
Continuous Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Learning doesn't end at a certain stage or at a certain attainment of knowledge."
"This year truly is the gift that keeps on giving."
"You can never not be learning now." - Dan Levy
"You're measuring risks, making thoughtful decisions all the time."
"Purity is not a point you cross. It's an ongoing pursuit."
"The dens will continuously generate as you complete them."
"2020 has just been a never-ending day, just non-stop, all the months, it's just been a never-ending month too."
"Life is one continuous series of decisions after the other."
"The Door to Hell: 40 years ago, a crater opened up in a desert in the north of Turkmenistan, and this huge molten cavity has not stopped burning ever since."
"Time is one of the great enigmas that we all have to deal with every second of our day."
"It's a constant open dialogue with the Lord."
"Success is not a destination, it is an ongoing journey."
"Life is a constant lesson that you should always be involved in."
"Working on yourself is present continuous, you never get to a place where you're well done now perfect."
"Love is something that we continually discover."
"Healing is a constant process, and healing never ends."
"It's like a continuous sense of protection."
"Learning happens all the time, not just in our formal schooling hours."
"The renewal of your mind even by the tense of the verb here is an ongoing never-ending process."
"This is truly a gift that keeps giving."
"The fullness of the Spirit is not a once-for-all experience. We need to be continuously filled."
"Regression: a regression tree is used when the target variable is numerical or continuous in nature."
"It's nothing like clocking out, you're never really off. You're really just constantly thinking about creative ideas even when it's unintentional."
"It's a continual excitement and enthusiasm."
"Consent should be continuous, enthusiastic consent."
"Therapy is a process, it is not a one-shot deal."
"It's the gift that keeps on giving, you know?"
"...the gift that keeps on giving."
"You can never say we know it all. We're constantly learning from one patient, trying it with the next, training the team over and over again."
"Life is a continuous series of problems."
"This film again is just holding nothing back. Like it's just like this it just keeps going, man."
"It's not a checkbox, it is a journey."
"It never stops, never ever. There's always a step further."
"Our goal is to reach the stage where we pray always, even in a constant state of mystical contemplation."
"Next time a priest in your ward has to begin the sacrament prayers again next time he has to start over just remember that is what the sacrament is all about that is what the atonement is all about the continuous atonement."
"Every time you hit a new pinnacle, it's like there's another one."
"Crocodiles, they never stop growing."
"The hits would just keep on coming."
"Welcome back to the show that never ends."
"Our harvest is not based on a season, it's continual. As we sow, we keep reaping."
"There is a grace that just keeps coming."
"The journey of self-discovery is ongoing."
"Midway is the gift that keeps on giving."
"The continuous pursuit of perfection is now."
"It's still unclear of how they're going to go about the rebuilding process... it's a continuous every single day work in progress."
"24/7 you're absolutely all diamonds brilliant."
"Not having read it, but one thing I think about a lot is, like with laundry, with to-do lists, with happiness, it's a continuous thing. You never get to a point where you're like, 'And I'm happy,' or 'And I'm fit,' and that's that, and I'll stay this way forever."
"The artist's job is never truly finished. The artist is always on call, even after we get up from hours engaged in our craft. The clock is still running."
"...if it's not continuous it's not going to pass any of these particular certifications so that's why we went out you know years ago made the investment to get everything in place that we can do things continuous and it's really beneficial to us kind of moving forward."
"That kind of constant progression is really exciting."
"Just as teaching and learning are on-going, so is play-based assessment."
"I think it's one that is ongoing every day."
"The Holy Spirit's work is continuous, not limited to one post-conversion experience."
"Vocal health is not as hard as you may think it is but vocal health is something that we're doing pretty much all the time whether or not we're doing it well."
"As you move through the rowing stroke... there's really no beginning or end point."
"Machine learning is not a one-and-done."
"One secret of leadership is that the mind of a leader never turns off."
"The mind of a teacher never turns off."
"Consent must be obtained at every stage and him being alert and aware that it's not just a blanket consent for 'oh I said yes yesterday, ah, forever consent is there."
"Forgiveness is not a moment, forgiveness is a posture."
"So it's the gift that keeps on giving."
"The only way we can have a sound mind is to renew our minds...the process of renewing the mind is never done."
"The absence of cuts very much mimics a theatrical play."
"Our life, it's just a continuous shot."
"We are all still growing up; it never ends."
"The work of improvement is never completed."
"Learning and training is a continuous process."
"It feels like it just continually adds to this transcendent elevation of the music."
"As of July 2nd, it'll be four years of continuous sobriety for me."
"Once you start uniting with reality, which is contemplation, it never stops."
"Revival is not a set of meetings, revival is a lifestyle."
"We are always a student; we are always called to learn."
"Never stop learning, every day is a school day."
"We're always learning, aren't we? Life itself is a school day."
"Before they knew it, they were bitten by the travel bug and haven't stopped since."
"Bifrost is a pure data flow graph, so there's always data flowing through the graph."
"It's magic, they just keep coming out."
"You never ever ever stop learning."
"Healing means to be healing throughout your life."
"Your environment is non-stop influencing you subconsciously, day and night."
"I believe self-development is an ongoing thing."
"Realization never ends, discovery never ends, awakenings, degrees of enlightenment never end."
"Loving yourself doesn't have an end point."
"Perpetual problem solving is the idea that your brain is constantly taking in information and constantly looking for meaning."
"Healing is a journey that never ends."
"There isn't a day that goes by without the demon thanking the fairy, even if she never hears it or sees it."
"The learning never stops; it's fun, we certainly enjoy it here."
"I'm fundamentally learning all the time."
"It's an ongoing learning process for each one."
"Live loops as a real-time MIDI looper... build out a whole song without ever stopping playback."
"Discrete values are like integers, while continuous variables can take other forms of numbers, not just integers."
"Let us take these words in their divine meaning into our hearts: we are God's workmanship, not by one act in the past, but by a continuous operation."
"I hope I never make it. There isn't really a finish line for me."
"We can now kind of have this sort of modified simulation of the scenario state continuously run as new data comes in."
"Life is a constant upleveling of growth, and it never stops."
"It keeps you thinking all the time."
"Imagine that you never stop improving; that's what AI does."
"I just really made it a point to find myself again and I wouldn't say I'm fully done doing that, and I don't think I ever will be, and that's kind of the whole point."
"Life is learning, and you never stop."
"None of us are fully healed; you are 100% healing always."
"You have to continue transforming a country, an organization, yourself continuously."
"I can continue to scroll and continue to get a new set of posts because every time I hit the bottom of the page, the next set loads."
"I will do good continuously without break but I will do that for my own purification for the welfare of the world."
"Spiritual development should be something you do at every stage."
"Barbie fever is real and I don't want it to slow down or stop."
"It's packed with information Non-Stop."
"The Kaizen principle... it's an iterative process of always trying to slowly improve yourself."
"Socialization never ends; it's a skill that they learn and just like any skill, once you stop using that skill, it diminishes over time."
"It's a learning experience and it never ends."
"I think the definition of love is unconditional and continuous."
"The learning part is never going to end."
"Risk-based thinking needs to be an ongoing process."
"It's amazing, and we went outside and we never stopped."
"Continuous surrendering is what we need."
"You can never really stop learning."
"Repentance is not a one-time experience. Repentance is a lifestyle."
"It puts out new growths continuously and all of these new growths will bloom."
"We have the gift that keeps on giving."
"Oneness is always having the oneness experience."
"It's a continuous learning process."
"They are the gift that keeps on giving."
"Understand that your money is working every single day, 24 hours a day, no breaks."
"Christmas is just on all the time right now, and I'm loving it."
"The church is always in Reformation; it is always being reformed."
"You can never ever stop evolving."
"The fun doesn't have to end as long as we don't let it, and I'm not ready to stop having fun."
"Education was a lifelong process that should never end."
"The journey is never ending. The journey always continues and we keep learning at each and every step."
"This is the gift that keeps on giving, man."
"I don't think we should ever stop learning; it adds a lot of value to my life."
"Allyship is a lifestyle, not a moment."
"Miracles are happening always, in every moment."
"Happiness isn't something we're not a victim of; it's happening all the time and it's our ability to see it and recognize it."
"We want to continuously deliver value."
"Just be learning all the time; find joy in learning."
"It was like a continuous torrent of animations. It was amazing."
"It's kind of like the gift that keeps on giving."
"Inside an escalator, the stairs are linked together in one big loop."
"The best life is not something that you attain, that you receive and then you're done; it's in the living, it's in the doing of it."
"So I don't think my honeymoon phase is ever going to be over as long as me and van life keep moving on down the road."
"I like to have my garden so there's always something blooming."