
Religious Community Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"As believers, we are intrinsically people of love, not people of really anger and fighting. We are loving people."
"A scared world needs a fearless Church, and that's who we are today."
"During times of crisis, it's an opportunity for Christians to draw together and stand firm for God."
"Thank you Elevation Church for your generosity and partnership."
"If you're someone who loves Jesus but knows you're not perfect and struggle with stuff, join the club."
"You have to connect with a church community where God is God."
"We need the people of God. You and I are all bricks, all laid one on top of the other, into a spiritual house."
"I want to thank God for all the brothers and sisters and the sacrifices that you have made towards the work of the Lord."
"Welcome to the family of God. Welcome to the kingdom of God."
"How fervently would we share our hope in Christ? That's the one thing the early church had on us."
"The body of Christ is the best fraternity and sorority yeah on the planet right I've literally traveled around the world and I'm hugging a brother or a sister right there's no feeling like that in the whole wide world."
"As long as there is the kitab then we should we should gather right so you're doing absolutely amazing work."
"The church will birth and be birthed new and fresh, see you build the church you unlock the kingdom."
"The Amish believe their community is a gift from God."
"I want to help out the Bible-believing community by giving out my two cents."
"Thank you so much for watching Transformation Church's YouTube."
"The church doesn't start and end in these walls, you are the church."
"Without people like you, it's not easy to get in, at least it hasn't been with a Mormon willing to give this tour, an LDS member willing to give this tour."
"Army of God, you still have a chance to speak up and make something happen in your region."
"Seventh-day Adventists are a people of hope."
"This is our warning. In 10, 15 years time they're going to try to do something that resembles some elitist league."
"Well done to every football fan out there that's put the pressure on and has rejected resoundingly this European Super League."
"This coming after the revelation of more gold detected in the water and wood of the island is surely a positive foreshadowing."
"The hope of America is a healthy thriving church. Let's put that first and then have a healthy involvement in politics."
"There is a longing for something more than they have, that hunger isn't merely for a church, that hunger is for a bible-believing people, that hunger is for the living Christ and His truth."
"Religious people are more likely to give to charity, more likely to do voluntary work... but in his view, this has got nothing to do with religious beliefs and everything to do with the power of religion to create communities."
"The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in this church."
"Start a Bible study... and maybe the Lord will turn it into a church."
"The grannies dancing their way down the street, perfect step every one of them. Catholic community there as Father Matt said, spreading the light of Christ in the weeks before Christmas, he snuffed it out."
"The danger is tomorrow is 420 doge day and if we don't get a big big move on 420 doge day and we end up getting more sell the news."
"I'm excited. I mean, if I sound like I'm hollering and screaming, that's just my excitement because I know that I know. I see, and I have seen what happens in the Body of Christ when we all have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit."
"The salvation station, can you say amen? The salvation station."
"May Allah reward you brothers in the mosque with much goodness and sisters and bless you in your Islam, make us all strong in Islam, increase in knowledge and Iman and taqwa, and make all of us, insha'Allah, callers to Allah."
"The climate in evangelicalism is a climate of tolerance."
"God's people, it is still the safest place to be."
"There's one group of people that they leave alone: bible-believing Christians."
"Everybody is working together. This is a foretaste and a pointer to the unity we have in Christ."
"Independent Baptist dot church is your website to help you find a new local church that believes the Bible preaches the Bible and does not bow to the modern-day compromise and watered-down Christianity."
"Jesus, on behalf of every woman and every issue and every destiny and every calling represented in this room, we invite you."
"I want to thank God for the women who didn't mind coming from behind."
"Muslims are the most charitable people on Earth."
"Invite your families... God is going to make it so easy that all we have to do is ask."
"It's time that we understand in the Body of Christ that we need both the men and the women to win."
"We have fellowship in jesus in the midst of our differences."
"Thank you all so much for watching. I will see you in another video soon."
"These are people who are united by Jesus Christ... and they are being attacked of all colors."
"Pick your chaplain or your guide for this pilgrimage called life as Padre Pio because he's going to bring up two guest speakers with him: Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II. Amen, hallelujah."
"The Black Christian church needs to operate like Minister Louis Farrakhan in the Nation of Islam and the Hebrew Israelites, teaching racial and economic empowerment."
"You saw the mighty hand of God, and there are many folks that were in the truth of God. They have seen God's great wonders."
"The church can provide the one thing that nobody else can provide and that is an alternative and some hope."
"Do we need it, no. Do we need to understand it, yes. But we don't need it because it is seeking to develop divisions and identities, and ways of viewing reality that are dividing the body of Christ on an illegitimate basis."
"This Ummah is supposed to be the people that are the best of both, knowledge of Deen and knowledge of dunya."
"Make sure you follow brother Ashraf on his social medias as well."
"Medina is the ideal, but I think there has to be an attempt by the ummah to work towards it."
"We are all wanting to do good for the ummah in our own ways."
"Hopelessness is not a trait of this umah no matter what the circumstances are."
"Mutual respect goes both ways. We must look beyond just external material success. If someone is a man of God, the person is a man of God, whether he has 20 members, whether he has 50 members, whether he has 100 members."
"Start with us first. Cleanse us the house of God first, Lord."
"Every church should be an embassy of Heaven."
"We are facing that final confrontation where the church is going to have the opportunity to really become the church."
"We don't get to pick our victims, no no no I you know that it's a Conservative Christian um cloistered uh Community I mean that that's what it is."
"That does not make us a divided Ummah. We can pray different days on Eid, we're still going to be one Ummah."
"Allah will make us a united Ummah in the genuine sense of the word."
"What's keeping them from going back into the world and doing the same things that they did on Saturday night before they came in on Sunday morning?"
"Whether you're Christian or Jew or Muslim, whatever, I think you look at this and say they're coming for me next, we gotta stand up."
"We belong to each other in the body of Christ."
"All the people closest to me are Protestants. I have a job lined up at a Protestant church when I finish up school, and it's a fantastic opportunity with people I love to pastor."
"The community allows for more questions of essential doctrines."
"If the devil can take down the church, the only hope for this world... he's going to try to divide the church."
"We love you, we appreciate you, and we can't wait to see how God works through your life this week."
"Experience God's love for yourself personally and become a part of this family of believers."
"If you want to look at what scripture says, scripture says we need close fellowship with brothers and sisters."
"When you see God's people, it will not be characterized by lawlessness. Peace, patience, kindness, goodness."
"There's a difference between people who sin as a pattern and the people of God. There's a big yeah."
"The Babylon Bee is like the Lord's gift to the body of Christ in these days, these guys are funny. If you don't watch the Babylon Bee or read the Babylon Bee, you are missing out big time. This is like the best thing on the internet."
"I grew up LDS, being Utah... 95% Mormon... at 8 years old is when you get baptized. If you're raised around where 95% of people think the exact same way, I feel like that's too young of an age."
"Efforts to reach, evangelize, and accompany each person with Christ are the work of the whole Church and necessarily involve clergy, religious, and laity."
"The church doesn't belong to me, it belongs to God."
"Friends of the Holy Spirit are Jesus people. Friends of the Holy Spirit are obsessed with the person of Jesus."
"The local church is not some little project that Jesus works on in his garage on Saturday afternoons. He refers to the church as his beloved, as his bride."
"God bless all of you, we love you guys, thank you so much."
"We're about to see an exposure of multiple leaders, some of our most famous Christians."
"Latter-Day Saints are worth every ounce of dignity and respect."
"You can always find the health of a church by how they treat their women."
"Imagine sitting amongst the familiar pews surrounded by the warm company of fellow Believers and hearing the preacher utter the last words of guidance, wisdom, and caution before the anticipated rapture."
"There's another storm coming... the church needs to be prepared."
"The black church has a racial idolatry issue."
"There's a Remnant inside the body of Christ walking out of church, saying this isn't it."
"The new bill Winston ministries prayer call center: one body of believers with a heart for God and a passion for people ready to stand in faith and pray with you."
"The remnant church is really looking for answers right now, and for hope."
"It's the last, we're at the very end, it's a late hour. What we need to do is make sure that we are not pretending to be the church, but we are the faithful church."
"Pray for Donna, surgery for brain, brain surgery. Okay, in Jesus name we're praying for Donna."
"If you got saved too, please leave in the comments, I'd love to hear it. God bless you, bye-bye."
"Let's not forget, every disagreement among believers doesn't need to end in a fight."
"We just love the fact that God is using you."
"Before you're dismissed, be reminded that church exists in life outside these walls. Only when you leave can you create the kingdom of heaven."
"God's people will stand behind you regardless."
"The church should be a place where everyone feels welcome and encouraged to seek Holiness, no matter the misguided choices they may have made in the past."
"The lay people have lost their confidence in their hierarchy."
"The puritans were post-millennial in their perspective. What did they do? They established communities where they saw Jesus' lordship from the bottom to the top."
"The black church should be leading the charge in trying to get some of these policies, some of these laws changed."
"It's going to be the Church of Jesus Christ that, at the end of the day, goes to the lion's den."
"The Quran is not relevant to a religious community; the Quran is relevant to the entire umma, no matter what state they're in."
"The Catholics are still solid throughout it."
"We have become the most arrogant faith community in the world and that is so disturbing it disgusts me."
"This stuff does affect all of us under the name of Christendom."
"You are so welcome, whether you are a Mormon, Christian, atheist, agnostic."
"A society of Muslims is better than non-Muslims that are kind of just looking for the right path."
"What Jehovah's organization is doing right now is far superior to anything the human governments have been doing."
"We're just so glad for all of these who've come forward for salvation."
"We live in a culture where there's a bunch of Saved people and that's as far as they've gone."
"We will not advance any law against the Christian Community." - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
"God sets people free, and we believe there will be more areas that need to be set free."
"I got your prayer request, Kristen. Amanda Sanchez, thank you for your ministry. God has done amazing work through you." - Amanda Sanchez
"Other bishops need to speak up in defense of the faith."
"It will restore the faith of many Catholics if more do speak out."
"We're officially sponsored by Awakening Remnant Church every single stream."
"Let the church be the place where the real power of God shows up."
"We're seeing believers divide over politics, hate each other over politics."
"I'm truly thankful for the man of God. He's such an inspiration to all of us."
"This is what our church is all about, seeing people transformed in Christ."
"But prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God."
"These Christians got together and began to pray and intercede for him."
"Religions tend to have communities and they tend to have theological beliefs that involve a benevolent God."
"We are about people, other people of the book."
"Stand up church, speak out church. It is time to hold your back like a bad rooster and push back against this golden calf culture."
"He never lost his faith in God no matter how much certain close-minded keepers of his faith told him that he was unwelcome to it."
"Encourage Christians in deep blue areas to move networking to the top of their prayer list."
"This community which follows Jesus will remain dominant in the world until the end of the world."
"The Believers, believing men and women actually, men and women, explicitly, men and women, both of them are allies of one another."
"It's amazing how hungry people are for God's healing."
"Be kind be kind yes thank you for mentioning this hannah says love these people like jesus would welcome them they came to the right place exactly."
"The Ummah will see times of glory, peace, and stability."
"Thank you for the ministry, blessed by this livestream, sowing into the work of the ministry."
"Surround yourself with like-minded Believers in Jesus Christ. Congratulations and welcome to the family."
"We really desired a church that was like encouraging the congregation on a regular basis, 'Get in this word, like don't just take what I say for a fact, go study yourself, please.'"
"The Church's culture is predominantly white and middle class."
"It's not about God's wrath, it's about standing side by side."
"The Lord is preparing us to hold the new wine, cleansing and purging the church for what's coming."
"The church is not a body of pure righteous people but the church is holy."
"The Ummah of Islam is so vast that not only do you include every race and ethnicity and civilization, the Ummah of the Jinn is included in our Ummah."
"Christ's highest priority is the local church."
"You know what the right response from my members was? The right response from my members was actually not to rejoice about somebody's downfall, but rather that, 'Man, I fear God, Pastor.' I'd be afraid. I'm surprised that person doesn't fear God."
"There's something about the atmosphere of being with God's people."
"Build a Zion Society where the presence of God is everywhere because of who we have become."
"The health of a church should be in that church."
"When you see them embrace the faith, it really inspires you."
"The body of Christ coming together causes the demons in this case in the vision the Hornets to be released from their nest."
"A pastor is no greater than the members because of his title or position."
"We're no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with saints and members of the household of God." - Ephesians 2:18-22
"Muslim community stands up and makes a sacrifice."
"It's going to be genuine, not featuring any preachers or evangelists, just ordinary people."
"The imminent arrival of the Magisterial Son is being advanced in a quite different quarter by a group of readers of the Urantia Book who've gathered over the last decade into what they've called the Teaching Mission."
"The body of Christ serves His purpose now, but in eternity, He desires His bride."
"The true church where god resides and is waiting for all of us."
"If everything is like the pastor and the wife and the pastor's family and that's all the young people are being fed, like, how do you honor God in that hard in between time?"
"Doctrinal religions create a sense of commitment and belonging."
"So may Allah reward you for that and I think the only thing I would just add on to that is make dua for your ummah."
"I might be going to this young adults ministry tonight."
"I believe that's what God's trying to take the body of Christ to, move us from 'have to' to 'want to'."
"I'm just thankful for your calling in our lives. God, thanks for bringing us together as a family seeking the Lord Jesus tonight."
"In the last days, God is calling for a church that is going to return to the faith that was once delivered to the saints."
"Your greatest joy is to see God's people growing in leaps and bounds."
"The church is not a building, it is not even the people, it is actually the living presence of a holy God in a fallen world."
"The Muslim community sees people who mention the Quran and mention Hadith mentioned the Prophet and they love Allah and the Prophet so much that's all someone has to do."
"Some of the fallout that's happened in the Christian culture pastors now cannot get people to come back, and it is very unhealthy spiritually when we don't support each other."
"In a hopeless Dark World, the church still has its lights on."
"We're all Christians, we're all doing this together and we got one goal in mind."
"Unforgiveness is probably the single, biggest problem that we have in the body of Christ."
"Girls gone Bible is not us it is us and him."
"By this all will know that you are my disciples."
"It takes all kinds to make up the kingdom of God."
"We're a part of this heavenly dwelling, we're a part of this big temple."
"The remnant church will be filled with the elect."
"Shaming within religious communities: spiritual criticism leading to emotional harm - not practicing what you preach."
"We're the children of God, we're the body of Christ, we're the bride of God."
"When you're baptized, you're baptized not into a church, but the Church, into Christ, into his body."
"If you are a sinner then welcome to the club. I'm a sinner as well and all of us are sinners. Let us cover up our faults for the sake of Allah."
"This is the power of unity. Once the Muslims come together, the whole world is going to change."
"I was raised in the Mormon church, and the people I have met over the years have been some of the nicest, most ethical, polite people I've ever met."
"Pride is most detrimental in the body of Christ as it relates to unforgiveness in the heart."
"I've just been touched by the homage I have been overwhelmed by the kindness of so many evangelical Christians."
"We are in a battle, and God is preparing the Ecclesia for something greater than we have ever seen."
"The word of God is not chained, the house of God can't truly be locked, and the people of God, even if we are separated by distance, we're never truly separated because the Lord is bigger than a lockdown."
"Odenism is inclusive to all heathens in the global community."
"We're empowering Americans of faith to live by the Lord's calling to love their neighbors."
"Don't let them depress you, you're people of Iman."
"He's been unafraid to embrace people of faith."
"There's a pattern where we lift up these very charismatic apparently holy men and women but then boom they fall to scandal."
"His death marks the end of a remarkable era of rabbinic leadership and dedication to Jewish education."
"My pastor was just ready just to take that and so like right when I went up to meet brother Josh man bro even last night we stayed up to 5:00 a.m."
"The Church, a communion living in the faith of the Apostles, is the place where we know the Holy Spirit."
"The church should be the place that is speaking the truth giving hope giving joy giving reason to carry on."
"Welcome to the ministry. Thank you for your prayers, your support, and above everything, living holy and righteous and actually loving Christ."
"The church is the embassy of the kingdom of God. There is no plan B."
"God is getting a people ready. He is trying to raise up a remnant within this church."
"The last days Remnant group is going to be a group that will walk in the love of God."
"America is not lost. I've already seen Christians begin to band together reaching across the aisle of denominationalism."
"The gates of hell will not prevail against these gatherings."
"The underground church is going to come above ground."