
Agile Methodology Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The flexibility of the agile method allows project teams to respond to customer reactions and constantly improve the product."
"Disciplined Agile provides a comprehensive guide to everything you need for an agile transformation."
"Agile advocates for entire teams functioning as closely integrated units."
"Agile encourages humans to leverage the skills that only we as humans have: emotional intelligence, creative problem solving, and critical thinking."
"The agile manifesto suggests that it's the team you work with and the way you work together that determines success."
"Agile introduces a new way of looking at things... Let's relook at the situation that we currently have and find new opportunities."
"Responding to change over following a plan... Make adjustments as your situation changes."
"A core component of agile are these small loops...building on the previous one."
"Customer collaboration over contract negotiation...collaboration is more important."
"Responding to change over some fixed following a plan."
"Agile is not about being faster. It's about delivering value sooner and in a constant manner."
"Extreme programming and continuous delivery are deeply rooted in this idea of making progress incrementally in tiny steps."
"Every team themselves should decide how they commit and run their own little units right that's like one of the most basic forms of agile I think that's great."
"Two techniques: writing smaller stories and writing tests on the back, are essentially two sides of the same coin."
"The goal of a Sprint is to deliver working software at the conclusion of each Sprint."
"The sprint retrospective: ask and answer three questions: what went well, what did not go well, what are we going to do differently."
"Scrum master helps everyone to understand the theory, practices, rules, and values in Scrum."
"The purpose of the Sprint retrospective is to identify past mistakes, potential issues, and new ways to handle them."
"Remember, agile is about delivering value in a world with high degrees of uncertainty, risk, and competition."
"The importance of agile lies in its ability to deliver high-quality product, improve project outcomes, and drive customer satisfaction."
"Advantages of user stories involve delivering high-quality content and easing collaboration with team members."
"The goal of agile methodology is to produce shorter development life cycles and more frequent product releases than traditional waterfall project management."
"Agile is a set of methods and practices that focuses on iterative development."
"Agile process promotes sustainable development."
"Self-organized teams provide the best architectures, requirements, and design."
"Each successive increment builds on the top of the work done in the previous increments."
"We're trying to avoid waste. All those trappings that you've brought from your other projects, probably are waste and are not required on an Agile project."
"From our last retrospective, we learned the importance of having a proper definition of done and acceptance criteria with every user story."
"A user story is a minimum viable product that delivers a value to the customer, written in gherkin format, and can be worked on independently."
"Sprint retrospective identifies learnings and improvements for future sprints."
"Scrum board visualizes tasks in the sprint backlog, showing progress."
"Stick to the daily stand-up agenda: completed work, planned work, and blockers."
"The most efficient and effective method of conveying information and within a development team is a face-to-face conversation."
"The sprint review is not a demo. The purpose is to collaborate as a group, take feedback, and decide on how to move forward."
"The goal of the daily scrum is to get updates as to what kind of work was accomplished the day before and what sort of work is intended to be done on the current day."
"Moreover, the scrum meeting also identifies any obstacles that may hinder the progress of the sprint."
"Extreme programming is an agile project management methodology designed for software development."
"If you don't have these two charts on the wall, you are not doing agile."
"Agile processes promote sustainable development so everyone should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely."
"The daily scrum meeting is not used as a problem-solving or issue resolution meeting. Rather, issues are raised and taken offline and usually dealt with by the relevant subgroup immediately after the meeting."
"Succeeding in a scrum Master role needs to be your goal because it's one thing for you to have the knowledge that helps you get a job, it's another thing for you to have a knowledge that helps you succeed."
"Agile is a collaborative strategy used to complete work quickly, adapt to changing demands, and optimize workflow."
"Pi planning is the heart and soul of SAFe. If you're not doing pi planning, you're not doing it right."
"...for breaking the feature, it's normally recommended that we follow vertical slicing in agile because here we are focusing more on delivering value to the customer."
"Agile fails when we overlay it on top of broken organizations without addressing dependencies."
"Adopting agile means breaking dependencies, not just applying scrum or other practices."
"Agile is not about the tools or methodologies; it's about responding to change and delivering value to customers."
"In agile, you have shorter iteration sprints so like two to four week cycle in which you design, develop, build, test, and then you get the feedback."
"In agile methodology, the main focus is on customer satisfaction."
"If you're sitting on your code without releasing it, then you haven't accomplished anything."
"I think agile is by far the best way that we know to produce software."
"Advocate for agile principles by modeling those principles and discussing agile values."
"Behavior driven development is a agile software development methodology in which an application is documented and designed around the behaviors a user expects to experience when interacting with it."
"The Agile Manifesto emphasizes individuals and interactions over processes and tools."
"The agile approach has made it easy to handle projects efficiently."
"Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles."
"Helping your team become self-managing and self-organizing."
"If you're going to do an agile transformation, you better understand why you're doing it."
"If you can't figure out how to form teams, if you can't figure out how to build backlogs, if you can't figure out how to produce working tested software, then getting to that point is the work of the transformation."
"Scaling agile really means taking agile teams and scaling that up to larger groups of people."
"The key advantages you have of running a sprint with agile is that the client requirements are better understood."
"Instead of betting everything on a big bang launch, an agile team delivers work in small but consumable increments."
"The development process moved from the waterfall method to the agile method."
"Each project and sprint is a chance for the team to learn and improve. As the accuracy of story points increase over time, so will your team's productivity and confidence."
"Scrum is a framework for developing complex products and systems."
"Agile is a mindset, a philosophy informed by the values contained in the Agile Manifesto and the 12 principles behind the Agile Manifesto."
"Agile has taken the world by storm, and the prevalence of agile methods in the software industry today is obvious."
"User stories are a type of requirement... the smallest piece of work that represents some value to an end user and can be delivered during a sprint."
"The idea behind agile... is that you do a little bit of work and you give it to the user."
"Plan the design for the rest of the Villas as planned and plan the design of the villa in Jade Island with an agile-based iteration."
"The Sprint review is demonstrating the actual product that we've created in the last Sprint."
"A retrospective allows for the team to reflect and adjust practices."
"Agile is a methodology of project management originally created and used by software developers."
"Agile has become a well-known development methodology and the approach of choice for many development teams."
"User stories can be broken down into the INVEST acronym: Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable."
"We've been able to really bring our release functions in line with agile."
"The agile approach... is called adaptive because we're adapting as we go."
"Agile as a method has evolved and it's very good at building things in that stage of evolution."
"With Agile, our sprints are typically two to four weeks."
"Scrum is based on evolutionary biology."
"Agile is the idea of splitting really long projects into many really small projects and giving them to the real customer really fast."
"Feedback is coming much faster in an agile model."
"The requirements in an agile model are not captured in a detailed BRD."
"This means both of them are busy; nobody is sitting idle in the project."
"Agile is very rapid iterations, usually developing new features of a product in two to four weeks."
"I hope this video makes some positive contribution towards your agile journey and your agile knowledge."
"This is just basic value measurement, or in value management EVM, from an agile perspective by looking at cost and value delivered."
"The agile way is that you would give every team a complete backlog, a function, a component, something that they could focus on completing beginning to end."
"Educate the team and get their buy-in for a holistic transformation to Agile."
"Empower and support high-performing, self-organizing teams. Agile is all about empowering people, allowing them to deliver value."
"The waterfall software technique was very quickly replaced with what we call now an agile development methodology."
"Scrum is about these lack of handoffs, it's about working together, interdisciplinary design, all working together, deep collaboration."
"Scrum scales up by having teams of teams."
"Distributed development's hard, it should be hard... all the things that we get out of scrum and agile, I think, help."
"Velocity is synonymous with team progress."
"The power of this agile process is that a lot of the steps are done in parallel."
"It is highly customizable so that even though the software was proposed many years ago, it can still do something with the new management methodologies like Agile."
"We decided that agile matters more than scrum, and agile principles matter more than any specific practices."
"I generally believe in fast sprints... push something out, get feedback, take a brief rest, do another sprint."
"The changes happen that frequently and that is Agile."
"Continuous improvement, that's your North Star."
"The entire software industry is progressing from waterfall development methodologies towards agile, lean, continuous integration, continuous delivery, continuous deployment."