
Audience Response Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Before you comment 'This was the worst video ever, why did they do this?' just know, this is for you."
"If comedy is working, the audience makes this noise with their mouth, and if they're not making that noise, it ain't working."
"It's really interesting to me that for every single speaker that you've seen today, including me, as soon as we walked out on stage without anyone ever explicitly telling you to, you started applauding."
"Ultimately, I care more about how my core audience is gonna respond to whatever I do."
"Justin had reclaimed his throne, avenging losses to his demons along the way, and the crowd could not have been happier about it."
"But it's incredibly motivating, of course, to see this response, and it gives a lot of energy to start on a new adventure."
"They don't find it funny, you shouldn't moan about the audience. There's nothing wrong with the audience. If they don't laugh at your jokes, there's something wrong with your joke."
"Dislikes make people pay attention and yank them back down to earth."
"Surprisingly few complaints for a movie of this size."
"The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I'm surprised at the number of people who binge watch all these videos."
"By the time you start putting it out there, people are going to respond to it."
"That audience tonight would not miss Trump for a day."
"I don't think there was a steep decline in modern family I think it was just plateau and poor character choices."
"People should be able to say what they want and their content will grow or fall based on that."
"The response to the finale was absolutely incredible."
"Faye comes off as annoying rather than a femme fatale."
"We're gonna go back and make iCarly the way we like it and then the audience applauded."
"Every giant comedy star knows, you can walk out at a comedy club and you'll get the biggest ovation in the world. Two minutes later you can be dying because it's involuntary."
"Views on YouTube fluctuate, but overall positive."
"If a roomful of people is laughing, you can't say it wasn't funny."
"The worst thing an artist can get is indifference."
"Early positive reception from the audience gave the staff hope for the future of the show."
"I guess I'm glad it seemed to make a fair amount of people happy."
"You know, 100,000 people get it and almost like 80 and a half thousand people pay for it."
"Not only is Kevin Feige and his team showing that they're willing to change things up, but now they're seeing that when they try unique things, the audience is responding."
"To get them to engage is wonderful but to get them to interact off of what they've just engaged with is even better."
"The reaction to the show was through the roof."
"If you play it as honestly as you possibly can, the audience makes up their minds. That's right. What's worse is the honesty they respond to."
"That's on the audience...you can't get mad at Marvel and Sony."
"Your goal as a comedian should be to make other people laugh, not to make other people feel sorry for you or for you to air your grievances about society."
"I was blown away by the response. The line was like two, three hundred people. It was all the way down to the corner."
"Steven tries got the most because he hears our one-liners. It's like you say a line and then pause, everyone bursts out laughing."
"When all of a sudden the heel beats the good guys and then the heel beats the batter guys and you're like this, I'm cheering for this bad guy. It's the best."
"It really blew my mind the response that was given and it continues to blow my mind that you guys enjoy watching my videos."
"Fuller House came out, some people were like, 'Oh my god, this show sucks.' Nice."
"When certain people do crowd work, it's like the pitch of the laugh is so high that it seems like the room is on fire."
"Comment below and tell me what y'all think about these topics though appreciate y'all for watching."
"If you guys liked this little travel with me and if you guys like these types of blogs let me know in the comments down below"
"Amazing. Let me know what you think below."
"Gonzo got crazier and more off-the-wall, audiences seemed to respond positively."
"... it was real, and I thought that's what you guys wanted to hear. We gave it to you, and you guys responded. Lots of folks are saying that was our very best show so far."
"So, if you do want to see more of these power character breakdowns, let me know in the comment box."
"The response I got for that video was so positive and so many of you guys responded that you wanted me to react to the next one as well."
"Laughs don't mean I'm doing a good job and no laughs don't mean I'm doing a bad job."
"If you somehow made it to the end of this video, let us know in the comments."
"I wasn't really tripping anyways because my objective when I make music and put videos out ain't I gotta hit me on this one, yeah, I gotta just throw it out, you know what I'm saying, see what the people f*** with."
"If this video hits 5,000 likes, I will go ahead and release my 20 least favorite Lego Star Wars sets."
"There is value in examining the response that people on mass have to a piece of theater, but if all you're going to do is call that ludicrous then don't even talk about it."
"This was a great movie, man. Let me know, man, if you guys... What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments."
"If you really think that I should stop doing this, then just don't watch the videos."
"...this was exactly what that fan base needed to hear and wanted to hear...it was great material...brilliantly delivered."
"Nobody in that arena was pissed off asking for their money back."
"The success of 'I can only imagine' kind of shows that audiences especially Christian audiences are kind of done with the victim Christian mentality."
"I've never been so thankful to hear claps before."
"The real thing is the response of the audience in the seats."
"The advanced designer can actually walk into any client pitch with confidence and that's because he or she knows exactly why they may design choices and they know how the designs will evoke specific responses within targeted audiences."
"Please let me know in the comments below if that resonated."
"I've had a lot of tweets, a lot of dm's, a lot of emails as well, and also in the comments of the last video people are asking for more of this type of content."
"Let's wait until the audience stops laughing before we say the next line."
"There's some obvious negative reviews on the channel and you guys get pissed off at me for doing them but then again sometimes you guys are getting pissed off at me for doing nothing but positive reviews so once in a while I'm going to rag I can't help it."
"The stories were interesting, some I haven't heard before, some that I have. Very awesome."
"That’s the response the creators of Star Trek were hoping for when they made the show – Gene Roddenberry said so."
"It was a very pleasant surprise because I don't think anybody called that. And looking at it when it was released, that audience came out."
"I hope you guys liked Mariah's reaction."
"The general response has been unbelievable. So many people have come up as congratulations and it makes you realize how important the show is for a lot of people that watch it."
"How do y'all feel that the show is out? You know, getting all this response, all this love, this outpouring of love and support and gratitude and representation, all these beautiful things?"
"If a good song is a good song, people are gonna respond."
"The response has been amazing, and seeing the messages from people then how much the show has helped them... it just makes my day."
"It's amazing how many people know that music and just respond to it."
"I was blown away by the response of the last video."
"It's far from perfect, but I think the reason people responded well to the series is one, there wasn't that many videos out there like that about the backpacking experience when we released it."
"An applause break is something you have to earn."
"The dual threat of Olivia's threatened loss of her physical strength and John-Boy's threatened loss of his spiritual beliefs brought a memorable response from our audience."
"Music is one of the driving forces to creating an emotional response."
"We showed it at Sundance and South By Southwest and the response from audiences has been really consistently lovely and warm."
"People had such a response to that material... the energy in the audience was nuts."
"Honestly, the response to that song is making me so happy."
"The more vulnerable we're able to be as we show who we are in our art, the more people are going to respond to your work."
"I'm absolutely humbled by the response I got... so thank you very much."
"The performance style is slowly evolving and ever changing because of the reaction of the audience."
"I could not have dreamt of a better response."