
Extension Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality."
"Americans arrangement syndrome is merely the broader version of Trump derangement syndrome."
"We will be extending our guidelines to April 30th to slow the spread."
"The best ones felt like an extension of the game's world."
"IRS planning to delay tax filing deadline until mid-May."
"Schools are essentially an extension of the home in that sense, providing sanctuaries of learning of nurturing and care."
"It's an extension of you, it's part of your whole personality."
"It's like a natural extension of that human drama."
"Great work! In trying to make your journey interesting, you have only made it longer."
"Originally planned for only four seasons Teen Titans was so popular that Cartoon Network created a fifth season introducing beast boys old team the Doom Patrol and their struggles against the villainous Brotherhood of Evil."
"Every little animation and move feels like an extension of her character..."
"Leia kept supporting the device for another year."
"Grant us the 10 days, the extension of your grace and mercy."
"You are gods, you are not the most high God, but you are an extension of him."
"This balcony is a legit extension of my living room."
"I'm out of my cosplay so it feels like we're in bonus round at this point."
"Luckily half of your working space nearly exploding was good enough reason to get extra time for my thesis piece."
"When we move around there's one of tour but it goes beyond that."
"It is an extension of their arm and the thing that they use to not just protect themselves but others too."
"Your friendships are an extension of who you are."
"File an extension, people. An extension is okay."
"GeoPandas extends the data types used by Pandas to spatial operations."
"We know only need to go from theta zero to PI because the line is extended so to speak."
"It's like another room in the house."
"The adapter is not only flexible but also long enough so it works as an extension for the ratchet."
"It just went on forever and ever, they milked everything."
"This is particularly interesting in the case of the zeta function which remember we originally only defined for real inputs greater than one."
"Agents in Lang chain are a powerful concept for extending its capabilities."
"Children who have the heart of their parents and parents who have the heart of their children, those children rebel against an injustice in society."
"The Cloud Code extension makes things pretty simple. Be sure to install the Cloud Code extension from the VS Code Marketplace and give it a try."
"Food is an extension of your care for yourself."
"Everything that I am is authentic. If you're an authentic human being, then everything that you do in your business is an extension of the authenticity that you are."
"When you file a 1040 extension, that's form 4868... on your social security number."
"A smart solution for extending your truck bed by 1.2 M."
"Make your day-to-day life as fulfilling and rewarding as your magical practice by turning everything you do into an extension of that practice."
"Creating natural extension in your swing is key. Allow the arms to straighten, don't force them, but you've got to let your body lead the way to do it in the first place."
"A plug-in is essentially a small program that runs within a bigger program."
"So glad we extended just to be able to see this place"
"It reminds your customers of what time it is with over 900,000 e-commerce stores using a .store extension."
"So, for a lot of people that came here as visitors, now they're looking to extend. Maybe they're not ready to quite go back home, they want to spend a little bit more time."
"It's almost like the car is an extension of your body."
"For this feature, you need the AutoDS Chrome helper dropshipping extension."
"So use the extension, enjoy this feature."
"It's like using the space that's usually just for storage right suddenly it's an extension of the house."
"This really came at the perfect time to cause an extension on their product life cycle chart."
"We've managed to get a super extension vertically down, vertically up, horizontally sideways."
"We've always been a nation of extenders."
"You've got to think of outside space not just as the yard but as an extension of the house."
"This might get some more time in the fall, for sure."
"'Cause the medium doesn't have any body to it, but it will extend your paint."
"The balcony extends from the living room side through the bedroom."
"I mean, he's cool, maybe I can ask for an extension for my dad."
"But for the second straight offseason, head coach Tom Coughlin received a one-year contract extension."
"I think the car is an extension of the soul and the personality."
"Your life going to be extended to a thousand years."
"We're elongating our challenge in the name of competition."
"This next extension can be an absolute lifesaver."
"Malgus was a willing extension of the destructive power he wielded."
"You just bought him five more days."
"If there's no provision under the contract that allows for that particular extension time to be made, then time would become at large."
"You know all the events that can give you an extension time."
"Extending the spine is really good, so taking the spine in that direction is great because that's actually doing the opposite. You're not pushing down on the disc; you're actually giving the disc space."
"We've extended it till October 10th literally because of popular demand."
"Continuous delivery is actually the extension of continuous integration."
"Rafters are you would you be putting uh an ex an eve extension added on afterwards over this"
"...let's stretch out a little bit further..."
"It just feels like an extension of my hand."
"Hey, say it again. I really, really, really want to see an extension here."
"No reason not to stretch it out if you can."
"With your brush rotating, this extension is going to allow it to separate six inches before it actually gets to the vacuum itself."
"Osiris Rex has an extended mission called Apex, and that means it's going to another asteroid called Apophis."
"This ain't it, actually got another 75 feet."
"People want to be trusted, so we should extend trust."
"They're more or less an extension of Disneyland in a way."
"Technology is our extended phenotype. All these things that we build are extensions of our phenotype."
"Loki is an extension of the idea of what made Marvel work in the first place."
"That's how you would do it, it's just a little extension, and then you can carry it with you, it's not awkward or anything, it's a cool little feature there."
"Good morning. I'm Le Jing in room 102. I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay for 2 days."
"Our Father's Day Sale has actually been extended due to request until the end of June."
"Democracy is not a given. It's something we have to extend and defend."
"Extension happens in one of the impulse wave subways."
"The open close principle advises to prefer designs that simplify the extension."
"Universal definitely knows it because they've extended their hours now."
"If you want an extension done, you're going to have to build it yourself."
"We've been able to extend these methods to apply to disordered proteins."
"We're going to extend this that way they can go out and eat more."
"And it's very simple what it does. It just resizes your web browser extension window to whatever size you specify."
"Emacs Lisp, a Lisp which really makes it possible to customize and extending Emacs in ways that you would have trouble comprehending."
"A machine is only an extension of a man."
"The concept goes beyond the Old Testament."
"Thanks guys, hope you enjoyed that. This animation can still be extended in loads of ways. You could add extra cars, we could add in other camera angles, we could do all sorts of things to make it even cooler."
"That's an extension of your character, that's it."
"I'm still really excited about doing it and if anything it does feel like a little bit of a weight has been lifted off my shoulders in some ways because doing the extension was going to be a lot of work."
"Your users can create and extend Kubernetes by deploying a few resources."
"Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is used to introduce a new type of API to Kubernetes."
"We have had it extended to us and extend that love toward others."
"It's going a little bit further and also a little bit more consistent."
"If you could add an extra hour to the movie and it was mostly [ __ ] like we've talked about here the extra death scenes and it was all Michael's stuff would you have been down for a two and a half hour movie?"
"This will actually extend your battery life a good hour from what it normally would be."
"Our hair is not just hair, it is actually an extension of our nervous system."
"The sub that's more musical just simply does not have the extension."
"She was the star of that series and I'm so glad that they're extending her story."
"I just thought I'd add a third round."
"...a perfect extension that you may want to think about purchasing because it kind of continues that experience from ship on to land."
"We've now built the base of our support for the circular sock machine but the circular stock machine doesn't reach the legs we're going to use the extenders to help it reach."
"You are what you are, you are what you've achieved. There's nothing else to it. Like it is this. You don't need to do it for the cloud, do it for the internet. You're doing it because it is an extension of who you are."
"Blackbeard represents Darkness, someone who isn't an individual but became the extension of another."
"The derived class inherits the basic properties from the parent class but also adds on new additional features."
"Extension, overloading plus, from adding natural numbers to adding matrices."
"It feels like an extension of oneself, you don't really have to think to drive the car."
"He extended their means in their rebellion."
"This trip was supposed to be Thursday to Sunday. I ended up leaving on Tuesday. We simply just kept extending, simply just kept extending."
"So the covered period was expanded to up to twenty-four weeks."
"Doing what he can do now is a natural extension of how Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has always lived his life."
"Our hands become extensions of the hands of Jesus."
"Your spirit will extend into that realm."
"Your mind is part of God's. You are the extension of the mind of God into the physical universe. Your mind is part of God's. You are very holy."
"Your mind is part of God's. You are the extension of God's mind into physical form."
"Your mind is part of God's. You are very holy. Your mind is part of God's. You are the extension of God's mind into physical form."
"This truck fits her vibe so much, it's like an extension of her."
"Be fluent with the blade, it should be like a part of your body."
"I enjoyed it. I actually wound up staying for those extra two days."
"The only possibility left is that extension's only possible because the part of existence that is not extended in space sustains a part of existence that is extendable."
"But since we've been using object coordinates this whole time, we should just be able to extend it like this and just get free detail as we keep going, and it's all procedural, infinite resolution."
"What they did was then just start extending the rpm range where they were making that specific torque number."
"Your phone is now like an extension of you. It's like part of your brain, part of your heart, part of your soul."
"That's what drew me, it was supposed to have been there for weeks but with such a tremendous success that it was held over for five."
"Motion 4 from Mount Mograph is one of the most popular extensions for After Effects."
"It's great to get a couple extra yards of fabric to match your new quilt that you made for your bed."
"It extends your body it's not confusing it, it's a part of you."
"I wish that last track would have just gone on for another five minutes and just built and built, something even greater, you know?"
"It's an extended extended version."
"Boats aren't just a boat; it's an extension of us, an extension of our family, and the times that you have on it are irreplaceable."
"We are not confined within our skin but extend beyond it on all sides into other worlds which in turn penetrate into our world."
"The existence of these micro houses is only possible because the city has been conceived as an extension of the home."
"It's not like you lose family, it's like it's extended."
"The whole world is an extension of you."
"Express Route is an extension of our on-premises and cloud environment."
"God wanted to extend His heavenly invisible kingdom and its government to the earthly visible realm."
"That fifteen-minute practice session turned into a 45-minute practice session, super efficient and got it done."
"The best things that ever happened in your life happen when you are willing to extend yourself."
"It's just a really nice homely extension to your camping area."
"We're all one big family and we're an extension of them."
"If God has shown you forgiveness, then you extend forgiveness."
"Reach through your fingertips, reach through your toes, and extend and lengthen through your entire body."
"You feel as though it is part of your body, an extension of your arm."
"The gamma function is an extension of the factorial function to real numbers."
"Oliver becomes the mayor of the city, and this feels like a very interesting extension of what the show's always been about."
"We crunch and we lift, really extending right here, nice long line."
"The love that we extend is everything."
"The Puritans stood on the shoulders of the reformers and sought to extend the Reformation to every aspect of church and life and government in England."
"Nate Thrasher has been extended from what we have heard, he will also be back at the Star Racing Squad next year."
"Instruments are extensions of your hands and your fingers."
"Try to lean the head back, reach out through the crown of the head."
"I plan to stay here two nights, but now I've extended another two nights because there's just so much to see and do."
"Design really should be about turning your outdoor space into an extension of the indoor space."
"If there's already some software that your users know, consider building a Chrome extension that sits on top of the other products and just overlays the extra data."
"The New York City sports market extends well beyond that metro area."
"A motorcycle that would feel like an extension of the rider, a true and complete sporting experience."
"It becomes like just an extension of yourself."
"Each bike is simply an extension of the rider, a living breathing limb that racers use to do some of the most exciting feats on the planet."
"Find length, find a sense of freedom here."
"Extend your legs, extend your arms."
"Lengthen all the way through your fingertips."
"This just feels like an extension of that, except we get to do it with all of you too."
"One of the coolest things that the yoga strap can do for you is to extend your limbs and create connections."
"The neck is an extension of the spine."
"Let the breath move a little slower, allow the back of the body to feel a little longer."
"Our work is meant to be a kind of extension of the prayer."
"This really, this knife in particular, feels like an extension of my hand."
"Really good, start to lean the chest forward and reach the arms really, really long."
"Child classes inherit all of the parent's attributes and methods but can also extend and override them."
"We can extend the functionality and also override it."
"It's so fantastic; I have to ask because now the deadline was moved again."
"It's extending people's lives, it's also helping people with an income."
"Really reach your arms down, opening up your chest."
"In down dog, we try to go for spinal extension, so make the butt go as far back and up as possible."
"And Seaborn, which I'm going to cover in my next tutorial, further extends its capabilities."
"What is the son but an extension of the father?"
"When you have a sword, you want the sword to listen to you, to follow your body; it's part of your body, actually."
"And then thoracic extension, keep the bed in at the stopper."
"We like to extend stuff, we like challenges, and we like to better ourselves."
"I love those fake outs, I love when a song could have ended and they extended just a little bit more."
"When we're ready to step into our destiny and step into that sovereignty, it happens as a natural extension of all that ever was and all that will ever be."
"All we need to do is extend a program that's already in place, that's been operating and has been quite effective. And we can start saving lives."
"The objective of God's kingdom is to make you a king who's an extension of his kingship."
"President Biden has extended the stimulus provision of student loan freeze for a few more months."
"We're here for two nights, we're actually looking at extending our stay."
"That's a wrap, guys, we ended up extending our stay at Barn Hill for an extra four nights."
"By allowing them to get into your car for those one or two days, you might potentially be opening up the doorway to them extending for weeks and months."
"This terrace and this little garden is like an extension of my living space."
"Pandas extends Python more data manipulation and analysis."
"You can't truly serve other people unless you see them as an extension of you."
"The aircraft just kind of became an extension of yourself."
"Design helps extension; to the extent that you've broken things into separate parts, it means that your resulting design is going to have connection points."
"I don't think I want to go back to Leicester now, I might end up spending another two, three days up here, this is beautiful."
"You are an extension of that Source energy."
"I hope that you can feel the love that I have for myself, I'm extending that to you."
"It's like the blades are part of his fingers; it's an extension of Freddy's evil."
"Any line can be extended indefinitely."