
Attitude Quotes

There are 10984 quotes

"It's not about what happens to us in life; it's how we deal with it."
"You've got to have psychological mindedness, which means they've got to understand that it's not about what happens to us in life; it's how we deal with it."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
"Man's ultimate freedom to choose your attitude in any set of circumstances."
"You have three choices: you can go down, you can go sideways, or you can say, 'This is going to be the best experience of my life.'"
"Rule number 76: no excuses, play like a champion."
"Life will never be joyous unless you bring the joy."
"The greatest discovery any generation is that a human being can alter his or her life by altering his or her attitude."
"Happiness, mental well-being, the way you think about the world, the way you approach the world actually is more important than your lifestyle."
"Stop whining and blaming, and take full responsibility for everything that's happening in your life. Everything in your life needs to be your responsibility."
"The Art of Not Giving an F is not about being apathetic. It's about understanding we're all a work in progress."
"The last of man's freedom is to choose one's own attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"Being childlike has nothing to do with your age; it has to do with a mindset."
"If your job is to entertain, you best stay childlike."
"You cannot change your circumstances, but you can change your response to the circumstances."
"The problem is rarely the problem; the problem is our attitude about the problem."
"With the right attitude and consistent action, you can absolutely change anything about your life."
"If you alter your attitude, you can literally alter your circumstances."
"Approach [improvements] with curiosity, lightness, and self-compassion, not like 'why the eff aren't you working on your posture?'"
"If you ever find yourself blaming your teammates, being mean to people for no reason, you're just fucking up completely."
"Discipline is doing what you hate like you love it."
"I always try my very best to enjoy the journey."
"It's about learning a language, in this case, English, lots of lessons to be learned, and I don't just mean lessons involving words, grammar, and pronunciation, but I'm talking about lessons and insights about how we approach learning a language, the motivation that we need to have in order to help us deal with the challenges, and the attitude that you have to have if you want to get success."
"The last of human freedoms - To choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
"Choosing to have a good attitude can profoundly alter your experience."
"When you start to approach life with an attitude of what can I give, then life starts giving you a lot more back."
"Act unbothered; the more unbothered you act, the more you attract."
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
"Don't be cynical. Hope is a choice, cynicism is a choice. I hope you choose hope."
"We don't make excuses; we make readjustments."
"Hip-hop is not really music. Hip-hop is the attitude that gives you the music."
"It's all about the attitude when you go to like parties etc... if you come in with a good attitude compared to the bad one, you'll have more success in finding friends and so on."
"It's hard to feel overwhelmed when you're kicking ass every day."
"The less of a shit you give, the better it is."
"Negativity is a virus, but so is positivity."
"Charity begins at home; it's not how much money you can give, it's whether you have an attitude of giving."
"Only the Foundation could look an apocalypse in the eye and feel annoyed by it."
"Every challenge we reach, we can approach it from a place of fun and optimism."
"Don't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy."
"The path to enlightenment hinges on our attitude to things."
"It's all about looking old and cool doing it."
"We're not going to dwell on it, we're gonna bounce back."
"The effect of thought on circumstances... it's not really what happens to you that matters the most, but how you respond to it."
"Keep it player, keep it player. It don't cost no more to keep it player."
"I am not a cynic; I think cynicism is the death of wisdom. I am an optimist."
"A good attitude will take a lady from a three to a nine instantly."
"The panic button for us on the fifty or and anything that I do now, it doesn't even exist. It's not even an option. There's only problem-solving."
"Ten percent of life is what happens to you, 90 percent of life is how you choose to react to it."
"Never complain about your situation, only take action."
"You cannot choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you feel about it."
"What really makes the difference is our attitude."
"Adversity is opportunity to those who possess the attitude of divine fortitude."
"Your attitude determines your success or your failure."
"It's not about what happens to us, it's about how you respond to it."
"Love overcomes all obstacles. A change in attitude is all it takes to turn things around. Trust in love's power; it will transform you and the one you love."
"It is what it is and the way that I'm gonna do it, that's all there is to it."
"Are you going to prove me wrong, or are you going to sit there and whine?"
"The only thing that can ruin a day at Disney World is a bad attitude."
"Generosity does not start with dollars; it's an attitude that you have in your heart."
"There are two types of people in the world... Those who let what's going on around them determine their mood, their posture, their perspective. Or those who let what's going on inside of them, influence the climate around them."
"Maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining the right attitude."
"Life is not what happens to you; life is your response to what happens to you."
"Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."
"Our attitudes towards life doesn't affect the world and the people in it nearly so much as it affects us."
"Superheroes have to have a positive attitude."
"Success lies in the mental attitude that arises from that sense of personal power which meets every condition without anxiety."
"You're going to win either way if you're a winner."
"When life puts you in hard situations, don't say 'why me,' say 'try me.'"
"Anything shit that happens to you, you should just take and say, 'What can I learn from this?'"
"The better your attitude the better the results you produce."
"You can be a victim of your life or the master of it."
"Being feminine isn't about being beautiful or svelte, even or even about wearing high heels... Being feminine is a state of mind. It's an attitude."
"I am too loved to be mad at you; I'm too blessed to be holding a grudge."
"Not taking things too seriously, not taking yourself too seriously is also a little key to happiness."
"Responsibility is what helps you contend with life without becoming embittered and cynical."
"This is not silly, this is not goofy, this is serious."
"We don't control what happens; we control how we respond."
"Money is an attitude. If you feel like you're so happy and so content with what you have, you are already wealthy."
"Your attitude, your behavior, and the way you approach your work and your life, it matters."
"The most important thing is to have attitude, initiative, a good smile, and to ask for help from whoever can provide it."
"There's no such thing as obstacles, just opportunities."
"Stress and worry does not solve our problems; it usually makes them worse."
"You will be truly cheerful in life the day that you realize that no matter what is happening around you, being anything other than cheerful will not make it any better."
"Positive mental thinking, positive attitude, positive mental thinking, positive attitude."
"Your attitude towards life, you have an attitude. And that attitude can be anxious, insecure, or adventurous. It's like your work of art."
"A positive mental attitude is a generally constructive response to the stresses that face the average person every single day."
"Positive expectations are one of the most powerful techniques you can use to become a positive person and to ensure positive outcomes and better results in your life."
"It's wrong to let a bad situation create a bad life."
"Bring success to whatever it is that you're doing."
"When you wait patiently, you come out better instead of bitter."
"Interact with opportunity, don't react to success."
"The key to winners is that they get out there to have fun more than let the pressure get to them."
"The only power we have in life is the power we have over our attitude, and that truly makes all the difference."
"No matter what it is that you're doing, if it's being done in a loving attitude, it'll mean a lot more."
"You can be pitiful or powerful, but you're not going to be both."
"Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better."
"You're not really looking for the breaks... you want to be enjoying what you're doing more than not enjoying it."
"A lot of people just think being miserable and not doing anything about it is the natural state of life."
"We can't control what life throws at us, but I do believe we can control how we respond to it."
"To paraphrase, Maya Angelou, 'If you can't change something, you must change your attitude.'"
"It ain't about winning or losing; it's about fun."
"There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing."
"I'm a lover not a fighter bro, but today... today has to be better than last time."
"It's honestly way better to enjoy something instead of unconditionally hating it."
"I always say I don't care that you fall off the horse; I just care when you get back on."
"Don't have a defeatist attitude. A defeatist attitude means you lose the game."
"How we look at a problem is the first step in how we're going to be able to do something about it."
"That is so shameless that I have nothing but respect for it."
"I started to view my responsibilities less as a drudgery, and more as something fun and worthwhile."
"Worship is not about singing a song. Worship is an attitude and a posture of heart."
"Maintain a positive attitude, and you will find that everything will have positive results."
"The greatest form, highest purest motive of prayer, is that my attitude would be one with the Father."
"You don't want to enter any experience with a bad attitude because what good could possibly come of that?"
"Everything's hard at the beginning. But your attitude is different, everything changes."
"Nobody ever became successful by complaining, by casting blame, pointing fingers at one another."
"Let us not lose this opportunity with bitterness or complaining."
"No matter what you go through, it's alright; your attitude on how you handle it dictates your outcome."
"Success does not come to those who complain. Success comes to those who change their circumstances."
"It's not about the problem, it's about the solution."
"Angie was a force to be reckoned with from the very beginning, and those who knew her couldn't help but be struck by her intelligence, stubbornness, and no-nonsense attitude."
"Life's too short to just get mad and salty about things."
"To have that kind of pressure and then to come out perform the way he did, I love the attitude he had."
"I think going into projects with a positive attitude, even if you're unsure of what it is that you're shooting, is going to be a big, what I'm trying to say, like it's gonna dictate the outcome of that piece."
"Wars are won long before you fight them. It's your attitude going in."
"Be thankful, be grateful always. Wake up with a spirit of gratitude."
"The most important thing in a marriage is the 'I refuse to quit' attitude. That divorce is not an option."
"Attitude is everything, and you're going to get out what you put in."
"You should still walk away from it better; you shouldn't walk away from it bitter."
"This is a time for optimism but it's not a time for relaxation."
"I feel optimistic, which is probably a huge mistake."
"I think we have to be optimistic. My general philosophy is that it's better to be on the side of being optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right."
"There's a lot of culture overlap here, but at the end of the day, a good personality and a good attitude can get people really far."
"We've got to throw everything at this, with very much an attitude of we've got nothing to lose."
"There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing."
"Things are as good or as bad as you're willing to make them."
"Attitude is a small thing that we often underestimate, but we really can control that."
"Enjoy the process, don't take it too seriously."
"My 'pick yourself back up' attitude is bad in some ways but the way it's good is also allowing you to not have many regrets because you always make something out of a bad thing."
"Your attitude is the only thing that's under your control 100% of the time. Take advantage of it."
"Reality is like a mirror that reflects your relationship to it. If your attitude to reality is 'My reality is great, everything unfolds quite well for me, life is always taking care of me,' then the mirror of reality will just reflect more fortunate circumstances."
"What's the worst that can happen? I think it'll be fine."
"You can't change other people; you can change only your attitude towards them."
"When it's all said and done, it's easy for negatives to feel like they outweigh the positives, but there's more positives."
"The idea that you are doomed at birth is extremely destructive."
"Instead of complaining and whining, I try to find solutions."
"Ensure love, not fear, is your default response."
"Stop complaining. Stop focusing on what you don't control."
"Your attitude changes genes in less than a second."
"Red Bull is more attitude, not so much about 'gives you wings' anymore."
"Don't take yourself seriously, but take your work very seriously."
"Somebody throws you in a creek; you can spend your time complaining about who threw you in the pit, or you can spend your time climbing out of it."
"Excellence is not a skill; it's an attitude."
"If you say you can, you will. And if you say you can't, you won't."
"Even if it's like fake-nice, you don't know if it's fake-nice, it doesn't really matter. Being fake-nice is still better than being a fucking dick."
"When you're in a storm, worship, not whining, is what we do."
"Don't walk into a place like you wanna buy it, walk in like you own it."
"Once you change the way that you look at things, it changes the way that you look at life."
"Life's unfair, of course it is. What are you going to do about it?"
"Your energy over the long term is a choice. Your attitude is a choice."
"You control your reality. You can either become a victim of your reality, or you can take over the reality."
"I don't hate life; I can deal with it. Bring it on. I'll take care of it. I'd much rather be alive."
"Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it."
"Just keep up a positive attitude, and you will do fine."
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."
"One thing I'll never succumb to is cynicism."
"We're all about peace, bro. We don't want problems."
"I'm easily hated on because I'm always happy."
"The thing about classy is it's a state of mind."
"A fair attitude will get us fair results, and a brilliant attitude will get us brilliant results."
"There are people who get handed [stuff] in life and they cry because they've got [stuff] on their hands and there are people who make it into bricks and build [stuff] houses and I want to be the second kind."
"Every time we get in a bad mood in this family, if I do or anybody kids do, my wife Sam says, 'It's a choice.' And she's not wrong. It is a choice."
"Keep your expectations tiny, and you won't be whiny."
"We should be able to go, you know what, fuck yeah, we're going to enjoy this."
"They're very optimistic about the future. They really love life."
"It's not what happens, but rather it's what you do that changes everything."
"It's way more profitable to be nice and happy for everything than to be horrible to everything."
"Naively optimist beats naively pessimistic any day."
"Why am I the one who went rogue? Because I don't like you."
"If it's endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining."
"You can choose to carry your crosses with grace, or you can whine and cry and milk it for every ounce of pity you can get out of it."
"Sometimes people let the same problems make them miserable for years when they should just say, 'So what?' It's one of my favorite things to say."
"We should be upbeat when the evidence warrants being upbeat."
"The trick is to just attack everything with unbridled confidence."
"Having a positive attitude, I am convinced, is what helps you live longer."
"Don't look at diabetes as a death sentence; you just have to be open to making some changes that will give you a better quality of life."
"Don't walk around looking to be offended in life, and don't walk around being a prick."
"Life isn't meant to be serious; life is your playground."
"Stop taking life so seriously; you're going to be just fine."
"I've got a job to do, so like it or don't like it, it's what I'm gonna do."
"Losers bow to obstacles; champions make obstacles bow to them. That's the difference."
"You can't cancel somebody that doesn't give a fuck."
"It's not when you get up, it's how you get up."
"Worship is not songs... it's about attitude, it's about heart, it's about sacrifice."
"No matter what you're doing, even if you hate it, realize it's temporary and be amazing at it."
"If you come to a fight without the fight in you, then you're gonna lose."
"Believing in yourself is simply an attitude. Believing yourself is a choice."
"You're the one who chooses your actions and your attitude; that's all your responsibility."
"Making a fabulous day or not, the choice is yours."
"Happiness is a choice. It is a moment-by-moment decision that you make every single day in every situation."