
Regional Impact Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"The last time that I did look at those stats, it was showing that the price of power in South Australia, ever since they've been introducing renewables, has been decreasing."
"A skateboarding grassroots movement fueled and propelled by locals and locals alone in one of the world's most deprived regions."
"Trump flipping New York or California would be the best. I don't think it's going to happen though."
"Liverpool became probably outside London the biggest center for expertise in that sort of smuggling market."
"It's nothing new for the president. He's not just attacked New York in tweets. His policies have been vicious to New York."
"John's money helped save the Southern United States from abject poverty."
"During the colonial era, Guinea-Bissau was under Portuguese rule but France's involvement in the region's broader geopolitical landscape left an impact."
"If we can get deep reform in New South Wales then I mean no doubt that that reform will roll out across the whole country."
"If we don't hold the line in Georgia, so goes Georgia, so goes the United States of America."
"Russia's devastating wars against Chechnya throughout the 1990s."
"If Middle Eastern Christianity and its Heritage were to disappear tomorrow, an Irreplaceable void would be left in its wake."
"Army of God, you still have a chance to speak up and make something happen in your region."
"Louisiana can do more than its share to set the stage for a great victory for America in 2020."
"I was asked to bring back Chrysler and General Motors. You brought them back right here in the state of Ohio in Michigan."
"I'm the voice now. Offering a voice and make a change to the world. Chicago influenced the whole world."
"We have a border crisis in our country. It's a crisis that South Texas is on the front lines of and pays the price, but it impacts the entire country."
"The outcomes of the Alberta election could significantly influence other provinces."
"I wanted to build a company that transforms Africa."
"Conditions are favorable; the threat for tornadoes will go down the further away you are from the Gulf of Mexico."
"This highly unsustainable path is slowly turning China into a post-apocalyptic wasteland."
"It's important that we talk... so that we know this race is important for North Carolina and for the nation."
"What he's done in Florida is truly remarkable."
"We've ended the last administration's eight-year war on Pennsylvania energy."
"There's a real threat here, a dangerous oppressive regime with powerful weapons. But the threat presents very differently for the people here, much differently than the fear that we feel an ocean away."
"The north Crimean Canal changed all of this forever... most of Crimea's land only receives an average of 300 to 500 millimeters of rainfall."
"Wisconsin came in, we won with Wisconsin, which hadn't been won in decades."
"I'm real proud of the foundation I laid where the South is concerned."
"The accomplishments of the Norwegian scene hint at the potential that was there."
"Soon we will summarize the second month of this conflict, which proved to be not the Short Victorious War Vladimir Putin hoped for, but a war of attrition that could change the fate of the entire region."
"The larger vision is being able to serve the grander Los Angeles area."
"He's actually uniting the entire country uniting the people and the impact of Lord RAM and then this Ayodya is going to have Tamil Nadu in electoral politics sorry I cannot miss any action without an electoral or without a political angle to it."
"Inflation typically is contained in one country or group of closely intertwined nations."
"Moscow is being extraordinarily hard-hit, and then you have the rest of the country."
"The political status of a region affects far more than just the people who live there."
"His death was a heartbreaking loss particularly for Atlanta"
"If Chia Falls, it is a very bad situation for Ukraine..."
"School's out for summer. No deep divers, schools are closed all over Europe, America."
"Techno valleys in Korea are playing an important role in innovation."
"By offering high interest rates on these platforms, the four rural banks that eventually froze up, were able to draw funding from around the province and even neighboring provinces."
"The project is one of the largest job creation investments in Georgia's history."
"China's policy of non-interventionism and pursuing win-win scenarios is a breath of fresh air for the region."
"South America would be the biggest player in bitcoin."
"The Michigan descent into darkness has begun."
"The conflict between the Ojibwe and Dakota intensified as Ojibwe migration into Minnesota altered the region's balance of power."
"No country would benefit more from open borders than Pakistan and Afghanistan."
"I think these stories would grow in one area, get big enough to be picked up by a neighboring area, then a copycat would see it, re-enact it, and it would spread that way."
"Transhumanism is basically saying through genetic modification and cybernetic augmentation, we can hack ourselves."
"Social media manipulated to exacerbate issues, like Tick Tock in the West."
"Nobody in America has done more for the right to vote than Stacy. Stacy, you're changing Georgia, you've changed America, and I want to personally thank you again."
"That's probably the most damage I have seen from weather and wind ever here in Southern California."
"It's the fact that good policies work for Mississippi's economy and America's economy."
"There's a move of God coming to Kentucky that will change the course of the land."
"Blank's foundation has donated hundreds of millions of dollars toward charitable efforts in the Atlanta area."
"I do worry... people who have suffered for so long in Latin and South America are excluded."
"A Taliban-run Afghanistan will have a direct bearing on India's security."
"We've seen this movie before to me we did that to the manufacturing workers in the Midwest and those communities have not recovered."
"The reality is you know um Israel's not going to have an economy to speak of for the foreseeable future."
"The tapping of pipelines, stealing of oil, and the emissions from the refining process have added another complication to the region's environmental crisis."
"When Conor McGregor exploded onto the scene, he ignited Europe."
"What may sound like just a little more rain has actually led to the largest lake in the Caribbean doubling in size, destroying land and livelihoods."
"Locally is where this stuff starts. These things that these laws that passed in Texas, they weren't started at the national level."
"The fate of the Amazon: most of the Amazon region is in Brazil... if the destruction of the forest continues there won't be enough moisture produced to reproduce the Amazon."
"I asked Apostle Tim and Carol, could I come in a day early and just get here last night and just rest and pray and thank God for what he's doing in this region."
"Since my election, over 219,000 new jobs have been created right here in North Carolina."
"On balance every Mexico harder than the rest of Latin America... Mexico made no progress whatsoever."
"Melee's election should be treated by the United States as the possible opening of new era in South and Latin America."
"We cannot ever allow any politician to do what Joe Manchin did to West Virginia."
"God wants to do something on the west coast, California, the entire coast." - Mondo
"California is going to help choose the next president of the United States."
"A deadly fungus was striking residents and visitors on Vancouver Island, Canada, once a strictly tropical infection, a virulent strain of Cryptococcus had migrated to British Columbia where the population had little immunity."
"Tallahassee becomes the key to this move of God in days ahead."
"If we can retake Nelson, that would be a huge help to our efforts in this area."
"I believe anglo-american is the biggest Mafia company on the African continent."
"Trump loses on personality, but I'm telling you right now, people in Pennsylvania right now are sweating bullets."
"Climate change hasn't got us yet, but it is trying, particularly here in Australia."
"Nas really opened the door for Biggie, bringing attention back to the East Coast."
"The future of Africa will be so heavily positively impacted by the future of the horn if the horn is moving in a direction of greater unity across great cultural and ethnic differences and contested and complex histories."
"No longer has any part of Florida in it which is fantastic news."
"If we save Alberta, we may actually just save the rest of Canada as well."
"This is a genocidal onslaught, and a key plank of this genocidal onslaught is to destroy Rafa."
"The eruption was so destructive that it would have darkened the entire region for at least a week."
"Education for women changed then what happened in the Middle East."
"Let a world collapse in the south or Russia and there appear figures of coarse ambition."
"Dallas didn't take off until the Von Erichs."
"Failed states infect the states around them."
"There is obviously a big labor shortage right now in the West. It's not just in America."
"BTS is bigger in Latin America than in Spain."
"Few other parts of the country have had as much of a historical and modern impact on the United States as Massachusetts."
"A dangerous new storm threat taking aim at the West Coast."
"The coup altered Regional Dynamics and had an impact on the ongoing Russia Ukraine conflict."
"Alaska is warming at twice the rate compared to the rest of the country."
"Putin though paid a high price for the ensuing crisis because of it many regions of Russia saw anti-war protests organized."
"I don't think all areas in America... are going to be equally impacted by this impending increase in unemployment."
"It's going to be devastating for the region."
"This virus is spreading rapidly and exponentially. In two weeks' time, the D.C., Maryland and Virginia areas could look like New York."
"If black voters across the board maximize our numbers, we could actually change the South, the Midwest, the Southwest, and the East."
"From consumer goods giant Unilever to automaker Nissan, global firms have warned of slowing earnings in China."
"You know your city's bad if it's [__] up the entire state."
"Last year the activity in Israel of startups measured by Dollar Sams was one quarter of the total of Europe in Israel together."
"It's a bit scary how confident these players are out of these emerging regions."
"This is the crown jewel; they are coming here. Facebook is coming here. There's a reason why."
"New York is the gate where abortion came to the continent."
"There was fighting in the Middle East and Central Asia and places that I think people kind of forget about because we essentially have the two main theaters that we think about, Europe and the Pacific."
"So you could get another swath of snow across Iowa, Wisconsin here into Michigan across these Northern Great Lakes Region."
"Ramy has brought in an entire region into bodybuilding."
"You're not going to stand for that right so already remember non-trade is not just based in New York."
"For a lot of places, moving 1% or even 3 or 4 percent of the electorate is not going to matter, but maybe for Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, a few states like that, it could be important."
"What is happening in the rest of the country, with Muslims has an effect on Jammu and Kashmir."
"Italy has now seen more than a hundred and sixty confirmed cases."
"This is about creating semiconductor Manufacturing in places like Ohio."
"It is impossible to exaggerate the historic importance of what happened tonight in Tennessee."
"I'm here calling from Philadelphia. The first day was just a regular protest, but then issues came in with a lot of non-local people or people visiting from other states."
"Western Europe is headed for energy collapse." - Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó
"And Mary was able to convert the entire region."
"The conquest of Egypt would then fall to Caster's son kingpai around 745 BCE."
"So if we don't immediately address climate change, certain parts of the Middle East are going to be uninhabitable, and you think you have a refugee crisis now with the war in Syria? Just wait."
"Food shortages were not expected to hit the United States but rather countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia."
"There are already climate refugees in South and Central America that are coming up to the United States."
"The new tunnel under the Femern Belt will impact millions of people across this continent over the decades to come."
"Spain became the first country in Western Europe to have recorded more than one million cases of the CCP virus."
"This is a unusually menacing looking storm for Eastern Kentucky."
"World War III has begun. The question now is, will the winds of this war engulf the Middle East and America in the future?"
"As someone living in the Northeast the region would be far worse off without our rail services."
"This is a big deal for all of us, this is a big deal for our region."
"A coup would destabilize the entire region."
"Its potentialities for Ohio, the Midwest, and the country are countless."
"South Korea is now the worst hit outside China with over 800 cases."
"In the past ten years, this region has suffered badly from the weather."
"This will really transform access to health care and access to medical care in the South."
"It's chock full of details but also plugs into a regional story involving clockwise rotation and other things."
"This weapon is not just any conventional armament; it is a game-changer that could alter the balance of power in the region and beyond."
"The industrial revolution was built on the back of Appalachians."
"It's gonna be something big for me and Felix, but I also feel like it's going to be big for the Bay Area and the South."
"The smartest technical people in Africa are going to run major parts of the economy in their countries or in the region."
"The whole South Island will feel the impacts of the earthquake, and we may not be the first ones that get help."
"The prosperity of Guyana must bring prosperity to the region as a whole."
"The port of chinda is one of the most important ports in Eastern China."
"No Malice was very instrumental in setting up the Clipse and played a massive role in getting Virginia on the hip-hop map."