
Oscillation Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Everything oscillates. I mean really, everything. Even atoms oscillate. Everything in our existence that we know about oscillates."
"Markets tend to move in trends and they oscillate based on noise and news."
"The amount of oscillation is bigger, ideal for hologram-free, swirl-free finishes."
"It's like the back and forth relationship."
"The frequency of this oscillation or full movements back and forth will vary depending on the type of movement as there are different beat frequencies; however, most mechanical movements complete three to four full back and forth motions of a balance every second."
"Mike had some yaw set up, and the airflow at the high angle of attack got underneath and pulled up on the lower ventral fin, and the airplane went into an oscillation."
"There's an oscillation in the behavior of the speed of light and atomic clocks throughout history."
"Now only if we overcome this resistance can we make the device oscillate continuously."
"Eventually, it simply stops oscillating if Omega gets sufficiently small fast enough."
"Electromagnetic waves... can be imagined as self-propagating transverse oscillating wave of electric and magnetic fields."
"That's how the universe works, right? It's this constant just like oscillation back and forth."
"Your heartbeat, that's a periodic oscillation."
"Sound is a beautiful example. I produce sound by oscillating my vocal cords."
"A simple harmonic oscillation can be written as follows: \( x = x_0 \cos(\omega t + \phi) \)."
"The period of oscillations is independent of the amplitude."
"The air doesn't move from the computer speakers or headphones to your ear; the sound wave moves, the air stays where it is and oscillates as the energy travels through it."
"For ocean waves, the oscillation is orbital in a circle."
"The eigenvalues have an imaginary component, so it's going to be damped and it's going to be oscillating at that frequency."
"These cosines in time are what are causing the string to oscillate, which creates the acoustic waves that you hear."
"The time period is the time for one complete oscillation of a wave."
"It's valuable to be able to have some intuition about what are the essential ingredients to get this sort of oscillation."
"A natural frequency of a system is the frequency at which that system oscillates when it's not subjected to a continuous or repeated external force."
"If we let our horizontal x-axis maybe be a time, then this would describe something that oscillates in time."
"And sure enough, even though these start at different starting positions, they oscillate at the same frequency."
"Particles oscillate in the vertical direction with an amplitude of tens of microns."
"A pair of balance wheels can take advantage of a phenomenon called resonance which basically means that multiple oscillators in the system can improve the stability of the oscillation."
"All in nature is in perpetual oscillations of dilation and contraction caused by the action of fire."
"The value of sin n oscillates between min -1 and 1, so its upper limit is one."
"This really is my favorite topic: oscillations in simple harmonic motion."
"This is actually what we have learned: traveling wave solution, energy of an oscillating string, and also how to match two media and passing how this probably will pass through the median."
"A pulsar is a star that emits regular oscillations with a luminosity that pulses in a metronomic way."
"We now know that there are two oscillations and two normal frequencies."
"The most general motion of the two coupled oscillator systems will be a superposition of the two possible oscillations."
"Anytime you have a system which has an equilibrium state and you displace it from equilibrium, generally speaking, it will oscillate."
"A good oscillator is one that oscillates for a long time. A bad one is that doesn't continue oscillating for a very long time."
"The proverbial pendulum of fate invariably oscillates between extremes."
"A node is a point where the amplitude of oscillation is zero."
"Oscillation... the function's graph is oscillating up and down."
"The period of oscillation does not depend on the amplitude of the motion."
"The intensity is proportional to square of whatever is oscillating. It is the measure of energy contained in the wave or brightness."
"All objects in simple harmonic motion have a period and a frequency."
"To avoid oscillation, to ensure stability, we want to make sure that these two do not happen at the same frequency."
"We are curious to see if such a feedback system will oscillate when we have a three-stage amplifier serving as the feed-forward system."
"The real part of gamma is responsible for decay and the imaginary part is responsible for oscillations."
"Active leisure is a really important thing which helps us oscillate."
"Black holes can sing; they're oscillating with frequencies in the kilohertz range."
"So what is an oscillation? Well, just something that moves back and forth."
"The frequency is simply the number of cycles that our oscillator makes every second."
"The simplest type of oscillation is called simple harmonic motion, or SHM for short."
"Isochronous simply means the oscillations have the same period regardless of amplitude."
"Each mode is going to oscillate with a different rate."
"A continuous signal goes in, how does it come out? It comes out as [-A] cos ωt + kx."
"Here is the wall, at a given point x, the amplitude is 2A sin kx, and it oscillates with a frequency ωt."
"It's thanks to the second derivative that it overshoots, goes approximately the same distance to the other side, and so it begins to oscillate."
"Antinodes oscillate with maximum displacement."
"The period of oscillation is equal to 2 pi square root m over k."
"Oscillations over time are very important in biology."
"Limit cycle is a periodic oscillation that is stable to perturbations."
"...the entire four kilometer baseline of the LIGO array oscillated by with an amplitude that's 1/1000 the diameter of a proton."
"Simple harmonic motion, or SHM, is the simplest type of oscillation."
"In any simple harmonic oscillator, the energy will always oscillate back and forth between kinetic energy and potential energy."
"If you plot any one of the states as a function of time, you will actually get a perfectly oscillatory behavior."
"The D term reduces P term overshoot and oscillation."
"Sine is an oscillating function, it goes through zero many, many times, infinitely many times."
"If we have minus one, the sequence will simply oscillate."