
Quantum Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"There's a lot of cool quantum secrets being revealed to us in this update."
"Quantum is also about the very, very, very large, not just the very, very, very small."
"Quantum reality only reacts back on classical reality by virtue of collapse."
"Quantum information follows well established laws. And there's really only one basic law, it's called the superposition principle."
"Information is metabolized at a very fundamental level at the quantum field."
"In the Quantum view, everything in the universe is fundamentally made of energy, including you. Your body, your thoughts, and your feelings are energetic vibrations that interact with the energy of the universe."
"You're not playing by the rules of three-dimensional reality, you're playing by the rules of energy and the quantum."
"Quantum teleportation is a real thing... you can send information in a way that is completely hidden 100%."
"Gravitational waves are a classical phenomenon but they're not made of a complete Continuum of waves... fundamentally, it's a Quantum of this wave, which we call a graviton."
"We really need to understand general relativity and how it connects with all the observations and all the beauty, all the fundamental physics beyond it, and how it connects also with quantum field theory."
"One of the great marvels of 20th-century physics is quantum mechanics, a revolutionary understanding of nature at the scale of atoms and molecules."
"You are just as quantum as everything else."
"We know that in fact Einstein's theory is incomplete, it doesn't even include quantum physics."
"Down in this realm of the very small, we have to abandon common sense and intuition."
"We have invented something new already, so we do know how to protect data in the quantum era."
"If you're going to trace back, you have to go in reverse and you have to go from the physical into the quantum."
"You may have literally communicated with some kind of ancient dragon here that has allowed you to change your reality and almost Quantum Leap or Quantum shift you into your desired timeline here."
"Decoherence happens when a system becomes entangled with its environment."
"You're connecting with the energy, the quantum, and you're flowing in life."
"I would still go for Quantum just a little bit."
"The best thing in quantum is discussing it with people and getting over the weirdness."
"Well, it's not really matter out of nothing. It's matter being created out of the space-time quantum fluctuations."
"The key to Quantum jumping into the Ultimate Experience of reality is to align with your own soul."
"So essentially there are three main ways to navigate through this Quantum flow and this is largely influenced by the predominant thoughts that we have in our minds and the and the feelings that we feel in our heart."
"The act of looking at things, even at the quantum level, or not looking at them actually changes reality itself."
"Quantum physics has come to a point where this conclusion is very very nearly inevitable to anybody contemplating the latest results without prejudice."
"The quantum reactor's potential is immense, but so are its dangers...we can't let it be misused," Leo emphasized to his team.
"It's a Quantum Revelation and it makes our universe all the more intriguing."
"Quantum error correction is fundamentally challenging. You cannot copy Quantum information, and you also cannot measure the Quantum State without destroying it."
"The year of quantum utility is here."
"The ultimate in quantum levitation is this: a superconductor amazingly locked in space-time."
"The retro-causal aspect of our Theory is only down at the quantum level."
"I think quantum machine learning is a big direction, quantum simulation, keep working on it, people. That's a huge thing."
"There is a science of the small and a science of the large, and we're recognizing that essential processes like photosynthesis operate according to Quantum processes."
"Nature is never classical, it's Quantum from the get-go."
"Imagine a future in which the principles of quantum superposition could account for multiple timelines or realities."
"Beyond each Quantum jump, the atoms go to assume a higher and higher energy State."
"Consciousness seems to be a quantum property of nature, something that has been sort of smelled before by many students of consciousness."
"We'll see that two quantum states can't be perfectly discriminated from one another unless they're orthogonal, which is a fundamental limitation to be aware of."
"The universe had some kind of a quantum origin, which determined the initial state of the universe."
"Mitochondrial health underpins everything just at a quantum level of health."
"Consciousness relies on quantum states."
"Einstein also demonstrated the wave-corpuscle duality of particles such as photons, laying the foundations for quantum physics."
"The boundary between hard and easy problems is different than it otherwise would be because this is a quantum world, not a classical world."
"Quantum computers could become available to the mainstream public."
"What if becoming aware consciously of quantum processes is a spiritual experience?"
"In order for the electron not to annihilate itself as it goes around the orbit, it has to have an integer number of half wavelengths along that trajectory."
"It's a whole different way of dealing with information. There's quantum information."
"Be curious and be prepared for a future that's a lot more interesting and a lot more quantum than you previously expected."
"What are the waves that make physical particles made of? They are made of possibilities."
"Quantum logic will be one of the big things that changes your industry very much."
"Quantum travel is a very different form of out-of-body experience than astral projection."
"Welcome to Perdita, now in that quantum world belonging to the star-destroying metric dynasty."
"I'm still walking, and I can see trouble in your eyes, you still want to fuss and fight, all that I just want to love you on a quantum level like protons and electrons."
"Everything is made up of quanta... the universe is digital."
"Wave particle duality is the only mystery of quantum mechanics."
"Entanglement is about two particles."
"Quantum mechanics is the rule book for very tiny things like atoms and particles."
"We can totally transform anything instantly with these Quantum tools, these Quantum codes of reality creation."
"The Planck constant defines the size scale at which the familiar physics of our macroscopic reality gives way to the weirdness of the quantum world."
"By opening up the crown and allowing a waterfall of healing high-frequency energy to pour through, the healing that takes place is exponential, not linear; it's Quantum."
"The quantum phenomenon makes it possible to propose that the background of the universe is mind-like."
"The quantum Hall effect describes 2D electrons in a strong magnetic field."
"The very concept of SpaceTime... has no operational meaning at 10^-33 cm and 10^-43 seconds."
"The machine is a time capsule capable of quantum time travel."
"Quantum theory indicates there is this phenomenon... that two particles... become entangled which means when they are very far away from each other... if something happens to one of them instantaneously something happened to the other."
"It's time for a leap in technology, and that's the Phoenix Quantum."
"It caused this energetic ripple effect that I'm picking up now in the quantum field between you and this person."
"The quantum brain... has wave-like characteristics, potentials that spread out throughout all space and time, and I think we are both of those."
"We're in the last analog days so we fully make a leap into what is quantum and what is digital."
"Do you guys know about quantum quarries? I was thinking about getting one just for diamonds."
"Quantum information is real, who knows? Maybe it means exactly the same thing as saying Consciousness is real."
"Dr. Cruz's look at the body from a quantum perspective revolutionized me as a nutritionist."
"Inflation predicts it because in the context of these inflationary models, these non-uniformities actually arise due to just purely quantum uncertainties."
"With just 30 qubits, we could potentially run faster than the fastest supercomputer that exists in the world today."
"Love could somehow have a quantum dimension... that's thrilling to me."
"Quantum phenomena show us that there is a part of the world we can't see; it doesn't consist of things but of forms."
"The universe is a mental, spiritual, non-physical place; it's a Quantum place."
"...once you observe the change in direction of a spin of a particle, a particle B will actually assume the opposite directional spin."
"...the minute you changed the spin of one particle, its opposing particle 17 miles away somehow knew that... it had to take the opposite charge."
"...the scientific truth of psychic phenomena and entangled Minds extrasensory experiences in a quantum reality."
"Use the power of your mind to reach backwards through quantum technology."
"We are now beyond the boundaries of only being in the physical but we've activated more of our own Quantum experiences."
"You exist within a Quantum field, and you yourself are a field of energy."