
Physical Attraction Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"His eyes are just too beautiful; it's like, can you stop looking at me for 5 seconds, please?"
"When you meet somebody, you have to be emotionally attracted to them. Not only have you got to be physically attracted to them. If you have both, then you have a really good relationship."
"Pedro has the perfect body, he has a nice smile, he's just... I love me some Pedro."
"Standing in front of her was the most beautiful man she had ever seen."
"The back of some people's necks are a good neck. Like, you know, you can look at the back of a guy's neck and think, 'That's a good neck' or 'That's not a good neck.'"
"Temptation with lust grows without physical attraction."
"They think you're hot like damn, like I gotta talk to this person."
"You have to be protective of your beautiful mind."
"Don't just follow someone for their physique."
"Particularly my type is girls with big asses."
"Oh baby I know a good looking booty when I see one."
"It's like physical attraction is the first thing you talk about when you're dating."
"If your attractions to a person are always only physical, you're going to always develop toxic relationships."
"There's a level of physical attraction couples need to have, but it's not just about looks. It's about personality traits, values, and confidence."
"I noticed Casey's beautiful face and blue-green eyes, like swimming pools."
"There was a strong sexual attraction, I think so yes, definitely."
"Have you seen agent Farris? She's Keri Russell and she's super hot."
"You're physically appealing, people enjoy looking at you."
"How can anyone not fall in love with his steel blue eyes?"
"They're physically very attracted towards you as well."
"It's the best of both worlds you've got the emotional side which is you know a good fit because he gets me and then you've got the attraction like physical attraction side which is also a good fit because he fits what I'm attracted to."
"Her smile, her eyes, I mean, I haven't stopped staring at them since I came in, so your whole appearance."
"Looks probably matter more for people in the beginning because that's like the initial attraction."
"My favorite thing about Riley is... First he's tall. He's very good looking anyway and... He's kind, he's sweet and really dreamy."
"They're viewing you as being very attractive kind of like a show stopper they're viewing you as being someone that when you walk in a room they feel like you know how to light it up like you wouldn't believe."
"Physically they're just perfectly my type."
"I love her personality, I love her heart, I love looking at her, I love her lips."
"Your legs, your thighs, your body excites them like nobody else."
"They like your ass, okay? Piled dude, they like that ass."
"Adoni was a very muscular man, and all the ladies of the land thought he was sexy."
"Physically speaking you could be very different from your future spouse all right and they're gonna find these differences that you have physically very very attractive."
"Look at the body, it's the body for me."
"Your body, including chest, thighs, and arms, is very attractive."
"I love a good smile, kind eyes, nice butt, I mean shut up."
"You're just physically... you really have a way, but your mind definitely... I would say a good percentage your mind is what is drawing people in because you have this real intelligence to you."
"You have a nice booty that people really like."
"Being physically into her is essential. It doesn't matter how cool she is, how smart she is, how fun to be around she is, funny, all positive traits. If we're not physically into her, it's never going to work."
"I appreciated his shoulders, the lean muscles in his forearms, his narrow hips, the set of his jaw, and the pout of his lips. I turned out from the door and headed down the hall."
"I feel like this is a connection that comes around twice, in the sense of the first meeting, there's obviously a click, but when we come back, it's when we really have the chance to develop more of an emotional connection rather than just a physical."
"You know how I feel about you, it's purely physical."
"She's healthy. Usually the face and the eyes. The mouth usually tells you what kind of person she is. And I like a rear end, nice tight rear end and tight pair of jeans."
"No species, human included, really wants to mate with someone that doesn't turn them on physically."
"I like tall lanky guys, but I like that if they're strong."
"When a woman is working out, it is really hot."
"The view of that wonderful pear-shaped bum and long tapered legs was starting to give me a definite stiffening in my groin."
"Looks like, yes, you have to be physically attracted to somebody, wait on that one. But I think there's a difference between physically attracted to somebody and being with the finest man ever. Like, are you going to pass up a good dude because he's 5'10" and not 6'2"?"
"I genuinely love you so much that I physically forget how attractive you are sometimes."
"Now, if after relating with them you still don't like them at all physically, you're not attracted to them at all physically, then that can mean, you know, maybe you should look somewhere else."
"'Mean green and straight poured into these jeans.' Looking for in a partner, my client: a sturdy back and reinforced king-sized bed. Hell yeah!"
"There's a strong physical attraction but there's also a deep spiritual connection that is here as well."
"Eyes for sure and hands. Eyes and hands. Why hands? I love holding hands. Oh, I thought you meant the size of the hand. I do like a strong hand, I like a guy with a strong hand."
"I feel like this person is definitely 100% very drawn to your looks."
"She is so attractive... but beyond that, for some odd reason, she looks like she smells good. She actually does look like she's very clean. Good for you, Anna."
"I thought he was extremely handsome."
"She's quite attractive actually, sort of small face, big bright eyes."
"The time I spent with you was so good, I loved your eyes, your hair, your mouth, and your body was perfect."
"She looked beautiful, perfect even."
"You're a horribly good looking man, Richard Sharp, but if I met you in a London street, I'd be very frightened of your face," she admitted.
"They are very physically attracted to you."
"I admired her eyes and thought they were lovely."