
Seafaring Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"There is a strong tradition of seagoing traders and warriors in Scandinavia that dates back 2,000 years before the Viking era."
"These compelling similarities between Egypt and the Americas suggest to some that a sophisticated group of seafaring people crossed the Atlantic thousands of years before Columbus."
"If you just grabbed Ghosts of Saltmarsh and you're planning on running a seafaring campaign, taking Water Breathing and being able to cast that as a ritual and it lasts 24 hours, you've negated all drowning potential."
"Brother nature to me! With that, the largest wave yet slowly tilts the ship so that it's riding almost completely on its side."
"These prehistoric people were more confident at finding their way across the sea."
"Viking sailors managed navigation utilizing the stars at night and the sun during the day."
"The world was mapped and explored by a global seafaring culture with a level of technology that was at least equivalent to ours at the end of the 18th century during the ice age."
"Seafarers navigate by the coastline, steering by the sun and stars."
"Therefore, whenever I behold a tall ship of the kings of men, my heart is eased; and now I make bold to seek your help, if you have any strength of men to spare, lend it to me, I beg."
"Archaeological evidence and the oral histories of indigenous peoples confirmed that the earliest inhabitants of the Americas were seafarers with extensive knowledge of ocean navigation and Marine lifestyles."
"Archaeologists believe there may be evidence of ancient seafaring shipwrecks from long-lost empires that could date back 3,000 years."
"We are making history. The shipwrecks we're likely to find are thousands upon thousands of years of seafaring in this region, and we know virtually nothing about it."
"Rolo hailed from the rugged landscapes of Scandinavia, where seafaring and raiding were a way of life."
"You'll have to come get me," he said, "or I'll just shoot this old man right here, the only one who probably knows how to operate a seafaring vessel between the two of you."
"This book... it isn't what you think it is at all. It's the unvarnished record of a seaman's life."
"Cheers, mate. The life of a deckhand, eh?"
"Family grams are important to me because it gives me this feeling that out there we're not forgotten when we're at sea. You know and civilization we're not forgotten and there's always someone out there thinking about it all the time."
"We knew that men would be on board this freighter. We knew that their lives depended on it."
"For millennia, the canoe has been the heart and soul of Marshallese culture."
"This boat is not just a fair-weather plaything; with its commercial underpinnings, this is designed to cross oceans."
"For my men and myself, the ship was our source of livelihood as well as my home."
"The Númenóreans thrive and prosper in their first six or seven hundred years; they build their great cities, they build their great ships."
"This song for mariners and all their ships."
"Ahoy matey, it's been long since our ships have passed each other by."
"With each cry of the gulls, I miss your companionship more."
"Good luck out there on the seven seas, my friend."
"My father is a fisherman; he sails around different seas on a huge steamship. Daddy is very strong and brave. I don't see him very often, and I miss him a lot."
"It is clear from the spread of the culture along the Atlantic and Mediterranean, that the megalith builders were proficient seafarers."
"Seafaring technology was largely responsible for human migration to areas like New Zealand."
"In a world where GPS and radar have made seafaring a far safer and more accessible undertaking, it's sometimes easy to forget that for countless years, humans sailed the harsh oceans with little to guide them."
"Every seafarer from the captain to the yoga instructor has to take this course and refresh it every five years."
"The boredom of long periods with the hatches battened down."
"It would be difficult to describe the subtle brotherhood of men that was here established on the seas."
"She's a good ship, that's all a man can ask."
"The term Viking means something like 'sea raider'."
"When the sea gets in your blood, nothing else in the world matters."
"From the day you went to sea, you should be ready to risk your life."
"Ancient Australians were captains of industry, masters of the seafaring trade with vast international networks."
"The word 'Viking' itself is not an ethnic term; it seems to refer etymologically to some sort of activity that involved seafaring."
"These voyagers were the Austronesians, the greatest seafarers ever to live."
"There's only three things important to a sailor: his wife, his kids, and his ship."
"Viking ships were more than capable of sailing the open ocean."
"It's interesting because they were a seafaring culture... that international trade made them wealthy but also is what eventually made them vulnerable."
"The sea and seafaring shaped the history of the Dutch Republic and the collective identity of the Dutch themselves."
"As they go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters, these see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep."
"It's just incredibly beautiful here, but deadly for boats and old sea dogs."
"During my career at sea, we were in the South Atlantic Ocean... I remember going inside the chart room to fix the ship's position."
"A crew of 1,400 live and work onboard for up to nine months at a time."
"I am a seaman, sir; I love the sea. I've hardly lived ashore."
"The word Viking meant pirate, but they were also known as men from the North, Norsemen, Normans."
"The Lycians were kind of like the rebels of the Bronze Age, a great group of seafaring people who left their mark across the Mediterranean."
"If you ever see a movie where they glamorize life on a sailing ship, just remember that basically all of their teeth were falling out because they couldn't get enough vitamin C."
"It's just about communication; people are always happy to help a fellow seafarer."