
Familial Bonds Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Don't wait for somebody to say that you've got six weeks to live, because the best seven weeks of my life with my sister were those last seven weeks of hers."
"I wish was to see my sister a million times again. You will, I promise."
"My impact on this earth is huge, and I look forward to the day when my foster mom holds me again."
"My mom gives the best hugs. She may not know who I am but she will hug me and hang on to me, and you know what, her heart knows that she still loves me even if she can't remember my name."
"I would have caught a case for Marshall if Marshall were my brother."
"If you hear [your family member] got diagnosed with cancer, you'll call. If you hear he got into a car accident, you will call. You'll forget all of the fights of the past and you'll call anyway, you'll show up to the ER anyway, because blood is blood."
"I love you, you're my brother, but I don't know if you're ready."
"You want to spend as much time with your kid as possible, right?"
"Just because Dad's not here physically, it doesn't mean that his presence isn't with us."
"When you work on a mission for that long of a time, you really start to feel like family."
"Amina's boyfriend Joseph and Joseph's mother... really just showed how much they cared for Amina and the girls."
"Vader is gone. My father, our father, returned. He is Anakin Skywalker once more."
"He treated us like his own kids, and we were just so grateful to have him in our lives."
"Finally, before I left, I remember, 'Your future daughter. I am six of six.'"
"Friendship breakups are arguably harder than relationship breakups, you know what I mean? It's not as easy to break up with a friend. It's almost like they're your family, and it's very hard. You put up with a lot, you know what I'm saying?"
"She says no way you're my brother, you wouldn't."
"Marie was coming at me so worried actually did one good thing of her life probably the only thing she'll ever be remembered for is bringing us together as sisters."
"I loved her first as a song about the struggle of a father to hand off his daughter to her new husband at their wedding."
"If the test proves you are Messiah's biological father, are you willing to step up? Are you willing to be a father to this beautiful baby boy?"
"The connection between a parent and child is never over."
"There's a special unity that can only happen in a family and a special kind of freedom that can happen with a family."
"This is what everything was about: my sister's work and what she would have died for in vain."
"She's just such a wholly warm person, and I feel like every time I talk to her I feel like she's a sister that I wish I had."
"A mother's love is often regarded as one of the finest expressions of love."
"We're part of a family again. From now on, we stick together. When it all ends, I'll have old Buzz Lightyear to keep me company for infinity and beyond."
"And until next time, remember y'all, my loved ones, that's my new thing, my loved ones, meaning that we always gotta check on each other, we family y'all, we family."
"You're the dad I didn't have, the great uncle, the big brother."
"Never giving up on the idea that their brothers and sisters might still be alive."
"Nora treated her rescuer's son like her own child, protecting him from any danger."
"Betty saved the cat's life when she was only a kitten, but this cat had become family."
"You're the last one I have left," Arya begins to cry uncontrollably.
"It's that bond, it's that love of your family and your community that precedes your desire to protect it with your hard skills."
"They were very close. I mean that before the RIP came they were like father and son."
"We're all in this together, and we're just brothers and sisters."
"If big brother is your favorite character... you probably have a sibling of your own that you know you would do anything for."
"She called every night to say goodnight to Andros."
"Family comes first. You can always get a new girlfriend, you can't get a new sister."
"The best thing that I can ask for at this point 19 years later is that people continue to talk about my sister."
"My mom. She's been my greatest sidekick and I love her dearly."
"In the face of adversity, bonds of family shine brightest."
"The Loyalty of the brother to the Avatar is unbelievable."
"I'm always proud of him. I believe someday we'll cross paths and he's going to be a part of whatever I'm doing. He's a genius."
"Realize your brothers and sisters are always going to be with you."
"Hark how your glorified parents and your immortalized relatives cry saved hear you not the echo as it echoes from the blue sky of heaven saved."
"Anything's possible, everything's possible. Like, that's my brother, you know, I'm saying? We grew up in the same house our whole lives and we came from nothing."
"Those people are our family like that's what it boils down to."
"Come near me, do not be grieved nor angry with yourself, for God sent me before you to preserve us."
"A father and son playing catch together is one of the staples of Americana."
"I literally feel like he is the most family I will ever ever have on this planet."
"Sisters forever, we're here for each other no matter what."
"It's never too late to build a beautiful relationship with them."
"Hiro learning from his brother, even in his last steps, even if it means risking his own life."
"Love the stranger applies to your family because the truth is, we choose our friends, we don't choose our family."
"Relationships would continue on into the spiritual world, so yes it's entirely possible that you will be in a spiritual community with people who were in your extended family in this world."
"She's still in there. I can reach her. You can't. I know my sister."
"We all need to be family and we only stick together because we are in this together."
"To me, it was a family. I mean, it really, really was."
"These are my flesh and blood. And it's something nobody can take away from me."
"'Have you always been happy? Haven't we always been a family?' - Overseer's plea"
"Always make sure they know how much you love them."
"A bond has been formed between Naruto and Kawaki - a father-son bond."
"His attachment to his grandmother... the best thing he's got going."
"It is like being treated as a member of the family"
"My dad and my brother are the best; they know me better than anybody else."
"The blood of the covenant means the promise is thicker than the water of the womb."
"It's great to see you. Can you get him to call me a little more?"
"Love Me For the Love of Allah... Love my family because of my love for them."
"Family above all else, basically. Even if they're absolutely bonkers, you know?"
"The zombie family embraces Oliver one by one, bidding him farewell."
"My mom loved us, always did. I swear I thought she would die for us."
"You don't choose your family, you're just born into it."
"He's quiet, he listens a lot. And I got him to laugh, and nobody gets Lynn's dad to laugh."
"Women love flowers, you know, and she's going to love that you care even though you've gotten older and you're married, you're still remembering dear old mom."
"My dad put in work so he's earned the right to if he wants to get my name tattooed on him I wouldn't have I'd be like oh snap okay."
"Love endures, a brother or a sister, a true friend will love at all times."
"The guardians are now more than just a team, they are a family."
"This really is family I just like you know I adore all you guys."
"I knew it Dad I knew you were still out there dude she's gone I just never wanted you to feel alone."
"We've only got each other. It's me and you, babe, that's it. It's we're each other's family, we're each other's everything."
"You are going to have a financial blessing, and it is going to come with family."
"110% I think William and Charles are very close...who says they have to do the same things?"
"It's not that I literally sit here and I tell you guys I love Becky and I care for Becky. She is literally family to me."
"There's nothing like the bond between brothers and sisters."
"I'm very proud to have people like them, and more than trainers, they're my family."
"Blood of the Covenant is far thicker than the water of the womb."
"My mother's love for my father wasn't conditional. It is my joy."
"It's really about a father and his proxy daughter trying to survive in a world where civilization is being stripped away piece by piece."
"Your mother will be a part of you always, especially if you remember the things that she taught you."
"I'm not a goddamn bio-weapon, not some stupid copy. I'm Rose, your daughter."
"Family will always love you, no matter what."
"They're twins, but they're not the same person; they were just born at the same time."
"Ace would have absolutely been proud of how far his little brother has come."
"Now, 20 years after the trial their sisterly bond only became stronger."
"Compassion starts at home, it starts with your family."
"Happy brother's time day! Welcome to the club."
"Friends fall out, brothers fall out, family members fall out, but the love remains."
"The Spartan 3 units were more family than fire team."
"AJ considered his father not just a parent but his best friend."
"She swears to protect Fabian and her sister... and wishes him peace."
"It's Christmas Day, and we're lucky to have each other."
"...how it is so touching and probably the first time the thought of his father has brought a smile to his face in a long while."
"Do me a favor, do everybody that you love a favor, call them and tell them that you love them, okay?"
"Tony Soprano is the man that Christopher Moltisanti went to hell for. Johnny Boy Soprano is the man Tony Soprano goes to hell for."
"The father in the parable runs towards the son and then says to other servants around 'kill the fatted calf. Our son was lost and now he’s found'. He’s come back home again."
"...in both cases, he ends up choosing family above all else."
"It's the gestures that make you feel like you're a part of a family."
"Dad, that's the best news in the world."
"Very quickly I came to think of them as my parents."
"Even though I think you mentioned that you weren't necessarily close to your sister, the fact that you still went like hey you might not want to do that, you still did a sisterly thing."
"I'm going to travel cross country with my mom, we're going to see family in Texas and Colorado."
"Deep down, they definitely care for their family."
"With the power and strength of family and love, our family on my father's side is large and magnanimous and loving."
"What I want for myself, I want for my brother, my sister."
"This situation really made me appreciate family and the bonds we have."
"I'll try a little harder, they're my precious family after all."
"Community is everything... it's having people around you that will be family in the good and family in the bad."
"It is a bond that runs deeper than blood, deeper than any other wish."
"The Valar cuenta... tells us that their familial connections to one another are shaped by Aluva tar's thought just as the characters themselves are in the beginning."
"Family can't give up on them, never. What else is there?"
"We're not just partners; we're brothers."
"They are still your brothers, and you're my brother too."
"I protect this kid like my own son."
"In Christ, the family of Earth and the family of heaven are bound together."
"We may not be related, but we're still connected through nature."
"They're going to be very loyal to their family."
"Master Z watched him go with a smile; there was a bit of longing in his eyes because he could teach his grandson everything he knows."
"Thanks for letting me get to know him. I know I'll see parts of him everyday in both of you."
"The bond between Horus and his gene-father were very strong."
"We pretty much are family, which is awesome."
"We reunited her with her real family."