
Oil Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"The economies of the Middle East matter more to the world today than they have for most of the last half-millennia, largely because of oil."
"We're going through a transformation of the industry as large as when oil came onto the marketplace for fueling."
"Oil is never food; it's a pharmaceutical, a toxic substance that will make you ill."
"The Biden Administration said that the president will order the Energy Department's release 10 million additional barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve."
"Oil in the Middle East in 1911: the British Navy had shifted from coal to oil. Winston Churchill understood that oil was going to be of great importance."
"Banning Russian oil without boosting production at home means we're technically still living on a prayer."
"Europe, which would represent the United States' most formidable adversary, relies on Middle East oil for 40-50% of its total annual use."
"The biggest threat to America is actually what's happened to the Petrodollar."
"For decades, Saudi Arabia ruled the oil market with 266 billion barrels of low-cost reserves."
"If you want to understand the value of oil, fill up your car, run it till it's empty, and then push it back to where you started from."
"There's a really fine balancing act here between buying Russian oil and keeping your trade going with the rest of the world."
"Our objective that time is that they cannot collect our oil without making our place okay for us."
"Oil represents the single largest revenue source for Russia."
"The single biggest product that Russia exports is oil."
"Historically, contracts for oil have been agreed in US dollars."
"What's happening so crazy crazy news yesterday was that all the Middle Eastern uh countries have cut the oil supply."
"Oil as the key commodity during the 20th century performed well in all three inflationary decades."
"In effect, Russia's greatest source of revenue has been reduced to a break-even state, even as the country taxes oil income according to the price of Brent crude, rather than its own."
"It powers our jets and coats our lips. We drive on it, ignite it, and even play with it."
"The first secret of oil is simple. It's everywhere."
"Oil-exporting countries, like Russia and Saudi Arabia, will suffer."
"Europe has dropped dependence on Russian oil and natural gas from 40 percent down to nine percent."
"One thing that hasn't been talked about as much is that during this time of war the United States is still importing more than half a million barrels per day of crude oil and other petroleum products from Russia." - Senator Joe Manchin
"This incident takes place in the place of the oil."
"China will continue to import large quantities of crude oil from GCC countries, expanding imports of liquefied natural gas."
"Avocado oil has a high smoke point, so it shouldn't smoke at the temp that we're going to be deep frying at."
"For investors, not speculators, the best sector in resources is high quality oil and gas."
"If we can remove more of those contaminants from the oil with bypass filtration, oxidation additive depletion and viscosity increase can be reduced significantly."
"Oil seemed to save the Soviet Union in the 1970s but it merely delayed the inevitable."
"Life is good, I'm thriving, it's all because of this oil."
"The oil we happily possess in excellent quality and abundance is the mainspring of modern material civilization."
"Last but most definitely not least, the spuds crispy, fluffy, and whatever you do don't throw out this oil."
"So, on a busy day, somewhere around 2.4 billion gallons of oil pass through the Strait of Gibraltar."
"The Golden Driller statue is a friggin massive 76-foot-tall statue of an oil man resting his arm on top of an actual real oil derrick."
"Constantly letting a cold engine idle can actually be counterproductive because it gradually strips away oil from the engine's pistons and cylinders."
"...the less oil you can use in the pan the better... too much oil can cause the pizza to become overly greasy or even burnt."
"Significant reserves of oil and natural gas propelled the economy."
"Rockefeller's immense wealth was rooted in the black gold - oil."
"I need the oil to cool down so that I can funnel it back into the bottle and then dispose of that responsibly."
"This is all oil dry, the suspension all drains down to tub there so you just drop all the oil when you're working on it."
"We have an interest in making sure that oil keeps flowing out to World Markets."
"Get a nice shot of this because let me tell you, this is a lot of oil."
"Oil in particular has high geopolitical risk."
"The biggest scam in geography: Random country finds oil, America: 'We can take it from here.'"
"Having said all that guys I have nothing more to offer you on this particular 54 at this time other than an oil splashed Exxon vald pointless waste of time mess."
"Anointing with oil signifies the Holy Spirit."
"The United States is the world's leading oil producer."
"These cars definitely benefit from Rotella so of course before you delete this car you cannot use Rotel t6 it's not an approved oil and that's because the ashes that get created from the Rotella oil don't do well with the DPF system."
"Just one thing is missing but the oil really needs, the only thing in life might bring us our world peace."
"Because it's easy, take oil and sell it, it's easy. If you depend only on the human being, then it's a question, then they're starting to move."
"The tempura is what I ate the least of just because it is quite oily."
"Oil's looking actually pretty freaking clean."
"The glory is here, the oil is here, the power is here."
"Oil always represents the Holy Spirit."
"...wanted to try to figure out a way to make his country survive even though it has so many disadvantages, it has no oil."
"So we're just oil is this magical thing and that's why it's so dominant so obviously for heavy-duty but also for many other things so that's that's normal too right so Transportation it does power electricity right but what else."
"Everything changed for Guyana in 2015 when ExxonMobil made a significant oil discovery off the coast."
"The thing you have to understand about engine oil: a lot of people say, 'Well synthetic oil lasts a long time.' Yes, it does compared to conventional oil. It lasts a really long time."
"Oil is the lifeblood of the engine, but in a situation like this, that oil can have contaminants that will then attack the seal, the low bearing, and it starts that first stage of failure."
"There is an alarming amount of oil inside this area."
"If the oil is leaking onto a hot surface, a lot of times it'll burn off."
"Everybody likes to think that oil is wet and black looking, but it just isn't."
"Whether it's Baku's oil is going to help them maintain that independence remains to be seen but it just shows what a powerful political tool oil remains."
"Oil has undeniably shaped Baku's past."
"I'm just gonna use light oil on it."
"Governments that rely on oil to fund themselves are a whole lot less accountable than others."
"The appeal of democracy and freedom is universal. But in oil-rich countries, governments are more effective at putting down protests and keeping people from getting what they want."
"We wanted oil. It's quite simply blood oil."
"No matter how long you let this sit, it's going to continue to drain oil."
"Probably gonna drain the oil out of these motors, the oil is coming out."
"You need oil for yourself, you need oil for Canada, you need oil for America."
"In 2010 because the oil was used for the benefit of Iraqis, GDP per head was three times as high as it had been in 2003."
"We need that balance. We need that, not too much oil, not enough oil, in the skin."
"Obviously, driving an air-cooled high-performance car, oil is your best friend, right?"
"Avocado oil, the best of the best."
"...to be able to almost double the recovery of oil from the Shale and the conventional reservoirs means the United States does won't be in a in an energy-starved situation here in the near future."
"Oil is a drug at best, and at worst, it's a serious toxin."
"If you still have your oil metering pump functioning, put a half ounce of oil per gallon of gas in your engine."
"The Middle East has always been associated with two natural resources: oil because of its abundance and water because of its scarcity."
"Oil is the king and will remain king because we want to be mobile."
"Without the oil of the Permian Basin, Texas wouldn't be what it is today."
"Oil brought with it unimaginable wealth turning the UAE into a financial powerhouse practically overnight."
"This oil is gonna be really helpful."
"Every time you take communion and apply oil in the spirit realm a fragrance is going up and when the fragrance goes up the blessing comes down."
"That oil in your car keeps the engine moving, but that oil is dedicated to only that, and you can't use it for nothing else. But the oil He gave us won't just move a car, it'll move a nation."
"Once you get a revelation of the oil... your days are gonna be long."
"I don't care how bad that situation is, take that oil out. I don't care if they sick and the doctors don't gave them three days to live, you say well before you die let me try this oil real quick."
"Oil is still found under the surface of the earth, but what a difference in the methods and means of getting it out."
"Oil isn't just a lubricant, it's also a coolant, a cleaner, and a hydraulic fluid."
"When the oil comes upon you, it is an establishment of God's purpose, and angels will follow you."
"In 1967, oil was discovered in Norwegian waters."
"To write this tiny country is growing in 10 years it could be the richest in the world. The trouble is most of the oil money is being pumped directly into the president's pocket."
"Spraying oil onto the chicken before adding it to the air fryer helps you add just the right amount."
"An air fryer can achieve tasty results with just a fraction of the oil which is much better for your heart."
"Oh my gosh to put the color in there there's probably gonna be a little bit of oil yes there was a little bit because that's in there oh my gosh."
"Just to make sure we don't have any extra oil or anything like that."
"Why would it be here? It's here because this is the Roman Army's way of bringing the oil of oil they need for cooking and for lighting."
"It was not the oil that healed him but it was by faith in the word of God."
"Control over oil resources played in shaping the Dynamics of World War II."
"Every drop of oil became synonymous with the blood spilt on the battlefield."
"I think the story might have ended there if not for the fact that Nigeria's oil happens to be in the area that was Biafra."
"Innovations include the first high mileage oil, the first racing oil, and the first synthetic blend."
"Spindletop was the first major oil discovery in the entire state of Texas."
"Fold and thrust belts like the sub Andean belt are host to most of the oil and gas deposits in South America."
"Swap out processed seed and vegetable oils for clean oils."
"It's like black oil coming from the ground, it's so beautiful."
"I received an inheritance, mineral rights from some oil fields in Texas."
"Do you really want 20-year-old oil circulating through your engine? You don't, trust me."
"When we do crank the engine, the first blast of oil that it gets is going to be nice clean oil."
"We got nice fresh clean oil with the zinc additive, I mean we got mwah, it's ready."
"Some say the oil is in my family's blood; I say our blood is in the oil."
"And up through the ground come a bubbling crude: oil that is, black gold, Texas tea."
"The discovery of large oil reserves in the late 1960s set the stage for a new industry in Norway."
"Venezuela has enormous oil resources."
"Up through the ground come a bubblin' crude: oil that is, black gold, Texas tea."
"There are few things in the world that are more inflationary or deflationary than the price of oil."
"Louisiana is the number one state for the importing and exporting of both crude and refined oil."
"Saudi Aramco was a state-owned oil corporation that was making hundreds of billions of dollars in profit every year."
"You have no idea what this oil means, not just for your own little backward society, but for the world."
"Because of my exploration and my help in his country's economic development, the Sultan of Oman gave me such huge oil rights that I now am the largest individual oil concession holder in the world."
"Saudi Arabia is known for several things, including being one of the richest oil-driven nations in the world."
"This would end our dependency on foreign oil; this would put an end to climate change."
"Oil created this new way of thinking about mobility."
"Saudi Arabia consumes up to 1.5 million barrels of oil per day to fuel its desalination plants."
"It's feels like a drop of oil inside a smooth watery type of texture."
"That is something that I have always asked myself, right? Venezuela is rich in oil."
"The discovery of oil also opened up vast tracts of Ecuador's Amazon basin to exploration, affecting both the rainforest and the local indigenous tribes."
"A barrel of oil does 11 years of our physical work."
"The world oil and financial situation is going to be the main story in the next decade."
"The perception that Dubai's wealth stems solely from oil is mistaken."
"The wealth in the Arctic, it's in natural resources, and oil is one of them."
"The dollar's exclusive ability to buy oil has given the U.S. global dominance over the last century."
"For decades, the fear of running out of oil was one of the most recurrent forecasts."
"The world will never run out of oil... but what the world has run out of is the oil that we can afford to burn."
"It's making a barrel a day. If it'll make a barrel a day for six months and I don't have to do anything, with these oil prices, it's gonna make seven or eight or nine or ten thousand bucks."
"The whole landscape of swamps and forests that used to be Wyoming in some distant, inconceivable past have now decayed down into pockets of crude oil that we can use."
"Oil is the lifeblood of Azerbaijan, and it all began right here in Baku."
"Easy oil flows by itself; you don't even sometimes have to put pumps in it."
"The important question is when do we have a shortage of oil."
"We're still making oil deep down in the earth, we're just using it faster than it's being made."
"You start with a barrel of oil, you refine it, different chemicals come out."
"I recommend using the 20W-50 synthetic oil from Harley."
"If you see oil demand or in this case oil imports going down, that's a very clear sign the economy is suffering, not growing."
"Saudi Arabia, a land known for oil, numerous deserts, and the epicenter of the Islamic faith."
"Calgary's rapid growth is due in large part to the city being at the center of the country's oil industry."
"Monitoring global oil supply... you can see economic flows happening."
"OPEC plus has never had more power; they control 60 percent of global oil production."
"Oil coming from the Strait of Hormuz to Houston might change ownership hundreds of times."
"This spark plug is completely fouled, it's full of oil."
"It's 10 times stronger against oil breakdown and it helps your engine grow old without acting old."
"Oil may be constraining the OECD economies."
"I do think you should always use the manufacturer's specified oil for your car."
"Almost all of the oil-rich Middle Eastern countries have the same basic economic problem to solve: at some point, their oil reserves will run dry."
"The amount of oil matters as much as where it comes from."
"We do project the oil volumes will peak in the latter part of this decade."
"The demand for oil according to our numbers was 99 million barrels per day in 2019."
"Switching from the old fire to the new fire has two big shifts in it: one in oil, one in electricity."
"Sinclair Dino Supreme Multi-Grade rated highest in sludge control."
"Welcome to Aberdeen, Scotland, a city known for its long beach and profitable oil industry."
"An oil that I like to use is the macadamia healing oil spray, this is a very very good treatment for your hair."
"For my entire lifetime, the United States has been an importer, a net importer of oil and gas, and that could change."
"We're addicted to oil, we just kept going and going."
"Everything runs through oil at some point."
"The share of the oil is expected to decline a little bit, the share of the gas in the total energy mix is going to grow."
"Oil is fungible anyway; oil is something that is sold on an open market."
"I went ahead and filled up the engine with oil so I can get some priming out of the way before I get it back in the truck."
"I like an oil under a moisturizer."
"You always need the oil to serve its purpose when you're putting it on the hair."
"We are oil wives, bound to the oil industry till death do us part."
"It's quite fascinating really that from that crude oil that has made millions of years ago from crushed organisms that were floating around in the sea, we can now make our everyday plastics."
"We don't want to trade the old dependency on oil from the Middle East for a new form of dependency on renewables and the components of renewables."
"The current oil price is actually quite good by historic standards."
"The U.S is the largest oil producer in the world right now, ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia."
"I'm such a fan, it's a very weightless oil, it adds the shine, it smooths and then it just kind of disappears and dissipates off the hair."
"The 20th century was all about oil and how to control oil resources."
"I think this might be one of my all-time favorite oils."