
Asthma Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"It’s absolutely terrifying for those several seconds that someone is having an asthma attack and can’t breathe."
"Asthma, this can be greatly improved with vitamin D."
"Asthma is a situation where you have inflammation in the lungs and this can be greatly improved with vitamin D."
"I tell y'all what, that was a workout, especially for a fella with asthma, a fat fella with asthma."
"Be careful with Singulair because as much as it did a great job in ridding me of my asthma symptoms, I went right back to using my inhaler."
"So it is allowed providing that it was a childhood asthma that you outgrew and have not had any asthma related incidences breathing issues relating to asthma since age 13 forward to current date."
"We found a very strong correlation between environmental house dust microbiomes and asthma development in children."
"Now what are those signs and symptoms of an active asthma attack that is literally going on and this patient is experiencing it?"
"To understand the pathophysiology of an asthma attack we need to talk about what we normally do with breathing."
"The treatment of asthma does not depend on the etiology, but on the severity."
"I have exercise-induced asthma. When I was on zero sugar or as close to zero as it's practical to get, bizarrely, my asthma pretty much disappeared."
"Well, I mean, I almost died from asthma. I get the job done, man, you know? So I started really taking this serious, then, you know, and then also, you know, just learning breathing techniques, no doubt."
"Asthma is an inflammatory condition, so if you put your body in an anti-inflammatory environment, it tends to do better."
"It smelled. It was horrendous. I have asthma, my 12-year-old daughter has asthma. We had trouble breathing."
"It was born with bad asthma as a kid right which I thought was quite interesting."
"A low carb diet plus intermittent fasting had a profound effect improving not only the symptoms that asthma suffers have but also their objective measurements."
"Sport is actually good for asthmatics, especially running because you're using the lungs in a very functional way."
"In asthma, obstruction is due to increased secretions, swelling, and inflammation."
"Obstructive diseases include asthma."
"Self-monitoring is the most valuable way to determine whether a patient needs to be treated for an asthma flare-up."
"In asthma, what happens is that a person who has allergic asthma, when he is exposed to the allergens, develops difficulty in breathing because there is obstruction to the airflow and bronchial tree constrict."
"Asthma is a disease of inflammation, and the best way to treat any patient with persistent asthma is with a steroid."
"Bronchial asthma, chronic inflammatory airway disease."
"Asthma is a chronic hyperreactive airway disease that is reversible."
"Status asthmaticus is a severe attack of asthma that is not responsive to traditional therapies."
"A prolonged asthma attack that is unrelieved may progress into a condition known as status asthmaticus, and this is a true emergency."
"In this lecture, we're going to talk about pediatric asthma and how we should approach a wheezing child."
"If a child has a history of wheezing which is responsive to albuterol, this is probably asthma."
"In asthma, the key is control and prevention."
"Asthma represents by far and away the most common cause of wheeze in children."
"For the acute exacerbation, the mainstay is albuterol."
"It was a warm afternoon, breezy and mild with very little humidity—a perfect day that was too good for an asthmatic such as myself to pass up the chance to get out and enjoy."
"Up to 78% of asthma patients will also experience allergic rhinitis."
"Asthma is a common long-term inflammatory disease of the airways."
"Asthma is a condition that affects a person's airways and makes it difficult for them to breathe."
"The problem with asthma is the Airways are constricted; the treatment is to make the Airways dilate."
"If you have asthma or if you have a child with asthma... run, do not walk, to a completely plant-based diet."
"Our goal is to save lives and reduce the burden of disease for people with asthma and allergies."
"You also have to identify and reduce your exposures to the things that trigger your asthma."
"The client needs explanations of the physiology of asthma and demonstrations of appropriate interventions."
"Accolade for asthma, because having more control can make a difference."
"Coffee is good for asthma, three cups a day."
"People with asthma seem to do a lot better in a low humidity state."
"I used to play a lot of sports, I've never let the asthma get me down with sports though."
"Most people who live with asthma do not go to the hospital when they have their attacks."
"Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by ongoing inflammation of the airways."
"Asthma is one of the big problems but can easily be eradicated by this kind of a plant."
"Coffee may actually stop some asthma attacks."