
Punctuation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Because otherwise you end up with questions like, 'Have you eaten, grandma?' The difference between being courteous to your grandmother, and trying to be a bloodthirsty cannibal."
"Whenever you don't need a comma, don't put a comma. Less is more, less is better in writing."
"Adjective clauses are dependent and therefore you would change that period to a comma."
"Five dots, you know what's funnier than three periods?"
"Mine was foe that I went with, so I got the semicolon tattoo."
"The semicolon shows a relationship between two sentences; two independent clauses that each can stand on its own."
"Let's eat grandma. Let's eat, grandma."
"Sometimes I like to read it just 'cause the punctuation can go a long way."
"Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind."
"Baker uses all the punctuation... it does add a lot to the story it really does."
"Commas are not inspired, and Jesus didn't say, 'I tell you the truth, comma, today you'll be with me in Paradise.' He said, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise' if you take the comma out."
"A question mark is just an exclamation mark that's been out of shape."
"Number eight: Apostrophes can be used to show that letters are missing from a word."
"The most powerful punctuation mark in existence: the Demi colon."
"There's this unresolved punctuation mark. It really feels like there's a breath, there's a pause, but we want more."
"You always have to separate each one by, by a comma, except until you move on to the next, to the next clause, this is called a clause."
"Apostrophe is so easy to use. I had a personalized treatment within 24 hours."
"When you see 'therefore' or 'however' in the middle of a sentence like this, you're going to want the semicolon and then the subordinating conjunction."
"You should have to say the underscore, can I say an underscore part that's not a hyphen?"
"I hope you found that video interesting comma informative comma a lot of fun and packed full of commas."
"Rather than its own point, it's almost become a kind of punctuation mark at the end of the thought, a call to arms that boom owns the state of modern cinema."
"Use semicolons to separate independent clauses or items in a series."
"Use commas to separate items in a series or after introductory phrases."
"Use colons to introduce lists or separate clauses when the second explains the first."
"...just see red mark after red mark of misplaced commas, hanging participles."
"And there is no piece of punctuation more emblematic of my suffering than the semi-colon."
"Punctuation, punctuation, when there's a comma you should pause for a beat."
"Inversion is like an exclamation point. When you need it, you need it!"
"Punctuation matters; emphasis matters."
"Her celebrated use of the dash wasn't some fanciful artifact; it was a weapon."
"A sentence is a group of words that starts with a capital letter, ends with a period, exclamation point, or question mark, and expresses a complete thought."
"The exclamation mark was originally called the point of admiration."
"You need to know the rules and how the punctuation marks should be used in writing if you want to spot the mistakes."
"Whenever you need a brief pause, use a comma."
"Semicolons can separate different elements of a list where commas would be confusing."
"New critics believed that even a comma, even a point, the arrangement of lines in the poem, the space between the lines, everything about the poem makes it what it is."
"The exact right use of a colon is the punch line, no pun intended."
"When you put an exclamation point and a question mark, it's called an interrobang."
"Use proper capitals and punctuation as much as you can."
"That's why Punctuation is important."
"You always want to put a comma before a coordinate conjunction that links two independent clauses."
"To full stop or not to full stop, that is the question."
"However practical punctuation is about clearly communicating the structure and rhythm of a sentence."
"What do you call a series of three periods in a row when used as punctuation? Ellipsis."
"Periods are your friends. They exist to help you and help me to breathe because I like air."
"I'm going to put my semicolon here. I use semicolons. I'm a proud semicolon user."
"A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark."
"Learn advanced punctuation that forces you to write more interesting sentences, and that forces the examiner to give you high marks."
"The dot over the lowercase 'i' or 'j' is called a tittle."
"It literally ends on a semicolon on the end of the page, that's so satisfying, awesome."
"Accurate use of spelling, punctuation, and grammar is very, very important."
"If you say to your kids 'Let's eat grandma,' you need the comma, or else grandma's the meal."
"That perfectly glorious mistress of English and the semicolon."
"You can make the reader's job so much easier if you start your sentences with a capital letter and finish them with an end punctuation mark."
"I think the Oxford comma will get people more inflamed than the whole atheism thing."
"Semicolon - that's the important piece."
"Always use an Oxford comma. No ambiguity in a legal document ever."
"Incorrectly punctuated dialogue can make readers abandon an otherwise good book."
"An exclamation mark can be used to emphasize how surprised or angry somebody is."
"Each footnote should start with a capital letter and use a full stop at the end."
"There's very few things in life I enjoy as much as the semicolon."
"To gain full marks for AO4, you should achieve consistent accuracy in spelling and punctuation."
"I tried to keep her in all caps; she left with an ellipsis."
"A dash is what you use to connect things together."
"There are instances where you need a serial comma to avoid confusion."
"The period and the comma always go inside the closing quotation mark."
"Leonard puts the exclamation point on it."