruit."
"If things get a little too long and leggy and just get really out of control all you're going to have to do is take your scissors take your clippers and just pinch things back."
"The Lord is constantly pruning us."
"God is pruning us because he loves us."
"I like the idea of it being worlds that they go to, but I think of it more as the TVA being dishonest about what pruning is in the first place. Most people that see pruning assume it's death, it's a death sentence."
"The main reason that we want to prune Our tomato plants... is so that we can grow more tomato plants."
"Prune it hard. I'd go ahead and take the opportunity to maybe thin it all the way thin some of the suckers down at the base."
"We went through some of the different lopper options."
"Pruning is something we do because we want to change something to our benefit. Trees do a pretty good job on their own growing and doing well. Our pruning is for our own purposes."
"We want one main stem that it grows up, so that means we only want one top."
"Pruning is essential for thriving. It's essential for thriving."
"If you don't cut away dead branches, the tree will expend more energy keeping what is dead on life support than it does ensuring what is healthy stays alive."
"I see it as God's way of saying you're mine, yes I you are mine and you know wait till you see the fruit because the whole point of pruning fruit is you suddenly see so much more."
"Pruning is the necessary act of spiritual subtraction for the sake of supernatural multiplication."
"In order to be fruitful, we from time to time have to go through a process of pruning."
"God comes along and prunes us, to make us more fruitful for him."
"Unfortunately, our first pruning task here is kind of a melancholy one."
"If you really feel like your life is out of control, then you can come out here and you can do some really aggressive pruning and create some negative space."
"God will prune you so that you can bear more fruit."
"I am sure that she will cut this back really far because with these macrophila hydrangeas that bloom on all growth if you're going to prune it you need to prune it after it blooms."
"Why do we do summer pruning? I think a lot of people get very confused."
"If it's flowering later on in the summer, then really you can cut it back in the winter or the spring generally."
"By taking all of the flowers off, you're going to let it blow up with leafy growth which gives it more energy to get even more fruit down the road."
"Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and cut something way, way down and just see what happens if a plant is doing really poorly. Sometimes pruning it is the best thing to do. It could really give the plant a new lease on life."
"Microglia are key regulators in synaptic remodeling or synaptic pruning."
"Could microglia be involved in the process of synaptic refinement or synaptic pruning?"
"Our main goal when pruning is to increase the sunlight distribution to the tree. More light means higher production and higher quality fruit."
"What a thinning cut does is really important. When we make a thinning cut, there's not a lot of regrowth that happens at the point of the cut."
"Another thing I didn't mention was when you're pruning make sure you wear some glasses too because you don't want any of the branches hitting you in the eye that can be really dangerous."
"It's almost like thinning it out without one of blunts and scissor through."
"You can always correct...that's what's so cool about pruning."
"If pruning equals better fruit, and you kind of need to prune every year."
"A plant can do one of two things a plant can either continue to grow up through its main growth stem or it can form side shoots."
"When God trims things back, it's so that more fruit can come from your life, and the net gain will be more than you were before the cutting started."
"...pruning has a slight level it does produce a slight level of stress on the trees but it is offset by other increased positives."
"These are the peonies, they certainly need to be clipped."
"Ideal for pruning and light lining in tight areas."
"The pruning process is necessary for victory. Trust God through it."
"Trust God through the pruning process. He's preparing you for victory."
"Pruning roses in early spring or late winter reshapes the shrub and encourages flowering along the entire length of the stem."
"You can have more control of them by cutting them."
"Pruning must always be done with a purpose and the only two purposes God would ever prune a person is either to change him or to train him."
"God prunes for two reasons: to assert our attachments and also that he might get us in a position to receive more light."
"The point is that all restricted forms of apples and pears whether they're espaliers, cordons, fans, or just bush or dwarf trees need summer pruning."
"The branch that bears no fruit must be destroyed."
"...the Lord of the vineyard stretches out his hand and prunes, nourishes, everything he needs to bring us back to Him..."
"If you're going to grow this, be sure that you don't, uh, prune it in the springtime or you will cut off all the blooms."
"There are times when it might even be the best course of action if you have one that is getting unruly and not growing how you want then a chop and reset could be just the ticket."
"Sometimes the best way to grow is to cut back."
"For wood that is under one year of age, you can prune at any time of the year."
"Coconuts can be dangerous if left unchecked. Pruning ensures safety and a clean aesthetic."
"They do root prune these though, he did explain."
"The main pruning I do is grow them out to a single stem whip and then top it right then and there during the growing season."
"When you're growing, anything that is not aligned with your growth is going to be pruned."
"God prunes so there's a Remnant and God uses the remnant for a Revival."
"...for every one cut I get two branches. It really is addition by subtraction."
"Phoebe is all pruned, trimmed, cleaned up, and dressed up in its new outfit. It took me about an hour to get this girl in this perfect shape."
"This gives me a rough shape, I can kind of get it to how I want it to look, I can open up the branches a little bit, get rid of some of the excess."
"Pruning actually encourages new growth."
"All of this pruning diversity and photosynthesis brings organic matter and it really does matter."
"One of the benefits of pruning is to remove some of those older canes which not only takes them out and takes the drain off the plant but also stimulates the growth of new canes which are going to be much more productive."
"God uses His Word to prune us and to correct us."
"These are the means that God uses to prune out the dead stuff and to energize the good stuff."
"We all have to remind ourselves that hurts so good last time I was pruned it was painful for a moment but it yielded good fruit."
"For pruning lavender, the first thing we encourage people to do is to rake over the top of the lavender just briefly like this."
"Pruning is important for continuous blooming; they bloom on new wood."
"There's infinite possibilities but they're like the gardeners of time and they prune branches that aren't supposed to be there or they're going to affect other other branches."
"Pinching involves the removal of terminal buds or shoots to encourage the growth of secondary buds along the branch."
"Sometimes to get a coral to grow you have to cut it."
"You could potentially cut all of the foliage off all of the branches off of a Pitch Pine."
"Um, now that I've taken, now that now that I've cut it, um, there's going to be some new growth that will activate further down the stem here, but you know what, let's just cut this even more, so that's too long, we don't need that, that's unnecessary."
"God begins to not only prune away what is not necessary for our next, what is not aligned with our vision and values, but also to pour into us the things that we need to be strengthened on the inside."
"The purpose or the reason for doing decision tree pruning is to reduce overfitting or to cut down on overfitting."
"Every branch in Me that bears no fruit, it cuts away."
"The magnitude-based pruning is also a very good criteria in practice when selecting which neuron to prune."
"It's ready for pruning when it's just starting to come into new growth."
"I'm going to cut this back to a similar level and then when it re-sprouts, I'll just decide which stems I want to keep."
"If you want really big red leaves, you just want to reduce it to one or two stems."
"A hard prune like this should be absolutely fine; it'll respond by putting out lots of new shoots."
"A simple pruning of even 5% per year could swing the plant in a position of proliferation, growth, bigger health, so many benefits by simply pruning."
"We're going to end up maximizing the number of buds and maximizing yields by doing summer pruning."
"Trauma not only affects the ability to prune but if it's early on trauma, it actually affects the brain development itself."
"Take your time to do this, go through every single branch, cut off all the dead one inside, remove what you don't need."
"Even though we're taking branches out, we're making the tree more productive."
"Pruning your bonsai is just one of the techniques that keeps your tree small."
"Pruning your plants... that will encourage new growth."
"A heading cut where you go right through the stem is far more invigorating."
"Pruning is actually a preventative measure to ensure that your green girls are not infested with the travesty that are pests."
"Propagation can be easily done as well, even when you're pruning."
"The sheer volume of foliage is actually incredible, I'm actually going to prune these back now and encourage bushier plants."
"Remove any crossing branches and any branches that are pointing down and you'll be just fine."
"Pruning is not just a preparatory step; it's an art that dictates the future shape and beauty of the bonsai."
"That's a beautiful pruning job to create a wonderful deciduous branch."
"I prune my avocado tree to have a very open center... I want to leave some of the wood in to increase my chances of fruit."
"They are so vigorous, they're ready to grow, stored energy, and that is what we can expect when we prune at this time of year."
"We removed a lot of detritus, we took out the weak stuff, and the balance over the tree, that's really the priority."
"I'm not just taking the ends off; I'm looking at the inside and seeing what I can take from the inside to create the space between branches and layers."
"I reckon I've taken maybe 40% out so it can now breathe."
"Last summer, I pruned this grapevine that was kind of strangling this plum tree, absolutely abundant with fruit this year."
"This will help it grow much bushier growth, much stockier growth, and you'll get a much better branching plant."
"Good luck with your jade plant, and hopefully, you'll have similar results where you cut back all the long leggy growth and then should get nice short healthy growth in return."
"If you have a really bad vine that hasn't been pruned in years, you can take a bud near the bottom and just cut the vine off right above that and then just start fresh."
"Cutting off a dead branch from a healthy tree doesn't hurt it; it's just like when you get your toenails cut."
"This is actually a dwarf blue spruce, and it does need some pruning, but it handles a heavy heavy pruning really well."
"I think he actually did us a favor pruning this time because I've gotten more flower buds as a result."
"My ficus has been growing quite well this past year, and it's strong enough that I think I can cut it back."
"The roots have to be pruned and carefully arranged just like the top of the tree."
"These plants are very durable and very hardy, and they can survive a rigorous pruning."
"Prune after flowering and you can never go wrong."
"If you have a plant like mine where it needs to be pruned just because of the weight or even if you want to get branches throughout the winter months, there's a couple things that you can do that are really easy."
"You have to prune some of it so it can blossom back more."
"Every branch in me that bears fruit, He prunes, so we can keep bearing fruit."
"You root prune them, you top prune them, and just slowly grow them into a really nice bonsai."
"Pruning is really again about the airflow, and you're just removing the leaves that are on the inside covered by the outer leaves."
"I'm going to do my actual branch pruning, limiting crossing branches, branches that are growing inwards towards the center of the tree, keeping everything flowing and fanning outwards."
"Sometimes with pruning, it's not what the tree looks like after the pruning; it's what it looks like after the new growth comes in."
"Quite a severe pruning on my yellow hibiscus today, but it's a step closer to becoming eventually a nice bonsai."
"It's been trimmed and wired a couple of times so that it has nice branch placement."
"You cannot trim everything off your plant because the plant needs leaves to grow."
"If you want to be fruitful, you have to be pruned."
"Last winter I gave it a really hard prune, taking it down to the bare structure, and over the summer it just filled in beautifully."
"Little pruning is required, mostly shaping and removal of Deadwood or removal of vigorous water sprouts."
"They bloom on the previous season's growth, so you prune them right after they flower."
"I have got the Jade all pruned up."
"Now that all the new shoots have emerged, I can see where I could prune branches back to some of these back buds."
"I can change the direction of the branches by doing directional pruning."
"The best way to encourage new growth every season is to give them a good prune."
"By pruning some of those off now, we're conserving some of that energy and making sure it's driven to areas of the tree that we want."