
Camera Design Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The action too because of this whole modular design the main camera unit has a small screen on there and the screen mod also has a small screen on there."
"Super easy to use... laid out with YouTubers in mind."
"Panasonic has also reset my standard in terms of flip-out screens. It's way better if the screen is right behind your lens so that you are all in alignment. Panasonic gets this right better than anyone else."
"This is the first Nikon full-frame body to have a fully articulating screen."
"The layout and ergonomics of this new camera... there's virtually no learning curve."
"Designed with the ergonomics Nikon is known for, the Z8 is easy to operate with a deep comfortable grip and buttons and dials intuitively laid out to allow for easy all-day operation."
"This is a beautiful camera, it's imperfect, it's not perfect, but for me, it's exactly what I need for a camera."
"The ergonomics of this camera are phenomenal and all the buttons are in just the right place."
"Ergonomics were extremely good on the z50..."
"The dslr style body is really really robust."
"The camera can turn 360 degrees, it also drops the center of gravity below the props, it's a little bit more stable that way."
"The fx30 just looks like a cinema camera. It's beautifully designed."
"It is one of the best designed, most beautiful cameras on the market."
"I think whoever designs a camera that can work very intuitive as much as your touch phone, yes, and produce the imagery which may be not true to the scene you see but looks beautiful out of the box, that would be cool."
"The pan V3 separates the two motorized portions to give the camera its full articulation."
"It's just a really bespoke, beautiful hearkening back to the days of old when you had dials and you had numbers printed on the top of your camera."
"The rubber that Nikon uses does feel really good quality and it's a lot more grippy."
"Nikon's top menu that you can glance down at is really nice, it doesn't use much battery."
"The X-Pro 3 is obviously much bigger, but it definitely has the most ergonomic style of grip."
"This little camera marries a beautiful fixed lens to a spectacular sensor with all of the elegance and simplicity of manual controls."
"This camera is meant to be the perfect 35 millimeter equivalent camera in that sense."
"We design new cameras through sheer devotion. It is our intention to produce cameras that will be the preferred choice for photo enthusiasts because we love photography."
"Taking our feedback and thinking about different ways that we all use the cameras, they're applying it to their new models, and I really do appreciate that."
"The Canon C70's body is still better suited for video; it's a bigger camera and it just made for video."
"Not only is the camera just a joy to hold and it feels great in the hand, but the button layout is well-thought-out and absolutely fantastic."
"Sony decided to put a ring on it, an aperture ring, ah, while maintaining that sweet, sweet G-money quality."
"Reducing the camera bump... is going to give you much less camera wobble, and that's a big positive."
"How is the camera lens circular, but the frame is square?"
"The Sony definitely has the best style because someone actually thought about what modes are most photographers using."
"Another thing that I love more about the pocket is that fantastic menu and that big screen that you have on board, so you don't need any external monitor."
"The biggest selling point of the FX30 for me is the pro style Cinema body because it's made like a real professional camera."
"The best video feature, particular for vloggers, is that the screen swivels out and faces forward."
"If you're the kind of photographer who loves the bulky DSLR feel, this is the one for you."
"This is a nice screen, it is articulating."
"I would prefer to have comfortable hands and the camera be slightly heavier and slightly larger than having uncomfortable hands and saving a little bit."
"For many types of productions, there is simply no other camera design that is as fast to work with or as versatile as a shoulder mount camcorder with two third gen sensors and a B4 lens mount."
"You think they would put a tripod collar on here, but they've designed it so that there's enough strength in the mount that you can handle this much weight in the front."
"The design of the camera course is made for photographers for quick access and control."
"The x100v experience isn't really all too much about the actual performance of the camera, it's the look of the camera, it's the feeling of the leaf shutter, it's the ability to go with an OVF and an EVF."
"It's an absolutely gorgeous camera; it's a fun camera to use, it's an easy camera to use."
"The X-Pro2 was designed in such a way to make it really customizable for the photographer."
"You're not going to see any camera hole in the front, how sick is that?"