
Demography Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Population growth won't go on forever. In fact, it's already slowing down, and this is a fundamental transformation of what a society looks like."
"The demographic issue... it's clear to see and yet so few people talk about it."
"By 2050, more than a quarter of the entire world's population will be African."
"The population of Lithuania shrunk twice already since the mid-90s."
"We are a society that is demographically doomed to destruction."
"Countries that enter demographic decline because of the values change have a very tough time reversing that demographic decline."
"Declining birth rates: It's a population risk that's very unique."
"The interesting thing about declining birth rates is that it's a population risk that's very unique."
"Two people have one kid, population goes down. Two people have two kids, population still goes down."
"The population of China could half between now and the end of the century."
"For the first time in more than a hundred years, this state saw a population decline."
"Even someone like the demographer Judith Banister has to admit the successes of the Mao era."
"The challenge is massive, we have a growing population."
"Earth is going to face a massive population collapse over the next 20 to 30 years."
"Whatever one way or another when you solve this birth rate issue or civilization will dwindle to nothing."
"Spanish today is a truly global language with nearly 500 million native speakers and 90 million second language speakers, mainly in the Americas and Spain."
"Despite making up just 11% of the world population, islands have this weird cultural outsized impact."
"If we don't start having more babies, we are doomed."
"Canada's population is now one of the fastest growing populations in the world driven almost entirely by immigration."
"Assuming that will also be the case for currently developing nations, then there could come a time when people voluntarily reproduce at below replacement levels."
"It's not exactly top secret. You can go look at the Wikipedia birth rate."
"Population growth is a function of how much population already exists."
"Every industrialized society on earth leads to a decrease in native birth rates. It's just the way the economy works."
"Fertility rates tend to decline as technology and education continues to advance."
"The continent of Africa: so vast, so much resources, so many people residing there since the beginning of time."
"Population pyramids can provide valuable insights not only into current trends but also past events and potential future challenges."
"If you see a lot of people in their pre-reproductive years, we know we're growing. If a lot of people are in those reproductive years, they still have the ability to have children."
"The population of Native Americans in 1492 was a hundred and forty million people. In 1600 it was 15 million people."
"Total fertility rate refers to the average number of children that a woman in a given population will give birth to in her lifetime."
"For Humanity before 1800, the typical woman gave birth to five children. After 1870, it actually occurred within just a couple of generations by 1920 in high-income economies, we moved to a world where the typical woman gave birth to two children."
"...Africa is going to become the big Global demographic player."
"If the birth rate is lower than the death rate, the population goes down."
"By 2050, 50% of the US will be non-white."
"Population-wise we have about 3.4 billion people."
"The defining trend of the 21st century is population growth, specifically rapid urban population growth."
"Demography is not destiny, but it's pretty damn close."
"For the first time since AD 135, 2009 marked a date where there were more Jews living in Israel than anywhere in the world."
"This industry is highly dependent on the global economy and population."
"The global fertility rate will continue to drop, according to a new study."
"Canada is a huge country with a relatively small population."
"China's population could collapse in the rest of this century."
"Wherever women are educated and literate... the birth rate falls."
"America's exploding population began to endanger one of its great institutions: the American census."
"The sequence of causality is fertility decline... those kids grow up, they all become workers, you start saving, those savings become investment."
"The population is still growing because of population momentum."
"The idea which was prevalent up till the Bangladesh experiment, only rich countries are going to reduce their fertility, is just plain wrong."
"Scholars said it is the most extraordinary reduction in fertility in a large population ever recorded in human history."
"Human population growth and per capita consumption rate underlie all of the other present drivers for global change."
"80% of the population was under the age of 30."
"On January 17th, Chinese authorities announced that for the first time since the 1960s the country's population will decrease."
"The shape of human population growth is hockey-stick."
"Mauritania is a big country, twice the size of France, but its population hasn't yet reached four million inhabitants."
"We're in the least populated state in America."
"Replacement rate is the number of children that need to be born to maintain a population's level."
"A small town in Nigeria is nicknamed the twin capital of the world."
"Nowadays Christianity is the largest religion in the world with close to 3 billion followers."
"For tens of thousands of years, the human population remained pretty much unchanged, totally stable, and then around the time of the Industrial Revolution, an explosion occurred."
"The exponential function is a wonderful way to model real life populations of anything."
"The world's population might start to decrease by the end of this century for the first time since the Black Death pandemic in the 14th century."
"Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio."
"The faster we improve health, the faster family size goes down."
"Every five days the human population grows by a million people."
"There's too many people on the planet, and yet every country right now is slowly becoming aware of a demographic issue."
"If you improve health, population growth goes down."
"The world's going to add a lot more people and it's going to add a lot more people to the middle class."
"Demography is the study of populations and their characteristics."
"Demography... helps us describe which countries are more likely to be rich and what countries are more likely to be poor."
"The population of Egypt in the fourth century before Christ is estimated at some 7 million souls."
"Every economic theory we have... is predicated on a relatively stable relationship among capital, labor, supply, and demand, and when you flip the demographic pyramid, none of it makes sense anymore."
"Increase in population positively affects economic growth."
"Urbanization is a huge underestimated influence on the rate of population growth."
"Higher immigration reduces the dependency ratio, as more people coming in are going to start families, start working, paying taxes."
"Population growth is slowing relative to the past."
"If the population continues to grow at those unprecedented rates, who is going to care for that aging population?"
"To replace the population so that there's not an increase or decrease, you keep it stable, you need each woman to get like 2.1 babies."
"Population density is the number of people living in a given area."
"Monaco has a high population density because it's a small place with lots of people."
"Population growth is something that we very often model with exponential phenomenon because often it grows exponentially."