
Report Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"After a long history of various individuals in the body denying the existence of climate change, I do want to say that it's very encouraging to see that there is some acknowledgment of the climate crisis here in the report."
"I went to Great Lengths to make that report happen."
"There's an enormous amount of evidence in this report, damning evidence."
"Facebook's earnings call report thingy was... actually pretty good."
"It was this accident that resulted in this 90-page report."
"You know, so do you think that what you've detailed in your report is this suppression of scientists?"
"If they could redo the third assessment report of the IPCC, they would not put everything on the hockey stick."
"Continuing coverage now of hurricane Dalian as it continues to go up the Big Bend area of Florida to the north it made landfall this morning near Keaton Beach."
"It's a secret grandma with another weather report, it's not humid, it's not hot."
"High-ranking adventurers were sent to investigate and they reported that the number of monsters roaming in the forest has grown and turned more hostile."
"Using buttons in Power BI lets you create reports that behave like apps and thereby create an engaging environment."
"Now you're seeing a Power BI Report with nice visuals and a breakdown of the revenue opportunities report."
"The report by Church Militant is very credible, it sounds credible, it rings true."
"I told the sheriff this story when I reported my cousins were missing."
"Only two months after the crash, investigators release an initial report outlining the causes. The pilot's inadvertent braking is listed as a main cause of the crash."
"After an investigation involving nearly 150 interviews, the final report on the crash of ifo 21 exceeds 7,000 pages."
"These two broke into my house! Please arrest them, officer, I am scared!"
"When a crime happens, you report it to the authorities. If someone breaks into your home, you don't call the local congregation, you call the police."
"The scenario manager allows you to plug different sets of values into the same cells in your spreadsheet and then actually create a report that compares them."
"I think this is gonna be a good report. Aren't you glad I showed up today?"
"I give it to you quick. It isn't much. Missing report was turned in by a woman named Lucy Chadwick. Said she was due to be married this afternoon. The missing girl was supposed to stand up for her. What's the girl's name? Freddy."
"The neighbors called authorities after hearing him shout."
"There are some formatting tricks that we can do with this report, like one thing that I usually do is I have my report sorted based off Revenue so I can see my top seller on top and my bottom seller on the bottom."
"Monica reports that the hex is being perpetuated by Wanda."
"My report is the best inspection marketing piece that I have."
"For the first time ever, he is keeping the same prescription. Brex did awesome. Good report for Brexi."
"Well, nothing wrong with this report. Clear, concise, right on the button."
"And if I showed you your report, you'd be able to confirm? Absolutely I would."
"Ally go ahead and radio in that they have completely disabled this frig."
"Let's go back a couple of days Thursday day two of the test here at Nara and things have not gone swimmingly to plan."
"Reports from within the country, though scarce and difficult to verify, paint a grim picture of a population struggling to survive."
"After being alerted, the police rushed to the scene and examined the wreck."
"Following the radical recommendations of this latest IEA report would not be a bad starting point."
"Last Wednesday the 8th of May at 6:15 a.m I received information from Henry Walker that a dead body was lying in the ditch by the cart track," stated the police sergeant.
"Officers guns were drawn for a short time before the uh the guy the suspect decided to surrender thankfully so the left again the smaller box that is a live picture of the suspect now being hauled away wearing black long shorts a white T-shirt."
"I'm hearing that at least one of them is in custody."
"Ron, sun is shining, blue skies out in front of this PDS."
"...if you click on view report, and what you're going to see here is a more detailed report with some additional information."
"I've already written a full report of my actions. Excuse me, sir, there's a smoke signal off in the hills."
"Gentlemen, it's been a most unusual trip. Believe me, when I get to Washington, I'll make a full and comprehensive report, except for a few details which have already skipped my mind."
"No dents, no issues to report on this quarter."
"Just makes it feel like there is something odd and not quite right if the report isn't published."
"Please report it. There's a lot of rumors about her case."
"I raced to the police station where I filed a report, recounting my horrifying ordeal. The following day, law enforcement ventured into the woods, discovering my car's battery, a menacing knife, and a chilling note."
"The radiator has lost water dan loganville a vice president for Penske is standing by."
"But when these 10 men did not come back in a couple of days or weeks, their families went to police and reported them missing."
"...he reported that he had experienced a truly bizarre encounter with alien creatures."
"Tim reported his experience to police who discovered Mike Hills had an extensive criminal history for deception and theft."
"The report highlighted structural misrepresentation and possible fraudulent practices."
"That's the last of them, sir. Makes 33 in all."
"We heard 10 shots come from your side of the farm."
"Definitely some additional really cool features in there which are going to help you elevate the overall look and feel of your report."
"Colonization plans were being discussed, but Biology withheld a favorable report."
"I was afraid that they were going to report me."
"We compiled all the things we did into a 26-page penetration test report."
"Even on my active recovery days, it will send that as a report at the end of the day to my coach."
"Now our report looks more white label."
"The informant claimed that the CSA is building an armored tank."
"Sergeant Reed sustained two deep lacerations near his ear."
"...police believe that feed men pinned her down to like shower or tell her to get back to the house or something like that..."
"I love being able to see a report consistently to show me how much they've done for me."
"Read the report. 30% savings on the energy usage. $2 trillion of savings from an economic commercial perspective."
"One last thing that you should do, we have our report written out, all of our testing is done in Burp, let's save all of the data though so that we can load it back into Burp at a future date."
"Lady Clark told us that from her window she saw you standing on the front doorstep talking to a man."
"Many of the themes that have been discussed today feature in a report and evidence synthesis at the Royal Society in the British Academy issued today on AI and work."
"We didn't mean for this report to undermine or challenge the admissibility of firearms and toolmarks identification."
"Your parents are allegedly missing, you just reported them to the police as missing."
"Gideon informs the shadow council that the base on Mandalore was lost but his mission was a success."
"Now over 480 dead raisings are reported."
"How about a report on Brock Bowers?"
"The Anderson reported huge waves and the skipper of the Fitzgerald admitted these were the worst seas he had ever seen in his 44 years on the lake."
"She compared this year. She examined every footwear, every one of these. Took pictures of them, imprints of them, compared them, insofar as she could, and came up with a report. Again, that was not requested to write a report."
"Your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also."
"The news on TV reported a recent chain of car accidents resulting in a young woman's death."
"The report makes very interesting reading."
"We've been hearing from a lot of people that it's been very quiet in the Parks."
"The depth of the water and the fact that the wreckage is spread out over such a wide area, it'll be some time before anything is recovered. However, your people are interviewing the crew now and making arrangements for their return."
"Just got the report from Sax, you must have had some shindig."
"I completed the Grand Theft crime report."
"We don't do anything other than read a study and dictate our report."
"...this video will mostly be me reading directly from my notes and reading this report that I'm currently holding in my formerly peanut butter stained fingers..."
"...it's really important to get a copy of your report carefully review it and as nick said if you have any suspicion that the information in that report might not be accurate might not be complete..."
"He reported me to HR for harassment."
"Before we continue, I do want to add that I have reported everything I know about this website to the FBI."
"Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen! It's Monday Market Report time for the week ending July 9th, 2023."
"The fire started on the first floor."
"Reports came over the radio that American and British bombers had burned Dresden."
"The UN even issued a report talking about concerns about a specific type of victim."
"All right, so time for the first update."
"Now this actual, this is Dragonfly 5, said rep over."
"98% of employees have reported experiencing unethical behavior at work."
"This is a state of Disneyland report. Let's talk about park accessibility."
"We'd love to do an investigative report."
"Spectre number five reports about how he helped plan the great train robbery."
"Let's just remember the public waited almost two years for Robert Mueller's final report."
"Barr's descriptions did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of Mueller's 448 page report."
"I'm happy to report that things are going great here."
"The following is an accounting of my expenditures during my investigation of the little man who wasn't all there."
"This is an excellent report. Mr. Sterer has a prosperous little business, all right."
"I look forward to receiving the report."
"Report to Churchill direct from Moscow, 1955."
"Uzumaki Naruto reporting back from mission, Hokage-sama."
"Don't worry though, I'll walk you through some basic tweaks to the final report to make it pop."
"In less than a minute, I have this nice financial report here called Nvidia stock Outlook 2023 through 2027."
"What's important here is that both scientists and everyday people have reported that this could happen."
"Your report is very well done and accurate. Please accept my sincere congratulations."
"If you're listening to this report, it means that you've made it; you are still alive."
"The Kerner Commission saw that America was moving toward two societies, one black, one white."
"Engineers reporting having performed spin up, takeoff, climb, hover, descent, landing, touchdown."
"I want to report a murder. If you will go one mile east on Columbus Parkway, you will find kids in a brown car. They were shot with a 9-millimeter Luger. I also killed those kids last year. Goodbye."
"The Kerner report basically said white supremacy caused the riots in 1967."
"I accept the findings of the report in full."
"The substance of this report and what we still don't even know yet is just it's mind-blowing how corrupt his behavior was."
"A man in London reported to police that a buildup of gasoline in his carburetor exploded and wrecked his brand-new car."
"The auditor general was called in to investigate this; her report was damning."
"I'm going to call this one a cool report."
"Silver lining within this report."
"The code is really important and gets you marks along the way, but the write-up is key for this particular NEA."
"He systematically documented every ounce of evidence he had and drafted a comprehensive report."
"The joy of the National Spiritual Assembly in being able to report to the friends that in celebrations large and small in every corner of the country we had a total of some hundred and twenty thousand participants."
"...the only appropriate response to this report is action..."
"We should report this when we get to town; there was a pack of wolves near the capital too, so this could all be an omen."
"Temperatures are soaring 39 degrees Fahrenheit right now, sunny, and that's four degrees Celsius."
"John Lennon murdered in New York. We'll have a report."
"Demigods, monsters, and gods alike, welcome to the Olympus report."
"...it's a blow-by-blow report on everything we did in 1953 to overthrow their government..."
"The 2023 World Happiness Report was just released by the United Nations."
"Miss Styles first reported being unwell one week ago while visiting her sister in Green Valley."
"This is based on a report I did some time ago called 'Fast Data Architectures for Streaming Applications'."
"Welcome to my latest battle report: Tyranids versus Space Marines."
"Joseph brought unto his father the evil report."
"The Stanford report signals a pivotal moment for the AI community, emphasizing the importance of collectively navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by this rapidly evolving technology."
"If we could get our Middle East and our Africa teams working together on a report, there's no reason why the Horn of Africa and the Gulf can't work as well in a constructive way."
"The resulting ABC report was well reasoned and it demands our respect and our honor."
"It is that tribal transfer that motive that is described in Sudan and intelligence report number 128."
"Please find attached your weekly report."
"I got the summary of what the report represented, and that was good enough for me."
"Imagine I am a data analyst at the hospital, and I want to make a report out of the emergency room data."
"The Environmental Impact Assessment report... entails the description of the project, an outline of the main alternatives studied by the developer, and an indication of the main reasons for this choice."
"Real estate is the largest asset class within that report."
"If you report a crime and then you're actually put in prison because of that, that strikes me as a major miscarriage of justice."
"I want to applaud and congratulate our special counsel for pulling together a no punches report."
"We heard it pounding on our rooftop during the 11 o'clock show right after the Stanley Cup playoff game ended."
"Langham Field, Virginia: Scouting planes report three Martian machines visible above treetops, moving north towards Somerville with population fleeing ahead of them."
"We published a story about the 10 and under Northwest Lawrence girls lost to the southeast Lawrence girls."
"You're gonna love this field report; it's about finding the right balance."
"The woman who saw the crime told the police what happened."
"I'm gonna see that you get full credit in my official report for your assistance."
"Sergeant Jack intervened in the conversation and reported that television, the internet, radio, and military frequencies were not working."
"That is very topical and that is the latest report that the examiner has produced."
"Everything about the report was fantastic."
"Thank you, Chick, you did a great job on that report."
"State of AI report analyzes the most interesting developments in artificial intelligence."
"We are hoping to receive positive feedback on the report we have prepared."