
Glitch Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"I think I just had my first ever glitch in The Matrix."
"That guy who won because the vote was glitched, did you hear about that?"
"The looky got yeeted, that's a glitch confirmed."
"Level 100, whoa, we're in the hacked corrupted exe computer glitch."
"I guess that if is true, if you hold down a move and start a raid, you will start glitching out."
"You can drive this thing down, somebody's gonna find a way to glitch this thing."
"Metal Gear Solid was created based on glitching."
"A glitch was responsible for making the character in the first place."
"Quick note: you can glitch by just using a pokedoll to stop the fight and then moving one step forward so you don't actually need the silk scope to get to here."
"Hazel is the glitch in the code and that's why she popped up on amelia's tracker every time they pass through a new car."
"You are about to see a glitched side of mommy longlegs."
"Glitch is pretty promising. It's like a layer two for DeFi DEXes. They're very small cap, I looked into them, and something about the project just sounded right to me, so I actually do like Glitch."
"What if in real life you just... no clip through the [] cracks in like the geometry and you just fall into the []? It's based, guys. It's based. It's basis, based."
"What is your creepiest glitch in the matrix?"
"A typical situation of a glitch in the matrix."
"I stand more on the side of this being a time glitch; it's an error in our time-space fabric."
"Keep your eyes open because you may come across a glitch in time, and folks from a different time may be watching you."
"Hello, I did not do that, it's glitch, scared me."
"I found it! I think... I think this is a glitch or I found it!"
"I really like that one nice glitches nice colors"
"This is a glitch in The Matrix. Your system has collapsed. Deal with it."
"We're pretty sure it's some kind of glitch in The Matrix, but dang it was super weird."
"Some may call these glitches in the matrix."
"I think it's safe to say that my girlfriend and I experienced a sort of glitch in the matrix a decade ago."
"That's a glitch in the matrix, my friends."
"The handwriting sometimes just disappears on the screen."
"Even though we can't see the glitch on the clock, it looks like we can see it on the spectrum. That is really quite remarkable."
"It just feels like my eyes are glitching out and I need to update my brain's graphic card or something because they just look like a car from a video game that's out of render distance and therefore it's drawn in lower quality lighting."
"A glitch in The Matrix is an event that could only happen if we find ourselves in a simulation."
"When watching a DVD, there’s typically a point where the video briefly freezes and then resumes."
"Ladybug, you are a glitch in the broadcast."
"Perhaps glitches in our reality itself."
"Certainly is sort of glitch in the matrix type of experience."
"I think I finally came to the conclusion that what's been happening is truly a glitch in the matrix."
"If you've experienced a glitch in reality, you know just how terrifying it can truly be."
"This glitch could have been it. This glitch was the closest humanity has ever flirted to complete and utter annihilation."
"And that brings us to the end of our slash software gore."
"Apparently there's a glitch in the matrix because I'm having deja vu like a mother."
"Something is wrong with the simulation."
"But if I slide this down a ways, you see those white pixel marks again."
"the album is scattered with all sorts of glitching sounds and bleeps which combined with the raw production quality create a distinctly Bleak and Industrial atmosphere."
"What happens when reality glitches?"
"If the reality around us can glitch, maybe so can we."
"Deja Vu is a glitch in The Matrix. It happens when they change something."
"Simulation is breaking, simulation is breaking, run!"
"To his shock, the old Ben file that he had erased seemed to have come back to the exact spot where he had deleted it."
"Wait actually what the hell is going on it wasn't that far we got to go up these stairs we don't need it anymore okay I just glitched over this is what happens when you guys leave a one-star review on Uber"
"I usually hear it like while we're doing it and I'll be like oh that that would be a really cool little moment for a glitch or something like that but yeah I think we I think we did all that during the session that was a fun session."
"It's like a glitch in the matrix."
"It's like a glitch in the matrix. Something's very weird here. It was literally like I looked up and another tea appeared."
"In video game news, the early release version of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been pulled from stores after a glitch allowed players to complete the game their first time logging in."
"Imagine the face detection not working one day."
"But sometimes like when you watch it afterwards it'll start like a couple minutes in."
"The presence of Odin within her mind glitched the Animus into two data streams, allowing Layla to pick and choose at will."
"I hope it is not broken and it's just a software glitch somehow."
"There's like real reality is like glitching where Ruby's like walking down this road and she sees like the the town's on fire but not at the same time parallel realities bro."
"This isn't the first time I've experienced a glitch but it is the first in a long time."
"I thought it was just a glitch, but then... it had been de-iced for me."
"The glitch spot... glitchbots are software AI that suffer persistent glitches causing them to stutter and warp as they communicate."
"What the hell, dude, his phone just started typing by itself after I got that decrypted, like that encrypted green."
"In the most recent night GTA games is when you're on a mission and yeah in conversation if you accidentally crash they pause and then restart like repeat themselves and carry on."
"Glitched, it looked more glitched in the lunchroom but whatever."
"The staircases in the woods feel like a glitch in the Matrix or something, a level in a game that got deleted but the devs forgot to take out the stairs."
"Read it tell me your glitch in The Matrix story. I'm talking weird occurrences, coincidences you haven't been able to easily explain."
"If that's not a glitch in The Matrix then I'm just crazy."
"Terraria speedrunners: There, I can farm Souls of Night and Souls of Light just by summoning the King Slime. Terraria speedrunners now: Why is there no way to skip the game? Why is there no skip glitches, just duck you glitches?"
"So now I'm on a zip line and you'll notice that there are stutters effectively but this is pretty common for for this game."
"I think I just discovered a glitch in The Matrix."
"These glitches would be a real Smoking Gun of the existence of a bulk spacing here if one could reproduce these glitches in a holographic Theory."
"A glitch to me is like rainbows. Like, how in the hell does the sky, like, that's so cool that nature makes all these cool colors. Like, that is just so weird, yeah, it's a glitch."
"I know there's a bad guy below here because I can see his parachute through the floor."
"Yeah, it was glitching. I found a glitch in The Matrix."
"Damn, so fat, and it gets glitchy through me turning this knob over time."
"If we are in a simulation, then the easiest way to describe what we saw was a rendering glitch."
"I got 99 Bananas but a glitch is one."
"It looks like kind of a screen that has glitched out a little bit."
"Something will glitch, maybe an item will double, or you'll see someone walk past you on the street twice."
"But the Missingno Glitch in Pokemon Red or Blue was incredible to me as a child."
"It’s such a beautiful Glitch because it fits so well into the game’s narrative."
"This was just a glitch in the matrix that disappeared once it slipped out."
"One of the most troubling glitches in that matrix is depression."
"It's not the weirdest glitch that I've ever experienced, but I think it was my first one."
"The Pokemon Red and Blue MissingNo glitch is such a beautiful bug."
"I love Secret Friend, I've got a little bit of a glitch there on my paper label."
"The new Nightshade car is so fast, it is glitching out my entire game."
"In Beta 1.5, you'd fall through the floor when leaving a minecart."