
Hints Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"It's these small little goodies, these small little tidbits...they would drop these little hints, and then it would all come together and basically answer the questions that we've been dying to get the answers to over the course of the whole story."
"That's code word for 'that's most likely gonna be on your test.'"
"We're definitely moving on to some stuff here. Scott has given us teasers to help us out."
"Wow, that one was tough. Tell us where it is guys, I'll give you a hint, it is on PJ Pugapiller."
"something Hollow Knight does well is to hint at upcoming areas."
"Foreshadowing means when the writers give you hints or clues about what's going to happen in the future."
"You made the face enough times that I couldn't exactly miss the hint. This is what you were going for, yes."
"Sales and that subtle hint is a screenshot of a Minecraft horse, super subtle."
"It's not gonna be easy, and I'm not going to give you any hints."
"It would be nuts if we got like the Fantastic Four or some type of hinting towards the Fantastic Four."
"And while I don’t think the robot will defeat any of the elder stars, if he can even just give us a hint of how to beat them then that would be a huge advantage for the Straw Hats."
"Words alone are not enough for Carla to forgive you. I need another hint."
"Hints to Pokemon Sun and Moon don't stop there though."
"A hint at Sun and Moon that was hidden in plain sight."
"Tell them that's what you want for your anniversary, your birthday, Christmas, whatever holiday coming up next."
"Some of them grow and develop within the actual show, some of them are simply hinted at here and there, and some of them aren't actually mentioned at all."
"She's known for hinting at her next singles in parts of her music videos, which is kind of cool."
"I think I would have been able to make an informed guess on this one even without Nicole's hints here."
"Try to see what the question writer was trying to hint for you to check."
"They're obviously best friends but I think enough seeds have been planted about their mutual attraction that a romance is not out of the question."
"There are three progressive levels of hints: the list of random topics, the exact list of required topics, and the short overview of the solution."
"I love that they're hinting at their relationship by dropping little things here and there."
"...the idea of this video is to show you some hints and tips."
"I'm gonna show you the basics and hopefully give you a few hints and tips."
"Every beat, every line, every little detail is meant to hint at a romance between Glinda and Elphaba."
"It sets up little moments where characters make the wrong choice and then it shows little hints that they're heading in the right direction."
"It's way more satisfying for the reader to have hints and clues that they can piece together themselves."
"We're gonna give you guys a lot of hints throughout the whole video."
"You're gonna want to stick around for the entire video. I'm gonna leave and drop some really important hints that are specific to this ship; they're gonna really make your life on the word so much more enjoyable."
"You play the long game. I think I dropped a lot of Easter eggs for people to pick up on."
"So what are those things what are the different hints basically we can give to the browser for the different different resources or the asset that we have?"
"There's a lot going on there that hints that Jon is Azor Ahai."
"That's a lot to take in, all the different times they've hinted at the next thing, the next thing, the next thing."
"I am so geeked about it though, you guys. You probably can put two and two together if you've been following me for a while."
"Thank you so much for the comments and giving me some hints."
"Every season of succession has a slightly altered version of that iconic opening title sequence showing us different cryptic hints as to what is going to transpire in that season."
"Little clues like that will help you."
"Only 10 percent of records are going to show up in hints."
"Lily was starting to unsubtly hint that she had a crush on me."
"This puzzle is called exams and sandwiches which gives you a clue as to what these question marks are."
"Every Harry Potter movie, they basically take bits of little hints that you have to catch on to."
"It's all an environment, it's hinting at something happened here, it is storytelling."
"If I ever win the lottery, I'm not gonna tell anybody, but there will be signs."
"The mark allocation is your biggest clue; it's like a gift from the examiner."
"Maybe he's just leaving us clues, kind of like leaving breadcrumbs behind."
"It's just a hint, it's just a suggestion, an idea that this might be a record you want to look at that might have something to do with your family."
"I would have to be dumb, blind, and deaf to not notice any of the hints."
"Summer is my favorite season, that's kind of a clue for the name."
"You're gonna start seeing the things that you're bringing more into your life... the universe almost throws you these little hints."
"Your hint list rather than being static is going to start to become a little bit more dynamic and responsive."
"Even when their music videos aren't really telling us directly the story, they often still hint at or continue to build upon that storyline."