
Production Efficiency Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"This kind of assembly line-style production was a whole new approach to the restaurant business."
"Economies of scale is the basic economic theory that as an individual institution, or even entire economy, produces more of a particular good or service, the unit cost of that good or service is reduced."
"Produce where mr equals MC get a tattoo in your arm produce mr equals MC that tells you exactly how much to produce whether your monopoly knocks competition urban competition you always produce wherever R equals MC."
"If you like this, go ahead and pull in your limiter. Get the mix rough mixed and as hot as you can as soon as possible, so that you can then work backwards, as opposed to keep pushing things up, and you're running out of headroom and all of that."
"Tesla has been lowering the prices of all their vehicles as they have increased efficiency in their production."
"This machine will actually get 288,000 netherite ingots per hour, which is kind of crazy."
"Tesla today is making twice as many as anyone else."
"Tesla's electric cars will be as cheap as hot cakes once the Tesla bot can truly revolutionize the production line."
"Tesla's various facilities around the world are ramping up productions at quite astonishing rates."
"Idra estimates that giga presses will reduce the total length of a vehicle production line by 20%."
"There's something good about [fetch quests], which is that they are incredibly easy production-wise."
"Let's just start with a base... and instead of doing all this etching and removing crap, let's do something known as additive manufacturing."
"Create thousands and thousands of high-quality tents which can be done in one day."
"We're mass producing swill which has guaranteed us an infinite source of income."
"They actually produced more than they needed."
"Storyboarding is like a visual script for your film and will help you immensely in the production stage of your film."
"Congrats to the Tesla team! That's a big improvement of production speed and great to see at that factory."
"Printing in bulk... fast speeds... print a full color front t-shirt design in under 28 seconds."
"It's kind of odd that they put so much emphasis on keeping these around when they could have just produced more of what is now the standard short pattern."
"Every version of this rocket becomes less expensive to produce."
"Why are we shooting for a whole day with multiple cameras when it's literally just basic ass video?"
"Creative Agents can supercharge your design and production teams, working across images, slides, and other modalities."
"Tesla will be producing them at scale. If there is one area Tesla shines it is their ability to make almost everything they need in-house and control the distribution process."
"Flax is claimed to use between two and five times less CO2 in production than an equivalent weight in glass."
"The precision 5000 was a massive hit, the first of its kind, a multi-chamber multi-process machine that actually worked well enough to be used in production."
"Tesla's California factory is the most productive factory in North America."
"Instead I was given two extraordinary marvelous and unique sons who would teach me that dreams however outrageous and possible a far-fetched can and do come true."
"Mass production is the key for agromining's success."
"Our goal is to continuously decrease production costs and increase the affordability of our vehicles."
"Tesla is already better at making money making vehicles."
"Let's go ahead and grab the war economy which should greatly improve my production and my military factory construction speed."
"It goes much faster to build the same model 16 times in a row than it is to build one model and then another new one."
"This allows us to essentially automate the production of resources."
"As Tesla increases their production, their costs per vehicle sold will actually be lower overall."
"The machinery is all designed so that you have one piece of machinery that does one type of product really well."
"Small changes usually affect production for less than an hour."
"You can imagine having a box set up right under your Ender 3, cranking out hundreds or thousands of parts for a job that you need to get to complete."
"The fact that the battery cells packs and vehicles will be manufactured all in the same Factory leads me to believe that this will be one of Tesla's most efficiently produced vehicles."
"Just imagine Tesla gets to the point where they can produce in one-tenth the factory footprint the same number of vehicles or other products as a competitor."
"Over time, Boeing has streamlined the production process, reducing the manufacturing time from 11 days to a targeted 8 days."
"With large-scale production all costs are naturally reduced."
"The efficient way to produce a given amount is to use 2 1/2 units of capital and 5 units of labor."
"If you are producing on any scale, time is money."
"A learning curve is basically a graphical representation of how unit costs reduce as a greater number of those units are produced."
"I think that 3D printing is possibly the best way of manufacturing this."
"Comparative advantage is the ability to produce something at a lower opportunity cost."
"How are things going to move through the line the most smoothly that they can?"
"The use of automated robots in Cormas' production line enables increased efficiency, consistency, and scalability."
"Analog Lab 5 is great because it's basically a condensed version of a lot of the best presets of all of these things within this bundle."
"Being able to pick and choose the shortcuts that appear in the web controller is really handy if you want to simplify the switching for the production."
"Increases in technology could lead to it being easier or cheaper for us to produce our goods, which could lead to us wanting to increase our level of supply."
"These working conditions not only provide us an enormous flexibility to make changes on the fly but are the key for dramatic reductions in the production time."
"As cumulative production doubles from the first unit, the cumulative average time per unit falls by a constant percentage."
"The trick here is when producing quality products from rock or minerals is to keep the size reduction curve as steep as possible."