
Sequence Quotes

There are 419 quotes

"A miracle is a series of natural events occurring in the right sequence and at the right time to produce wonderful results."
"Nothing could check the chain of events that would follow now."
"I think it might be event, then downtime, and then new season."
"This train sequence... it all flows so well."
"That's nuts! So it's coming in consecutively."
"Liberation must precede the construction of a free society."
"It's a slippery slope, one thing leads to another."
"Shouldn't you become the person you're supposed to be, and then the fame would follow?"
"A bad fall does happen as part one of the previous ones which happened to what was it in the Air Force Academy stage."
"These ten are like dominos, one after the other. When the first one comes, alas! the rest are gonna follow very, very quickly."
"What just happened? Three of them just died in quick succession..."
"For destruction, you need power. It comes in a sequence: knowledge, money, the ability to wield power."
"I thought it was before the four five and six."
"Each part will not be similar to the second or third part."
"Before that, there are three major things are going to happen."
"This starts a series of unfortunate events; Temporary would then visit a ramen shop..."
"Exponents come right after parentheses, then it's multiplication and division."
"Life is a series of events played in the correct order."
"I'm of the belief that when you have one, two, three, four..."
"It's definitely disappointing chain of events that happened."
"It's the hunger then the river shows up... Jesus says their hunger and thirst is there first and then the river comes."
"Some people go from e to i, so that's another thing. You don't necessarily have to do it in that order."
"Flying Battery Zone was originally planned to follow Carnival Night Zone."
"...one of the best multi-episode action sequences in I guess any anime."
"Wealth shall be obtained spiritually before it is physically."
"Motivation follows action. It comes after action, not before."
"It's a sequence that is perhaps one of the best representations of some of Tolkien's themes."
"Because the State Bears the burden of proof, they're going to go first."
"It's an incredible sequence, like almost all of the characters are out in full force here."
"...you want to think through how you would edit these videos together to create a sequence you want to have intentionality with what you're shooting."
"We don't know how long they will take, but we can often put them in order and estimate how long some of them might take."
"Give me your flow, chaturanga, upward facing dog."
"I still remember one great sequence where Miland has dozens of ways to escape being buried alive."
"Savory to sweet: the order by which you eat and enjoy afternoon tea."
"I'm just on sequence wise, yeah, I got you."
"I have a feeling if we played this first before watching the next one, we might understand a little more of like what's happening."
"So that microprocessor had to remember the sequence that had already been displayed, and then generate a new random number that would tell it what to display for the next element of the sequence."
"An extraordinary sequence of events"
"On the back of the Enchiridion, you can find the numbers 8, 13, and 21, which are part of the Fibonacci sequence."
"That's possibly the greatest kill sequence in 80s slashers."
"Each voice can change to something completely different on each step of the sequence."
"The order matters even though they're self-contained stories think of the weirdos like me out there."
"This sequence here is where they really kind of make an effort and it looks wonderful."
"The path as the books would have you believe, it is that Grindelwald takes it from the wand maker Gregorovitch, then Dumbledore defeats Grindelwald in a duel, then Draco disarms Dumbledore, and then Harry disarms Draco."
"We're going to start things off with the box."
"The formula for the sum of the first n terms is a multiplied by 1 minus r to the power of n divided by 1 minus r."
"These certifications are not necessarily run in order of difficulty."
"The proper order for turning on all your stuff here is remote first and then now that your remote is on, we're going to turn on the drone."
"The scene in which its shadow moves across the room before joining up with the painted image of itself is one of my favorite sequences in modern horror."
"My whole thing was like, I like to have a drink and then smoke a joint. If I smoke a joint and then have the drink, it's somehow something about the chemical mix-up in my brain."
"One, two, three ... Two, three, four, five ..."
"Color sorting toys teach sequence, categorization, and color theory."
"I know it looks stupid, the only thing I got is that he went before me."
"Multiverse is literally in the title and ignoring the 30-second sequence where he falls through."
"This entire sequence is really wholesome."
"But just for the sake of telling this story chronologically."
"So, they got all of that, then they went to lunch, and then about 15 minutes after coming back from lunch, they arrived at their verdict."
"Everything which had been disconnected before began at once to assume its true place and I had a shadowy presentment of the whole sequence of events."
"So if you hear the word consecutive, what do you think of? An example of consecutive integers is a number that occurs right after another number."
"Watching him ride the worm is one of the most insane sequences I've seen in cinema."
"Watching things out of order really just messes with you."
"also if I do any of these steps in the wrong order let me know because personally."
"It's very important that you get the order right."
"Really incredible sequence here, reminds me of Murata's art from like 5 years ago when he used to make these kind of double pages all the time."
"It's like the thing, just like chasing them, and it chases them down to the ground floor where there's like this giant grinder and then the chainsaw sequence, which has a very, very similar end to 'Evil Dead 2013.'"
"Stories may have a temporal causal sequence, where events unfold in a specific order."
"Kind of an Oceans 11 flashback sequence."
"The decoder's job is to take the target inputs for Teacher forcing and use them to train the decoder to output the correct sequence."
"It's time for four more minutes of montage."
"I hope I've Illustrated well to you that first buildup to the assassination mission and then the torture scene afterwards and then the missile base and garden sequence."
"That ending sequence with all the zombies in their more deteriorated look and then the demons like coming out of them or something like that, that's very freaky. It was really well done."
"It just turns into another back-and-forth, you know, back to the battlefield, back to the Kamui, back to the battlefield."
"One of those badass sequences in the franchise's history."
"It's funny how one thing at a time, put in sequence, how much that can do."
"The opening sequence in this movie I think is awesome. It's probably my favorites in the entire franchise."
"It's funny how it wasn't one thing, it was one thing that led to another thing that led to another thing."
"…you always turn the transmitter on first and the vehicle second…"
"Seven left, three right, and all the way past zero to the right to four, and then eleven to the left, Scarlett."
"Context always comes after the first effect, therefore, right over here before you zoom in."
"So the whole principle is simple to complex, big to small. That's going to be our savior with lots of challenges, and that is going to be our savior at every step is that big to small, simple to complex sequence."
"This sequence is loads of fun but serves to completely hammer the film's message: leave nature alone."
"The entire sequence was truly one of the best moments in Jojo."
"This is my favorite comic sequence in the world."
"He's the second of the two so logically speaking when the first is not there the second must come and stand in his place."
"Sequence is everything. I mean, that might be the most important thing you and I have collectively ever said about audio, right?"
"First, I finished doing the Brazilian and then I went to Paris."
"It's a domino effect of this piece happened and then this happened and then this happened."
"The components are listed in the order you're supposed to build them, which is usually from smallest to largest, so it doubles as the suggested order list."
"The sequencer will turn them on in sequence."
"And now it's the top of the order."
"C is our memory where we remember what we've read so far so once we've summarized the input into this context vector C then we'll want to produce the output sequence."
"She gave Raja too before Raja did."
"Sequence, the logical arrangement of content, is essential."
"The major signs of the Day of Judgment are all going to happen in a row. One before it settles will have kicked off the next one."
"At 2 23 25 was this the last killing that takes place on the first floor yes so all of the other deaths that take place happen after 2 23 26. that is correct."
"Just take a simple sequence that you already like and just turn every note into its own power chord by adding a fifth on top of it."
"Remember, the answers will be in order. The answer to question 5 will always be found in the text after the answer to question four and before question six."
"It doesn't make any sense to have has anyone but the last person."
"There are two key defining elements of the Fibonacci sequence: the recursive definition and the initial pair of seed terms."
"Eyes now, your first number one two three be a first number."
"There is no beginning or end because there's a series of events that will happen."
"It's hard to say whether that after credit sequence is after the movie or just after that battle."
"The most important part in all this discussion is the sequence."
"So to give you an example, let's say you have an input in this format. I'm gonna give it three values of sequence right, let's say I'm going to give it one, two, and three. This is the input using that it should predict the next item in the sequence which is four."
"Had some of the best action sequences that I've ever seen."
"It's a perfect thrilling sequence that's truly cinematic."
"Mr. Marquis will be the first speaker."
"I think that the train sequence in this movie is one of the great comic book action movie sequences of all time."
"Usually happens in the width one, extension frequently happens in the third wave."
"So, what I want to do next? I want to load up the master class sequence that Akai has given us to, like, work with."
"This movie produces one of the greatest cinematic sequences ever."
"This isn't the first in the video...but with the first being black dragons."
"The probability of any particular sequence would be 2 raised to the 347th power, equivalent to 10 with 104 zeros after it."
"A haunting and harrowing sequence."
"You gotta remember this is one movie and it's meant to be seen one through six so I think when you watch the actual movie in order the story will become very clear."
"One thing led to another, and at the end."
"We have built the closed form of our recursively defined sequence, and it is exactly what we would like it to be."
"So we go blue, light green, blue, light green, purple, four."
"Afterward, we proceeded to analyze the gathered data."
"...the entire school shooting sequence lasts at most about five minutes."
"The revolution occurred before the war."
"Iterators let you go through a sequence one step at a time."
"Resuscitation is done first, followed by debridement, then autograft or allograft."
"Locally Advanced Breast Cancer is treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery."
"There's this great and so much fun, the most fun I've had in a random chase sequence in so long."
"One last time for the sequence, we'll add on a bit, we'll switch things up a bit, and then afterwards we slow things down."
"For every... it starts at a plus one which is b."
"Inhale, lengthen, exhale, and fold, and crown of the head reaching down, inhale, root through the feet, come all the way up with a long spine, and exhale, hands to heart again."
"Inhale, circle your arms up, exhale, fold and forward, inhale, look up to lengthen, exhale, step or float into chaturanga dandasana, inhale, press through your hands and feet, and exhale, make your way into down dog, pressing the weight up through the hips."
"There's such understanding of being in mass muscle and bone when you're ready take your hands and one of the reasons I teach in this way is called order and sequence."
"What happened first, then what happened after that, then what happened after that."
"If I turn it on again, before and after, before and the afternoon."
"We can just keep recurring through them and then once we finish the sequence we will end up with the final vectors X that happen to be just really good at encapsulating context."
"Given a graph, I might say, is there a sequence of edges, of links, between two elements? What are the sequence of edges I would use to get there?"
"Here's the staging sequence, both cars pre-stage now."
"The sequence of events was: first Hiroshima, three days later the Russian declaration of war, and then the same afternoon the attack on Nagasaki, so those three events."
"I think the most important thing for using a lift is to be able to follow your training to look at your training and to be able to follow all of those steps sequentially and not get in a hurry."
"The puzzle is very math heavy, with the Fibonacci sequence making an appearance."
"That was a cool little sequence we got to see, the field getting dedicated."
"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. That's the order I think."
"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Ain't no other colors."
"There you have it the classic 15 all the way through."
"Let's get through Halloween first, okay, and then Christmas."
"RDT 2.1 is a stop and wait protocol and uses a one bit sequence number."
"Sequence is very powerful in explaining things."
"Move order is an incredibly powerful device in finding the correct sequence."
"The cardiac cycle: the sequence of events that takes place between one heartbeat and the next."
"Relative age dating is simply putting things in chronological order."
"After all black comes all red, it's only natural, right?"
"It's really one one four one five nine six really."
"Every part of the golf swing relates to the next."
"There's an actual sequence of events occurring here."
"The brain hemispheres really are meant to unfold in a beauty goodness truth sequence."
"It's one of my favorite sequences in the entire series."
"It's fundamental to everything that comes after it."
"I just can't get over how incredible this sequence is. It's just how things should be at the apex of the series."
"It's like everything was a response to what had previously come before."
"The golf swing is basically a chain reaction."
"Time series is a sequence of data points, typically consisting of successive measurements made from the same source over a time interval."
"Let's take a look at each of these functions in turn, shall we?"
"Music just offers a sequence of sounds, but they do add to each other cumulatively."
"Disasters don't just happen; they're the result of a sequence of events locked together in time."
"There should be a start, there should be a middle, and there should be an end."
"Redemption precedes righteousness; it is never the other way around."
"The first thing that I would make sure I've got organized and locked down is my first sequence."
"Behind all that, there is a logical sequence of events which will create the Bonsai eventually."
"That sequence there has an nth term n plus 13."
"So N squared plus n plus 13 would be your nth term of this quadratic sequence here."
"If this comes out as a constant difference down here, that's great, you can just put that after the N squared part."
"Everything that happens around us happens in these increments, which when you add up the increments, leads to what happens next."
"The answers come first, the reasons come last."
"It all begins with eggs, and then chicken comes later."
"We don't ever actually get to observe the real state of any real world sequence or time series."
"A series takes that sequence and adds it up."
"These things are very visually sequential; they're very visually linear."
"The emphasis seems to be on the development of interval sequences, where the melody becomes supporting into the process."
"The first five digits of the Fibonacci sequence are one, one, two, three, five."
"Truth and justice, truth and redemption, truth and restoration, truth and reconciliation; these things are sequential."
"Remember, we want to go from smallest to largest."
"Calm, confident, love, joy - in that order."
"First the natural, then the spiritual."
"A Fibonacci series is basically the addition of two previous numbers."
"The golden ratio is very close to the same formula we use to create the Fibonacci sequence."
"Happy Fibonacci Day. Let's start with that 1, 1, 2, 3."
"You can't paint the barn until you build it."
"When something good happens to me, that means you're next."
"Each phase develops from the one before, processing information by taking, using, and giving information."
"You can't be the third one, you can't skip number two."
"That's a great three-panel sequence."
"Optimal transfer is the result of complementary strength and movement qualities being developed in the correct sequence."
"One little extra kind of tweak that you see on these implementations is that they will often incorporate a sequence number."
"Climbing is all about figuring out the right sequence."
"She swallowed the candy to sweeten the egg, she swallowed the egg to jazz up the straw, she swallowed the straw to cover the chick, I don't know why she swallowed that chick, but she didn't get sick."
"That's absolutely beautiful. That's a four five six seven renban line."
"The letters stand for the days of the week: Monday, Friday, and Wednesday."
"Once you love yourself, everything else will follow."
"Sequence of an album is really important... you're really able to tell a story."
"There's a compassionate sequence to it."
"A process is a sequence of actions that must be taken correctly in the right order at the right time, start to finish, in order to create value for some customer."
"That was the best action sequence and built in Black Panther as well."