
Fortitude Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Historically, the Strength card used to be called Fortitude because it’s about persisting through dark times."
"She has shown the most remarkable steadfastness and fortitude, always remaining a figure of reassuring calm and dependability, an example to so many of service, duty, and devotion in a world of sometimes bewildering change and disorientation."
"Fortune favors the bold, the strong, the brave."
"Strength of fortitude is a facet of the human character."
"One of the few strongholds built in the unwelcoming territory."
"Fortitude is all the other virtues at the moment they're needed the most."
"Strength shows this bond strengthening."
"I consider myself fortunate to stand before you today as I make my defense against all the accusations of the Jews."
"What's important is making the right fundamental decisions and holding on to it; that takes emotional fortitude."
"He doesn't have time to be hurt, he really doesn't."
"I have endured everything that fate has thrown at me."
"No hate can hurt, no foe can harm, as hurts and harms a mind ill-disciplined."
"You've built such a strength for yourself, such a wall."
"Have you not received faculties that enable you to bear whatever happens?"
"The wise man is fortified against all inroads; he is alert, he will not retreat before the attack of poverty or of sorrow or of disgrace or of pain."
"Fortitude, mental, physical, technical, bro."
"Manly fortitude means contending with difficulty, facing every enemy, meeting the enemy head-on, bearing the pain, maintaining self-discipline, upholding truth, pressing on to the goal."
"People tried to break your spirit but you are impenetrable."
"Each obstacle we encounter, each barrier we face, serves as a mirror reflecting back to us aspects of our character that require fortitude and growth."
"The only one that had the fortitude to actually live through it and survive it, that had the spiritual resilience to be able to live through that was Fatima, and he told her this, and she cried."
"Having a strong mind is super important."
"That's what I've called upon for so many years, it's that intestinal fortitude."
"He endured with fortitude all sufferings."
"For those of us who already had these issues and tendencies, it's made it stronger."
"Oh I bet you didn't even know I had this car didn't ignore an action sometimes or any time card that affects your fortitude alcohol content or gold proud of you."
"You can endure anything that's thrown your way."
"Developing mental strength is crucial for harnessing our untapped potential. It enables us to face challenges head-on and declare that we are stronger than any obstacle."
"With fortitude comes perseverance."
"Blood will warm me up a little bit."
"...sometimes people display strength that isn't often seen."
"A test of grit, gear, and fortitude for UC Irvine."
"I'm just built different, you know? Even if I lose games, I cannot resign. I'll go down on my shield, you know?"
"It's all about the health benefits, trying to stay healthy in the fort, you know?"
"If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you but none too much, if you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run."
"Fortitude has become a character quality of theirs, and courage their nature. They use it whenever they are called upon or roused by an alarm."
"Fortitude is not the result of silence but the process constructed through silence, where we learn to confront, embrace, and ultimately appreciate challenges as significant steps on the path to maturity and understanding."
"Comfort to us means a hot-water bottle... fort means to be made strong and fortress-like."
"It takes a lot of fortitude to work in a field and still come home and take care of your children and family."
"You might be wounded, bruised, but you will not get broken."
"...with a little bit of fortitude and a lot of persistence you can totally do it as you can see that I've done with this piece here."
"Having a backbone: standing up for what you believe in, staying strong in difficult situations."
"You will not be overcome by the things of this world."
"Nerves of steel, strength under pressure, cast-iron muscle."
"That showed a lot of intestinal fortitude from Tyler Steyer."
"For though their shields may be splintered, their resolve is as unyielding as stone."
"Through hardship, through suffering, through pain."
"Therefore whatsoever is brought upon thee, take cheerfully and be patient when thou art changed to a low estate."
"Strength so formidable that no one can break it."
"Fortitude doesn't always roar, sometimes it's the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"
"He has great fortitude, internal fortitude."
"This is about building a fortress within yourself, not from arrogance, but from a place of strength and calm."
"Fortitude protects it by holding firm in practical judgments in the face of difficult circumstances."
"He has a great deal of intestinal fortitude."
"I really pay tribute to all soldiers who used to stay inside, really commendable."
"Stiff upper lip, you've got to suck it up at all costs."
"She taught us emotional and mental fortitude, no excuses."
"Have courage, be strong and have courage."
"When you got to do something, that fortitude kicks in, that survival skill."
"More impressive than the strength he showed then was his mental fortitude in resisting the will of possibly the strongest of all the Valar."
"I think that can be a noble thing, but when people react in a negative way, which they always will when you criticize something, you should have the fortitude to account for your actions and your words."
"Here is their story: it is one of fortitude, loyalty, and heroism."
"It shows a lot of fortitude when you start to critique yourself at that level."
"Leadership perhaps first and foremost requires fortitude."
"If the believer is tested, he is patient, and that is good for him."
"Put your trust in me, and I'll provide you with the fortitude you need to face each day with bravery and optimism."
"This is the mountain fortress Briggs. Here only the strong survive."
"I'm about to scorch it, dude, the importance of having mental fortitude over physical strength."
"Fortitude: Stay strong as you try to do good."
"Those who harm are like a precious treasure; therefore, towards all, cultivate fortitude without hostility."
"Fortitude is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good."
"Strength doesn't always come in muscles and bending power; sometimes your fortitude within is what makes you strong."
"The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even the fear of death, to face trials and persecutions."
"He who can bear Fortune, can also beware of Fortune."
"This site has been used by many armies, Chinese pirates, superpowers over the decades, and it is still standing."
"We need more fortitude, we need more resilience in society."
"That's where the true fortitude, that's where the true strength lies."
"You have to have the courage, the fortitude to persevere."
"Adversity is like bread; it makes us stronger."
"Underneath, there are nerves of steel."
"That's a true testament of fortitude."
"It's all about the mental fortitude right now."
"It's all about that mental aspect and that mental fortitude."
"I have a lot of mental fortitude."
"The very underrated aspects of them is the mental fortitude that they help build."
"Let fortune empty her whole quiver on me; I have a soul that like an ample shield can take in all, and verge enough for more."
"Staying strong mentally right there."
"I survived that experience and walked away without any broken bones."
"It was one of the strongest demonstrations of strength and fortitude that I've ever seen."
"Our mental fortitude is freaking on, mental fortitude I like it, that's what it's all about."
"You will be strong and you will prevail."
"The Romans conquered a seemingly impregnable fortress; the Jews refused to submit even in the face of defeat."
"Queen consciousness is having the inner fortitude to embrace your life and future as an individual with faith in your ability."
"It's a marvel of determination and fortitude."
"Strength is not only physical strength but also the inner fortitude."
"Fortitude could be the strength to live our faith in the face of persecution."
"You have to be a strong person; you have to have a steel heart."
"We're just gonna have to grin and bear it."
"I think myself fortunate that it is before you, King Agrippa, I am to make my defense today against all the accusations of the Jews."
"Be so fortified that nothing can penetrate you."
"My fortitude is god-like, opportunities come to me, only good comes to me."
"Get harder and become a wall that will never fall."
"Your mental strength is going to be stronger than diamond."
"This formidable place is the legendary Fort Boyard."
"It's not about physical strength, it's about the mental fortitude."
"These trials serve to fortify your spirit, making it unyielding and steadfast."
"I've just developed my own mental strength."
"Whatever the fort can offer, I will not be afraid of it; I am not afraid to take anything on in that fort."
"This is the placement of someone with a lot of grit, a lot of bravery, a lot of courage."
"You are stronger and more capable than you may think, and this journey with all its unexpected twists is a testament to your inner fortitude."
"We've shown fortitude in life when we need it the most."
"One of the central qualities required for a Vedantic student is a spiritual fortitude where I will put up with whatever troubles the world throws at me."
"No matter how cold and fickle the world and the people are, I, Mu Haiyao, won't beg for pity."
"Life is not a sprint; endurance, strength, and fortitude will carry you all the way."
"You have a lot of inner strength going on."
"You're a naturally strong person, you overcome, you face problems head on."
"The ace of swords is kind of a card of strength, it is a part of fortitude and being able to overcome obstacles."
"You really have to be mentally strong."
"You are going to have this remarkable courage indeed."
"It's going to require you to have strength, to really find the fortitude within yourself to really make this happen."
"Nothing can shake it, nothing can stop it, and nothing can break it."
"Remain centered, remain grounded, remain strong."
"This is building a stronger personality."
"That is the virtue of fortitude, one of the cardinal virtues that all other virtues ripple out from."
"I aim towards fortitude and to uphold this creed and these things that I have privately and now publicly adopted and confessed."