
Societal Decay Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The decay of America or the decay of society is the failure of the church... the hypocrisy of the church."
"It's respected and remembered the way it is because 'The Wire' wasn't a simple character drama, it was telling the tale of a society in decay, using the character's stories as props for that."
"You demoralize society, you make society hate itself, you make society divided, and then it crumbles beneath it."
"The only way to really take it down is to, of course, make it fight itself."
"The deterioration of our Law and Order system in this country."
"If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation."
"Leftism is social Decay. That's what it is. Societies break down because things tend to over time. We're a fallen species and leftism is the ideological rationalization we give to our abdication to uphold our institutions. The chaos is the point."
"Reason and common human decency are no longer possible in such a system."
"I just think that this is just another sign of the decay of the core and the soul of this country."
"The only way to not guarantee that the world goes to [ __ ] is to put good people in it."
"A tree rots from its roots. If a country is likened to a large tree and its roots are rotten, how can one expect its branches to be healthy?"
"When a culture eliminates God, standards disappear, and society crumbles."
"God gives us a portrait of a world hardened by sin... characterized by godlessness, callousness, hard-heartedness, mindlessness."
"We are living in a time when everything is disintegrating."
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
"Sexual promiscuity increases, leading to unknown diseases."
"If we don't value our children, then civilization is going straight to hell in every dimension."
"Trust at all levels feels like it has been systematically destroyed in ways I have not witnessed in my lifetime nor read about in history books."
"The woke coalition is cancerous and it will infect everything."
"It really does feel like everything is falling apart."
"Welles wants to thaw everyone on the Hope, so that they can help combat the rot that has set in across Halcyon."
"Maybe civil war is too hyperbolic, but the country seems to be falling apart."
"Tolerance for the Intolerable is the path to certain destruction. It has to end."
"Thank you for providing the needed context for complex issues."
"America is dying... you are here to write of her sins and bury her."
"Carjacking is the clearest possible sign that your civilization is falling apart."
"We have lost the way, greed has poisoned men's souls."
"Every civilization dies from a rot from the inside."
"When you see the corruption being rewarded and honestly becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that your society is doomed."
"I think it's damaging to children, I think all of this stuff it is sending us into a very weak feeble pathetic place and we've got to stand up and stand against it."
"Donald Trump is the result of a long process of decay of democratic institutions, an assault against the economy and the culture by corporate power. He's the natural consequence of a degenerate society. He is the symptom, not the disease."
"The real problem is that our social institutions have been necessarily destroyed over the course of decades, largely by government."
"Elites become decadent and arrogant with their decadence."
"Knowledge will be taken away, earthquakes will be very frequent, afflictions will appear—murders will increase."
"All of these things right here when you unravel it is the ingredients for destroying a country from the inside out."
"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." - Hosea 4:6
"You gradually take it over from the inside, you gradually wear down their institutions, you decay their society, you decay the foundations of the society..."
"If we forget our origins, if we forget what our ancestors fought and stood and died for, then we go down a very, very dark road."
"Those explanations which are so important must never seep into the realm of justification, for there lies the true rot of civilized society."
"...the frontier is not an untamed wilderness of adventure and conquest, but a human society with nowhere left to go, stirring in its filth and a solar system destroyed by expansionism."
"If these things are not examined and left fallow, then societies become ossified, beliefs turn into dogma, imagination is warped, the intellect becomes sterile, societies decay."
"Nowadays, man, I think it's an infestation man it's the infestation of everything evil man and the whole it has a dark cloud and it never didn't start with the dark cloud man but once they got it all the good people moved doubt."
"If I were Satan and wanted to destroy a society, I think I would stage a full-blown blitz on women."
"Anybody who hears that, and isn't absolutely terrified that the actual possibility of complete societal and democratic decay is real as an existential threat was not listening to what you just said."
"This is the age of the shrug. Our civilization could well die of indifference within it before succumbing to external attack."
"I feel like every time I come back here, society has collapsed just a little bit more."
"Without natural affection, truth breakers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of Yah."
"As a society, we've lost our way. Teachers and parents have allowed children to lead the way with adult authority completely dissolved."
"Decadence is not bad. It marks the end of the lifespan of your society, but it's also where great things happen."
"That's the real decay of society."
"It only takes 20 years to destroy a country. If you destroy one generation, you have destroyed the fabric of that nation."
"Look at our nation today how we have taken the laws of God and turned them into wickedness."
"Racism destroys the society in a slow boil."
"The world's falling apart faster and faster."
"The sin of the century is the loss of a sense of sin."
"Graffiti represents the fact that the system is going out of control."
"I agree, if it's going to be Sodom and Gomorra, then I'm not paying any more taxes."
"There's no idea on her. There's one thing though. Yeah, I think she was an addict. Needle tracks, pop marks on one arm. More dope coming in, more pushers at work. Scum dealing slow death to innocent kids."
"No nation can survive which kills its own soul."
"Just because these dystopian systems are eating themselves alive doesn't mean they gotta take us with them."
"The ruin of a Nation begins in the homes of its people."
"We live in Sodom, and if we're anywhere near what Lot was, our righteous soul should be vexed."