
Militarization Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"One of the other parts of your story that you know it's important to understand is the military programs to weaponize climate."
"They wanted to turn these powers into weapons to sell to the army."
"Nowhere in Gaza is safe because Hamas has spent 16 years converting Gaza above ground into a large civilian shield for its infrastructure underground."
"When the framers of the Constitution wrote about soldiers living amongst us, they were trying to prevent a militarized police state."
"The first military bases on Mars are established, hinting at potential off-world conflicts."
"Space is a war fighting domain... just like the land air and sea."
"Science isn't the problem. The problem is a militarized view of Science."
"The Bronze Age represents the emergence of a militarized society with a martial culture materialized in a package of new efficient weapons."
"Demilitarize the police... Every time they militarize these police departments, they go nuts."
"How would you be concerned when you guys have the weapons?"
"Under the rule of the cog with their heavily militarized societies with brand new technology, it's safe to say that the gears could ultimately achieve this."
"Science then machines then weapons trains cars flight bombs factories cities..."
"Now is the time to be more prepared for war than ever before."
"No real debate... that's how the space for non-military options gets slowly closed off in Washington."
"Humanity drastically militarized after the war."
"If they weaponized one River, they will do it again."
"Racism, you don't acknowledge the problem of the militarization of police... and the need for citizens to defend themselves with the Second Amendment."
"The possibilities for grace to appear give us a fuller awareness of and forgiveness for who we really are."
"It represents the endgame of militarization."
"A non-NATO member that is being de facto NATOized and militarized right on Russia's borders more dangerous because it can be part of a massive proxy war without the rest of NATO ever having to intervene directly."
"In just 10 years Hitler and the Nazis had moved from a marginal fascist party with a small following into a military dictatorship, ready to wage full-scale war."
"So what do we do we weaponize our healthcare system even more to fight this threat."
"The elites are acutely aware of that which is why they have militarized police forces, handing military-grade equipment including tanks."
"We're actually involved in an arms race in space."
"China is a militarized ethno-state run along traditional fascist lines."
"Children's minds are more easily accepting of indoctrination, their bodies more adaptable to augmentation. The result? The ultimate Soldier."
"His impact is devastating to the earth, turning it into a military conquest."
"What began with the militarization of the police in the 1980s has snowballed into a full-fledged integration of military weaponry, technology, and tactics into police protocol."
"Thanks for listening and check out Part Two for more discussions on militarization, imperialism, and regime change propaganda."
"The increasing of more militarized mechanism never establishes a peaceful Society no matter what. It never accomplishes what your hopes what your arguments are."
"The militarizing of the police is more than just guns and tanks but is actually a mindset, a tendency to see the world through the lens of national security."
"2001 was a turning point... legitimated this much more sweeping militarization of the global economy."
"We need to stop arming our police like their military."
"In 2019 when the Mexican Army tried to arrest one of El Chapo's Sons, the Sinaloa cartel took to the streets with military-grade equipment."
"The militarization of US political life is a very scary kind of aspect."
"The Cossacks formed entertainment troops in order to popularize and commercialize their military skills."
"Palpatine wanted to create a massive military-industrial complex."
"Militarization has deformed us economically and politically."
"Our allegedly defensive role in world affairs conceals a lot... domestic militarization are also generally the points of expansion of aggression intervention terrorism."
"The police themselves are militarized, they come at you with percussion grenades, mace, pepper sprays, billy clubs, and tear gas canisters."
"When the police have to respond to an emergency it certainly doesn't look like the police anymore it looks like paramilitary it looks like a troop of orcs."
"It's crazy... even in terms of like Boston Dynamics, you know, like the dog thing is available for purchase now, but they have like a standing version too, and that's going to get weaponized."
"A strong country is one which has a high level on all power indicators and does not over-militarize."
"Here's the situation: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Japan all believe they're racially superior, all feel hostility towards the Allies, and all want to militarize and take over more stuff."
"These political systems are increasingly militarized across the horn; defense spending is growing."