
Detail-oriented Quotes

There are 337 quotes

"Leadership is best expressed in understanding, but reliability can only be achieved by the constant attention to every detail."
"These are upstanding, courteous, kind people that were very, very detailed, polite, and just amazing."
"If you nail every single detail, then you have a big picture."
"I decided that I was going to share my knowledge, share my passion and do things in such way where I provided maximum detail."
"Right now let me spin the block over here just like that Boop and make sure that it's even on every single block because we don't want it to be uneven."
"Did you notice something? My goodness, the buffers are painted."
"Here's just a quick tally for all the things I missed on how great this scene is."
"How did you notice that?" "I lack the arrogance to ignore details. I’m not the police."
"It is details like these that take a home from being builder grade to character, they make a huge difference."
"And potentially trim that and alongside that also you can see how her nostrils are almost little slits."
"Every single thing you say needs to be backed up... with a fact, with a statistic, with a date, with a person, with a quote, with a place."
"No compromises in any area and premium in every detail."
"There's no algorithm to please, the extra video can really take its time and show a lot of interesting details."
"The lack of a stealth button: I know, really nitpicky, but that's what we do."
"This is going to be the most comprehensive review of the Nest Hello that you will find on the Internet."
"Paying attention to details like limb movements enhances the animation."
"I cover everything. I leave no stone left unturned."
"These debates are only really effective... when you get into the detail."
"When the Holy Spirit comes in and upon a Believer, even in his power, your life becomes a sign and a Wonder."
"I'm physically incapable of not pointing out all the details."
"Every single car gets a full flat and polish so that we raise the optical aspect of the vehicle." - Lee Boyce
"The dentist's profession was exuded in how he'd conduct business, his obsession with fine detail, and carefully chosen turn of speech."
"This game exemplifies historical accuracy, so much care was put into creating a rich, diverse Egypt."
"I mean still very impressive functionality here and just the details under the floor as well."
"Isn't it? This is the most nitpicky I'm going to get in this review."
"But the main point I wanted to point out here is there's a set of splines here in the middle, so this crank or this flywheel is rotated by the crankshaft there are some splines right there."
"It's not just the level and the class he had in the game that is being applied in real life but it is every detail that he created about him."
"Every little tiny detail and every change Tesla makes, most of those, if this is your first Tesla, you won't even notice and you won't even really miss because you never knew they were there."
"This is what I mean by paying attention to details; it gives you that brand new car vibe."
"Perfection basically requires obsession in every single detail."
"Wow, the attention to detail was... you can tell they've been here since 10k."
"The world feels really thought out, lived in, like the people who've lasted this long have truly done their homework in order to survive."
"That's the kind of thing I like to just sometimes nerd out on the details about."
"Details so exact authorities found it frightening."
"Look how pretty this thing is I love the details on it I just thought it was really nice."
"You'll notice that I have stickers all over in here."
"Paying attention to the details is so, so critical."
"When I'm writing the books, I sometimes call him up and say, 'I'm about to introduce this character. I think I mentioned him in Book Three. Did I ever say what color his eyes are?' And within a half hour, I get 'blue-grey."
"You okay? The eyepiece is too high on the mask. It drives me crazy."
"We drew every single piece of timber in here or lumber in here. We're gonna do this exact thing for the house plan."
"You've always had an eye for the detail, mate."
"This gym is a cross thing of different aspects of physical culture that don't go together usually. So it's very unique, it's just creative, the attention to detail is amazing, I mean it's just, it's a reflection of you."
"That level of detail, you just can't do that anywhere else."
"Visual language dictates where and what details to place."
"You know what, get you all off the pole here. I can see yes we have excellent clearance down in there between the nut and the spider all the way around."
"I just feel like I want to give you guys details and stuff like that about every item."
"Love the little details that Rivian adds."
"It's very important that you're putting the screw back on; we want to end up with the flat part down."
"The doctor would never notice that but donna is able to fill the gap."
"Look at that 'W,' that's perfect on the shirt."
"Hell yeah, I like that, I like that the mask doesn't drop all the way out of frame before it cuts to the next frame, that way it has that hook."
"As for weaknesses, I tend to be overly focused or too detail-oriented at times."
"Overall, I'm happy with how this turned out. Getting all obsessed with such a tiny detail always makes my day."
"I think I've covered here the main workflow, we've covered the posting a tweet method in pretty much pretty granular details here."
"It's little touches like this that make the experience something that we'll never forget."
"This person might have a special connection to their car, very particular about its care or appearance."
"There is an extreme attention to detail that Baron omatsuri and the secret Island uses proficiently."
"I'm blown away by the level of detail on this."
"You want to be able to get to the end result as fast as possible while preserving as much detail as possible."
"But there's such beauty in, in taking those little, like having the ability to, to take notice of such fine details."
"A little more into the details, work requirements are becoming an important issue in the negotiation."
"...something I love about owl crate special editions is they literally think of everything when it comes to the details of making these books so the reverse dust jacket is so stunning in my opinion."
"Every single detail counts when designing a room, even down to the storage boxes."
"So as I mentioned there was a lot of work and lots of details but this was a super fun build."
"The attention to detail that this show has, even if some of it may be confusing."
"...everything just has this like really nice pickiness to it even the air vents has this really satisfying click."
"Little details are by far the most important."
"This is like the coolest thing ever I could put lip gloss in there and actually apply it oh my god these are so detailed off to a good start."
"Karate's not magic, it's the most detail-oriented martial art of all time."
"You're much more involved and you get much more of the actual detail when you're there on site when something's happening."
"So I'm doing the same thing for this third double and then the next stitch is a chain one."
"You know what I'm saying, like he gets very specific."
"Details on this one is insane, this is not your average prod par SB, that's for sure."
"Thoroughly replenished rubber does help to frame a freshly cleaned wheel and with plenty of alternative satin finished products now on the market like this black devil liquid Tire wax assuming you have a few minutes after washing and drying there's no excuse not to in my mind."
"I'm really focusing on the tiny details here."
"It's amazing how everything, your attention to detail, everything."
"So many details in there. This is really cool."
"I can see even by the labels on the sauces."
"If you don't get yours perfect, no worries. This is just the start of this. We've got many more little details that we're going to be putting on that will help to make this look a little bit more realistic."
"The Devotion to recreating the B-17s down to the smallest detail was extraordinary."
"The expanse's commitment to detail doesn't end at just the sets."
"All that stuff is is very methodically thought out and planned."
"We're not gonna have any spaces or voids, you know, we don't want to just put globs, we want to make sure that that is continuous."
"I've learned to write down even the smallest things."
"Every little thing added something, you know what I mean."
"You're quiet until you're not, until you ask me a question and then I give you every detail you could possibly want."
"Understanding this level of details makes me want to learn more."
"It's small details like this that I actually really really love."
"You are very detail-oriented but you also are good at seeing the bigger picture."
"You're so on top of things and detail-oriented, people admire that."
"This movie is just... wow, man, I was speechless most of the time because I didn't want to miss a single detail."
"Every detail matters, and the judges will prefer someone who is already perfect and confident over someone who makes mistakes."
"Number twos are very detail-oriented, really good at looking at the fine print."
"They literally leave no stone unturned."
"Autistic people often have an excellent memory and are very precise and detail-oriented."
"If I take a 64th off, I'll put a 64th on basically."
"If you're playing with the big boys, you gotta learn to pay attention to the details."
"He creates really deep, extremely detailed settings that are absolutely mind-blowing."
"The longevity of it all and the detail that went into the creation of Cain and that whole brother story."
"The party planning and the details were amazing."
"Aquarians are all about productivity. They're very good at big ideas, but they suck at focusing on small details."
"Let's try and point out all the little details that you could have easily missed because there's a lot."
"This is an incredible amount of detail and customization here, I mean, it's such a gradient."
"Fantastic, I love little details like that."
"What makes Morissette great and what makes her a great vocalist is her control of the tiny nuances and details."
"Extraordinary attention to detail."
"...for me, that's not a boring fix. When you find one little component like that, they're my favorite fixes."
"Micro Machines: The most miniature motorcade with dramatic details."
"I love the fact that they credit the cover artist and page numbers in the table of contents."
"You can see, I have one through 26 in each dot grid space all the way across."
"Make it really specific, make it really passion based."
"She is so thorough in this video and goes over so many details."
"I know it's a tiny change but every inch counts in the dollhouse."
"So, I'm just going to slip it in there so it makes a nice tight joint, right?"
"...he wanted everything in the film to be perfect."
"As usual, I like to show you the close-up video of all the details that you can't see from a distance."
"The sheer amount of intricate pieces to each aspect of the scene showed that the artist really paid attention to every little thing."
"I want to find a model that is super detailed and super epic."
"It's just such a good little detail."
"Exactly, it's just such a good little detail."
"I want the nitty-gritty. I want all of it."
"...it's just slight details that are wrong."
"I love Clint Eastwood both as an actor and a director. He's somebody who's extremely detail-oriented and you can tell from his work that he clearly respects and loves what he does."
"I love the attention to detail for everything."
"I hope y'all love it. It's so cute in here, like it's so much detail and stuff. It's a lot of details, a labor of love."
"Persistence is a great feature, especially for examining long waveforms in detail."
"People who are over controlled are very detail-oriented."
"As I'm rolling, I'm removing that double-sided tape."
"Can we understand this a little more? Well, we can if we read the entire title."
"The attention to detail on each little thing is absolutely spot on."
"Now Mr. Pip we come next to Mere details of arrangement," said Mr. Jaggers.
"I'm going to go and say now this has more decals, more dry transfer, and sticker decals than any master grade ever made, period."
"Your wish is my command, instead of uh reviewing two books I'm going to only be reviewing one, & I'm going to be getting into the nitty-gritty."
"The details, like little quirky things, you know?"
"It's just like pre-planned, it's just like pre-cut, it's like Ikea skips then."
"Hoshi puts a lot of thought into these right down to all the accessories and the costumes."
"If you've studied at multiple colleges or multiple institutes or if you've done multiple programs, then make sure to give the details of every single program that you have studied or that you currently are studying."
"The level of detail is fantastic, the build quality is also noticeably great."
"Brand new B1 again super detailed."
"The point is when the stuff comes back, the omelet has diced up tomatoes in it."
"Sight is one of them. You know, and we were just talking about the little things... spices, washer, dryer... I mean, even the sticker on a skateboard that tells you what size it is. I mean, like, that's big."
"Seriously just the first 2 weeks of January and be detail oriented with how you're going to approach that plan be practical."
"People tell me that I give too much detail."
"My hands are a little bit dirty because I just made some details for a cake."
"Look at Tito Santana's boots. They are laced perfectly, tied in a knot in the corner, and the laces are tucked deep down inside of the boot. That's professionalism right there."
"The maturity, detail, and vision that Ren has is so cogent and accurate."
"Everything is so well thought out."
"You've got to go into granular detail; you've got to be wild but feasible."
"The amount of detail on that is incredible."
"I know some people like these longer detailed videos and I like to get to the bottom of this stuff. It's always a learning experience."
"...the more detailed you are with your financials..."
"It's the little things that make up the big things."
"I'm very detailed. That guy worked his butt off, did what he had to do, changed his whole composite of his thought process."
"I love these figures. They're also well sculpted and the details on them are amazing."
"I just have a little tab here with this was literally the last little strip of this washi."
"He's so incredible, he's so detailed you just have to up your game you listen you're you're listening you're looking at him and it it wasn't even a thing that I could plan because I was just in it I was just in the world."
"Attention to detail for the time period is great."
"Good getting so precise about things."
"No matter where you are looking on this piece, there is detail. It's detailed to the nines."
"...they're really about the details here and it is absolutely magical here."
"Her attention to detail blew me away."
"So, I'm just coming up to the last stitch, just finishing up the last stitches."
"All right so now we're going to do another row of the tapers to build on this petal."
"So that was that, um, and then oh and the other problem was because we had to get the number back off of his Mercedes and I said well I'll buy it but it's got to have the proper number you know I don't want to buy it without the proper number."
"It's odd because they go into all of this detail in the book on Qarth."
"As soon as you get to the detail, there is no answer to this."
"Perfection in your resume is important because it shows attention to detail, a vital skill in many jobs."
"We need to look at these stories on a more granular level."
"That's attention to detail right there."
"The video you're about to watch is going to be a detailed review with testing and everything."
"You guys as a team you were honest, you were practical about it, you wanted to know the facts and the details."
"They pay attention to the small details. They're very perceptive about what's going on around."
"I adore picking this movie apart with all those nitty-gritty details."
"This cockpit is small but extremely detailed and I want to do a good job on it even though it will probably be hard to see after the model is completed."
"The more detailed you are, the more successful you'll be."
"Over the next three days, we're going to detail break down this project."
"It shows attention to detail, I'm impressed."
"If you can have attention to detail, it's not that hard to do."
"I'm one of those people who notices details."
"It takes time, they do take time because of the amount of detail that I put into something."
"He's just very, very detail-oriented; he's fastidious."
"I want this to be my most detailed build progress series yet so that viewers can learn everything they need."
"I'm a lawyer by day, but I'm secretly a private investigator in my heart because I love reports and details."
"One final trait that I have that would be perfect for this position is my organizational skills. I'm very detailed and plan very well."
"Incredibly fun, impressive sci-fi premises and impeccable attention to detail."
"You really want to be very precise with a project like this."
"Here is the problem for you to test your business math skills as well as attention to details."
"As a business analyst of any type, you have to be really detail-oriented and you have to be capable of delivering your work with a very high level of accuracy."
"Mars in Virgo people do extremely well working in machinery, dealing with numbers, and processing little details."
"I tend to notice details that others do not."
"The amount of concentration and attention to details that's required in order to achieve your end state."
"I'm all about the attention to detail, lads."
"I pay attention to detail very well and I'm thoroughly meticulous."
"I focus on the details. That's the most important thing."
"I'm a detailed-obsessed video editor for Final Cut Pro."
"I do believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail, this trait has helped me tremendously in this field of work."
"I want to plan, I want bullet points, I want numbers, I want dates, I want times, I want everything."
"Observation skills: Investigators must be observant of small details and be able to use those details in their investigation."
"I've been detail-oriented my entire life, but the thing that I'm now being detail-oriented about is all of the things that will make me feel good and make my quality of life enhanced."
"If you're someone like me who is a perfectionist, you want to make sure that every gap between is exactly the same size."