
Divergence Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Divergence between the stock market and reality."
"Your relationship with them is going to branch off in different ways."
"Trudeau is very cognizant of the fact that the views of the political Elite in Canada hold on immigration have diverged significantly from those of the Canadian public."
"When value start to diverge, the only thing I can recommend is—ask your friend in a very vulnerable way."
"The Free Navy was not the OPA and it was not meant to be."
"We are experiencing the splitting into different parallel realities."
"If you think about it, seeing Roman Reigns walk a different path from Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins actually foreshadows how he becomes the most successful of the trio."
"Raditz and Goku are training on Beerus's planet together, each going down a different path."
"God can have a will and you can have another one."
"A character who's growing in a world where it's consumed by it and choosing to go on a different path."
"We're not even in the same library, let alone the same page."
"No argument must lead you astray. Never listen when they tell you that man and the animals have a common interest."
"This video ended up being wildly different from what I originally planned."
"You have to be willing to diverge from the crowd."
"RSI helps us identify situations where the price might be diverging from its recent trend."
"The movie doesn't have to end its story the same way the comics do."
"A very interesting perspective on a very, very far back point of divergence."
"But if the Jedi weren’t going to do anything, maybe it was time for a different path."
"It's another nail in the 'we don't want to follow that path'."
"But the actual closest relatives of true crocodiles were doing something very different at this time in Earth's history."
"Our style of trade, as we say this all the time, is going to be a little different in time frames than yours most likely."
"Even if it's a divergence from what you originally thought, you start to see growth."
"At each of these phases of the Market Maker model, you can look for SMT divergence."
"Unlike part two, Hostel 3 doesn't follow any of the characters or even countries from the previous films."
"Although they stop the bad guy together, Magneto and Xavier become estranged and the team splits due to differing views on how humanity should coexist with mutants."
"Two boys who both had the exact same start in life going down radically different paths."
"We're trying to de-program and examine these moments where things could have gone differently."
"There is something almost rubbery smoky on the dry down that people find repulsive and I find so good."
"People change a lot. So yeah, sometimes paths diverge, and that's okay."
"This goes against the actions of our Ummah."
"England, France, and Germany all more or less started with very similar institutions, and they've all gone very different ways."
"It's completely different from everything we've seen so far in the season."
"In bringing Boscovich into his thinking, Nietzsche parts ways with many of these figures that we've talked about as being his influences."
"The Americans and English constitutional traditions diverged at the time of the revolution."
"Divergences can be very effective in spotting reversals within the market, and because RSI is a momentum indicator, it will indicate to us when the momentum is slowing to one direction and help provide some signals."
"Regular or classic divergence tells us of an impending reversal. Not every reversal is preceded by regular divergence, but a lot of times you will see regular divergence showing up when the market is about to reverse."
"She went her way and I went mine, Judy."
"An obvious possibility is to see populations on separate Islands don't meet each other not often anyway so their two sets of genes have the opportunity to drift away from one another."
"Our goals are going to be ridiculous. Our goals are going to be divergent and out there and weird to some people."
"Despite their Divergent path these religions retain common elements."
"Even Professor X is a murderous genocidal madman in this world."
"That'd be the beauty of it because it's like they tried to connect me to something and I went a whole nother Direction."
"So, that's how we end up with these just wildly divergent senses of truth."
"The last common ancestor of Neanderthals and modern humans is uncertain. Dental morphology and genetic studies suggest different divergence times, raising questions about when and where this ancestor lived."
"I need three things to line up. Divergences are the best thing I've ever come across."
"Jesus seemed not to share the Pharisees' concern for detailed study and observance of the fine points of the law."
"When everyone went right, you went left."
"The difference between Europe and the US would grow from a difference of degree into a difference of kind."
"Not until the British began to actively regulate the colonies in the mid-eighteenth century did it really become apparent that colonial and British ideas about the role of the colonies and the rights of colonists had really begun to drift apart."
"And in my mind, I figured I don't care if I have to break a window or whatever. If he went that way, I'm going a different way."
"I never wanted to be a Shinobi. I wanted to build houses, connect people."
"She wants to destroy humanity, he wants to save it."
"It's like oh we're not headed in the same direction, err... well, I mean that is ultimately what a band is about."
"It's almost like two people going different directions on trails."
"It's like we become the people diverge at a certain point with what their motivations are, what their interests are."
"This was a very different direction to go for a Pokémon sequel, ironically one that the series of games would actually take."
"I totally get it, this look for Joker isn't going to be for everyone."
"Our vision is the opposite of theirs, and for that, we are called extreme."
"We've come to the conclusion that really we're not working towards the same thing anymore."
"I feel like the current like wide Trend kind of didn't come from the same place originally."
"Cumulative delta shows divergence between price and delta."
"You make one choice differently and absolutely nothing, nothing is the same."
"Mariology to me represents an area where Protestants and Catholics are getting further apart."
"The recognition and legacy of these documents also diverge significantly."
"I know people love the Happy Endings with Anakin, but we're taking it a different path today."
"I had to move away from people because they were going somewhere where I didn't want to go down that road."
"I've been very fortunate... I've always really... the path that I wanted to follow and the path that everyone involved wanted to follow was the same. It's totally possible for people to see two totally different paths through the woods."
"Two lines born from the same source material diverged for the benefit of the entire world."
"History hadn't quite ended, it had just sort of partitioned into two rather different versions of history."
"The religion founded on Jesus was arguably very different in significant ways from what Jesus himself believed, taught, and stood for."
"It is very helpful to see tops or bottoms if there is divergence between on a certain price for every instrument."
"Even with this debate right now, I feel like they're just miles apart from each other in regards to like coming to some type of common ground."
"Mosley's politics have been very different indeed."
"Show me a divergence, I'll show you a market that moves in the direction of the divergence 90 percent of the time."
"Being you can go the other direction and"
"...you're going to grow in opposite directions."
"Ten out of ten Hollywood politics didn't like it but I did, boom."
"Final Fantasy 13 tried something different."
"Something goes up and up and up and up and up and up and through the roof. Mathematicians like to talk about it: divergence to infinity."
"The story of the original games had been brought to a close, for better or worse, with the DR3 anime, and New Danganronpa V3 was indeed entirely new, unrelated to those previous installments."
"I don't care necessarily what happened in the books that's different."
"Just like, you know, we go our own way at times."
"We assume that we are losing ground. We're getting further and further away from the original message."
"If there's such a thing as standard metal or more normal metal, we always wanted to kind of do something that took off to the side from that, you know?"
"...the surge of ideas... every one of the big ideas was 180 degrees different..."
"Once we became Super Famous and millionaires we all went off in our own direction."
"You have a very large divergence here, folks."
"Some of y'all really have me thinking that we're on two different pages...actually two different planets."
"I don't see any of these things as a disadvantage. I see divergence as an opportunity."
"Looks like we come to a fork in the road."
"We've been making a different decision."
"Digimon Tamers is the black sheep of the Digimon franchise."
"It just felt like a total divorcing from what made Star Wars great."
"...as sometimes the basic setup of the story is kept, but they still diverge past recognition."
"I just want to reassure that nothing in this deal will prevent us diverging."
"What assassin runs away from his family and desires to live the life of a normal boy?"
"It took 8 million years for chimps and humans to diverge by two percent of their genome."
"That's a huge divergence from what we know about Minoan and early Vedic civilization."
"legend, but each one took his own path."
"We have tolken going this way, we have the rings of power here, and then goes like this, and now the rings of power is like going this and heading off into the distance."
"Nothing is quite the way that it was originally presented because they've gone their own way."
"...that euro so we are getting economic divergence..."
"The divergence technique gives you very early clues to when one index is running out of steam."
"The inevitable divergence between Earth and Mars will eventually lead to speciation."
"Reversals and divergence... helps us to determine well, are we in a trending, are we going to continue, or are we getting ready to reverse?"
"Divergence is the reliable signal."
"Our lineage diverged from other lineages of hominins, but there was still genetic admixture, there was still exchange of genes."
"Athleticism and health will track along up to a certain level, but as you proceed beyond that, health and athleticism start to take divergent paths."
"Egypt takes a very different turn from Sumer."
"It felt like that part in Loki where all the different timelines begin to branch off."
"When you step back and look at the bigger picture, the potential is rather intriguing and rather divergent from what we normally could get."
"The more different two languages that seem to be related are, we presume the longer ago they split apart."
"These ancestral animals split off into two, and one side of the family tree went towards reptiles, the other side would ultimately go towards mammals."
"The world is diverging into different blocs, and there's a competition between value systems."
"God's way and the Way of the World are not the same."
"The Jewishness of Jesus was preserved within the Jamesian tradition and the Ebionites but not so Paul."
"The Muslims and Christians are going together, but the parting of it is that most of the Christians believe that Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, claimed divinity."
"It was refreshing to see some of the queens divert from that and try to take us on a little bit more of a journey."
"These animals were probably a sister lineage to perissodactyls with an estimated divergence time of roughly 66 million years ago."
"Eternals feels different from the rest of the MCU; it diverts from the tone the MCU movies typically have."
"Sometimes people just grow, and sometimes people grow in different directions."
"Divergence happens when we have different signs of the slopes between the price and the RSI."
"On paper they seem like the same show, but actually diverged completely in their direction."
"I know our lives been moving in two different directions, but I will always be there for you."
"I like when shows do that, they go on a different path."
"It's not an approach that is about sameness; it's an approach that embraces divergence."
"Humans and chimpanzees have been evolving in our own lineages for seven million years."
"We still love each other very dearly, but we just want different things."
"Homo habilis persisted, however, and a group of individuals would one day split from the species, stepping one pace closer on the path to you and me."
"Just because someone's path diverges from yours doesn't make them a bad person."
"A collection of our moments together, having the last few goof-ups before our paths in life diverged."
"The paths of two objects can be so closely aligned, and then at some point they diverge."
"In science fiction, the world differs from our own because of technology."
"Occasionally, though, a choice is made that does affect the river of realities. An Event occurs that diverts the flow, that changes the future for that particular sub-stream of realities. This is known as a Divergence."
"Each branching point is a divergence from a common ancestor."
"This is a well-known divergent series known as the harmonic series."
"Divergence... is a measurement of how much fluid or flow enters a small neighborhood around the point compared to how much leaves it."
"You're comfortable with this life; I may be destined for something else."
"It may not sound Star Wars-like, but it's different, and that's what matters."
"The total flux through the boundary must be equal to the total divergence on the interior."
"I think everything could have turned out if we didn't kind of all split off on our own ways."
"The possibility of being independent led the United States on a different growth path than Central and South America."
"This is where the paths separate, the fork in the road if you will."
"You have to accept that you have to let that person go that way and you have to go the other way."
"You will see these divergences very often."
"The story of Ireland diverges because Ireland alone starved."
"I felt my future diverge into two paths, the one I'd always expected and a second that felt new and bright and full of potential."
"All of the original disciples of Jesus were Jewish, and it's only long after his death that Christianity completely diverges from Judaism."
"Okay, things happen, people change, we go different ways."
"Let's see if we can find the point at which we diverge."
"Nothing like this happens in the book."
"It's just neat to see the divergent past they did and to see it reinterpreted in such a way."
"This is a story about Divergence, Divergent opportunities... far more opportunities in Far More Pockets, different regions, different segments, different sections."
"This is called Divergence, and it's been incredibly well rated."
"The placental saber-tooth tiger and the marsupial saber-tooth tiger... they are two separate species which had separate origins."
"Once they start developing the characters, they go in totally different directions."
"There's a lot of room for major divergences to unfold in that amount of time."
"By traveling back in time to prevent it, I create two divergent worlds."
"We were good for a short period of time, but our paths are not aligning, I wish you the best of luck."
"God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes."
"Divergent series are extremely useful, which might surprise you, and actually in some ways they're more useful than convergent series."
"Divergent series could be your friend unlike what you might have been taught previously."
"It is a profoundly reflective and emotional story about twin sisters who end up living completely different lives."
"Maybe the fans end up loving it and critics don't."
"These two great Renaissance painters... took very, very different artistic paths."
"If the modulus of R is strictly greater than one, then the sequence will diverge."